big fantasy

Chapter 172 Nick Fury & The Sentinel Raging

The whole journey was spent in the sound of detailed discussions. Seeing the slightly tired appearance of the Scarlet Witch, Qiao Jin also completely dispelled the idea of ​​letting her destroy three aircraft carriers by herself. Sometimes manpower is poor, and Qiao Jin repeatedly And San's told himself that the gap between imagination and reality, on the battlefield raging with war, anyone could die if he didn't pay attention.

The destination this time is a real S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain America and Black Widow didn’t believe in Hill at first. After all, they don’t trust any S.H.I.E.L.D. people now, and the person next to them may be Hydra , Senior Agent Hill is no exception.But with the "forced help" of the Scarlet Witch, the Scarlet Witch expressed her recognition of Hill's identity, which made the captain and the Black Widow relieve their vigilance.

As the plane landed, everyone came to a dense forest, which was exactly the same as Stryker's underground base. It was also a dam, and the last safe place of S.H.I.E.L.D. was hidden below.

As the crowd entered, they saw how busy the few staff members were. Compared with any small S.H.I.E.L.D. bureau, they were so bleak and desolate.

Here, no accident, everyone ran into Nick Fury lying on the hospital bed.Qiao Jin almost laughed out loud. It was very interesting to see this old poisonous person dying or living. The always shrewd, wise, and strategizing Mr. Chief has now become a frail old patient.

"You guys are here." Nick Fury's voice was weak, but it surprised Black Widow and Captain America, because they watched Nick Fury die with their own eyes.

"You don't seem to have a long memory. Didn't Wanda and I kidnap you once? You don't seem to have much experience." Qiaojin recalled the original plot, and the director may have been kidnapped again.

"Cough...cough..." Nick Fury coughed violently, and Captain America on the side gave Jokin an elbow in dissatisfaction, and Jokin let go of joking Nick Fury.

"The spine was injured, the sternum was broken, the collarbone was shattered, the liver was perforated, the lungs were ruptured, and the head hurt like hell..." Nick Fury obviously changed his strategy. It is very wise, after all, his current state and the current state of S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot support him to continue to be strong.

"How did you do that?" Captain America asked puzzled.

"Tetrodotoxin B can reduce the pulse rate to one beat per minute. Dr. Banner wanted to use it to relax, but it didn't seem to have any effect, so I used it."

"Why are you hiding it from me, even Natasha?" The captain's temper is getting worse now, and the more he knows, the more dissatisfied he is.

"In order to make people think that I was really killed. How can a dead person be killed again? So I can control the overall situation here." Nick Fury moved his head with difficulty, "In addition, I really don't know who to trust."

"I will." Jokin shrugged his shoulders, "Have you ever thought about it? A person who once opposed you."

"Yes." Nick Fury looked at Joaquin with his solitary eyes, and said slowly for a while, "Time has proved that what you said is correct, but if you give me another chance, I will still be there." Alcatraz surrounded you, and you were indeed a hidden danger to the world at that time, but who would have thought that you would save London and Athens, Europe and the world in the following days."

Nick Fury said, struggling to stand up.

Yo, can you stand up and take two steps without getting sick?I don't know why, these two lines came to Jokin's mind, but it was a bit too out of the way, Jokin held back and didn't speak. He didn't know what happened to him today, but seeing Nick Fury like this Son, it seems that I am very happy to say...

"We have to prevent the Helicarrier from taking off, we can accomplish this task, we have powerful helpers." Captain America said, looking at Scarlet Witch and Isabel.

"I have the most loyal comrade-in-arms." The captain glanced at Jokin again, but the word "loyalty" seemed a bit harsh, although it was true.

"I don't think the board of directors can answer my calls and listen to my instructions." Nick Fury paused for a moment, but as a man who can climb up to the position of director and control a group of superheroes, he definitely can't do without two brushes , avoided the topic of the captain very cryptically, and continued to say, "When the Helicarrier rises to an altitude of 3000 feet, the three Helicarriers will form a triangle with the Insight Satellite and enter the firing mode. We need to put the Replace the chip with our own."

Agent Hill on the side took out three chips, and then Nick Fury explained: "We have to replace the chips of the three helicarriers. Even if one is still firing, there will still be many people who will die."

"We have to assume the people up there are HYDRA people, and we need to break in, insert the chip, and maybe save our celestial mother..."

"Why do we need to rescue? We want to destroy the Helicarrier." Captain America directly interrupted Nick Fury, with a very firm voice, which made Nick Fury stunned for a while.

"Not only do we need to destroy the Helicarrier, but we also need to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D." Captain America punched the table, completely stunned Nick Fury.

"God, um, S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with this," Nick Fury argued.

"This is my mission, and I'm going to do it! S.H.I.E.L.D. has completely rebelled, and Hydra has grown and grown under your nose, but no one has noticed. How many people died in vain?" Captain America said firmly, "God Shield Bureau, Hydra, none of them can stay!"

"He's right." Agent Hill repaired Nick Fury.

The black widow nodded silently, and made another cut silently.

The Scarlet Witch raised her eyebrows, looking quite appreciative, and made another stab.

Isabel nodded her lips with one hand, thought for a long time, and looked at Qiaojin. As a result, the two of them were very understanding, smiling and nodded at the same time.Inflicted [-] points of damage to the single dog.

Although I don't know if Nick Fury is single, but it also caused him [-] points of damage. He looked at Captain America and said as if giving up: "It seems that you are the leader here now."

"So we'd better act quickly. No matter how hidden your base is, we are mutants. The sentinel robots have just arrived. If we stay in one place for a long time, they should be able to find our genes." Jokin once again Opening his mouth drew Nick Fury's angry eyes.

"So what do you think I'm doing? I already gave you news about the Sentinel Project. By the way, how is your investigation going?" Qiao Jin's heart moved, and he asked about his own race.

"They are Hydra's plan. Hydra took away S.H.I.E.L.D. under my nose. What do you think I can find?" Nick Fury snorted coldly...


At the same time, the White Queen looked at the host's broadcast on the news, which was full of scenes of sentinel robots slaughtering mutants that suddenly appeared in the street. The host called on humans not to panic, and the country had sent troops to calm the situation.

"Master, the plane is already on standby."

"Wait." The White Queen waved her hands, frowning and watching the TV news.

As the news continued to be broadcast, people, guided by the host's ingenious words, began to realize that they would not be in any danger, because all the robots slaughtered were mutants.

Such a point of view obviously makes human expressions extremely exciting.This group of robots that suddenly appeared killed mutants?This is what most human beings in this world desire, because Magneto’s brothers will make them miserable and live in dire straits. As long as you are a human being, you will be in danger all the time. Now this group of people watching The guy who looks fierce is actually the "Patron Saint" of human beings?Although you have destroyed the streets, and may even accidentally injure ordinary people, it doesn't matter anymore, as long as you can kill the group of crazy mutants, human accidental injuries and small property losses are all understandable!

And in this era of thought explosion, some people have obviously realized that something is wrong, but their words have never been successful. Under the pressure of unknown organizations, and the almost crazy people who have been oppressed by mutants Under the thought, their remarks did not stir up any waves.

"James, go and investigate. They finally appeared, and there must be a moment to return." The White Queen waved her hand, "For so long, this is the only valuable clue. Don't let me down."

Behind him, a tall man with long hair bowed his head and floated out of the room.

"It's impossible to just appear like this for no reason. What's the big plan of Hydra?" The White Queen murmured to herself. The arrival of the Sentinel is just a cover.Attracting people's attention, when the Helicarrier rises, the Sentinel robot, which has been constantly running in and has been tested, is the real chemical combination. Behind the killing like hemp, Hydra has begun to look forward to a Wonderful, whole new world.

And the northern suburbs of New York.

Professor X, the teaching suddenly stopped. In front of him was a group of students looking at each other. I don't know why the professor suddenly stopped teaching.This was the professor's first class, so what happened?

"Professor?" Phantom Cat was standing next to the blackboard. At this time, she was already a teaching assistant and could teach children some middle school courses.Of course, her level is there, but it is also because the school really lacks talents, too few teachers, Scott's death, Jean Gray's death, and Wolverine's departure all caused a shortage of talents.Although there is Beast Hank as a supplement, there is also a shortage of manpower.

The phantom cat at this time obviously saw something wrong with Professor X.

Yes, this is Professor X who died once. After being killed by Fenghuangqin, he used his special ability to break into the mind of a vegetative person and revived again.But not long after he came back to life, before he had time to talk to Magneto, he saw such a thing.

"The class is over." Professor X smiled, gestured to all the students, and turned to look at the phantom cat, "Notify all the teachers in the school to come to my office to gather."

"Okay, Professor." Phantom Cat nodded with some doubts, and hurried out.

When the classroom was empty, Professor X's eternally peaceful and calm expression slowly became dignified.

"Emma, ​​is this the 'Sentry Project' Jokin mentioned?" the professor murmured, lost in thought.

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