big fantasy

Chapter 103 Small diamonds, white and white

This woman is so ruthless that she even hired someone to kill her in order to speed up her growth!And it's still that powerful and boundless Deadpool!

"Your fighting styles are very similar. His experience and skills are what you lack. And, I think, only in actual combat can you really grow." The White Queen leaned back on the sofa, and seemed not to feel Jokin Mixed feelings.

"If one day I really let him be slaughtered, you can go for joy!" Jokin snorted, and suddenly felt that he was really a lunatic, because after hearing the white queen's explanation, Jokin didn't Feeling scared, but a little excited!From the bottom of his heart, he approved of the White Queen's actions.

"I will set up the most beautiful tombstone for you." The White Queen joked. In fact, she did not tell the truth. Just like the last time she hired Deadpool, her goal for Deadpool was to save Jokin's life. .

"This guy is so strong, is the money really useful? I always thought he was here for revenge, looking for the samurai sword I took away." Qiaojin thought for a while, although he was at ease with women, he still felt a little weird.

"Hmph." The White Queen snorted disdainfully, "He has a bad memory, and he has long forgotten about the sword. Besides, as long as he has money, he can't wait to go out every day, so he can't care about a samurai sword. That's a loser." The guy who is in Qianqian's eyes can be your bodyguard when necessary."

"From trying to kill me to becoming my bodyguard, this guy has no morals for the sake of money." Qiao Jin has opened his eyes today, there are really everyone in the world.

"So from now on, you have to be very careful, as long as you are not in your own villa. As long as you go out, at any place, at any time, he may come out from behind you and give you a knife. Take your life."

"Tsk tsk, it's very humane. It also left me the last piece of pure land in this world. Therefore, my home is equivalent to an advanced version of spring water. It can not only recuperate, but also give me an invincible aura... ..." Qiao Jin didn't show much on the surface, but his blood was already boiling inside.Directly spend money to hire Deadpool to compete with yourself for training?In this way, one's own strength will of course be improved, but far from being an assassin who hides in the dark all the time and tries to kill oneself, the threat to oneself is greater, and one's own strength can be improved faster!

Since the White Queen didn't say that Deadpool's task was only to seriously injure Qiaojin, so Qiaojin thought that Deadpool was always looking for opportunities to kill himself.

It can be seen from this that Qiao Jin is also a lunatic to some extent, a fighting madman!In order to improve his strength, he really hung his head on the waistband of his trousers.

"Who is this, ninja, master?" Qiao Jin flipped back and found that there were no photos, just some text introductions.

"Your strength has grown rapidly recently, whether it's Asgard's training, the help of the captain, or the battle in New York. Your growth is seen by everyone. I don't know what the winning rate is in the current battle between you and Deadpool , if you are really lucky enough to be able to defeat Deadpool, I will withdraw the employment mission. You can try to find this legendary figure." The White Queen sighed, this time, she didn't have a bottom line in her heart!

"Legendary?" Qiao Jin raised his eyebrows. What kind of big boss is this?

"A man who can kill most mutants with ordinary fighting skills, the leader of the Assassin League. Of course, he is not an ordinary person, he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years." The White Queen explained softly, "When you train hard, understand your own abilities thoroughly, and use them to perfection. You can try to find him. There, you can get the skills you have always paid attention to. You can get the sword skills you have been looking for. What he can really help you is to exercise your weak will and fragile heart."

"Don't make me so miserable. Why am I weak-willed and fragile?" Qiao Jin shook his head dissatisfied.

"What I just want to tell you is that absorbing the mutant ability of others is indeed your greatest advantage! But, don't turn your advantage into a disadvantage! How many people are defeated by others in the place where they are most proud, and since then Failed."

"Don't blindly pursue a variety of mutant abilities. After absorbing Pyro's abilities, find out and thoroughly understand your existing abilities. Try various combinations, and that kind of chemical reaction will benefit you a lot Shallow. I'm looking forward to it, you will restrain your mutant ability, and find the ninja master's mountain gate as an ordinary person!"

"Here." The White Queen stretched out a palm, gently imprinted on Qiao Jin's heart, and murmured, "Only when you become stronger here, you are truly strong. Otherwise, you are just a fragile killing machine , that's all."

"I think the professor's teaching of my will is no worse than this ninja master." Jokin took the woman's hand away, and this action made him a little afraid.

"But the professor will never try to hurt you. The master ninja is just the opposite." The White Queen picked up the wine glass on the table, put it in Jokin's hand, bumped it lightly, and the wine glass made a crisp sound, "For you future."

Jokin paused, drained the wine in his glass, picked up the goblet, lowered his head slightly, and said softly, "Thank you."

"About the accident in the central city that caused your ability to mutate, I'm still investigating, and the result will be expected soon. It seems that you have used it well, and your power has gradually shown. Once you investigate I will let you know the result in time."

Qiao Jin opened his mouth, and finally said only one sentence: "Thank you."

"Well, brat, why are you being polite? Are you thanking me for cutting off your head? Then you are too sensible. I have never seen the victim thank the murderer." Behind him came a frivolous voice. , Qiao Jin, who had lowered his head, suddenly froze!

With a decisive dodge, he avoided the place of right and wrong, and behind the sofa he was sitting on just now, a slender and strong figure emerged, which turned out to be Deadpool.

"Little ghost, what's the matter? Why do you look like you saw a ghost, hey, where are you going, damn it, kid, come back to me, come back!" Halfway through, Jokin had disappeared.Where else can I find him?

Deadpool stomped his feet in a very "girly" way, and turned his head to look at the White Queen: "Boss, he has escaped, how will this month's bonus be calculated?"

"The monthly salary is paid as usual, and you cancel all the original tasks. Just focus on finding trouble with him alone. He is seriously injured once a month. If the task fails within one month, the bonus will be gone." Words, hell talk nonsense.In an instant, he became a businessman through and through.

"Damn, this kid ran away when he saw me turn around. How could I catch him, he is like a rabbit, damn it, I want to pull out his two front teeth!" Deadpool suddenly stopped, thinking After a few seconds, he wobbled and made up a ballad, "Little Diamond, white and white. He picked up his ears, cut the arteries and veins, it's so cute not to move..."

"I think you're cute too." Jokin suddenly appeared behind Deadpool, holding two Adamantine katanas in his hands.

"Pick up your ears, pick them up, pick them up!" Deadpool's face became happy, and his eyes turned into "¥"!Holding a knife back is a slash.

Crack...the knife, broken!

The corner of Qiao Jin's mouth slightly raised, and he mocked: "Desperate to make money, but don't remember to buy yourself a good knife? All spent on women's bellies?"

"Damn it, do you think you're so talkative? I'm a million miles away from you! I can cut you into a hundred steaks with one knife, and then sell them to Wal-Mart, making your limbs hundred and eighty thousand miles away! Send the carcass to the dinner table of thousands of households, you rabbit, rabbit."

Qiao Jin felt dizzy for a while, this girl's talk is really trash talk!Disturb your mind!It seems that I have to go to the NBA from time to time to learn the personal skills of my predecessors. I don’t know what kind of sparks Deadpool and Little Spider can create together, and who is more talkative!

The two samurai swords played well in Qiao Jin's hands. His figure was light and his blades were shining. He even fought Deadpool evenly for a while, which was beyond anyone's imagination.

"Boy, I haven't seen you in a few months, are you good at your skills?" Deadpool muttered, and his mind was not idle, thinking: This money is getting harder and harder to earn. How high is this kid's fighting IQ? In just a few months, the growth in strength is the same as that of Fei, but for now, this money can still be earned.

While thinking about it, Deadpool's eyes began to glow red!

The White Queen gracefully overlapped her legs, and carefully checked her plan to see if there were any details that could be added. In the third stage, it was a bit inappropriate for Qiao Jin to go directly to Master Ninja?While thinking, he said softly: "If the things in the house are destroyed, the money will be gone."

"Little ghost, I'm going to kill you!" Hearing this, Deadpool's red eyes instantly disappeared, and the blade pointed at Qiaojin: "Don't run away after school!"

Without showing any sign of weakness, Qiao Jin immediately said in a low voice, "Small store at the door! Don't look for anyone if you want to!"

Deadpool flickered directly to the "Costco" large supermarket chain three streets away, holding a knife, frightening a group of passers-by.

Qiao Jin looked at the White Queen and could see that although the woman was still as stable as Mount Tai, he was still a little worried.

"Thank you, very considerate." The White Queen smiled sincerely, very beautifully, "He is a mercenary with professional ethics, and he will not harm his employer." In fact, the White Queen did not tell the truth, because, She had already dragged Deadpool into Hellfire, or rather, into her own small team.A considerable salary every month is there, and Deadpool happily agreed to her.

Qiao Jin nodded, amused in his heart, who the hell is following you at the door of the small shop after school?I still have to go home for dinner, thinking about it, Qiaojin went straight back to his home and went to cook for his mother.

And Deadpool, playing with knives and flowers boredly, looked up at the clock in the distance: "Why hasn't this dead rabbit come yet, is it playing tricks on me!?"


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