big fantasy

Chapter 161 Epic War

"Damn it!" Diana's self-esteem was severely hit, yes, she was saved.Rescued by a man, rescued by this man who has been in competition with him, and this man doesn't seem to realize that he is on the verge of danger.

Aside from feeling ashamed, Diana felt a throbbing in her heart. She admired Qiao Jin for his bravery, was moved by Qiao Jin for saving her, and was surprised that Qiao Jin had such strength.All kinds of emotions came together in her mind.

The mantra lasso was thrown out, Diana directly used the lock as a whip, and whipped the white-haired Amazon flying: "Now is not the time for you to be complacent, do you know that you almost died just now?"

Qiao Jin was slightly taken aback. Just now, the Phoenix Force controlled the white-haired Amazon, but Diana didn't know.Qiao Jin joked with a smile: "You have a problem with your focus. As you can see, women are born to need protection."

The battlefield of endless slaughter came to a standstill like this, until Ares, who was nailed to the stone pillar with his shoulder pierced, pulled out his samurai sword fiercely, and then there was a violent roar on the battlefield.

"It's useless, as long as I'm on the battlefield of killing, I'm a god, and I want you to know the price of angering me!" Ares threw away the samurai sword fiercely, raised his hands, and his whole body was covered in golden yellow. The halo of energy, his body of more than two meters continued to swell, and he did not stop until he grew to two meters five. As he said, his ability seemed to absorb the spiritual emotions of people on the battlefield, or the soul?Jokin didn't know.

The endless killings continued, and the people in the human military were crying for their fathers and mothers when they were killed, chopping melons and vegetables.

"Call for support, ask for support." A soldier shouted into the communicator, but his head was chopped off the next moment.

A soldier opened fire crazily, while the body of the believer in front of him was as agile as a ghost, and then a series of cover such as bushes and big trees instantly tore the soldier's chest apart.

Such scenes are constantly being staged on this battlefield. Although the Greek official reacted a little slowly, they still made an offensive strategy to escalate the war and further improve the quality.

It's a pity that the fighter jets in the sky were constantly torn apart by the flying four-legged monsters, and they all died together.The tanks and armored vehicles on the ground were also destroyed with their sharp claws by this group of monsters that were not human.

"We can see a black monster with a length of 4 to 5 meters hovering over Athens in the distance. The news from the ground is that a large number of unknown forces have invaded Athens. We can't get close to give the audience the most... ah. ..Help..." The helicopter watching from a distance was directly destroyed by a black monster, hovered down, burst into flames, and exploded instantly.

For each death, the golden halo on Ares' body increased by one point. Ares kept laughing and rushed towards Jokin and Diana.


Countless flaming arrows seemed to shoot from the sky, spreading out in front of Diana and Jokin, and piercing deeply into the ground in front of them, and suddenly, there was a sea of ​​flames.

Ares came to a sudden stop as he was rushing forward, turned his head, stretched his eyesight, and looked into the distance shakingly, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "Hey! Bo! Lu! Intuit!"

Nearly a hundred ancient but well-made tall warships landed quickly, the wooden doors of the cabins opened, and suddenly, a group of people shouted for killing!One by one, women dressed in armor, holding round shields and sharp swords, rushed to this strange continent.

In the sky, there is a group of white horses with wings covering the sky, and each Pegasus has 3 or 4 Amazon women sitting on it. The battlefield begins to reverse in an instant, and the white Pegasus and the black monster are constantly fighting. Biting, in the sky, on land and sea, groups of Amazons rushed towards the battlefield step by step like a roaring tsunami, piercing the enemy's heart with each sword. Just like their values, they completely Different from the women in the outside world, these Amazons are naturally strong!A born competitor!A born conqueror!

Yes, they love peace, but there is a premise, that is, a century ago, after a tragic killing, they decided to welcome their own peaceful life.But now, a century of peaceful life has not erased the characteristics of fighting in their bones.That is the thought hidden deep in their blood, which cannot be eradicated. Yes, they really like this battlefield full of victories and losses, life and death.

As Artemis, the goddess of hunting, often said: If you can't live like an Amazon, at least you must die like an Amazon!

No one flinches, if you can't survive, then I will pull you to die together.Such a group of terrifying troops may be placed on any battlefield, and it will be the enemy's nightmare.However, their opponents were equally crazy.What they faced was also a group of believers who were not afraid of life and death.The killing on the battlefield became more intense, and the result was the crazy growth of Ares.

Standing in this epic ancient battlefield, Qiao Jin was slightly dazed.He thought he was mature enough, like a veteran, having experienced enough battles.However, at this moment, Qiao Jin felt that all the battles he had experienced were such petty fights.Yes, he has experienced the very difficult siege of Alcatraz, and he has also experienced the defense of New York with the Chitauri army, but in Jokin's view now, those are too low-level.

Jokin could feel the blood boiling in his body, the pungent smell of blood in the air made his body tremble like a stimulant, the piercing sound of the spear and the sharp sword clashing together, the collision of the battle ax and the solid shield The muffled sound together, like a giant hammer hitting his heart, made Qiaojin unable to calm down for a long time.

It was too gory, too violent.A roar accompanied by pieces of stumped limbs and pieces of flesh, as the feet stepped on the ground that was already stained red, in this lake filled with blood and corpses, every time he took a step, the splashed blood soaked the ground. People's leather leggings and golden battle armor were dyed with an incomparably beautiful pattern.

The giant black beast in the sky bites the neck of the white Pegasus firmly, but Amazon draws the bow and shoots arrows with a firm face, and shoots out the flaming arrows one by one, using the rain of fire to split them up. On the battlefield, he didn't care about his own life or death.Javelins are flying in the air, and sharp knives are criss-crossing in front of your eyes.

For a time, the horses with strong bows were full of blood and yellow sand.

Artemis shook her long hair tied into a ponytail, and she became a nightmare on the battlefield with two long swords.Vigorously wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, tilted his head and spit out a mouthful of blood foam, his eyes were fiery, facing the roaring and rushing believers, Artemis' body was tense, his feet were hard, his whole body was like a handle The thrusting javelin is generally straight and shot out rapidly.The roaring sound was drowned in this noisy battlefield, and all the clashing sounds of weapons, people's wailing, and the roaring after beheading merged and interwoven together, playing this shocking symphony.

Qiao Jin is completely drunk, not a derogatory term like a joke, but really fascinated by such a battlefield, no wonder, they love competition.No wonder they love war.When fierce enemies are trampled under their feet, when their haughty eyes lose their former splendor, the self-evident sense of satisfaction and the extremely satisfied desire to conquer can really make people feel happy. Going crazy, making people excited, making people unable to extricate themselves.

Are you strong?Let me tell you with the sharp sword in my hand, I am stronger than you!

Are you berserk?When my footsteps step on your body, you will know what real rage is!

Do you have unbreakable faith?Then let me pick up the sharp blade in my hand and tear your faith into pieces with my own hands!

Hippolyta, Her Royal Highness the Queen of the Amazons, met the traitor who was thrown out and fell aside at this time, the former prison guard of the Amazons.The Force of the Phoenix seemed to have lost interest in her, and was not drawn away with her... In fact, the Force of the Phoenix had already approached Ares, the God of War. more attractive.

The white-haired Amazon turned over and stood up. In just a few rounds, he killed 6 or 7 of his sisters. Finally, he was blocked by Hippolyta's long sword.

The two tall women looked at each other, and their movements stopped.A majestic voice floated out of Hippolyta's mouth: "Don't you think you haven't brought enough death and pain?"

"I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, I don't want to fall in love either." The white-haired Amazon bowed and rushed forward without fear.

The battle between the two of them is simply not too exciting, flexibility, strength, skill, and experience are vividly reflected at this moment. If Qiao Jin is on the side, I am afraid that he will stare at it carefully, and maybe he wants to record the video and go back to study it.

"Love? Amazon is a great warrior, you have abandoned your sister!" Hippolyta sent it out with a shoulder, but was turned around deftly by the white-haired Amazon, and the scene changed from an advantage to a disadvantage.

"No, when you abandoned humanity and isolated us from the world, you abandoned the Amazon."

In a word, Hippolyta was furious, and Her Royal Highness roared. After a frenzied fight, she was finally the one who came out on top, and pierced the heart of the white-haired Amazon with a sword without hesitation, killing decisively. , without sloppiness.

"I once gave you a peaceful and peaceful life!" Her Royal Highness looked at the white-haired Amazon, who was weak and knelt slowly, and looked down at the traitor in front of her. Hippolyta wanted to say something, but was kneeled down The traitor interrupted.

"However, we have been deprived of the right to form a family and reproduce." The white-haired Amazon knelt and looked up, with hot tears streaming from his eyes, "Yes, my queen, we Amazons are warriors, but we, Also... women..."

As he spoke, the white-haired Amazon fell limply to the ground, losing his breath of life.


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