big fantasy

Chapter 250 Superhero Love Chapter

"Wow..." On a medium-sized transport plane, Xiao Kuaiyin whispered in amazement, looking at the huge bright silver armor in front of him, he was dazzled by this guy with great visual effects for a while, because the silver warrior The shape of the robot is very classical, wearing a samurai armor with a samurai hat on it, Xiao Kuaiyin guessed silently, "Is this ancient warrior a robot newly developed by us?"

"Eh?" Xiao Kuaiyin felt the door of the storage room was closing, and used his body's ability to run out just before the door of the storage room closed, but saw Isabel standing in the cabin holding a small remote control In the distance, Kuaiyin looked up and down, "How did you open this door?"

"He is the spy of our three-person team. Before each mission, he has to go to the mission location to get as much information as possible to increase the success rate of our mission." Qiao Jin also stepped onto the plane, watching Seeing the frowning Isabel, she couldn't help but patted Isabel's shoulder with a smile, and said, "His professional habits check all possible hidden dangers. Don't worry, he won't tamper with the armor."

Isabel nodded, found a seat casually, and sat down.

Little Kuaiyin curled his lips, but did not refute, because Qiao Jin had already said everything that should be said, and he had already defended himself very much.

After a while, the rest of the team members also boarded the plane. They were all neatly dressed in black, all in black uniforms and crimson cloaks. Such cool uniforms were worn by this group of unruly people. In person, indeed, the superhero style is almost overflowing.

Zhengtu sat in the cockpit without hesitation, Blink (Fan Ye) thought for a while, swayed his purple braids, and also sat in the co-pilot.Little Kuaiyin had already inspected the medium-sized transport plane when everyone was negotiating, so he was very familiar with the terrain, so he sat down with Little Crimson.Little Scarlet took out the information of her teammates, and the two watched it carefully.

Joakim and Isabelle also sat side by side.Isabel held Jokin's hand tightly, and seemed to enjoy the hard-won time together.Thus began the journey, but it was not all smooth sailing.

from the moment of entry into the United States.After one trouble after another, I found Jokin's plane, no matter how high you fly, it's useless, no, the four fighters behind you are like escorts, surrounded by medium-sized transport planes.And he gave the driver Zhengtu an ultimatum: "Decline immediately and land under our escort, otherwise, we will open fire."

Qiaojin sighed and closed his eyes silently. After a while, the four small fighter jets flew away.

"It seems that they are still easy to talk to." Qiao Jin opened his eyes and laughed.

Of course Isabel knew that Jokin was joking, how could people in the military be easy to talk to.Those people have a very strict superior-subordinate system, and it is their bounden duty to execute orders. The so-called easy-talking in Qiao Jin's mouth is definitely using his spiritual ability to make them "easy-talking".

Isabel smiled and glared at Jokin. She leaned her head on Jokin's shoulder and closed her eyes. As long as she was by Jokin's side, she always felt safe and comfortable.

Little Kuaiyin glanced at Isabel secretly.Looking at the information in his hand again, he said softly: "Do you think she really has this ability?"

Little Scarlet nodded, and said with certainty: "Mutants have all sorts of strange abilities, and they can predict death. They can even change reality in paintings. This ability is really surprising, but, have you forgotten, Jokin's ability? So this It's not too much to call Isabel's mutant ability."

"Qiao Jin. Why are you talking about him? He is a pervert. The first time I saw his information, I thought I saw a shopping list." Xiao Kuaiyin said in a low voice, there is no way, this is the first time I saw Qiao Jin's ability At that time, the brothers and sisters were indeed blinded.During the three months, the brothers and sisters had indeed seen Qiao Jin use many kinds of abilities. In the shock again and again, they carefully recorded how many abilities Qiao Jin had and how many were useless, but , when the teammate information was brought over, Little Kuaiyin and Little Scarlet were still shocked.

Especially the latter one, the ability to devour and absorb, is already an open secret.However, unlike others, the brothers and sisters had nothing to fear or disgust, and these negative emotions had disappeared after three months of fighting.

After several harassments along the way, everyone can be regarded as landing in the central city.Under the negotiations of the Justice League, the people from the local military really lenient and did not come to trouble.The current status of the Justice League is very delicate. After all, the United States is in this situation now, and the emergence of the Justice League is basically like a savior, bringing them endless help. The Justice League is well-deserved. Among civil organizations authority.Under the effective communication with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military, the Justice League has been officially recognized, which is not easy. Such a thing can happen, it must be in the face of a huge disaster, and it must be in a special historical background under.

But don't look at them now as glue, when the war is over, it is estimated that the Justice League will either be incorporated or broken up. This is inevitable. Now the Justice League still has value to use, and even their reliance.

"Hey, look who is this?" The medium-sized transport plane landed in the huge open space behind the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory. Qiao Jingang got off the plane and saw a very familiar figure with long orange hair and a height of nearly 1.9 meters. , the delicate face is full of arrogance, Lord Artemis, the goddess of hunting.

"Long time no see." Jokin shrugged.

"Artemis." On the shoulder of the goddess of hunting, a slender and powerful palm appeared, and Diana's tall figure came into everyone's eyes.

"You really make us proud, our vice-captain, who almost destroyed the battery life of Hydra all over the world on the rear battlefield. Otherwise, the war here doesn't know how long it will last." Diana's words made people listen Much more comfortable, with pride in his words and admiration in his eyes, he looked at Qiaojin.

"I don't have that much ability. I just take charge of a small part. It's more of the efforts of all mutants." Jokin nodded with a smile.

"Aren't you the leader of your race?" Diana obviously regarded Jokin as the leader of the mutant race, and credited Jokin for a series of effective counterattacks. It's okay, being a team leader is more than enough, but if you are the leader of a large group, or even the king of a country, and formulate such a precise and comprehensive policy, strategy, and tactical planning, Qiao Jin is self-aware that Queen White's skills and means are not at all I can compare.

"There doesn't seem to be any fog of healing potions in this city. I'm quite relieved." Qiao Jin changed the subject awkwardly, not knowing what to say about his relationship with the White Queen. In fact, it was impossible for Qiao Jin to say that he was just It's just a small leader who obeys orders. If the White Queen is exposed like this, and it is said that the White Queen is the absolute authority and absolute leader of the mutants, that would be really stupid.Qiaojin had heard some news a long time ago, even if he didn't accept it anymore, when he announced it to the outside world, Qiaojin was already sitting in the position of the black king.

A group of mutants who got off the plane one after another, looked at the ruined city around them, and were stunned. Here, the glory of the past has long been lost, the ruins are ruined, and the blood is everywhere. Even though there are no corpses, they can already imagine the once Here is how to turn the scenery.

In fact, not long after, when they embark on the journey, they will see even more shocking pictures. Central City is the stronghold of the Justice League, so it must be cleaned up, while other cities...

"Cool!" In the cutting-edge scientific research laboratory, Sisko, a talented man with a high IQ, stared at the monitor with bright eyes, and the mutants who came down one after another, all of them were in dark and cool uniforms, and the red lights fluttered in the wind. The cloak has already seduced the deepest superhero plot in Sisko's heart, "I made this, and these are all made by me."

Apparently, Sisko is still that proud kid. Back then, when he was confused with Jokin, he had already started to show off that the freezing gun was made by himself. Now, he still has this "cute" appearance .

"Unexpectedly, the effect I saw with my own eyes is better. This group of talents deserves to wear the uniforms I made. They are so imposing and mighty. I am so wise, haha." Sisko was very excited, as if An otaku who got a collection of comic books can hide at home, eat junk food, and never go out for three days and three nights, just to read the comic book's exquisite packaging repeatedly, and he won't even open the cover...

"Hey, boy, I think my cloak is also very good, why didn't I hear you say that my cloak is cool?" Shazam came over, clapped his big hand on Siciko's shoulder, and said very unhappy.

Through this most difficult time of contact, everyone in the Justice League, friendship brewing is quite good, the same is true for Sisko and Shazam, so Sisko did not save face for Shazam.

"You? A white gold-rimmed cloak?" Sisko curled his lips, "The crimson cloak is the symbol of a superhero! It's wrong for you to do this, you are rewriting people's values, and I have to change it back! In the comics Superman, Thor in reality, which one is not a crimson cape."

"No wonder the Flash uniform you made is also crimson." Shazam said with a smile, "However, Diana's cloak is silver. Are you going to persuade her to change it?"

"Um." Sisko shuddered and scratched his head, "Captain? Let's forget it. When I shook hands with her for the first time, she almost crushed my palm. Now that I think about it, it still hurts." Woolen cloth......"


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