big fantasy

Chapter 156 Elbow out of a piece of sky (1 monthly ticket plus update)

"Eh..." Qiao Jin rubbed his hair awkwardly, what should he say?Said that there will be no accidents?Qiao Jin himself didn't believe this. What happened in the treasure house was a bloody fact. The power of the phoenix played with him when he was happy, but when he was unhappy, he couldn't control it at all.

The guard inserted a greatsword into the groove.The two disappeared instantly and rushed into the space-time tunnel.

Sol held Jokin's shoulders as always, and flew with him, for fear that he would not adapt to the space-time tunnel.

But Qiao Jin was a little cautious in his heart, carefully brewed his words, and said: "When I was in contact with your father, I felt something was wrong, which was very different from before."

"Well, many things have happened in Asgard. The death of the queen mother has greatly touched the king father. Moreover, I have violated his will again and again, alas..." Thor shook his head helplessly. shook his head.

"It doesn't mean that, I mean, your father..." Jokin was interrupted by Saul before he finished speaking, "Stop talking, Jokin, thank you for your concern, I His father will slowly get rid of his grief, and he will become wise again."

"You don't understand what I mean. I think the one sitting on the throne just now is not the real Odin, but Loki pretending to be him." Jokin ignored Sol's question and answer, feeling that the oblique speech skills seemed to have a negative effect on Thor. It doesn't work, so I just cut to the chase.

Unexpectedly, such a sentence annoyed Thor: "Jokin! Pay attention to your words, you are disrespecting my father and king! Moreover, Loki's death is full of glory and glory, this is not something you can question !"

"Sol, I'm telling the truth..."

Boom, an elbow.

Sol directly gave Jokin an elbow, with an angry look on his face: "I don't want to hear this a second time, no one can question Rocky, let alone my father, no one can question Aspen The King of Gad, he is only temporarily in a state of grief, but it is not something you can question!"

Jokin was pushed out by Sol with an elbow, but the two of them were still in the Rainbow Bridge, and Jokin disappeared immediately.

"oops..." Thor's face froze, he was very embarrassed, and said an interjection from the earth in a very humane manner. Because of Thor's reckless behavior, Jokin didn't know where he fell. Fortunately, the two His Rainbow Bridge journey has already entered the earth, and even if Jokin falls, he will not fly to other planets, Sol is relieved.

Sol was still blaming himself for his overreaction, and the next moment he was standing in front of his girlfriend Jane's door.Jane happened to be eating. Through the window, Jane saw the beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge. She rushed out excitedly. Looking at Sol's mighty body, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Sol hugged his beloved woman, and began to exchange saliva with her. The longing and love went to Sol's mind, and he had temporarily forgotten Jokin.

And poor Jokin...

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Qiao Jin yelled softly, passing through the clouds and sprinting downward quickly.This is not an exciting journey like the last time. This time Jokin's mutant ability has not recovered, and he can't blink at all!

This time it's not a joke, but it's really "exciting"!

"Sol, fuck your uncle!" Qiao Jin wanted to cry, facing the ocean below, and suddenly felt that there is no unparalleled road, but he didn't know if his body could withstand such a high altitude. Fall into the sea.

It is said that the power of the phoenix can teleport anywhere, even in time and space, but this is the movie world, the power of the phoenix has been weakened too much.What's more, with Qiao Jin's level of manipulating the power of the phoenix, it's useless at all, he can't even fly, and he still teleports...

What Jokin didn't know was that on the calm sea below, there stood a small island where he could not see it with the naked eye.

A woman with a beautiful face was facing a mirror, and was watching Qiao Jin's rapid fall through the mirror. After hesitating for a long time, her slender fingers touched the mirror lightly, and the mirror was like the surface of a lake. ripple.

But Qiao Jin suddenly discovered that a small island appeared in the sea below, and he was shocked.Nima, what rhythm is this?At least I still have hope of surviving when I fall into the sea, but if I fall on land......

"Phoenix, I'm really going to be thrown to death. I don't want teleportation, I don't want to travel through time and space, can't I even fly?" Qiao Jin roared, and strands of energy enveloped his body, quickly slowing down the speed of descent .

After a while, there was a splash, a huge wave rose, and Qiaojin plunged into the lake on the small island. Although the lake was extremely deep, Qiaojin plunged into the bottom of the lake. Despite the buffer of the water, Qiaojin Still being thrown hard.

At the same time, a group of naked women playing in the lake were stunned...

Qiao Jin, who was sore all over his body, only survived the disaster by relying on his tough body beyond ordinary people and the blessing of the power of the phoenix. Using both hands and feet, he tried his best to swim upward. If it was an ordinary human being, he would not be photographed by the water It's not bad to be broken, not to mention that Qiao Jin didn't faint from the water surface.

Qiaojin tried his best to go upstream for a long time, and finally there was sunlight. When he saw some light, a figure suddenly swam down from the water. In the clear water of the lake, Qiaojin saw that amazingly beautiful face. It was a woman with a firm gaze. , a woman with strong limbs and exuding infinite charm all over her body.Her orange hair fluttered in the lake water, like a goddess, she stretched out her hand to herself.

Facing the kindness conveyed by the other party, Qiao Jin reached out and grabbed her outstretched palm, but unexpectedly, the woman had great strength, and after swimming with him for a while, she threw herself on it abruptly.

The resistance in the water is not small, but Qiaojin was thrown away, rushed out of the lake, and fell headlong on the bank, spitting water in his mouth, and there was a slight discussion sound in his ears, but Qiaojin I don't have time to listen to such gossip anymore.

"Uh...uh..." Jokin shook his dazed head hard, trying to wake himself up.

As the eyes regain focus, in front of them is a mountain forest full of vitality, the sky is high and the clouds are wide, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.The setting sun exudes the final aftertaste, bringing a few beautiful fire clouds. Under the sunlight of sunset, this land looks more quiet and beautiful.

"Huh..." He took a deep breath, and the tip of his nose was filled with fresh air.Such a peaceful land, compared with the steel jungle I am in, is indeed refreshing.

"Heh..." Qiaojin was wet all over, looked around, and saw a group of women, all of them were sweet, but they were all tall, mighty and majestic, wearing very classical robes, bowing their heads and looking down. He looked at himself carefully, what kind of eyes are these?Why do I feel like they are visiting in a zoo?Do you consider yourself a rare creature?

"Who are you?" Qiao Jin was still at a loss when he suddenly heard a beautiful voice.Looking around, it was a woman with long black and thick hair, tied behind her back with a white rope, her handsome face was full of curiosity, her limbs were fit and slender, her figure was hot and attractive, tall and plump. Her chest, slender legs, and healthy wheat-colored skin made the girl very attractive, and her heroic appearance made Qiao Jin, who was used to seeing beautiful women, slightly distracted.

Slowly, Qiao Jin calmed down his complicated mood.The stiff face also softened, and he stood up, and suddenly found that this woman was as tall as Isabel, about six feet one inch.

"Are you, a human male from the outside world?" Qiao Jin was dumbfounded when the woman said a word.What is an "outside human male"?

"Where is this place? Is it the earth?" Qiaojin wiped his face, wiped off the water droplets on his face, and shook his head vigorously.

"This is Paradise Island. What is the purpose of your coming here?" Seeing Qiao Jin's stupid silence, the woman suddenly found it very interesting, and looked up and down Qiao Jin with curious eyes, as if she saw some new species .Are all the men in the legend so stupid and dumb?

"I...Damn it." Qiaojin stood up helplessly, and wanted to tell Sol something, but he didn't expect that he would be a disservice. Although Sol learned fraternity, he was still a little reckless. It is something deeply hidden in Sol's bones, and it is very difficult to change it.

The woman looked at the silly Qiao Jin with great interest, and said, "Although I am happy to help you, if you don't tell me your real name and the purpose of coming here, you will suffer a lot!"

The woman's eyes gradually became sharp, like blades, and Qiao Jin was slightly taken aback.It's been a long time since I've lived, and I've met all kinds of people, but I've never seen a woman with such eyes. Judging from the aura she exudes, it seems like a warrior?

Taking a closer look at this heroic and unique woman, and recalling what the woman said about the paradise island and "human males from the outside world", Qiao Jin's heart moved, and he asked tentatively: "Excuse me, what is your name?" what name?"

The woman was slightly taken aback, and said softly: "Diana, now it's your turn, outsider, tell me your name and the purpose of coming here!"

"My Royal Highness, you seem to be too friendly to him." A figure rushed out of the lake. It was the woman who threw Qiaojin up just now. While arranging her wet long hair, she walked in front of Qiaojin. , lowered his head, his eyes were full of disdain, and sneered, "Hmph, man."

The man from the outside world, Paradise Island, Her Royal Highness, Diana...

After hearing such feedback from women, we can integrate this series of information.Qiao Jin's heart was broken at this time.


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