big fantasy

Chapter 170 The Nine-Headed Snake and the Winter Soldier (9 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

"Did you receive the gift I gave you?" Qiao Jin was sitting at an open-air dining table with a mobile phone and a peaked cap, holding a drink in one hand while talking on the phone.

"Got it, and you are still convincing yourself that you gave me such a treasure." On the other end of the phone, the White Queen was lazily sitting on the sofa, playing with the exquisite scepter in her hand. There are strands of energy flowing in the colorful light ball, nourishing the hearts of the people and at the same time captivating the hearts and souls.

"That thing is coveted, you know what I mean, whoever wants to get this scepter can easily kill us both." Qiao Jin said with a smile.

"Huh?" The White Queen shook the scepter in her hand, leaned it against the sofa, pressed the hands-free button, and stretched comfortably. For a moment, her delicate body exuded an amazing charm, but it was a pity No one is lucky enough to appreciate, "So, you gave me a ticking time bomb?"

"No, at least in recent years, it will not bring us disasters. What I mean is, take advantage of the present and try to improve your mutant ability. The higher the degree of compatibility with the Phoenix Force, the better. By the way, like Professor X That way, find a few more spare physical bodies, and if something unexpected happens, it will be considered as an extra guarantee."

"What kind of look do you like? Skin, hair color, height, figure... Tell me, I will go to Paris to find a few spare tires on the catwalk." The White Queen laughed "haha" and began to tease Jokin.

Qiaojin felt dizzy for a while, and hurriedly changed the subject: "The scepter and the blue crystal above it are just a form of carrying, and there is a gem inside, which is the real treasure. If you don't have the corresponding strength, you'd better Take it easy and don't break that shell."

"En, um." The White Queen listened to Qiao Jin's nagging with great interest, and for a moment, her heart was filled with happiness.At the beginning, when the two were on the sofa, Qiao Jin expressed his feelings to himself. He didn't care that the Phoenix Force flowed into his body.Although the White Queen believed it, she still had some doubts in her heart.But now, Qiao Jin has proved with facts that what he said is true, the two of them seem to have switched identities, and now it has become that he is doing his best to help himself grow and become stronger.He even gave himself such an inestimable treasure.

A "take it" is better than ten thousand "I will give it to you".

"I went to Europe recently, so be careful."

"Yeah." Jokin nodded subconsciously, then hung up the phone.As far as the eye can see, there is a bald man wearing glasses, who is constantly communicating with a congressman. The congressman Jokin looks familiar. He is obviously the guy who judged Iron Man in Iron Man. It seems that he is also a nine-year-old man. head snake.

Needless to say, Hydra is an organization that is too big for even national parliamentarians to survive and join them.As others have said, Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., these two organizations are like two sides of a coin.This sentence not only reflects the power of Hydra, which has the strength to compete with SHIELD, but also reflects that Hydra, like a tarsus maggot, has deeply penetrated into the strength of SHIELD.It's the same in the movie. A group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents don't know whether the friends around them are the enemy or their own. They can't tell the difference, so it's theirs.

After the bald-headed man with glasses had a conversation with the Senator, the Senator left first with a group of bodyguards.And at this time, the Scarlet Witch appeared, with the only remaining high-tech mask, the Scarlet Witch dressed as an ordinary woman, wearing a women's suit, walked up, and accidentally ran into a bald man with glasses.

"Sorry." Scarlet Witch smiled apologetically.Before the man with bald head and glasses could speak, he became sluggish... Forcibly treating himself as a normal person, he waved away his left and right subordinates, picked up the pen dropped by the Scarlet Witch, and quickly followed scarlet witch.

And all his subordinates looked at each other, what kind of rhythm is this?Since when did you become so polite?Is it spring, want a sister?However, orders from superiors and superiors must be obeyed, especially in a very strict organization like Hydra, so several subordinates did not dare to disobey orders, so they had to obediently return to the jeep and wait for the next order.

Jokin shook his head and smiled, threw a few dollars on the table, and walked over with a plastic cup.That's really an understatement. If you attack by force, Scarlet Witch's destructive strength can still catch this ordinary person.But it's not interesting to act secretly like this.

Arriving at the agreed place, which was the rooftop of a high-rise building nearby, Qiao Jingang came up, and saw the bald man with glasses obediently spit out the message like a puppet.

"The Zola algorithm is a program used to select targets." The bald man who belonged to Hydra was revealing all the news to everyone.

"What target?" Captain America asked, frowning.

Covered in a crimson mist, the bald man said without any hesitation, "For example, you, or Dr. Banner, the student at Empire State University, a kid who sells newspapers for a living, a member of Congress, and the Deputy Minister of Defense. , diamonds...there are too many, in short, whether it is now or in the future, anyone who threatens Hydra will become our target of attack."

"The future? How do you know that?" Captain America frowned and asked a little puzzled.

"The 21st century is a digital book. Dr. Zola taught Hydra how to read it. Bank records, medical records, voting patterns, emails, call information, all their actions and actions, assessing people's past, Figure out their future."

"And then?" Captain America asked anxiously.

"Then we will select all these people and fire them through the Helicarrier to eliminate these possible hidden dangers. There are probably a few million at a time, and after a few times, the whole world will become beautiful and peaceful."

Carrying a delicate suitcase, Isabel walked up to Jokin and gently took Jokin's arm. She didn't care who was on the long list, she only cared about one name she heard: Diamond.

"You seem to know a lot, so have you heard of the Sentinel Project?" Jokin patted Isabel's palm comfortingly and asked.

"No." The bald man thought for 2 seconds, then shook his head.

Jokin turned to look at Scarlet Witch, and got the same answer from the woman.It seems that this person is still not qualified, and the Sentinel Project is really good enough to hide.

With Jokin's consent, the Scarlet Witch removed her ability, and the bald man with glasses shook his head vigorously, and because he also regained consciousness, he was stunned for a while, "Damn, Zola will kill me too ..."

"The general clues have been cleared up. This matter is actually easy to handle. Scarlet Witch and I went directly to the Helicarriers of S.H.I.E.L.D. and destroyed those Helicarriers. The shit Zola is useless Already." Qiao Jin sorted out some clues, although he is not very familiar with this movie, but the clues are enough for now.

"But this is a temporary solution, not the root cause." Captain America thought about it carefully, and retorted.The Black Widow over there made a different suggestion: "But it can delay the crisis for a while. With their help, why can't we find all the hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Black Widow is well aware of the strength of the Scarlet Witch, it is too strong, too strong.

"This suggestion is very good, ma'am, are you willing to help us?" Captain America looked at Scarlet Witch.

The Scarlet Witch raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Jokin. This scene fell into the captain's eyes, which brought back memories of the captain.At the Japanese restaurant, he asked Isabel the same way, trying to ask the girl for help, but the girl also looked at Jokin in the same way and let Jokin make a decision.

Qiao Jingang wanted to answer, but the Scarlet Witch stopped Qiaojin with her hands, frowning tightly, and looked towards the sky.For such a powerful person as Hong Hong, with such a dignified expression, everyone also looked dignified. Looking into the distance, they saw several transport planes flying in the sky, and they reached the top of everyone's heads in a blink of an eye, even before reaching the target location. In time, the fire has already started!

These military planes didn't care about the city, or this luxurious building, and bombarded them with guns and ammunition.

The Scarlet Witch spread her hands, and a protective shield appeared in front of everyone. Under such dense artillery fire, even the Scarlet Witch had difficulty resisting it, while the guns and missiles frantically tore at the Scarlet Witch's protection. cover.

Everyone's expression changed, Isabel put down the exquisite suitcase in her hand, and stepped on it with both feet.This made Jokin a little stunned. This scene seems to have appeared in "Iron Man 2". Tony Stark made this type of portable armor.This Ivan Fankou is indeed Tony Stark's deadly enemy, and this model has also been made!

When going out, Qiao Jin asked Isabel why she was carrying a suitcase. The girl snorted and kept it hidden from her, but she didn't expect it to be a combat armor!

In fact, what Jokin didn't know was that Isabel was really embarrassed to say it, because the white queen gave her the armor. Although Isabel didn't want to wear it, she really needed it in order to fight side by side with Jokin. Convenient armor can not only improve your combat effectiveness, but also allow Jokin to protect himself without distraction on the battlefield.

This is also the reason why Isabel loves and hates the White Queen. She has received too many gifts, whether it is the White Queen who finds her a fighting teacher, or the White Queen who guides her in painting and helps her improve her mutant ability.Or give her a battle armor, and try my best to improve her strength.Because of the White Queen, Isabel is now able to stand beside Jokin, so Isabel's attitude towards the White Queen is really very complicated.

In a blink of an eye, Isabel's tall body was covered with exquisite battle armor, and the jets under her feet blazed and flew directly into the sky.

"Wow!" The Black Widow watched Isabel dodge deftly in the air, and flew out a winding route. She shattered the glass of the cockpit of the plane with a whip, and threw the two pilots out of the cockpit. In the cabin, Black Widow swallowed secretly, turned to look at Jokin, "I bet your daily life is not very good."

Jokin glared at the Black Widow angrily, and with the help of the Scarlet Witch's shield, the group found a suitable cover.No longer needing to protect everyone, the Scarlet Witch is like a fish in water, flying up, shuttles freely in the air, constantly trying to control the missile to change its flight trajectory, and return to blow up on the military plane.

But here, the roof door was kicked open, braving the hail of bullets, a male god-level figure strode over, and what appeared in front of everyone was that half-length messy hair and shiny mechanical arms, The lower half of the pure black mask, and the blade-like eyes.


Continue to ask for monthly tickets, I hope you will support me a lot.

Thanks to 1 colorful condom and 鵺尨慯 for the reward of 100 starting coins each.


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