big fantasy

Chapter 262 Wonderful Collection**

After dinner, Jokin and Isabel went to decorate the collection room, while Annie and Scarlet Witch sat on the sofa, watching TV, enjoying a rare chance to rest after a busy day.

However, the picture on the TV made Annie dumbfounded.

Under the fluttering crimson cloak, that lonely figure is so eye-catching.

Below is a scene like the end of the world. Under the famous Avengers headquarters building, the Avengers and the Justice League are fighting in a dark and dark environment.

The tragic scene, the miserable crowd, and the reporter's almost crying cry were intertwined to form a perfect picture.

"Is that a diamond? Stop them, please stop them!" After the reporter screamed for help in the screen, the figure standing high in the sky disappeared without a trace.

And below, one after another, powerful and unruly heroes were kicked away one after another, and one by one, like commodities that had been put on the shelves, returned to their own positions.After the dazzling silver chain lightning, there was an astonishing burst of golden light. The group of destructive superheroes didn't even have time to react, and they were separated without temper.Such an intense scene froze instantly.In a chaotic battle among the world's top powerhouses, that figure did all of this with ease, so lightly.

Listening to the reporter's incoherent "Thank God", Annie couldn't help but cover her mouth with one hand, and exclaimed in amazement. As the building in the picture collapsed and the smoke billowed, everyone's figures were exposed. And Qiao Jin stood in the center, with a protective shield in each hand, and pushed it in front of everyone's faces.

"He always looks like a child in front of me. Sometimes, I even forget how strong he is." Annie's astonished eyes gradually became extremely proud.Exuding a proud look, he sighed in amazement.

"Indeed, he is really good. He grew up very fast. What's even more commendable is that he still maintains his true heart. It seems that you have educated well." Scarlet Witch shook her head slightly, with a happy smile on her face .

"Hehe, in the days when I was gone. Thanks to your protection and teaching." Annie turned her head and said gratefully.

Scarlet Witch's complexion froze. Once, in a certain period of time, she still wanted to take Jokin away...

And Qiao Jin, who is being watched by the whole world, what is he doing at this time?

In the auxiliary building, in the underground storage room.It is not so much a collection room as it is an exhibition room.

Isabel held the pitch-black Spider-Man suit in one hand and handed it to Jokin.

And Qiao Jin controlled the opening of the glass cover in front of him, and put the dark Spider-Man suit on the humanoid hanger in front of him with his own hands.This suit has been carefully cleaned.The fly in the ointment is that the spider silk launcher on the left wrist was smashed in the collapsed home in New York, leaving only the launcher on the right hand working normally.After binding the two devices one by one, Qiaojin closed the glass door with his hand back.

"By the way, Peter Parker's current armor has been updated. Last time I was lucky enough to take a look at it, I was really surprised. There are metal patterns all over his body, and there are four metal joints growing on the back. The luster, tsk tsk... . ” Jokin held out his hand, recalling the shining Spider-Man on the battlefield.What the hell is that suit?Why haven't you seen it in the movie?Is it from which comic?

"Next." Isabel tossed the diamond suit to Jokin, under the watchful eye of Spider-Man in Black.Finally, there is a fellow in the glass cabinet next to it to accompany it.Qiao Jin put the incomparably exquisite diamond mask on the human-shaped hanger, touched his chin with one hand, "Well, old friend, you have been with me the longest, and it's time to retire."

while thinking.Jokin put two Adamantium metal samurai swords in the glass cabinet. If you really want to find a uniform and admit a memory, then the Adamantium metal samurai swords that have been with you for many years are more suitable to be placed next to this suit. of.

"Next one, hey, there are a lot of components." Isabel flipped through the cardboard box, throwing out the armor, leggings, armguards, steel boots, helmet...

"Asgardians, although their magic technology is unparalleled, but their clothes are very classic." Jokin walked to the third glass cabinet and pieced together the Asgardian armor piece by piece. After a while, a majestic Asgardian warrior appeared in front of the two of them.

"Hey, Isa, wait for me." Qiaojin suddenly thought of something, and disappeared without a trace.

Isabel let out a "hmm", rummaged through the cardboard box, pulled out the cloak uniform of the anti-healing potion, and took out two high-tech pistols from the bottom of the box, with a hint of memory in her eyes, these two pistols , But I got it from the robbers in the central city, a freezing gun, a flame gun, and killing the sentinel robot back then was like cutting melons and vegetables, a high-tech weapon like an artifact.

Qiaojin couldn't help shivering. On this small Canadian island close to the Arctic Circle, it was still deserted. Although Qiaojin was physically strong, his single clothes obviously couldn't resist the wind and cold. Qiaojin's body flashed again and he raised a ball In the flames, in the darkness, Qiao Jin saw the reverse lightning that was still conscientious and knelt on the ground to repent.

"Okay." Qiao Jin kicked the icicle, picked up the reverse lightning suit, looked around, sighed silently, and returned to his home.

"This is..." Isabel was slightly taken aback, this dress was still fresh in her memory, thinking back then, in her picture, the killer was wearing this dress and stabbed his hand into Annie's chest.

Jokin ignored Isabel, and directly put the yellow reverse lightning suit on the fourth figure hanger, closed the glass cabinet, and the mask part of the suit has two little red devil horns on the ear, which looks very evil, indeed It can remind Qiao Jin of the enemy who is not in common with him.

Isabel gently took Jokin's arm and said, "If you don't want to see him, there is no need to force yourself like this. I know, this is very difficult for you."

"Always have to face it, and it's useless to escape." Qiao Jin shook his head and said with a light smile, "This is a very difficult life memory, and every time I see it, it reminds me to keep a low profile and humility. "

"No matter how strong you are, there will always be times when you can't do what you want. No matter how strong you are, there will always be someone stronger than you. The fate of this son of a bitch is a bit interesting." Qiao Jin shook his head slightly, feeling the girl's slender palm clenched on his arm , Qiao Jin patted lightly, and comforted, "I think I have been able to face the past normally, because I am the winner now, and I brought back Anne, this reverse lightning costume, in addition to keeping me alert. I think, I look at this dress more as a winner and look back at this memory."

"No matter how rampant he was, he died at my hands. No matter how arrogant he was, he could only kneel and repent in front of Annie." There was a hint of refreshment in Qiao Jin's words, and he felt much more at ease.

The two watched in silence for a long time. Isabel took out the last uniform and handed it to Jokin: "Here, the last one."

"Well..." Jokin nodded.

"Wait." Isabel suddenly grabbed Jokin's arm, frowned and said, "There is one more thing, the ninja uniform of the Assassin League, you forgot?"

Qiao Jin's expression was a little weird, he shook his head and said, "Ah, I seem to have really forgotten."

"That's also a memory. When you were on the snow mountain that year, I painted with fear every day. I was afraid that after one of your battles, you would never get up again." Isabel said dissatisfiedly, "The clothes look like Very good, it has a sense of mystery of an ancient oriental country."

Ancient, oriental, mysterious... Qiao Jin's mouth twitched in embarrassment. I am from the ancient oriental country. Why don't I feel mysterious?No scenery near the countryside?Jokin thought about the costumes similar to those in "Assassin's Creed", and they were indeed very cool.

"Go and get one, anyway, you've been wearing it for a long time, remember, when you were in the snowy mountains, you were going to another world, saying goodbye to Anne and me, at the final moment of separation, you were wearing that kind of A black hooded ninja suit." Isabel obviously recalled something, and her slightly trembling voice made Jokin feel distressed.

Qiao Jin sighed and tried to face everything with a positive attitude. Although it has been a long time, the journey to reverse the future can be regarded as the most important lesson in life for Qiao Jin.Like a nightmare, maybe Qiao Jin will never forget it in his life.

You think you understand real pain?Then go to Reverse the Future and have a look.

You thought you felt real despair?Then go to Reverse the Future and have a look.

Do you think you have been cornered and there is no way out?Then go to Reverse the Future and have a look.

"Just right, I went to the Assassin's League to ask a few ninjas to come and see the nursing home." Qiao Jin nodded, the ability to teleport is really very convenient, otherwise, it would have been a lot of trouble these days.

Returning to the League of Assassins, Jokin found Marseille *Shancheng in charge.

"Master." Marseille still had a resolute face, with a ponytail and a tall and mighty body.

"Well, recently, you should cooperate with the Justice League's actions, only give them information, don't use armed forces to participate in the maintenance of public security in the United States, just don't cause misunderstandings, just help them secretly, I think this is what our Assassin League is best at, right? ?” Jokin said in a low voice.

"Yes, master." Marseille's loyalty is unquestionable, he is more loyal to the ninja master than to this organization.

"By the way, how is the contact with the White Queen going? Have you started looking for mutant orphans?" Now that he has come, Qiao Jin also wants to ask symbolically, although he is very carefree as a shopkeeper .


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