big fantasy

Chapter 174 The Great Winter Soldier

"Jojin, we have already captured the command room. As long as you insert the chip, you will be safe and sound." With a team of at least 10 people, the coefficient was knocked down by the Scarlet Witch, but it seemed that the Scarlet Witch was even more tired.

"In fact, this is not the case. Hydra's Zola algorithm has been calculated, and they are ready to fire. We do not have the authority to stop the Helicarrier, but we can change the target of their attack." Agent Hill pointed his finger at the computer The front crackled and knocked, and said to the headset.

"Yeah, um, got it." Just as the voice over there finished, Qiao Jin had already replaced the chip here.

"Received." Agent Hill's voice rang as soon as the chip was inserted. Obviously, on the remote computer screen, she had already seen the success of the plan.

In the remote control room of Hydra, several officers showed puzzled looks: "Where is the target?"

The Zola algorithm has been used on the computer screen just now, locking nearly a million people, and even the target has reached saturation, and it is about to fire, but why suddenly there are no targets?

Ding!Target locked!

The electronic voice sounded, but it was not the number of nearly one million, but... 3!

Three Helicarriers!

"Let's go, Isa." Jokin pulled up Isabel's mechanical arm, and as soon as the injector was released from the girl's feet, the two rushed into the sky.


Amidst the sound of explosions, a rather spectacular scene appeared. Three behemoths, the aircraft carrier, actually aimed their guns at each other, hitting each other one after another, forming an attack circle. In an instant, guns, missiles flew horizontally , Explosion sounded everywhere, thick smoke billowed, because the Helicarrier was so huge, it seemed like an earthquake, countless military planes on the carrier trembled crazily, and were shattered by the artillery fire.

The two of Qiaojin flew to the ground in the distance, looked at the astonished crowd, and ignored their whispers.

"That, is it a diamond?"

"Look at his two knives..."

"Death to all mutants!"

"Well, God, he's so handsome, who's next to him, eh? Why is he holding Iron Man, are they gay?"

Jokin put his arms around Isabel, and looked up at the fireworks blooming in the sky: "Little Isa, we have never been so romantic. Others set off fireworks, and we bombed the aircraft carrier."

"Hehe." Isabel couldn't help laughing, lifted her helmet, revealed a charming face, and gave Qiaojin a reproachful look.

"Hey, the captain is still up there!" Isabel suddenly thought of something, hurriedly put down her helmet, and scanned the organisms above with electronic equipment.

"Well, you go to rescue him and send the captain to the hospital. I'll meet another person." Qiao Jin squinted his eyes and looked at the three "islands" crumbling in the sky. It was so spectacular and tragic, How much does this cost?

"What are you going to do?" Isabel asked, frowning.

"I decided to form a squad, and I found a suitable vice-captain." Jokin shrugged with a smile.The next Captain America, being the vice-captain of his own team, shouldn't it be considered as burying talent?The sentinel robot has arrived, which means that all mutants are pork on the board, waiting to be slaughtered.Basically, from now on, everyone should not even think about having a good life, hiding?It's useless at all, they can lock the genes of the mutants, so they can only run around. Of course, Jokin's so-called "running" is to destroy the base of Hydra.

Now that your sentinel robot has been released, there is no doubt that news and clues are in front of everyone's eyes. If you follow the clues, you can definitely find the source of the sentinel. As long as you take one step at a time, Qiao Jin doesn't believe that you can't smash the sentinel plan.There is no Scarlet Witch in that world, but there is no self. We should try our best to build up advantages for ourselves before the Sentinel robot is not perfected.

"Then you can contact me later." Isabel confirmed again and again, for fear that Jokin would slip away from her hand again.

Qiao Jin smiled helplessly. He had too many previous convictions, which made the girl scared like this. He really failed.He smiled and said, "I will take the initiative to contact you. Hurry up, the captain is going to fall into the sea."

Isabel nodded, and rushed out, flying towards the captain who fell from a very high altitude.

As for Jokin, his eyes were tightly locked on the other side. The long-haired man who fell freely was clearly visible. I saw that the Winter Soldier's eyes had never left Captain America for a moment, and his expression was complicated to a certain extent.He seriously injured Captain America with his own hands, but the captain kept saying "I won't fight you, you will think of me".Coupled with his vague memory, the current Winter Soldier is no longer the Winter Soldier who was brainwashed by Hydra, but has become a man who has recovered a little bit of conscience, and has a great impact on his actions. Questioning warrior.

This is the moment Jokin was waiting for.Of course, Qiao Jin can be regarded as very "black", and he sold the captain directly.In exchange for the Winter Soldier's emotional restoration.

In mid-air, when the Winter Soldier watched Captain America rescued by a steel armor, even the Winter Soldier himself didn't notice it, and he was greatly relieved at this moment.

Even with that, he also plunged into the sea.

Qiao Jin walked towards the crowd. The group of people were still taking pictures with their mobile phones. They were amazed and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Although they all knew that Qiao Jin was a superhero, his reputation was very polarized. Some people said yes, while others said Bad, after all, what Qiao Jin did was both good and evil in their eyes.All of a sudden, a group of people hid a way...

When the Winter Soldier dragged his heavy body and climbed out of the sea with his mechanical arms, there was a person waiting for him in front of him.

Raising his head and gently shaking his wet long hair, the Winter Soldier saw the young man in front of him.A tall young man with a handsome appearance and a tall and straight figure.Although there was a gentle smile on his face, the lifeless eyes gave people a creepy feeling.

Jokin leaned over and held out a hand.

The Winter Soldier was stunned for a moment, and didn't accept Qiao Jin's kindness, he just struggled to get up, remained silent, and walked past Qiao Jin step by step.

"Where are you going? Looking for memories, I can help you." Qiao Jin didn't care about the attitude of the Winter Soldier towards him. Corporal Lixian should do it at this time. Which superhero doesn't have his own temper, let alone the guy in front of him is a A killing machine fresh out of Hydra, the next generation of Captain America.

The Winter Soldier trembled, stayed for a few seconds, and continued to walk, still ignoring Jokin.

"I know, your emotions are very complicated now." Qiao Jin didn't take it seriously, and continued to say, "Looking at that familiar and unfamiliar face can always bring back some vague memories. I can help you, and I can even help you. Tell me about some of the experiences you and Steve have had, to free you from Hydra's grip and let you find your true self."

In a word, the footsteps of the Winter Soldier stopped instantly, and his tall back trembled slightly. He turned his head, and under his fine bangs, there were those sharp eyes, and a small dagger was thrown out.

"Tsk tsk, you have a bad temper." Qiao Jin turned his head abruptly, dodging a dagger. In front of him, the Winter Soldier had already killed him.

Take a step back and turn sideways.Jokin grabbed the Winter Soldier's arm, arched his legs, and pressed his knee hard against the Winter Soldier's lower abdomen. He kicked the Winter Soldier back directly. The whole road was full of smoke and dust, and the already wet Winter Soldier's body Covered with dirt.

"Have you turned from shame to anger? It's not like you, Bucky. The process of finding yourself is not through anger and shame, but to face it bravely and face your true heart. If you kill me today, I bet you look My corpse, within two seconds, will die of guilt." Qiao Jin walked over, squatted down, and looked at the silent man.

Suddenly, the mechanical arm started suddenly, and under the support of the arm, the Winter Soldier jumped up sideways. At some point, a small dagger appeared in his right hand, aimed at Qiaojin's neck, and swiped horizontally.

Jokin's body was charged with electricity. Although the Winter Soldier's movements were still fast in his eyes, compared to the normal speed, Jokin was completely able to control the situation at this time.Leaning back slightly, the tip of the dagger was infinitely close to Jokin's throat, but it didn't really scratch Jojin's skin.

Jokin crossed his hands and clenched his fists, and with a sledgehammer movement, he directly smashed the Winter Soldier who jumped up sideways to the ground again.This operation, the show flies, and the slip is not good.

The Winter Soldier, who was slammed on the ground again, raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of horror, he couldn't imagine that such a swift and violent sneak attack had no effect.

"What do you want?" Finally, the man who had been silent all this time spoke up.But as if he didn't want to admit that he couldn't do it, he struggled to stand up and looked at Qiao Jin burningly.

"It's not important. The important thing is what you want to do." Qiao Jin said, suddenly remembering the scene of the White Queen's persuasion, smiled and shook his head, saying: "Now you are a person who has recovered a little memory, you Your conscience is slowly awakened, and you will embark on a journey to find your true self, but when you really find that everything Steve said is the truth, you will feel even more guilty, and maybe you will continue to numb yourself and spend your days in a muddle If you don’t dare to face all this, you may spend the rest of your life in decadence, or in constant killing.”

"I can shorten your process of searching for memories, I can help you find your real goal, I can even give you all the information about me, so that you can clearly know what kind of person I am, and I need your help, together Fight against Hydra." Jokin slowly stretched out his palm, "This is your goal too, isn't it?"

The two men looked at each other silently. After a long time, the Winter Soldier still didn't accept Qiao Jin's kindness. He just looked at Qiao Jin like a sculpture, motionless and without saying a word.

"I like women." Qiao Jin said a word without thinking, and finally made the sculpture respond.The eyelids moved slightly, but they didn't escape Qiao Jin's gaze.

"When Steve first came to this world after being comatose for 70 years, I lived with him for more than a month. I helped him integrate into society. I ate, slept, and napped with him.. ...Well, fitness, I explained to him everything that was new to him, and I also knew about his life 70 years ago, and I think I am a very good guide." Qiao Jin shrugged , turned around and left, "Come to me after you think about it."

Qiao Jingang took two steps and heard footsteps behind him. Qiao Jin didn't turn his head, but raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Although he didn't know that those words moved the Winter Soldier, it was a good start.


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