the president's wife

Chapter 86: Nightmare

Chapter 86: Nightmare She wanted to slap that smile off his face, the one that made her rage peak.

It's just that just as the hand was raised, before it hit Lei Chenyi's face, the raised hand was grabbed by Feng Zhenzhen on one side, and Feng Zhenzhen slapped Cheng Hanlei's face directly with his backhand.

The smile on his face had already been suppressed, and the contempt in his eyes was enveloped by anger...

"Men, you dare to touch Chen Yi with your dirty hands. You can't control yourself."

With the ruthlessness in the words, Feng Zhenzhen raised his hand and prepared to greet Cheng Hanlei's face again.

A pair of big hands clasped Feng Zhenzhen's at the right time, and looked at Cheng Hanlei's face that was obviously red and swollen. The clearly visible marks on it made Lei Chenyi's eyes a little darker.

Feng Zhenzhen clearly felt Lei Chenyi's emotional changes, his hand was still clasped on Cheng Hanlei's wrist, while Lei Chenyi clasped one hand, he turned to look at Lei Chenyi in confusion.

he is angry?

"Hungry, don't waste time on the fearless."

With a few words, Lei Chenyi loosened Feng Zhenzhen's hand.At the same time, Feng Zhenzhen shook off Cheng Hanlei's hand, and said coldly, "Be careful."

The confrontation between the three people started, and the people around the three people quickened their pace. Of the three people standing here, two cannot be messed with, and one is a bit complicated.And when they stopped at the same time, a group of girls happened to come from behind. They didn't know what happened here, and they walked this way, discussing: "Then how is the senior Shangguan?"

"Why didn't you come to school?"

"I heard that Senior Shangguan is going to England today, won't you be able to see Senior Shangguan in the future?"

"Fortunately, you are still obsessed with him now, he is twf's son."

"The money he spends is all his father sucked from other people like a vampire..."

When passing by the three of them, Cheng Hanlei's eyes were reddened by the word twf.Goodbye Lei Chenyi and Feng Zhenzhen passed her by, Cheng Hanlei suddenly ran wildly...

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The crowd was crowded, and I saw a girl in a school uniform with disheveled hair and sweat dripping on her face.The beautiful little face was flushed with coquettish redness due to excessive running, and her eyes were frantically searching the airport, as if she was looking for something.

Standing in the lobby of the airport, looking at the rows of scrolling subtitles, listening to the sweet voice of the flight attendant, until standing at the airport, Cheng Hanlei didn't know what she was doing here?

An sorry?Again, I like you.

Everything seemed to be in vain, but at that moment, there was a sudden feeling that he would never come back after he left.

The only person who gave her warmth is gone, really gone.

Tears filled her eyes, and Cheng Hanlei didn't know where to go in a panic.

Lips twitched.


"Have you ever seen a tall, handsome guy..."

Cheng Hanlei stopped a person, and asked about Shangguanjue's appearance.Obviously knowing that the chance of this is pitifully small, but at this moment, in the moment of panic and helplessness, this is the only way I can think of.

Cheng Hanlei didn't know how many people she had asked, and the kind ones would reply that they didn't see it, while some would directly curse Cheng Hanlei as crazy or crazy.

Listening to those voices, Cheng Hanlei realized that she really looked like a lunatic.

But she couldn't control her steps, couldn't control her hands, and even more couldn't control her desire to see Shangguanjue.

She just wanted to take another look at him, just to take a look at the man who gave him warmth, just to...

"Have you ever seen a tall..."

Cheng Hanlei repeated this sentence almost numbly, her mouth was very dry, and when she was holding a person's sleeve with her hands, the corners of her lips twitched, and before she could look at that person, she asked tremblingly.

Time frame.

When Cheng Hanlei raised her eyes to look at the man standing in front of her, she couldn't believe it at first glance.The man standing in front of him was really Shangguanjue, he blinked his eyes lightly, tears rolling out of his tear-filled eyes as he blinked vigorously.

I wanted to see Shangguanjue just now, but when I saw Shangguanjue now, I obviously had a lot to say in my heart, but looking at his too cold eyes, the words were swallowed in Cheng Hanlei's throat, freezing time.

Is the man in front of her still the Shangguan Jue she knew?The bloodshot eyes, the corners of the lips that are always slightly raised, and the evil smile is only cold at this moment.That pair of eyes looked at her so coldly, she was no stranger to the bursting light in her eyes, it was the light she would have every time she saw Lei Chenyi...

he hates her...

The people around were moving around, Cheng Hanlei and Shangguanjue were standing there, Cheng Hanlei's hand was still on Shangguanjue's sleeve, her eyes seemed to freeze on Shangguanjue's face.

What did she destroy?

A very light movement, when Shangguanjue's big hand stroked Cheng Hanlei's hand that was buttoned on his clothes, it was obviously a very light movement, but it felt like his heart was cut in an instant.Cheng Hanlei's face turned pale in pain, and her body was covered with sweat. She suddenly cooled down, and an inexplicable coldness swept through her whole body.

Too many images are replaying in his mind, from the first time Shangguanjue stood in front of him, looking like a playboy molesting a primary school girl. At that time, he held a sophomore senior in his arms, and his long finger Picking her chin, she said frivolously, "You look pretty pretty, tell me what's your name?" But she didn't even glance at him, and just walked past him, listening to the words in her ears. A senior sister said: "Oh, our dignified Second Master Shangguan will have a day when he won't be dumped by others. It's going to rain red..."

From that day on, she didn't know whether it was because she stained his sex-hunting record, or because he was really interested in her, he began to appear in front of her frequently.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer girls around him.

Gradually, the chances of him appearing by her side increased.

Gradually, the whole school knew that Shangguanjue, one of the four juniors, had a crush on Cheng Hanlei, a sophomore.

She clearly felt that she could meet Shangguanjue wherever she was, and she also clearly felt that the way he looked at her gradually began to change.

He began to pretend to be her protector, he was still so frivolous, but there was a touch of tenderness and protection in the frivolity.

Until that day when he took himself to the piano room, the girl's heart throbbed.Then a few days ago, in the scene under the shadow of the tree in front of the bachelor apartment, she severely trampled on his self-esteem and heart, and she could clearly hear Shangguan Jue's heart being torn apart by herself.

"I don't think it's enough. Want to see the jokes and see my embarrassment?"

Such a cold voice froze the picture in his mind for an instant.Cheng Hanlei shook her head lightly, looking at Shangguanjue in front of her, she really wanted to explain and speak, but her lips were clearly squirming, but she couldn't hear a single word.

"Cheng Hanlei, stop using those teary eyes to gain anything. Here, she is already dead."

Looking at those big warm hands, the big hands that caressed her cheeks and said that she had him, she could feel the warmth on her cheeks, but now, it was only cold.

At this moment, the words seemed so pale that Cheng Hanlei collapsed.

"Cheng Hanlei, listen, you must remember the three words Shangguanjue, because these three words will become your nightmare. I, Shangguanjue, swear that one day I will let you return all your capital and interest."

The breath that was approaching again, the familiar warmth.The words lingering in my ears are no longer evil, no longer gentle, but bone-piercing cold.Those words were full of hatred and anger, which froze Cheng Hanlei's heart.

I just felt a wave of hot air wafting past my ears, and Cheng Hanlei's whole world collapsed in an instant.That breath is far away, watching the familiar figure leave.

She has seen his back four times, this time, she saw complete disillusionment.

The figure in front of her was getting farther and farther away. Cheng Hanlei stood there, her legs seemed to be covered with lead, and she couldn't move no matter what.

I just felt that Shangguan Jue's figure was getting further and further away until he disappeared from his sight.Cheng Hanlei's lips that had been wriggling slowly spit out: "I'm sorry..."

The words lingered in my ears, and the last trace of warmth in my heart was completely withdrawn.

The legs lost all their strength almost instantly, and they sat slumped on the cold ground.



Cheng Hanlei suddenly felt that she had lost something again. Tears blurred her vision and slid coldly across her cheeks. Her clenched heart and painful limbs began to go numb.The soaked cheeks, the sore cheeks were painful.

At the airport that day, a girl in school uniform sat on the ground, embracing herself, as if the world was no longer in her world.The pointing around, those gazes and discussions seemed to be isolated from her world.

The plane glides into the sky, taking away the warm corner of my heart and pulling away all the warmth.

Very seriously, very seriously, I tell you that Shangguan is really the second male.

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An Ran directly reached out to stop a taxi, and after reporting the address, she just had a flash in her mind to see how Shangguan Rui was doing.

When standing in front of the villa, this property belongs to Shangguan's family and has been seized.

An Ran stood where she was, and took out her phone again, the same monotonous voice.

Apart from this number and this villa, she knew nothing about Shangguan Rui.

Standing where she was, An Ran was at a loss.

A few rounds of joy|Love, is it the body or the heart that is lost?

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On the third floor of the school cafeteria, this is a relatively quiet place specially prepared for people with solid backgrounds.Feng Zhenzhen took Lei Chenyi's favorite food. Ever since that physical derailment, she had a very strange psychology towards Lei Chenyi, and she treated Lei Chenyi even better, and she also protected Lei Chenyi more and more, as if I want to make up for something.

In the past, he would play with Miss Qianjin's temper, but after that incident, Feng Zhenzhen even lost Miss Qianjin's temper.

"Chen Yi, are you and Cheng Hanlei that little girl..."

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