big fantasy

Chapter 270 The Last Straw

"Stop all of them, if you don't want public opinion to side with them." Dr. Reed shouted at Iron Man while protecting the key mutant Jimmy.

Tony Stark grinned and said, with a gray face and cold sweat, the Sentinel's armor was damaged and badly injured.I saw the sentinel armor slowly slipping off his body, and with the support of everyone, Iron Man struggled to get up.As long as you stand around Jimmy, all the external mental abilities and perception abilities will have no effect. The mutant Jimmy is a BUG-like existence.

"You assure me that this is a beautiful world with no more wars, but why did it become like this?" Jimmy's voice was weak and his expression was a little anxious. He grabbed Dr. Reed's lapel and couldn't help it. asked.

"Don't worry, kid, everything will be fine, everything will be fine." Dr. Reed comforted Jimmy while holding Jimmy in his arms.

With the support of everyone, Tony Stark was very tough, walked to the damaged wall, looked at the two mutants standing in the sky from a distance, and said: "It seems that we have no room for discussion anymore. ?”

Immediately, a flash of light below lit up, and the camera pointed at Tony Stark, who had a terrible image above.

Qiao Jinjin was about to speak, but the Scarlet Witch patted Qiaojin on the shoulder. Qiaojin raised his eyebrows and put down the woman in his arms. The Scarlet Witch also stood in the void and pointed down. Next, there was a crisp sound, and the glass shattered. Amidst the screams of the people, Qiao Jin's eyes shrank slightly. It turned out to be Captain America?

"Are you serious? You just came here by yourself?" Qiao Jin only felt ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Captain America turned over and jumped, and fell headfirst.

"Are there any teammates?" Jokin controlled Captain America who was jumping in mid-air with one hand, and dragged him up.

"There are two, both are safe." Captain America said, rising to Jokin's height, shrugging slightly. "Looks like I'm thankful for the riot you caused, the people I'm 'chatting' with are inseparable."

Captain America said while turning his head.Seeing Tony Stark standing in the distance, he shouted loudly: "Stark, are you really going to get to this point?"

"I wanted to ask you that." Tony Stark immediately retorted, saying word by word, "This is a decree that the country is about to promulgate. This is a task assigned by the leadership of S.H.I.E.L.D. You clearly know that your current Do it!"

"Yes, I'm preventing superheroes from becoming tools for your full-time rule." Captain America's expression finally became serious...


With a soft sound, a man pressed the keyboard, and the picture on the big screen immediately froze.This is a special department whose address is located in the Pentagon. Few people know about this department at present, but in the future, this department will shine brightly and become famous.It's called the "National Emergencies Office".Abbreviated as ONE.

In addition to this man, there are six members sitting in the room, five men and one woman, all of whom are not young, probably around middle-aged and elderly.Everyone reveals the temperament of a superior person. This is not cultivated in a day or two. Obviously, it is the result of long-term pampering and subtle influence.

The man withdrew his finger on the keyboard, and said in a deep voice, "Whether it's Steve Rogers (Captain America) or the so-called mutant leader we saw, they all have a very tough attitude and are unwilling to cooperate with the country's policies. "

While talking, the man turned his head to look at the only middle-aged woman: "Tell me. Miss Cooper, it's time to use our giant sentinel mechanical armor operated by humans, right?"

"With all due respect, General Lazer, what do you want to do?" The lady called "Cooper" frowned and asked.

"These mutants don't understand the current crisis in our country. The huge attrition of the mutant group has not taught them to have a humble heart. They have a strong self-confidence and can care about people's life and death, let alone The life and death of this country is at stake, and this race needs our 'help'." The man named General Lazer said in a deep voice with cold eyes.

"Mutants are no different from us humans. They just don't understand how beneficial this law is for the time being. The last time the mutant registration act made them feel like a bird of fright. This time the superhero registration act made them panic. As long as we do it right, we'll get the support of the mutant race." Ms. Cooper retorted.

"Of course, we are the guardians of this country, and we all want things to get better." Lazer nodded, "Our government will issue this decree recently, and we cannot guess what kind of behavior the mutant group will have. Reaction, once something goes wrong, it is a consequence that we cannot bear. We need to send giant sentinel armor to the country of the White Queen to protect the mutant school she established and prevent them from being bewitched by the reactionaries. Help them, and explain to them the original intention of everything we do, so as to avoid any possible mistakes.”

Ms. Cooper frowned, opened her mouth, but still said nothing.

"As for the West Coast Avengers, I think they will solve this matter themselves. Mutants are the top priority for our department. How things will develop next, whether it is good or bad, may be in our hands." It's in my hand." Lazer turned around, looked at Qiaojin floating in mid-air with dark eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Ms. Cooper, I hope you can accept some interviews today to appease the people. And personally lead the team to the mutant school established by the White Queen to negotiate with her. I believe in your ability and the smooth progress of this decree. I hope you will do your best for the development and safety of this country."

Ms. Cooper pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose and nodded thoughtfully.

At the same time, on the west coast of the United States, in Los Angeles, there is an underground secret Avengers organization.

Scarlet Witch sat gracefully on a chair, listening to everyone's discussions.And Qiao Jin stood with his hands behind his back, staring at a world map on the wall, his thoughts drifted to nowhere.

"Jokin? Are you listening?" In front of the conference table, Captain America turned around and looked at Jokin who was "looking at the wall" in the distance, and couldn't help sighing. The scene in Manhattan, New York just now was extremely thrilling. , Today I can return to the West Coast Avengers in Los Angeles, it is really thanks to Jokin.

"I've just been thinking about what kind of feelings made you come to the 'one-handed meeting'." Jokin turned around with a smile, and looked at the members of the West Coast Avengers, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Falcon, War Machines (Tony Stark's good friend, Colonel James Roots, the black man in the movie "Iron Man", see Chapter 65 above for details).

"I went away with full sincerity, and I still couldn't believe that Hill actually attacked me." Captain America smiled, but, unlike the tone just now when everyone was watching, at this time, Captain America's With a bitter smile, "I really want them to change their minds. Obviously, my wish is ridiculous."

"Yeah, I really hope they can think about it." Qiao Jin smiled and shook his head, but there was another word in his heart: think about it, they'd better hurry up, the more intense the better, now it's best to hurry up The atmosphere of war, as long as I maintain the plot of "Fantastic Four 2" and solve the crisis of swallowing stars, I will kill these self-righteous superheroes when I turn around.

"Jokin, you know, although I don't have the ability of this lady here." Captain America gestured to the Scarlet Witch, and continued, "But, from your eyes, I see a strong desire. "

"Captain, I'm different from you. I will kill people, instead of throwing them into prison one by one, hoping that they can reform themselves. I like to do it once and for all, so that there will be no future troubles." Qiao Jin felt the embarrassment of not being seen through, Instead, he said bluntly, "After all these years, I have had enough. You know, I, like you, came out of the war. For the enemy, my blade will not only pierce their chest, but also I will also add a knife to confirm their true death."

"My friend, you have to be clear that no one is wrong on both sides of this battle, it's just that they stand in different positions." Colonel Roots (War Machine) suddenly spoke and said a word.

"They take a different stand from mine, and that's wrong." Jokin said quietly, beckoning to the Scarlet Witch.

Gently holding the woman's white and tender jade hand, Qiao Jin looked at Captain America again: "Stop idealizing, and stop being like me, having those pitiful fantasies."

After the words fell, Jokin and Scarlet Witch disappeared without a trace.

There was a terrible silence in the meeting room.

After a while, the Black Widow gave everyone a wink, and all the members of the West Coast Avengers walked out one after another.Black Widow sighed, walked to Captain America, lightly pressed her palm on Captain America's shoulder, and said, "Are you okay, Steve?"

"Did you feel the difference in Jokin?" Captain America lowered his head and said softly, "That astonishing killing intent, naked, without any cover-up."

"Yeah, I've never seen him like this. Even in the most dangerous time on Alcatraz Island, his temperament is not a killer." The black widow nodded, leaning back on the conference table, looking down at Captain America, "People change."

"They are still insatiably greedy and aggressive. They didn't realize that the enforcement of this decree was the last straw that crushed Jokin." Captain America murmured, "They released a beast with their own hands."


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