the president's wife

Chapter 90 (4000)

Chapter 90 (4000) Open the door of the small apartment and walk into the room skillfully.Every place here is as familiar to him as his own home. Everywhere he passes, he seems to be able to see the scene of him being entangled with Cheng Hanlei, and he can also think of Cheng Hanlei's charming appearance in his mind.The little face that resisted and catered to, the struggling appearance was perfectly presented on the small face, it looked so alluring.

Sitting in the bedroom, looking at the layout inside, even if the things here are messed up, Cheng Hanlei will still arrange them silently.

Suddenly, just for a moment, Lei Chenyi felt uncomfortable.

In the beginning, the place where the two people did it was chosen here, on the one hand, to prevent others from knowing that this is the safest place.The second is to stimulate Cheng Hanlei, I like to see her expression when she is penned here.Three times is also a kind of deliberation, occupying Cheng Hanlei here always feels like a winner.

However, just now, he suddenly felt disgusted here.

It should be changed to another place, everything here suddenly feels a little dazzling.

After waiting for half an hour, Cheng Hanlei hadn't come yet.When get out of class was over, I had already delayed some time with Feng Zhenzhen, now, Cheng Hanlei should have come long ago.Yesterday's threats are still in my ears, but now she is very good, she will never have any rebellious heart, and today is to take her to sign the contract she wants most, there is no other thing that is more important than this.

Frowning lightly, he picked up the phone.

"it's me……"

************************************************** ******

With the damp breath, Cheng Hanlei woke up in pain.She is no stranger to this kind of humidity, and she felt the same way when she was locked in the basement of Lei's house.

Cheng Hanlei moved and found that her hands and feet were tied up, and her eyes were even more blindfolded.My head was dizzy, and the back of my neck seemed to be still hurting. I vaguely remembered a boy I didn't know well confessed to me, and then I was forced to the flower bed, and then I fainted when the back of my neck hurt.

I heard footsteps in my ears, and then heard a bang, the sound of an iron door opening.As the iron door opened, someone came over, and the footsteps sounded like several people.Cheng Hanlei didn't know what happened, her mouth was taped, and she could only whimper.

"The little beauty is awake."

An obscene voice sounded beside her ears. When Cheng Hanlei heard the voice, her body tensed up, and she shook her head reflexively. She clearly felt a figure approaching her. In the dark world, her sense of hearing seemed to be more acute.When she felt the man's hand approaching, Cheng Hanlei tried her best to avoid it.

As soon as he dodged here, the man's hand was let out. The man's face turned cold, and he clasped his big hand rudely, and Cheng Hanlei's forehead was pulled over.

"Tell me, don't leave marks on your face."

In a word, the man who was about to wave his hand stopped abruptly.Cheng Hanlei held her breath, she confessed that sentence, it was obvious that someone had approached them to insult her.

"I seem to be lucky today. This girl is not an ordinary water spirit. I don't know if the body is the same and very ecstasy."

The corner of the man's mouth was raised slightly, and his big hand was already stretched out to Cheng Hanlei.

"Wait a minute, did you forget the rules?"

Just when the man was about to tear Cheng Hanlei's clothes, the third man spoke, abruptly interrupting the man's urge to tear the clothes.

I can see that I can't eat, the man's eyes are obviously impatient.But he didn't dare to violate it, so he could only stand aside and wait.

Not long after, the iron door was pulled open again, and Cheng Hanlei heard a pair of high-heeled shoes walking towards this side, and the decayed and damp space was enveloped by the smell of perfume.Cheng Hanlei clearly felt a sharp gaze cast on her body, that gaze pierced her body like a thorn, as if it wanted to make big holes in her body.

The person who came here hated her very much.

The only person who can make her think is Lei Xiwen.But it is impossible for Lei Xiwen to have the brains to think of such a kidnapping, and she is under the strict protection of the Lei family, so it is impossible for her not to be discovered by the bodyguards of the Lei family.Unable to ask, Cheng Hanlei could only sob.

As the sound of high-heeled shoes got closer, Cheng Hanlei felt her chin being firmly clasped by someone, and her nails pierced sharply into her delicate cheeks, and there was more flame of jealousy in that sharp gaze .As if thinking of something, the woman suddenly withdrew her hand again, cast a glance at the three men standing aside, then turned around, walked to the chair not far away with the sound of high-heeled shoes, and knocked on the slender, straight Legs, looking at Cheng Hanlei's side without blinking.

The three men who received the signal from their eyes were almost drooling.Already had a reaction, at this moment they were clamoring turbulently, wishing to rush into this little beauty's body immediately.This seemingly slender body is quite predictable when touched by hands just now.

"Look at this face..."

The disgusting big hand slid Hanlei's cheek, and Cheng Hanlei struggled even harder.In my mind, I was desperately wondering where I had smelled that perfume, it was so familiar.As for the big hands on her body, every touch made Cheng Hanlei want to vomit.It is obviously the same movement, but it is done by different people, but the feeling is different...

Lei Chenyi...

At this time, Lei Chenyi's appearance suddenly flashed in his mind.When Cheng Hanlei thought of Lei Chenyi, she couldn't help being frightened by her own thoughts.When did he become the person she could think of when she was in danger.When did this man who danced with the devil become her reliance.

In a daze, the clothes on his body have been torn.

When the clothes were torn apart, the hickey marks on Cheng Hanlei's body were completely exposed to the eyes of the people present, only the voice of one of the men, Yu Que, was heard: "I. Fuck, it's a second-hand product. Numb, numb, look at this face , I thought it was a pure bastard, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a broken melon."

As the man said, the strength in his hand suddenly increased, and Cheng Hanlei shivered in pain. She was nervous and wanted to calm down, but at this moment, there was no way to calm down.If this is really someone she is familiar with, if she really knows that she has been touched by someone...

If you know it's Lei Chenyi...

Cheng Hanlei's face was as pale as death...

Obviously, what the man said made the eyes of the woman sitting there look like ice swords.Standing up abruptly, she walked quickly towards Cheng Hanlei.With a sound of tearing, the clothes on Cheng Hanlei's body had been ripped open, and the undressed pieces were presented in front of everyone, and the scars on them continued to the lower abdomen.

The flames in Feng Zhenzhen's eyes burned fiercely, and the light in Feng Zhenzhen's eyes wished they could burn through Cheng Hanlei.Glancing at Li Ying standing beside her, she was a little scared at first, but now seeing the marks on Cheng Hanlei's body, it was as if she had been stabbed.She felt that the young master treated this little tramp a little differently.

Unexpectedly, this little Jianren really climbed into the young master's bed.No wonder the young master protected her so much, and even threatened her to let her help them lie.What translation is all dog p.This little practitioner must have taken the opportunity to hook him.Introduce the young master, and the young master is from Wushan Yunyu.

Feng Zhenzhen's chest heaved violently, and she said that recently Chen Yi's desire for her.Looking less and less, almost since he left that day, he never touched her again.He always said he was busy, although his father had a lot of things for Chen Yi to do, but it was the same way before, and he never saw that he was so busy, so it turned out that he got involved with this little Jianren.

This little Jianren, with a goblin face, even seduced his own brother.


"Make it hard, if you don't crawl out, I will let you crawl out."

Feng Zhenzhen's chest heaved violently, and he pulled one of the men over, his eyes bursting with intense flames, watching the man give orders in a voice that only two people could hear.Every word he uttered made the man shiver. This was not the first time that this happened, and they were all punks. Feng Zhenzhen saved the three of them, and he was their savior.From that day on, the three of them have been very loyal to Feng Zhenzhen, and the most important thing in the world is loyalty.Moreover, Feng Zhenzhen gave them delicious food and drink, women have endless fun, and occasionally there are a few small places for them to open.Bao, they simply obeyed Feng Zhenzhen's words.

She wanted to see what Lei Chenyi would say to this woman who was wanted.

If it wasn't that Cheng Hanlei couldn't be killed, and the trouble was too big, Feng Zhenzhen wished he could kill this woman directly.This face is already tiresome, yet he dared to rob him of a man.

It was the first time Li Ying saw such a scene, standing beside Feng Zhenzhen.

After seeing the man hear Feng Zhenzhen's order, the three people's hands and feet became more serious, and the pain on Cheng Hanlei's face became even worse.

It turned out that the paper contract only made her think of signing it because the other party was Lei Chenyi.Not everyone can do it once and do it ten times.

When she felt that something was about to happen, Cheng Hanlei was almost desperate.


There was a sudden sound from the closed iron door, and no one would have come here in the first place.When they heard the sound outside, the movements of several people stopped almost at the same time.All eyes were on Feng Zhenzhen, Feng Zhenzhen was also a little stunned, how could anyone here know.

The body stood up suddenly, and Li Ying became even more nervous.

When Cheng Hanlei closed her eyes in despair when she heard the sound, she couldn't help turning her head to look at the source of the sound.

Is he here?

He knew it was impossible, but there was still hope in his heart.

For the first time, Cheng Hanlei knew she was afraid.

There is only one door here, and it is already impossible to leave, Feng Zhenzhen's mind is also blank.While thinking about it, the iron door has been pushed open from the outside.With a creak, a figure stood at the door.

A well-tailored suit outlined his strong lines.The sea of ​​buoyancy on his forehead was blowing slightly due to the airflow driven by the door being pushed open, a faint smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and he raised his eyes slightly, his eyes fixed on Cheng Hanlei clearly.When he saw Cheng Hanlei's almost naked appearance at this time, his eyes gradually became tinged with light.

Feng Zhenzhen couldn't dodge if he wanted to hide. Li Ying held the dv in Li Ying's hand. When he saw Zuo Jianning who appeared at the door, the dv in his hand fell to the ground with a slap.It was as if the whole person had been thrown into three feet of frozen water, shivering all over from the cold.Ever since she was threatened by Zuo Jianning that time, every time she saw Zuo Jianning, Li Ying always walked away from her. She was very afraid of being seen by Zuo Jianning, and a single look could make her feel like ice.Obviously he smiled so gently, but the memory of that time is just a nightmare...

Feng Zhenzhen frowned, watching Zuo Jianning come in, his eyes first looked at Cheng Hanlei, and after that, he slowly scanned the three men standing in place, and finally fixed on Feng Zhenzhen's face.

The smile on the corner of the mouth seemed to be a little brighter. The three men didn't know what was going on in front of them, they just looked at Feng Zhenzhen, seeing that her face was unclear, they also stood there for a while without responding.

Zuo Jianning was still smiling, his slender legs were stretched very long due to the light, it was obvious that this man was smiling, but his smile made the temperature in the room drop a bit, as if a Was brought into the cold winter instantly.As he walked, the three men involuntarily backed away, and because of Zuo Jianning's footsteps, Li Ying was so frightened that her entire body fell to the ground.

Trembling uncontrollably, the lips trembling in fear.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

When approaching, Zuo Jianning felt the fear on Cheng Hanlei's body. She took off her white coat and slowly put it on Cheng Hanlei's body. Then she began to untie the rope on Cheng Hanlei's body, but she didn't untie the blindfold alone.He glanced at Feng Zhenzhen inexplicably, then hugged Cheng Hanlei by the waist.

The petite Cheng Hanlei leaned against Zuo Jianning's arms and was completely submerged in her arms.When Cheng Hanlei heard Zuo Jianning's voice, she couldn't tell whether it was a sigh of relief or an imperceptible disappointment.He just involuntarily held Zuo Jianning's sleeve. Zuo Jianning, who had always been obsessed with cleanliness, didn't have any dislike for Cheng Hanlei's actions. He just lowered his head and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Feng Zhenzhen has been evaluating the situation in front of him, whether he should speak or not.And the three men saw that Feng Zhenzhen didn't speak, the arrow was already on the string, and they were about to eat their mouths, but they were taken away by the people who appeared suddenly.After looking at each other, the three of them prepared to attack.

Zuo Jianning hugged Cheng Hanlei. When he felt the three people approaching, he suddenly stopped in his footsteps. He just slightly squinted his eyes and looked at the three men. Those eyes seemed to have magic power. The sudden coldness made the three men's footsteps stop abruptly.

I don't know why, but the body just retreats involuntarily.The smile on the corner of his mouth does not give people any warm feeling, on the contrary, that smile is as bright as a poppy, beautiful but deadly poison.

All the way to the door, no one inside moved.Li Ying was frightened, Feng Zhenzhen was assessing the situation in front of him, and the other three were intimidated by Zuo Jianning.

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