big fantasy

Chapter 234 My heart is sore...

Finally, Qiao Jin found the so-called control room. After clearing out the miscellaneous fish in it, he waved a high-tech firearm casually, and disappeared in place with a flash of his body.

When Jokin reappeared, he was already standing in the jungle where the League of Assassins was hiding, far away from the military base.

"It's time to leave the question to you experts." Qiao Jin waved his hand, and a group of assassins who suddenly tensed up relaxed. Several middle-aged men were dressed in military uniforms, but there was no fortitude on their faces. Still trembling.

"Don't worry, I've wiped out all the Hydra soldiers." Qiao Jin stretched out his hand, and a bald middle-aged man tremblingly placed his hand on Qiao Jin's arm.On the side, the hands that took over the technical talents formed a string.


A row of people disappeared in an instant, and the military vehicle fell into silence again. These members of the League of Assassins were all like ghosts, without a single sound.

Throwing a few technicians to the bottom floor, Qiaojin turned around, and finally leaned against the entrance, carefully looking at the Hydra high-tech firearm in his hand.

"Boss, there are 38 sentinel robots in total." After more than ten minutes, a middle-aged man stammered.

"Well, you guys know what to do. Besides, take what you can take away. You can communicate with Gray (Winter Soldier)." Jokin nodded, turned and walked up.

Walking all the way, with silver lightning on his body, Qiao Jin drove to the maximum speed, checked again to see if there were any enemies, and finally met the assassins from the League of Assassins on the second floor of the basement.

Throwing them the Hydra soldier who has been under control, let these people continue to go down, Jokin didn't bother to care, ran up again, and finally found the three mutants he had saved.

In the military base outside.

The fight between the League of Assassins and the Hydra soldiers was a joy, and Storm obviously joined the battle group, honing her skills in constant actual combat, not to mention the murderous Deadpool.

Isabel stepped on a Hydra soldier, turned her head sideways, raised her right hand, and whipped the whip behind her. The soldier who was kicked by the Assassin Alliance behind her was dripping with blood directly from Isabel.

Just when Isabel was being presumptuous, two sentinel robots came up. Obviously, they could also fly.

A sentinel robot flew into the air and smashed a big hole in the ground. Isabel escaped narrowly, and a thick electric whip was whipped up again, and the sentinel robot was immediately covered with electric current.

"Hmph." Isabel snorted coldly, and with a roll in her hand, she was about to strike at the head of the sentinel robot, but the sentinel robot grabbed the electric whip wrapped around her neck with one hand.

I saw the sentinel robot constantly working hard, tearing with one hand, closing the distance between itself and the whip armor.

Isabel was quick-witted, and her strength was absolutely at a disadvantage. As soon as she controlled it, the electric whip broke away from the armor in an instant, and the sentry robot also fell backwards. However, another sentry robot took advantage of the opportunity to punch Isabel with a fist.


Although she was in the whip armor, Isabel was still in pain from being smashed. She only felt that the sentinel robot stepped on her body and grabbed her arm with one hand, as if she was going to dismember her forcibly!


With a burst of crackling sounds, the armor covering Isabel's right hand was smashed directly by the sentinel robot. The sentry robot took two steps back to stabilize its balance. Its head bloomed like a flower, and a laser beam continuously condensed. Boom to Isabel.

"Damn it." Isabel's right hand was covered with blood, and with a jet spray under her feet, she narrowly avoided the laser light. The sound of the blast made Isabel's ears numb, but another roar shook the entire battlefield. People's ears are numb.

A huge monster jumped down from the sky, with a green body, a hill-like body, a body of steel and iron, and a huge palm grabbed the sentinel robot, just like ravaging a can, and crushed a sentinel robot abruptly !

Without saying a word, Hulk continued to rush towards several sentry robots flying out from the side.

This roar seemed to indicate a fact, and then, a mighty man fell from the sky, holding Thor's Hammer in his hand, and aimed directly at a sentinel robot from top to bottom, smashing it down from head to toe, The sentinel robot that put Isabel in danger was instantly scrapped.

"Hey, Isabel, long time no see." Captain America waved his buckler, clearing away a group of Hydra soldiers who surrounded him, and the buckler bounced back again with a clever angle.

Isabel raised a hand, a dazzling light radiated from the hand, and a beam of energy blasted towards Captain America.

The captain held the round shield to block the energy rays, and cleverly used the shield to reflect the rays blasted by Isa back, constantly rotating the angle, and directly bombarded the retreating soldiers who were beaten by the round shield to death .

"Isabel, can you remind me in advance next time." Captain America is completely helpless. Through Jokin's relationship, he and Isabel have had a wonderful intersection. They are very good friends, and he also recognizes this from the bottom of his heart. A girl with a good heart.But for some reason, every time Isabel is on the battlefield, it is very different from her real life.Not to mention the dangerous action just now, the last time Isabel almost threw herself from a height of thousands of feet when she destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D. in Washington...

Isabel shook her bloody right arm, a slight pain flashed in her eyes, she pursed her lips, without making a sound, she turned around and rushed into the battlefield again.It seemed that there was something wrong with her emotions at this time, and it seemed that the blood dripping wound had completely inspired the wildness in her heart.

"Oh... oh..." Thor held the hammer and seemed to see his teammate Iron Man, but it was obviously not Tony Stark, because the mustache is now in the studio thousands of miles away He's tinkering with his battle armor.

"I feel like we are meddling in our own business. Seeing that they have already attacked, we shouldn't intervene." Hawkeye stood on the stone sentry tower with his eyes like a falcon, reporting the situation of the battle. Take an enemy away.

"Yeah, the two of us have been meddling in our own business. We are agents, not soldiers." The black widow held the high-tech guns that had been disarmed in her hands, and rolled around nimbly, teasing her own behavior of overreaching.


A silver figure flashed past, and a group of Hydra soldiers standing on the high wall, trying to ambush, jumped into the air one after another, or were stunned or killed.Kuaiyin stepped on the city wall with one foot and touched his chin with one hand: "I should manage my expression, it's not easy to see you again."

Click, the door opened, Captain America didn't say anything, just felt a majestic momentum behind him, turned around, and the shield flew out directly.

Boom!There was a muffled sound.A man with disheveled hair firmly grasped the flying buckler with his mechanical arm, and silently stared at Captain America in the distance with sinister eyes.

"Bucky?" The captain froze for a moment, with a very complicated expression on his face, looking at the burly man standing proudly in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a silver light flashed, and the slightly pitch-black battlefield was instantly illuminated like daylight. This was not just a simple light, nor a few simple broken lines, but pieces of chain lightning!

In the distance of the battlefield, Hulk was still howling crazily, tearing at the sentry robot in his hand with his giant palm, and the sentry robot in his hand lost its head when he didn't pay attention.

Sol's sledgehammer flew wildly, knocking down soldiers one after another, and the crisis behind him had been resolved before the hammer flew back under control.

Deadpool killed all directions, just a moment ago, he appeared behind a soldier in a blink of an eye, trying to kill the poor little guy in front of him. A gust of wind blew by, and the soldier in front of him had turned into a headless corpse.

On the battlefield, I am afraid that only the eagle eye from above can see clearly. In the huge military base below, a piece of chain lightning flashes crazily, linking every enemy, every soldier, and every sentinel robot on the battlefield.A beautiful pattern shining with light was drawn, directly lighting up the entire huge military base!

"Huh..." Qiao Jin exhaled, flipping his wrists, playing with the samurai sword in his hand, and finally stopped. Behind him, led by Bishop, Blink and Sunspot, were completely dumbfounded.

"Holy-crap!" Sunspot could only feel that the dark battlefield was shining with light, and then, the soldiers were cut down like wheat, and the wind blew, and the corpses fell down one by one. , The noisy and chaotic battlefield became quiet in an instant.

"Gudu." Bishop swallowed, looked at the man in the diamond mask with a knife in his hand not far away, grinned involuntarily, "Am I living in a dream?"

Blink swung down with one hand, the dagger slashed across Bishop's muscular arm, and wiped... a long and thin bloodstain appeared on that pitch-black arm.

"What are you doing?" Bishop frowned and looked at the flickering, a little dissatisfied.

"I also want to make sure if I'm dreaming." Blink tilted her head, "Seeing your reaction, I don't think so."

Bishop: "..."

"It looks like you captured something incredible." Jokin smiled, looked at the Winter Soldier in front of him, and said, "This shield matches you well."

The Winter Soldier raised his eyebrows, hung the shield in his hand on his arm, and looked around pretendingly.

As a result, the last and most reliable person in the team was also brought down by Qiao Jin...

The Captain America in the distance had a wonderful expression, with his hands spread out, his mouth half-opened, holding back for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

"Tell Hulk, don't smash it down, the sentry robots are temporarily stopped, and we are modifying their systems." Jokin was overjoyed, and said to Captain America.

Captain America opened and closed his mouth, held back for a long time, and finally gave an order to the black widow beside him.Sure enough, only beauties can control beasts. This configuration seems to have always been a common practice.

Huh, a gust of wind hit, Captain America raised his arms, and firmly caught the shield thrown by the Winter Soldier.I saw the silent Winter Soldier waving his hands in the distance, and immediately, a group of members of the League of Assassins followed, and the Winter Soldier slowly disappeared at the entrance of the building.From the beginning to the end, I didn't say a word to Captain America.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, it seemed that such a little joke was very helpful to Captain America. This seemed to be a sign of reconciliation?Has the Winter Soldier not objected to facing himself?Captain America looked at the Winter Soldier hiding in the building in the distance, bowed his head and smiled slightly, his eyes full of memories, and whispered softly: "Bucky..."

This sound made Qiao Jin's heart melt...


Thanks to の帝.Shi☆The reward of [-] starting coins.There is still no sign of adding more rewards, and another reward is coming, which is forcing me to put adding more on the agenda...

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