big fantasy

Chapter 145 The scepter is in hand

"So, we need to go to the Atlantic Ocean now?" Jokin looked at the White Queen and frowned.

"Well, the scepter is on an aircraft carrier. What do you want to do?" The White Queen seemed to be interested in listening to Jokin's opinion to see what he could do in such a chaotic mood.

"Crimson and I go directly. The other party is an aircraft carrier. The cost of a strong attack is too high. Let's sneak attack. Wanda and I should be enough." Qiao Jin thought for a while, and still believed in the strength of the Scarlet Witch. It's an aircraft carrier with a lot of troops, but it should be regarded as a more reliable plan for our own side to touch in silently.

"Well, it's still a little dangerous. How about this? I'll send you a team to pull the firepower. By the way, I'll move my hands and feet. I haven't played for a long time." The White Queen pondered for a while, and said slowly, she did not stop For Qiao Jin's visit, she has always known Qiao Jin's character too well, and Qiao Jin would never let others do things like this that are considered very important in Qiao Jin's heart.

"We tied up Nick Fury. If there is no accident, someone already knows that their chief is dead, and we don't want to hurt Nick Fury. If we wait like this..."

"Don't worry, the Red Devil has received the news and will give us a ride."


When the Red Devil brought the Scarlet Witch, Jokin, and the White Queen to a remote underground factory in Manhattan, passing through the heavy guards, Jokin had already seen a team gathering, and it was not an ordinary squad of soldiers, but It's the "Sangbian" Legion!

"This Ivan Fan mouth, is it okay?" Qiao Jin remembered this villain that he had almost forgotten. At the beginning, for mutual benefit, he gave Ivan Fan mouth to Hellfire. Now it seems that he is also the beneficiary party. , and, if the future really can't stop the sentinel robots from coming, then the Whiplash Legion is definitely their powerful helper!

"Just this team. It's convenient to fly, hide your identity, and at the same time protect your safety. After all, you are an ordinary person now, and you are also an ordinary person with unstable emotions." The White Queen is straightforward this time, and directly ordered Command, the cold and majestic voice cannot be doubted by anyone.

Looking at the well-equipped, black and cool mourning whip robots, Qiao Jin raised his eyebrows.This team is not a true whip armor. Obviously, they used the whip as a prototype to create other models.

"Master!" Seeing the arrival of the White Queen, Ivan Fan nodded respectfully at the woman.This behavior made Qiao Jin slightly surprised. Is this guy still under mind control?The White Queen didn't use tricks to make him stay in Hellfire willingly?This is a hidden danger that needs to be resolved in advance.

Without delay, Qiao Jin and his party flew directly to the Atlantic Ocean by manipulating the Sangyan combat armor.In fact, the Scarlet Witch is not interested in the mechanical armor, and only put on this armor when Qiaojin was talking about it. After all, it can have both the effect of speed and concealing identity. Although such concealing identity is full of loopholes, It is not difficult for Nick Fury to speculate that this is what the two did. After all, he was kidnapped this morning, and then the S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier was immediately invaded.But then again, it's better than a barebones robbery.It is obviously something that is well known, but there is a wall in the middle, so there is always room for maneuver.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Qiao Jin really can't wait anymore, it's not that he can't hold back, and if he drags on, his brain is about to explode!Although he speaks calmly and his thoughts seem to be clear, in fact, only he himself knows his pain!

At this moment, the three of them were followed by seventeen battle armors of the same model. These were soldiers trained by Hellfire to specialize in manipulating battle armor.A group of 20 people galloped at high speed in the sky.

"This Ivan Fankou is really talented. It seems that I thought well just now. If I really fight against the Sentinels in the future, the armor of this mourning whip model will definitely be the X factor!" Qiao Jin slowly mastered the controls, driving Wearing X1228 model armor, flying in the sky.

This type of armor is the most "small" among the Zangbian models. If Zangbian can be compared to a "tank", then this newly developed X1228 model armor can be compared to a "Maserati".The whole body is pitch black. Although the color is single, it is really cool with the beautiful shape and exquisite material.This model sacrifices some combat output equipment, but increases flexibility and agility.Of course, the White Queen chose this type of armor for everyone, mainly because it is fast enough!The maximum speed can reach the supersonic speed of Mach [-].Although it is still a lot worse than Iron Man's suit, Ivan is still making progress, isn't he?

"They are still sailing in the Atlantic Ocean, and the scepter is on the aircraft carrier. Are you sure it can help you resist the energy in your mind?" Scarlet Witch was still a little worried, and suggested, "I can try again, maybe it can Soothe that emotion, channel that energy out."

"Get the scepter first." Jokin shrugged. There are too few descriptions of the scepter in the movie. When Loki uses it, in addition to using physical magic attacks, it is to modify other people's minds. Become your own puppet.

In Qiaojin's heart, he yearned infinitely for the soul gem. After all, according to legend, it can strengthen the human mind and increase the energy of the human soul.I don't know what kind of power the weakened gems in the movie will show.

It would be nice if I traveled a little later, but I don't know what kind of role the scepter played in "Reunion 2".I just heard rumors that the gem created Ultron and Vision.

After a long flight, everyone finally locked on the target.

"I think we've been discovered." Jokin said, slowly slowing down. In the dark night, the aircraft carrier in the distance was lying on the sea like a huge sea monster.Far from the lights of the city, under such a night sky, the stars are shining brightly, which is very charming.

Huge sirens lingered under the night sky, the White Queen made a gesture, and a dozen "Maseratis" behind them began to execute according to the plan made on the road, scattered and rushed up, and in just a dozen seconds, this The huge aircraft carrier has been ignited by the flames of war.Compared with the harassment of more than a dozen battle armors, Qiao Jin, Scarlet, and White Queen directly went deep alone.

The two didn't have much interest in ordinary people, so they didn't cause too much killing.In a blink of an eye, according to the White Queen's continuous probing memory, the two descended to the second floor of the aircraft carrier.

"Every time I think of you wearing the whip armor, I always feel a sense of disobedience." Qiaojin said while trying to distract himself, trying to relieve the pressure in his mind.With a spray of the pusher in his hand and under his feet, he directly hit a heavily armed soldier, and hit the wall against the soldier's body. In an instant, the soldier was knocked unconscious.

"Ordinary people don't have great strength, so they can only make up for it with technology. I never feel the need to use technology to make up for the gap in my strength." There was a crackling sound behind Scarlet Witch, and countless gun bullets hit her body, wiping out There were countless sparks.But she stood there leisurely, with a fainted soldier under her feet.

Qiao Jin grabbed his left hand, and an electric whip was thrown out from his arm in an instant, sweeping past several soldiers not far away.Looking at the howling soldiers, Qiao Jin withdrew his whip and flew to the side of the White Queen: "How is it?"

"This is the value of my coming here, to help you complete your goals faster and out of danger. Come with me." Under the armor, the White Queen smiled and flew out directly. Obviously, she passed the memory of the soldiers. Probe, and found the exact location of the scepter!

After several turns and eight turns, several lines of defense were broken through. The crowd drove a total of three "Maseratis", two black and one white, and finally stood in front of a red gate.


"En." The White Queen nodded affirmatively, and under the link of the nervous system, the head of the battle armor also nodded slightly.

"Let's see what's interesting inside." Two whips were thrown out, and they slammed hard on the red steel gate. Looking at the two deep marks, Qiaojin sprayed the jet under his feet, and his shoulders slammed He slammed into those two "X" shaped marks.

Plop... No matter how you came here, you can go back. Qiao Jin was directly sent flying, and there was a loud noise from the door.

"Damn it." Shaking his shattered head, there was a mechanical sound from Qiaojin's shoulder, revealing several miniature bombs, aiming at the gate and blasting past.


After the smoke cleared, the gate remained intact.

Jokin: "..."

The Scarlet Witch shook her head with a smile, looked at the door, clicked, clicked, and after a few sounds, the door opened by itself.

Qiao Jin was even more speechless, and Hong Hong grabbed Qiao Jin, and the three of them walked in. Inside, there were countless heavily armed soldiers.And Qiao Jin's eyes were locked on the scepter surrounded by several scientists in white coats on the high platform in the distance!

"Let's do it lightly." Several bombs were suddenly fired from Jokin's armored left arm.A group of soldiers who were on the verge of an enemy opened fire crazily, but to their surprise, the lethality of these miniature bombs was not strong. Instead, a lot of smoke appeared in the room.

With the sight lowered sharply, the agents could only hear the screams of one soldier after another.With the help of the machine, Qiaojin and his group clearly saw everything on the field, grabbed the scepter, and the three of them flew away!

"Sir, two armors have been destroyed, and three armors have lost their ability to fly. The enemy has dispatched fighter jets and has already started a counterattack." A soldier's voice came from the White Queen's helmet.

The White Queen's eyes were cold, and she said in a cold voice: "The first team covers our retreat, and the second team tries to destroy the enemy as much as possible. Those who can't leave will start the self-destruction process."

In this way, an aircraft carrier with such a powerful armament and defense system was played and applauded by everyone, and the scepter emitting ice blue light fell into Qiaojin's hands!

Qiao Jin held the scepter in his hand and lightly swung a flower. On it, a crystal clear blue gem was emitting a faint light.There was also a faint light in his eyes.


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