big fantasy

Chapter 277

Seeing Qiao Jin nodding, the White Queen also smiled, and continued to discuss the plan with everyone. The meeting continued for nearly 20 minutes. The White Queen waved away the crowd, greeted Qiao Jin, and took Dr. Cooper away. .

Jokin leaned against the wall in silence, thinking quietly. According to Dr. Cooper's narration just now, the man named General Lazer is undoubtedly the leader of the ONE department, including the launch of the giant sentinel, and this This time to persecute the mutant group, all the plans came from General Lazer. He has absolute authority. Whether it is Iron Man or Ant-Man, they all need to talk directly to General Lazer. Sure enough, the big boss of the military Really powerful.Moreover, General Lazer has an extreme rejection of mutants.Maybe it won't be long before Jokin will enter the Pentagon, but for Lazer, Jokin will never let him die easily. Jokin is ready to kill him.

The mutants were blocked at the door of their house, relying on others.There is half of Lazer's medal on this military medal.

Qiao Jin was still thinking, but saw the Lingdie suddenly appeared in front of him, everyone obeyed and left, but the woman stayed behind.

The woman stepped forward with her long legs, resting her hand on the wall behind Qiao Jin's head, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Qiao Jin's eyes, she leaned forward slightly, and her soft lips touched Qiao Jin's lips.

Qiao Jin was taken aback for a moment, never expecting such a bold person.

But Lingdie didn't want to stop at nothing, she squeezed forward and pressed Qiaojin's body firmly against the wall. Wearing thick-heeled leather boots, she was at least 1.8 meters tall, so it was very natural to make such a movement.Tongue stuck into Jokin's mouth.

With one hand, Qiao Jin pushed away the charming woman in front of him. Looking at the aggressive beautiful eyes, Qiao Jin frowned and said, "Go find someone else, I'm not interested in you."

"I'll follow you from now on, okay?" Lingdie buried her pretty face in Qiaojin's neck, lowered her head, panting heavily, as if she was still reminiscing about the wonderful moment just now.

Qiao Jin grabbed Lingdie by the neck.Looking at the exquisite Asian face of the woman in front of her, and a pair of beautiful Danfeng eyes.

"Do I look like I'm in the mood to joke now?"

"I need a hearty battle, a hearty and unrestrained killing. I will join Hellfire. But I don't want to stay here." Spirit Butterfly murmured in a low voice, as if she didn't feel any danger at all.

"I printed it on the glass last time, so I have to try the real feeling." Lingdie blushed, and gently traced on Qiaojin's face with one hand, drawing a heart shape.The eyes were blurred, the slender fingers were sliding gently, and the corners of the mouth were slightly raised.

Through this action, Qiao Jin understood that the character of this woman who had never met before was really so arrogant, really so presumptuous.Hearing the woman's murmur, Qiao Jin pushed Lingdie's body away: "Sick and sick, think about how to fight back when you have free time."

"Hmm..." Lingdie's beautiful eyes blurred for a while, and she lightly licked her soft lips.


In the past few days, a piece of news has spread among the limited number of people in the official high-level.Rolled up layers of vortexes.To the surprise of these people, the group of mutants who were invaded did not even say a word, did not attempt to use the pressure of public opinion, did not attempt to unite with that small country, and issued a series of diplomatic protests at the national level, nothing at all, Like nothing happened.Just like the troops dispatched by the government, they seemed to sink into the sea without even a single bubble popping up.

Such a reaction made the US officials temporarily relieved.It was also a little creepy, and they didn't rule out the possibility that their troops tortured and killed most of the mutants in the final conflict.Because they clearly know how terrible the self-destruct procedure of the giant sentinel is.Is the group of mutants taken over now?Very few?As a result, they don't even have the right to speak now?Everything was taken over by a small country in Eastern Europe (the White Queen has been secretly controlling this small country)?Could it be that my own efforts have made wedding clothes for others?After all, no matter how many troops are sent now, there is no return. The small country that has closed its doors is now like an iron bucket, which makes people feel extremely disgusting.At present, the official does not have the strength to organize another large-scale attack for the time being.

Or... a group of mutants honing their knives in the dark.Ready for a stormy counterattack?In such a precarious United States, where the population has plummeted to tens of millions, every soldier is a valuable resource.Not to mention the thousands of sentinel robots and the three giant sentinel armors that were built with huge sums of money.

Through this introduction, the already precarious and undercurrent of high-level forces are fighting more fiercely in corners that people can't see.Obviously, where there are people, there are fights, not to mention this darkest political place.Everyone who stands on a high place not only represents their own interests. In this capitalist country, the big consortia and big families behind them are the root cause.The U.S. government is definitely not monolithic. They are all secretly wrestling for their own interests, and political strife is everywhere.Because of such a decision, the astronomical huge losses in human, material and financial resources are the root of all contradictions, and batch after batch of officials have become victims of high-level struggles.There is no doubt that now only a few more fires are needed to completely ignite the already noisy House.

They are ready to use diplomatic means, use the ultimate weapon as a deterrent, and find any excuse to force this small Eastern European country to open its doors.Such excuses can be found everywhere, and they can be easily found out. However, when they were arguing, something unexpected happened to them...

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Ordinary people, still in a state of ignorance, were completely shocked by another piece of news. Finally, in the battle between the registration faction and the anti-registration faction, some people died and some were arrested!Yes, the news of the death of "War Machine" has attracted the attention of ordinary people in the United States.

It happened three days ago, but it was only reported today. War Machine, who was once Tony Stark's best friend, Colonel James Roots, was stabbed in the heart by a drill from the sentinel robot during the battle.

For a long time, Captain America has led the West Coast Avengers to act secretly, but instead of attacking his political enemies, he continued to maintain social order and fight criminals.It seems that there is an intention to ignore the matter of the Superhero Registration Act, but when the US team received a call for help, the US team led its subordinates to fight against super criminals.Only then did Captain America realize that this was not a plea for help from civilians at all, but a trap!

The poor captain is in an extreme struggle, and ignoring the Superhero Registration Act is a manifestation of his inner struggle.With practical actions, he proved that he did not support the registration bill, but he was still fighting criminals and doing what he thought was right.

However, the struggle is like this. Captain America does not have this awareness, but it does not mean that the other party does not have this awareness. They can turn the mutant school into a concentration camp, and they can also attack Captain America.

so.When Captain America led the team to the designated location, Iron Man also led his team, leading the overwhelming sentinel robots, and had the last conversation with Captain America.However, this last negotiation ended in failure, and then, the two teams launched a fierce battle.In battle, "War Machine" is known only to carry out orders.The dangerous sentinel robot was killed by mistake.

At this time, in an abandoned building in Brooklyn, New York.

Captain America bowed his head, silent, like a statue.It has been a long time since I made a sound.Beside him is Black Widow, Falcon.

Those who escaped by luck, narrowly escaped death, extremely thrilling.Not only did they lose War Machine Colonel Roots, they also went to Hawkeye.However, Hawkeye did not die, but was arrested and brought to justice, and was thrown into a prison built for superheroes.At this moment, the death of "War Machine" made everyone realize that this is a naked war, and the opponent is no longer a former teammate, but a real enemy.And Hawkeye was thrown into a special prison, and he told everyone that the other party's preparations were sufficient, and they had already made plans for this step.

Just when people were still in shock, the door was kicked open, and a man in a dark red uniform with a mask of devil horns walked in. He was holding a man covered in bruises in his arms. It turned out to be Peter Parker, Spiderman.

"I hope you can have some medical staff here." The former street hero of New York's Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil walked in with Spider-Man in his arms.

"What's going on?" Black Widow asked in surprise, looking at the two superheroes who were both seriously injured.

"This kid is fighting with Iron Man. Obviously, he is outnumbered. He seems to be very dissatisfied with the death of Colonel Roots and Hawkeye being thrown into a special special prison." Daredevil curled his lips and said, "Say , You are not safe here, New York is not like your Los Angeles, your hiding place, even I can find it, maybe Iron Man and his troops are on their way."

"Also, if you want to save Hawkeye, he's not in Brooklyn right now." Daredevil handed Spider-Man over to everyone, and said in a deep voice.

Here, the team led by Captain America has added fresh blood, while Hawkeye, who was taken to the prison there, was a little stunned. Unexpectedly, after entering this special prison specially built for superheroes, Hawkeye met An acquaintance - Green Arrow.Green Arrow was also caught in!Sure enough, the archers still had the same rhythm, and even being caught was the first of their respective groups...

The Justice League has also competed with the official, but the difference between the Justice League and Captain America's teams is that after they showed with practical actions that they did not approve of the superhero registration act, they began to look for the production base of the sentinel robot across the country. Another destruction, one after another, because they know that the sentinel robot has become a tool for ambitious people, they are used to capture all kinds of superheroes, the last thing they want to see, still happens up.

In the constant crusade, the Justice League was captured by a Green Arrow and lost half of the Flash. At this time, the Flash Barry was seriously injured. The strongest part of a person is often the place where he is most likely to make mistakes. Possessing unparalleled speed and radiating radiance on the battlefield, he was targeted into a trap. Back then, when Barry was transformed into the Flash, it was just a flash of lightning, but this time, the Flash entered the trap , basically the whole house is full of electricity, thanks to Shazam's help, the Flash escaped, in fact, when Shazam rescued the Flash, the Flash was burnt all over, thanks to the Flash Xia's physical recovery speed is different from that of ordinary people, otherwise, it would be a matter of course to be electrocuted to death.

At this time, The Flash was recuperating in the base, and Wonder Woman Diana smashed the table in front of her with a punch, her beautiful eyes were full of anger, not only because the Flash was seriously injured, but she also saw the table specially prepared for her side. The news of the special prison, such news is not just a prison problem.They even directly define these anti-registration factions as criminals.This is unbearable for Amazons who are fearless, kind-hearted, and only yearn for glory!

Diana immediately started calling Jokin, but she couldn't get through for a long time. However, at this time, Sisko gave Diana a news that surprised her. Captain America actually contacted the Justice League and wanted to Join forces with all...


Speed ​​up the pace, let's explode in the next chapter, I know you can't wait.

Thanks to Lingfeng Yushu for the reward of 588 starting point coins.


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