big fantasy

Chapter 254 Did We Really Win?

"Yeah." Qiao Jin opened his sleepy eyes and reflected for a long time before he remembered where he was.

This is Utah in the United States, and there is nothing more interesting than looking for the last Hydra in a desert.Qiaojin laughed at himself, and touched his side, but it was empty. Qiaojin was slightly taken aback, closed his eyes, and searched carefully, but he did not find Isabel in the apartment.

Walking out of the bedroom door, passing the corridor, and coming to the hall, Little Crimson's charming face is astonishingly charming. Under the reflection of the beating flames of the fireplace, she looks particularly moving. Her hair is lazily scattered beside her ears, and she is sitting leisurely on the sofa with her knees covered. She was wearing a wool blanket, holding a book in her hand, and was reading silently.On one side, Little Kuaiyin curled up on the sofa on the other side and slept soundly, snoring from time to time.

"She left without saying where she was going." Little Scarlet whispered softly, without taking her eyes off the book, but answered Qiaojin's question.

"It's already three o'clock in the morning. Are you still reading and not going to sleep?" Qiao Jin yawned, rubbing his hair in distress, and walked towards the gate step by step.

"He's asleep, someone has to watch the night." Little Crimson looked at Little Kuaiyin who was sleeping soundly beside her, with a hint of tenderness in her eyes, she shook her head with a smile, and slid her hand gently on the book, quite intellectually beautiful.

"Eh...?" Xiao Kuaiyin, who was curled up on the sofa, was awakened by the sound, and opened his eyes suddenly, but he obviously hadn't woken up from his sleep, and looked around in confusion.When he saw Qiao Jin, he immediately realized his mistake and fell asleep, his face turned red, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, let's sleep for a while." Little Crimson stretched out her hand, and a crimson mist floated towards Little Kuaiyin. After a while, the embarrassment on Little Kuaiyin's face dissipated, and she lay softly on the sofa with a blanket in one hand superior.Rubbing her face left and right against the soft blanket, she fell asleep soundly again.

"Okay." This time it was Qiao Jin's turn to be helpless. The relationship between the brothers and sisters was constantly sublimated in the war.Let outsiders look a little envious.There is a magical telepathy between brother and sister, even if they are not connected by mind, which is very strange, maybe it is the characteristic of twins.

Jokin wrapped his nightgown tightly and opened the door with one hand.The sudden drop in temperature made Qiao Jin shiver uncontrollably.

"She went east." Little Crimson murmured softly, her gaze was still on the worn-out book, she didn't look up.

"Thank you." Qiaojin thanked, slowly floated up, and flew to the east, while searching for Isabel with psychic power.

It has been four full months, almost a quarter, since this team set foot on the frontal battlefield in the United States for the first time.Back then, they embarked on the journey in the spring, and at this time.As time goes by, it is already scorching hot summer.

However, in this city standing in a desert, the temperature difference between day and night is so great that you can’t wait to wear gauze clothes during the day and down jackets at night.

This remote city in northwest Utah looks a bit run-down, which fits their atmosphere of standing in the desert.Few lights, silent and terrifying streets, the place has long since lost its former glory.but.Things always have two sides. The advantage is that the bright lights of the city are lost.At this time, the incomparably gorgeous night sky is so dazzling.The stars are bright and beautiful, just like the Milky Way.

After searching for less than two miles, Jokin saw the huge silver battle armor on a huge flat-topped mountain.

"You must know that this place is not absolutely safe. We are searching for possible Hydra bases." Jokin locked on the target.With a flash, he appeared behind the huge armor.

"Sorry, I just want to be quiet." Isabel's gentle voice drifted out, and it was audible that it was a little deep.

"Isa, you have changed a lot. Since you came here, you have become a little taciturn." Jojin stepped forward, stood side by side with the silver warrior, and said with a little worry.

"They are so beautiful, don't you think?" Isabel looked at the bright Milky Way far away in the sky. It was past three o'clock in the morning, and the surroundings were still pitch black, and the Milky Way in the sky shone with brilliance.

Under the sky, in the far east is a real snow-capped mountain, and in the west is the small town where you came from, surrounded by a barren desert, with ravines and canyons criss-crossing in the middle, and countless decent flat-topped stone mountains standing around , quite like human architecture, but this is the uncanny workmanship of nature.In the desert, the weeds show their tenacious vitality, and occasionally there are a few red wild flowers, swaying under the night sky.

"Well, I was trapped in the desert, but I could see the snow-capped mountains in the distance. I really obeyed that sentence and ate watermelon around the stove. What a weird midsummer, Utah is a magical place." Qiaojin laughed and pointed The canyon in the distance, said, "Don't you think that Hydra might open a door from the ground, then rush to you and kill you?"

"Jokin, I killed a lot of people." Isabel said softly.

"Does this bother you?" Qiao Jin sighed silently, thinking back then, he was an ordinary young man, and at some point, his hands were covered with blood.

"You know, since I was three years old, I have seen all kinds of faces of death every day. I am not a person with poor mental ability." Isabel shook her head lightly, "But these few days months... different."

"I know, I'm not a kind person. When you were besieged on Alcatraz Island, the painting I drew in my home in New York took the lives of countless ordinary people." Isabel's voice was faint, giving this already The cold summer night added a touch of coolness, "However, I seem to be used to it. Although the picture is very realistic, it feels like I am playing a game. I have never taken it seriously."

"I have participated in many missions with you, destroying sentinel robots, and defeating countless Hydra soldiers. None of these troubled me. On the contrary, I felt a little excited, and I felt that I was doing the right thing." Isabel Silently lowered his head, and with it, the silver warrior also lowered his huge head.

"But, this's different." With two crisp sounds, Isabel holds a blade in each hand, and the bright silver giant is extremely beautiful, "Whenever I see them, they are dazzling bright red They made me have a lot of nightmares. I thought what I was doing was right, I thought I was on the right side, but these past few months, I don’t know when, when I took away In the lives of those people, I no longer have any pride and pride, and some only have sadness, self-blame, and guilt. Even, I began to hate myself. I clearly know what I am fighting for, but I really endure Can't stop hating myself, oh god...I don't even think God wants to hear me calling him when I'm sad..."

"Hey, Isa, listen to me, such days won't be too long. The country has repeatedly promulgated news that we have won a comprehensive victory. Now, we are just looking for some remaining troops that may exist. Even The Amazon family and the Atlantis family have all left the American continent one after another, trying to leave here before causing misunderstandings and avoid misunderstandings. We have already won." Qiao Jin patted the silver arm with one hand , "If you don't like it, we can withdraw immediately and return to the life you have always wanted."

"Is it really possible?" Isabel's words did not have the surprises of the past, but with a hint of depression, "Can I really go back to my original life, am I still the same as I used to be?" Isabel's voice Getting smaller and lighter, it was obvious that she was in an extreme struggle inside.

"Can you come out of the armor? Maybe at this time, as your boyfriend, I need to give you a hug." Qiao Jin opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to enlighten Isabel, and finally he could only talk about him from left to right.

After a long time, the silver armor was finally opened, and Isabel seemed unwilling to come out from here, or rather, unwilling to face the world.Jokin saw her red eye sockets and her complicated expression.Without hesitation, Qiao Jin embraced the girl in his arms.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have brought you here. You have been in this situation for so long, but I have been focusing on the war and not taking good care of you." Qiao Jin said softly Comforting, the girl's blond hair was flying in the night sky, and it had grown to her waist, like a golden waterfall, so gorgeous.

"At the beginning, I was just deceiving myself and others." Isabel's voice was filled with tears, "I gave orders to the League of Assassins and coordinated the deployment of sentinel robots. After I knew the orders, they would do what they would do, but I didn't care about each of them. There is no clear understanding of the actions. You brought me here and taught me a lot. It is really terrible. The lives I have slaughtered with my own hands in the past few months are not as many as the lives I have harmed by the decisions I made in Japan. But here , I know everything clearly, I am a killer, I have been a long time ago. I can't imagine touching our children with these hands in the future, oh my God..."

"Hey, listen, Isa, listen, how about this, I'm here to watch the sunrise with you." Qiaojin fumbled for a while, took out a silver hair rope from the girl's right pocket, and tied the girl's body turned around.

Jokin gently stroked the golden waterfall, and said softly: "Tomorrow morning, we will go back to the mutant school, in front of Professor X's tomb, and tell him what we did. Let him listen to us How about everything you did?."

Qiaojin clumsily tied the headband with his palms, and tied a bow with all his strength, supported the girl's shoulders with both hands, and said softly: "Then, we'll go home, don't wait any more, we'll go home right away. "

Isabel lowered her head, tears fell like pearls, and she couldn't cry.

Qiao Jin silently embraced her body from behind, kissing her fair and tender face lightly, the tear stains on it were salty and somewhat bitter.

Did we really win?Is this what victory feels like?Why is it different from what I expected.


Thank you Leng Leng Bing Xin for the reward of 100 starting coins.


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