big fantasy

Chapter 113 Top of Snow Mountain

One moment, Jokin was still in Queens, and the people around him were still motionless, and the next moment, Jokin had searched all the hospitals.

I don't know how long this state lasted. The street scenes on both sides receded crazily. Jokin had already run all over the hospitals in New York and began to run to other cities.

Slowly, Qiao Jin's fast-moving body slowed down, and the only trace of reason in his mind told him that that person would not be so stupid as to go to the hospital for treatment.And I, if I go on like this, I will really collapse.As the body gradually stopped, Qiaojin's legs trembled slightly, he supported his knees, and panted with his head bowed.

"Come out a little? Come back, get your knives, come to Hellfire. If you really want revenge, then pick yourself up and do what you should do. Don't forget, your mother is watching in heaven Looking at you." The White Queen's voice suddenly sounded, with a rare trace of tenderness.

Qiao Jin squatted down in silence, trying to think about the scene at home in his mind.

"I can, I can definitely do it, as long as I work hard enough, I will definitely be able to do it." Qiaojin resisted his trembling legs, walked slowly, picked up two samurai swords, and disappeared again.

"What's the matter, did you find that quick man?" Qiao Jin returned to this familiar place, this, the place where the two of them clarified their relationship.

"We have to change the plan now. I will withdraw the deadpool's employment mission. Now, go find the ninja master." The White Queen was wearing a home dress, with one hand stretched out flat, the other hand hooked on the instep, alone Standing firmly on the spot with such strange movements, it seems that you are doing yoga, "Your ability is too easy and too fast. Your heart is extremely inconsistent with your physical ability. If you continue like this , very bad for you."

"I don't want to find some ninja master." Qiao Jin shook his head, and in his heart, he had an extreme desire for the speedy man in the yellow uniform.

"Anger will make you burst out with amazing energy, and it will also confuse your brain. Believe me, when you come back, you will definitely get his message." The White Queen stared ahead, still sitting with strange movements, without Look at Jokin.

Qiao Jin stood silently, not saying a word.

"Don't do anything irresponsible, whether it's towards you or your mother." The White Queen finally turned her head, put down her strange yoga movements, and looked directly at Joaquin, "Every mutant He has special abilities and has his own strengths. When you really figure out his details, you will find that he is not scary."

"But now you have to use the ability you just acquired, without the ability to train well, to challenge a person who has achieved the ultimate in speed, and use your short board to attack other people's long board. It is really unwise." The White Queen held a towel, wiped off her sweat, and spoke word by word.

Qiao Jin said in a low voice: "If you are really in my head, you should understand my mood at this time, he is seriously injured now, this is my chance!"

"It's because I was there that I can feel your pain and sorrow." The White Queen put down the towel in her hand, stepped forward, and gently rubbed Qiao Jin's hair, her cold voice gradually slowed down, "Let I'll help you, okay? As always, trust me."

"Go, get rid of your mutant ability, survive under the knife of the ninja master, and even defeat him, I promise, when you come back, I will get the news you want." Feeling Qiao Jin dodging Movement, the White Queen's hand froze in the air, paused for a few seconds, and continued, "He won't appear, at least not for now, we can't act rashly, if we don't know his detailed information, and don't have a detailed plan, then Let him escape, and your path to revenge will be even more difficult."

The White Queen turned her head, picked up the mobile phone at the side, and threw it to Jokin: "Talk to the professor and Isabel."

Seeing that Qiao Jin was still somewhat resistant, the White Queen's voice was sullen: "Don't let anger confuse your brain, and take a long-term view! You know very well that what you need now is not revenge, but revenge on you. Your spirit is not disturbed, before your heart is not torn, try to grow!"

How can one grow without using one's mutant abilities?

The White Queen understood Qiao Jin's expression, and said slowly: "I never hurt you, Qiao Jin. I hope you choose to trust me. If you can survive, you will thank me. It is a pity that , You can’t do anything now, even the camera can’t capture the whereabouts of this speedy man, and the officials can’t grasp his whereabouts either. Please let me help you, if I get any news about him, I will notify you as soon as possible.”


Huh, under the red mist, Qiao Jin landed at the foot of the snow-covered mountain with two knives in his hands. In front of him was a towering mountain surrounded by deep snow-capped forests.

"Boy, you have made her think hard. I am looking forward to your future appearance." The red devil Asazuo smiled evilly, which made the heroic scarred face look even more evil.

"Where is this place?"

"Pakistan, Nanga Parbat. More than 8000 meters, enough for you to climb for a while."

Qiao Jin raised his head and looked around. His vision was very good, but he couldn't see the end of this snow mountain, which seemed to be connected to the sky.

Asazuo smiled gloatingly, and disappeared under the mist.

Qiao Jin also bowed his feet, just about to use his ability, but suddenly remembered the agreement with the White Queen, and his arched legs straightened up again.

"My heart is extremely inconsistent with my ability, ha ha." Qiao Jin murmured silently, recalling the words of the White Queen, "Then, I choose to believe you. Remember our agreement, if you have news of him, Tell me right away."

Wrapped in a thin windbreaker, he quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. The biting cold wind blew on his face like a knife, and the soft snow also slowed down Qiaojin's progress.

From a bird's-eye view, in the vast white and snowy world, there is only one small dot moving silently.

This climb lasted for two full days.It is said that he does not need ability, but the strong body and sharp nerves given by the saber-toothed tiger are passive. Compared with ordinary people climbing mountains, Qiao Jin's speed is fast enough. Except for the necessary rest time, he has almost no stagnation. It's been climbing upwards.

This night, the sky was getting late, but the moon was nowhere to be seen. Under the heavy snow, in the snow-capped mountains far away from the lights of the city, it was dark.

Several wolves howled around the snow-capped mountains, with strong penetrating power.Qiaojin sniffled, turned his head, and looked forward to the left. A few giant snow-white wolves were looking at him not far away. Their snow-white bodies were constantly twisting back and forth, as if deciding whether to eat the humans in front of them. .

It's a pity that what they met was not a real human being. When Qiao Jin released the breath of a beast and stared at the small group of snow wolves intently, they whimpered and fled in all directions.

After climbing for an unknown amount of time, Qiaojin finally saw a ray of light. After climbing quickly, Qiaojin saw an extremely huge castle. In this very oriental building, there seemed to be no modern electrical appliances or lighting tools. Just torches and oil lamps.

Carrying two samurai swords, Jokin walked slowly into the castle without any intention of hiding.


Countless men in black suddenly appeared on the originally silent city wall, dressed like Japanese ninjas, each with their faces covered, tight clothes, and holding samurai swords or bows and arrows.

Gently shaking the samurai sword in his hand, Jokin charged straight up!

For a moment, under the snowy night, swords and swords were seen.


Thanks to Yunqin, Pang Huanlong, Xuanjiyiyi, 5k12s, book friend 140802233820396, the afterimage of the sky, and Lingren for the rewards of 100 starting coins each.

Thanks for the reward of GET588 Starting Coin.

Thank you のDi.Shi☆ for your rewards.Will add more, give me some time, I will work hard to code, it will not be bad.

It will still be three o'clock tomorrow. 【Recommendation, collection】

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