big fantasy

Chapter 180 Ability Recovery is Good (490 Monthly Pass Plus Changes)

On the ATTT small tactical transport aircraft (the standard fighter that often appears in the S.H.I.E.L.D., Hellfire not only brought Zhengtu the "antidote"), Zhengtu was flying the plane in front, taciturn, and he seemed to be proving himself with actions I am a very reliable person.Of course, Qiao Jin is also slowly observing, after all, he has only been in contact for a short time, but Qiao Jin will not question Zhengtu's loyalty. After all, if the White Queen dares to throw Zhengtu to herself, it is definitely an affirmation of Zhengtu.

Isabel's slender palms are playing with the two guns. She seems to prefer the freezing gun, and her fingers are inserted in the holster, constantly rotating. As time goes by and various things happen, she seems to be slowly transforming, from A weak child turned into a strong woman.

Taking advantage of the temporary fear of the sentinel robots, instead of making trouble for their own side, they went to find those low-level mutants to practice their hands. Qiao Jin and the others returned home briefly and brought out all the equipment they should have. .Portable whip armor, a spare X1228 model "Maserati", as for the prototype that has become an antique but is still powerful, Qiao Jin didn't bring it with him, so he should stay in the basement as a goalkeeper.

In fact, Jokin could get a few more sets of the mourning whip armor, but no one in the team wanted to use it except Isabel.Thinking about how Scarlet Witch and Jokin were so earnest, she finally nodded and used it once.Qiao Jin can understand everyone's thoughts. Although wearing a battle armor, the strength may be improved to a certain extent, but everyone has their own style. They insist on turning the Winter Soldier, Zhengtu, and Scarlet into "murder whips" If not, their hearts are extremely resistant, not to mention, it may also affect their fighting style.

If you want a Sangbian squad, you can go directly to the soldiers trained by the White Queen to operate the Sangbian armor.Why are you still working so hard to find all kinds of superheroes?

At this time, Isabel was wearing Jokin's diamond suit. She was about the same height as Jokin, so she could afford this suit, but how could a man's thick body be better than Isabel's, so she Some of them can't support this suit, but it's quite suitable to wear a huge cloak outside, after all, the cloak can cover up all violations and products.

I saw a tight-fitting black uniform. Although it was a little loose, it still showed her slender and attractive body to the fullest. She put on a big cloak and wore a diamond mask when she was fighting.

As for the Scarlet Witch, it seems that she is also very interested in the diamond suit. The two have already begun to discuss the name of the team, but they both seem to have very good personalities and a very close relationship. Whoever proposes a name, the other party agrees, and the result is "OK." "Come and go, I've thought about it all the way, and more than 30 team names have entered the pending area.

"I plan to follow Jokin to wipe out these damn sentinels before I turn 23. After the mutant crisis is over, I will tie him up at home every day and live a normal life." The topic among the women changed very quickly. Soon, Isabel leaned close to Scarlet Witch's ear, whispering softly, obviously not wanting Jokin to hear.

"Okay, when you have a baby, I'll take care of it for you." Scarlet Witch is obviously very interested in this topic. Her thinking coincides with Isabel's. Troubled times.After receiving the arrival of the sentry, they could not escape, so they could only stand up and resist.

"That damned guy, I wanted a baby last time, and he said he was too young to want it." Isabel didn't seem shy about talking about the baby, but rather looked forward to it.

"Thanks to you not doing that, look at the current world, we can't give our children a happy childhood." Scarlet Witch murmured to herself, and within two sentences, they had already entered another world.

Qiao Jin pursed his lips, and walked directly into the cockpit. On the co-pilot, the Winter Soldier was silent, and Zheng Tu was even more bored. The two hadn't spoken a word for such a long time, and Qiao Jin felt a little helpless.

Looking at the layers of clouds, I thought in my heart that if I really set up a team, I must find another man. Although I won't break my mouth, someone who can at least speak a few words can't be like these two silent like Rock guy.

As the captain, shouldn't you adjust the atmosphere so that it is conducive to team integration?Qiao Jin thought about it silently. Obviously, he was in another world now, and he needed to learn a lot.

After standing there for a long time, Qiao Jin turned his head, looked at Zhengtu who was still silent and conscientiously flying the plane, and asked, "Zhengtu, how did you join Hellfire?"

"Fate, let me join Hellfire." Zhengtu's words were simple and clear, yet full of philosophy.

Qiao Jin almost choked on his own saliva, Zhengtu's answer was simply insane.It's just that Qiao Jin didn't expect that the always serious Winter Soldier raised the corners of his lips slightly. After recovering his memory, although he was still a little silent, he was slowly regaining his original kind self.

"Qiaojin, how about customizing a diamond suit for me after we go back?" Isabel is a woman, obviously, she can't resist the charm of diamonds, "Couple suit, it must be very suitable for us to stand together!"

"Doesn't that show that you are the captain's wife? I'm still trying my best to think about how to protect your safety and how to make you hide, but you are good. You insist on shining brightly. I will wear a diamond mask for a while, and you can use it when you wear armor." Don’t wear it.” In fact, because of Isabel’s whim, she picked out Jokin’s exclusive combat uniform, and now Jokin doesn’t have to wear it, except for a cloak.

"Damn it, you rejected me again. I'll wear high heels when I go back, not to look good, but to laugh at you." Isabel looked at Jokin fiercely, gritted her teeth, and bumped the Scarlet Witch with her shoulder, "Look at him, and say I'm , Help me teach him a lesson."

"Come here and confess to my little Isa." The Scarlet Witch smiled, enjoying the family atmosphere very much. She could feel that Isabel was trying to please her, but this was exactly what she wanted, so she was willing to cooperate.It seems that Isabel is not a simple little girl. After knowing what happened to the White Queen and Qiao Jin, she consciously found a backer for herself.

"We're almost there." The Winter Soldier in front suddenly said, easing Jokin's embarrassment.

Isabel restrained her jokes in time and began to organize her equipment. After all, she was a sensible woman who knew when to play around and when to get busy with business.After tidying up her clothes, Isabel stepped forward, put on a diamond mask for Jokin, handed two samurai swords to Jokin, and said softly, "Be careful."

"Yeah." Qiao Jin nodded with a smile, and also put on the cloak, "There are too many casualties at present, and your ability is not very effective. For now, let's get acquainted with your teammates and build a good relationship with them. I hope, You can be the captain of this team in the future."

"Yeah." Isabel smiled sweetly, and her soft lips touched Qiao Jin's diamond mask lightly, "I have been here since I was a child, if you want, I am willing to become you The look of hope."

Qiao Jin froze for a moment, then turned his head embarrassingly.The girl smiled and walked to the right rear of the fighter cabin. After thinking for a while, she put the portable funeral whip armor away, opened the device, and walked into the X1228 model.

The plane landed slowly, and a group of people came to southern Canada, Ontario, which is the northern part of Lake Ontario in the Great Lakes region of North America.

For Canada, the back garden of the United States, where Hydra has established a base, Jokin understands it very well.It is autumn at this time, and the autumn wind is already bleak here in Ontario, and the temperature is very low.

Under the leadership of Zhengtu, Qiaojin and his group walked for a long time, and finally came to a flood control dam.

"They all like to build bases under the dam?" Jokin murmured softly, thinking of Stryker.

Looking back at the three of them, Qiao Jin said solemnly: "This time, we will not have any backup. This is the first mission after our so-called team was established. If the effect is good, I will fix the form of the team." , Let’s get familiar with each other’s habits in battle. This is our common test paper.”

After Jokin finished speaking, he spoke softly to the Scarlet Witch with his thoughts: "Don't protect Isabel too much, and try to restrain your abilities as much as possible, and it won't be good if she becomes dependent on you."

After giving instructions, Qiao Jin nodded to the Winter Soldier, indicating that he could start.

The crowd was divided into two teams, Qiaojin and Zhengtu were in one group, Winter Soldier was in a group with Scarlet, and Isa was in a group.After everyone aligned their watches, they slowly touched them.

Five minutes later, Qiaojin and Zhengtu had walked into the drainage channel.

"Should it be this wall?" Qiaojin and Zhengtu continued to sneak in through the drainage channel. Before the countless cameras saw the figure, they were directly destroyed by the actions of Qiaojin and Zhengtu.

Zhengtu frowned, observed carefully, and moved a step to the right: "Here."

Qiao Jin grabbed Zhengtu's arm and took a deep breath. This was part of the plan, and it depended on his mutant ability.

With all his strength, Qiao Jin flickered on the spot with Zhengtu's figure for a second or two, and finally flickered away. Although they were only five meters away, the two had already entered the dark wall.

When they appeared, there was a dark passage in front of them, damp and cold.There were methodical footsteps in the distance.

Zhengtu walked forward on tiptoe, and the cameras along the way were all destroyed by Qiaojin's small movements.As a humanoid self-propelled scout, Jokin's role is not small, there is no way, Qin Gelei's ability is really easy to use.


Thank you for the reward of 588 starting point coins for my love system flow.Thanks to Wei Yao and EmptySpring for their tipping of 100 starting coins each.The monthly ticket is chasing fiercely, please ask the monthly ticket for support.


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