big fantasy

Chapter 154 Phoenix Riot in the Treasure Vault

"Father, I can't be a king. I will try my best to defend the nine kingdoms all my life, but sitting on the throne, I can't do it. Although Loki has some shortcomings, he knows some truths that I will never learn. It is the cruelty and sacrifice that the throne brings. That will change a person in essence, and I would rather be a good person than a wise man."

"Is this my son's wish, or the wish of the woman he loves?" Odin was slightly moved, but he hid it well, and asked slowly.

"I never felt that your mother influenced your decision." Thor obviously grew up, and gave Odin a small compliment, "It's not for Jane, she doesn't know what I will do, forbid me to see her, or agree with her It will be useless to rule this country with me."

Odin slowly sat on the throne, silent for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "One son is too eager for the throne, but the other one abandons it like a shoe. Is this my inheritance..."

"Loki's death is accompanied by glory. I should use my whole life to follow in his footsteps. Isn't that enough?" Thor said, and in a word, Odin's eyes were directly aimed at Sol.

As Thor spoke, he picked up Thor's Hammer and raised it up. That move seemed to make Odin take back Thor's Hammer.It's a pity that this "Odin" can't even hold it...

"Only you can be worthy of it." Odin waved his hand, avoiding this small crisis cryptically.

At the same time, Jokin walked in, led by Ax Warrior and Ms. Schiff.

"My king, we did not find the corpses of the dark elves, only their spaceships, and this Jokin who once helped us protect our homeland." Schiff stepped forward and bowed half-kneeling.

"Midgard, have you ever met the leader of the dark elves?" Odin asked.

"Yes, I killed it with a knife, but was knocked down by the energy he released, and fell into a coma for a long time. Finally, I met two soldiers who came to pick me up. I didn't see his body." Qiao Jin explained, anyway, it was dark The elf is so fierce, it's not incomprehensible to knock himself out.

Odin stared at Jokin calmly, without saying a word, and remained silent for a long time, while Jokin looked calmly, staring at each other with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You saved the world with your courage and strength. You are a true warrior." Odin spoke slowly, speaking words that fit his identity.

"In fact, I want to say, can I get some rewards from you?" Jokin smiled, but this sentence surprised Sol and the others.

"Jokin?" Sol frowned and said, not knowing whether it was because of doubts, or because he wanted to stop him.

"The mutants on our earth can also feel a lot of things. For example, your treasure house in Asgard." Jokin nodded his temple and said with a smile, "You didn't take back the hammer, in fact, it was a reward for the hammer. I gave it to Thor, and I also want to have a good treasure. Of course, it doesn’t matter if Bisol’s hammer is low-level, as long as it has the strength to protect the earth. You see, I have proved that I am wholeheartedly protecting the earth and The remaining eight countries."

Odin on the throne showed a "loving" smile, looked at Jokin, and beckoned him to continue.Of course, in Qiao Jin's eyes, this kind of smile is a "interesting" smile.

"As you can see, I am the princess who saved you, Sol's woman." Jokin said a word, and Sol stopped talking.

Jokin turned his head to look at Schiff and the ax warrior again: "After Thor was in a coma, I cut down the leader of the dark elves and wiped them out so that they would never appear in this world again. Eliminated hidden dangers for the Nine Kingdoms .”

After these words, Schiff and Ax Warrior also stopped, and there was not much conflict in their eyes.

"Objectively speaking, I helped Sol to recover the ether particles described by the scientist Jane. According to her, it is a very remarkable thing. This is a great contribution. Isn't such a warrior worth a Treasure?" Jokin shrugged and turned to look at Odin.

Although Jokin was very shameless and insisted that he was responsible for recovering the ether particles, the Asgardians would never be petty. Even if Jokin had a little effect on the battle, they would [-]% approve of Jokin.It really makes sense to kill the leader of the dark elves and completely eliminate this great demon king. Although the leader and the ether have been separated at that time, the dark elves know the principle of ether particles well. If they are not completely dead, who knows when they will be able to Resurrected.

"When I came to Asgard last time, I helped you guard Asgard. Facing the invasion of the frost giants, I think you have seen what I have done." Jokin said slowly, "I I think Sol knows me better. Although there are some misunderstandings, Sol knows my heart. I will spend my whole life defending my country and the peace of the earth. I am a good person and a hard-working person. defender."

"You are right. You cannot be treated differently just because you are not from your own country. In the face of this once-in-5000-year crisis, you saved the nine kingdoms, you beheaded the dark elves, and you also helped us recover You are worthy of my reward." Odin slowly stood up, "Since I gave Sol's Mjolnir just now, I also want to There are appropriate rewards for you, and I thank you for your help for the creatures of the Nine Kingdoms."

Qiao Jin was not happy that the plot had succeeded, but was a little dignified. What the hell is Loki doing, so persuasive?Can you solve it in a few words?

Odin remained expressionless, waved back and forth, and brought Jokin to the underground treasure house alone.

Here, Jokin was really dazzled by all kinds of artifacts, although the eternal fire looked like an ordinary burning brazier, although the monument of life looked like an ordinary stone. .....

"The Ice Box, I think, is worthy of everything you have done for the nine kingdoms." Odin pointed to the artifact placed in front of him, and said slowly, "Loki once stole it , After being taken into custody by us, it also came back here. Now, I give you this lost and recovered treasure, along with the glory of Loki's death, let it lead you, continue to dedicate your strength to your country, and defend Midgar Very peaceful."

Jokin was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood Loki's "prank". This box of ice is the treasure of the Frost Giants. When Odin was awake, the Frost Giants dared to invade Asgard to take it. Bring it back to the earth by yourself, and then Loki will spread the news, then the earth will be in great trouble.

What's more, I don't know anything about magic and magic power, and I don't even have a suitable blood. If I pick up the box of ice rashly, will I be frozen into ice cubes?Given Loki's bad taste, coupled with his hostility towards himself, these are all very possible.

Jokin slowly revealed his ambition. One cannot feel frustrated when one fails. He didn’t get the ether particles this time. Next time he would take this opportunity to find the collector in “Guardians of the Galaxy”. Qiao Jin, who is familiar with the plot, knows that the ether particles were sent to an alien collector for preservation in the end.

"Father of the gods, you know, I am a warrior, not a magician. I...I..." Before he could finish speaking halfway, Jokin suddenly looked shocked, and his whole body was radiant. There was a surge of energy that even Jokin couldn't control.

Facing Qiaojin who suddenly ran away, Odin's expression changed. Feeling the violent power on Qiaojin, he was secretly surprised. This human reptile actually has such power?This feeling......

And the power of the phoenix in Qiao Jin's body, facing so many treasures and so much energy, screamed wildly, and waves of power surged out, floating in the entire treasure house... .

"You are... playing with me..." Qiao Jin widened his eyes, watching the power of the phoenix sweeping the audience, especially in front of him, he felt that the power of the phoenix had covered the entire audience. After stepping out of the Ice Box, I felt a burst of biting cold, like a bucket of ice water poured down from the top of my head, reverberating in my body.

Odin watched as Jojin's body slowly floated up, struggling constantly, waving his limbs wildly.Odin's expression also changed from astonishment to interest, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, looking at Jokin who was shrouded in the bone-piercing cold in mid-air.

"Father of the gods."

"Father of the gods." The soldiers guarding the treasury felt strange, and hastily opened the door and ran in. When they saw Jokin in the air, they were shocked. They could clearly feel such a huge space at such a close distance. The energy, and the faint light emanating from the ice box in the distance.

Odin raised a hand, stopped the movement and words of the two soldiers, and just silently looked at Jokin who was struggling in pain. result?Odin can feel that Jokin's body has been charged with frost energy, and maybe it won't be long before Jokin's body will be completely exploded and shattered.The ignorant reptile dared to covet the treasure of Asgard without looking at how much it was.

"Father!" With a loud roar, Thor ran in wearing a red cloak and holding Thor's hammer. When he saw Jokin's condition, he was shocked. He knew a little about why S.H.I.E.L.D. Jokin?Not only because of Qiao Jin's special ability to devour mutants, but also because Qiao Jin absorbed the phoenix at the beginning, and the phoenix was irrational and eager for all energy. He did not expect to compete with the box of ice this time.


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