the president's wife

Chapter 78: I'm sorry

Chapter 78: Sorry, these are Shangguanjue's shoes.

Raising her head almost quickly, Cheng Hanlei looked up at the man who was using his coat to shield her from the rain.Standing in the rain, he opened his coat to create a clear sky for himself.

He didn't know where to throw his crutches. The injured leg had already been wet by the rain, and it was still faintly red. Shangguanjue was still wearing his previous clothes. It shouldn't be because he searched many places. Convenience caused him to be delayed for a long time, the rush was too hasty, and the crutches were too in the way, so he was thrown somewhere.

When thinking of this, he tried it out, and he actually saw Cheng Hanlei hugging her thin body, curled up here like a wounded animal.

He was panting violently in his chest, walking too fast, and his breathing was a little short.

When Cheng Hanlei saw Shangguanjue, her throat got stuck.

The sight blurred by the rain became even more blurred, and the raised head let the rain slide down the cheeks into the mouth, and the tasteless rain added a touch of bitterness when it slid into the mouth.


Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue slowly squatting down with blurry eyes, then looked at those bloodshot eyes and locked his own eyes, with pain and guilt in his eyes, at close range, he looked at Cheng Hanlei That empty and dazed look, the expression in his eyes was too complicated, and more of it was deep pain.

His eyes were filled with complex emotions.Shangguanjue's apology was slightly hoarse, and he stretched out his hand to hug Cheng Hanlei into his arms.

Cheng Hanlei was ready to be scolded and scolded, she thought that Shangguanjue would call her cheap, call herself bt, and do such a thing with her brother, but she never thought of what Shangguanjue said to herself It turned out to be...



Cheng Hanlei bit her lips hard, sorry for these three words, how could he say it...

"No need to say anything, I'm sorry, I didn't open the door to take you away just now, but let you be bullied by Lei Chenyi inside. I said I would protect you but I didn't. I'm sorry, little Hualei."

Shangguanjue clasped his hands even tighter, and the hoarse voice was heard clearly in Cheng Hanlei's ears in the rain.

When he saw Cheng Hanlei's snow-white back, he looked at Lei Chenyi's eyes, which were full of provocation, and he knew it was intentional.And when he saw Cheng Hanlei let Lei Chenyi take possession of her body, the purest Cheng Hanlei in his eyes bloomed in another man's arms, he felt as if his own things were taken away first feel the same.

Unwilling, angry.Hurt, heartache.

Face and self-esteem, he was trampled on the ground, so his only choice was to turn around and leave.

But after leaving, Shangguanjue walked on the street with a cane for a long time until his body was very tired.Shangguan Jue's brain was in a mess, thinking too much about what he said to Cheng Hanlei, and Cheng Hanlei's attitude towards Lei Chenyi.How could she be forced by Lei Chenyi willingly? Judging from her fear of Lei Chenyi, it must be Lei Chenyi who forced her.

He hated himself for not thinking it through at that moment. He had sworn yesterday that he would protect her.After only one day, he had already disobeyed his word.

"I'm already dirty..."

Leaning against Shangguan Jue's drenched arms, the two icy bodies leaned against each other, tightly touching each other.

Cheng Hanlei leaned against Shangguanjue's arms, her body trembling slightly.

"He forced you, and it has nothing to do with you. You are still you, you in my heart. I will help you find a house and move out tomorrow, okay? Leave Lei's house and let me protect you. Xiao Hualei, you believe I can protect you?"

Shangguanjue held Cheng Hanlei's face, holding that cold little face, he could feel the slight tremor of her body with his fingertips.

Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue so hard, and the extinguished hope in her heart was ignited again.She has learned how to rely only on herself since her mother died. The appearance of Shangguanjue, his stalking, his thick skin, his sincere eyes, his affectionate confession, and the warmth he gave herself made her not trust anyone. Heart began to waver.

The rain curtain blurred her vision, and she couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue, trying to see the true meaning of his words from his face.

In his eyes, there was only warmth and affection that made him throb.

" you really want me?"

Cheng Hanlei's lips moved tremblingly, her eyes were cautious, she put her hand on Shangguanjue's arm, because of the complicated emotions in her heart, the force on Shangguanjue's arm was so heavy, she wished she could dig into Shangguanjue's flesh .


Firm words spit out from Shangguanjue's mouth.

"No matter what you become, you are my favorite in my heart. I want you, now, and in the future."

This is a kind of promise. I can't say that I really don't care, but he has never been a clean man. If he is dirty when he is touched, then his body is much dirtier than Han Lei's.It's because he doesn't deserve Han Lei. He doesn't like her because she hasn't been touched.

Although he has inexplicable emotions in his heart that he will not be Cheng Hanlei's first man, but he is very clear about the person who caused all this and who to blame.

Cheng Hanlei's throat choked up, and her body trembled even more.In the sunny day he propped up for himself, there was no rain, but hot tears rolled down violently, and finally sank into his lips. The tears, which were obviously bitter, flowed into his mouth, with a little sweetness. meaning.

Almost trembling, Cheng Hanlei wanted to say something, but her throat was so choked up that she couldn't express herself, Cheng Hanlei could only lean forward slightly, her cold lips pressed against Shangguanjue's, and slowly closed Her eyes and eyelashes were twitching. This was her answer, the answer to her affectionate commitment to him.

There was no deep kiss, just sticking to each other's lips, gently, as if they were stamping this promise.

******************************************************* *******

She was wearing the clothes that Shangguanjue had bought for her again, thinking of Shangguanjue's somewhat inconvenient appearance when he was walking, and the blood still dripping in front of his eyes.She wanted to send Shangguanjue to the hospital, but Shangguanjue shook his head and said he was fine.But the first thing is to help her buy a set of clothes for her to change into.

He took her to dry her hair again, she looked as refreshed as if she was the clean and undamaged Cheng Hanlei.

When sending her back to Lei's house, he handed Cheng Hanlei the umbrella in his hand, kissed her on the forehead, and turned to leave.

Cheng Hanlei's heart felt a little warm again, and he gave her the courage to be strong.

The fundus of the eyes is no longer blank and empty, although there is pain between the legs, but the temperature of the heart covers up all the discomfort.As before, she was going to go back to the room through the living room from one side, but when she was walking, the family sitting on the sofa in the living room and eating fruit, Lei Xiwen saw Cheng Hanlei walking in at a glance. When Cheng Hanlei was wearing new brand-name clothes, the corners of her mouth gently curled up, and she said softly, "Hanlei, your new clothes are so beautiful."

"Han Lei, your new clothes are so beautiful."

Lei Xiwen has always occupied a pivotal position in the family, but just one sentence has brought everyone's attention to a direction that Cheng Hanlei would not glance at normally even when she came back.Standing up while talking, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she walked towards Cheng Hanlei, and said as she walked, "Aren't these shoes the latest one? Dad, you are biased. Why do you buy it for Hanlei or not for Xiwen?"

Lei Xiwen walked to Cheng Hanlei's side, looked at Cheng Hanlei's new clothes and shoes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, with her back turned to Lei Zhendong, Cheng Hanlei was the only one who could see the determination in Lei Xiwen's eyes.

In just an instant, Lei Xiwen had already withdrawn her gaze, and turned to Lei Zhendong, who seemed to be telling the truth, with a slightly pursed mouth, charming and lovely, making people love her.

Lei Zhendong was the first to look up at Cheng Hanlei, when his eyes touched the new clothes Cheng Hanlei was wearing.Although he didn't pay much attention to Cheng Hanlei's clothes, occasionally Lei Zhendong would buy one or two pieces of clothes for Cheng Hanlei when he went to the hospital to have his bone marrow drawn.Cheng Hanlei wears school uniforms most of the time throughout the year, and is rarely seen wearing other clothes.

At this time, wearing a well-fitting dress, standing there, her beautiful face looks like a beautiful princess.Lei Zhendong looked at Cheng Hanlei seriously for the first time, and forgot to answer Lei Xiwen for a while.

When Xu Peifen saw Lei Zhendong's gaze, a ruthlessness flashed across his eyes without a trace.Looking at Cheng Hanlei with cold eyes, her lips raised gracefully, looked at Cheng Hanlei and said, "Where did the clothes come from?"

When Cheng Hanlei was stopped by Lei Xiwen and mentioned the clothes and shoes, Cheng Hanlei realized that the things bought by Shangguanjue must be expensive, and she didn't think of this at the time, she just wanted to change the wet clothes. Yi, don't go home too embarrassed, let them find out.

But he didn't expect that he fell into another deep hole that he didn't even think of.

"It rained and my clothes got wet, An Ran borrowed my clothes."

Cheng Hanlei had habitually calmed down in front of them. Even though her heart was clenched tightly, her voice was still calm and sounded very credible.

Lei Zhendong doesn't understand women's brands, but that doesn't mean that Xu Peifen, who has always pursued famous brands, doesn't understand. At a glance, she can tell that Cheng Hanlei's clothes are less than 1000 and she can't buy them at all.As for the family situation of An Ran's family, they were all very clear about it.An Ran can own such clothes, and her family won't have to work part-time for a few nights.

"Oh? Are you telling me that An Ran's family can lend you a piece of clothing worth more than 1000 yuan?"

Xu Peifen's words made Cheng Hanlei's calm face twist indistinctly.

More than 1000.

She knew that the clothes were not cheap, and thought they would cost 300 yuan, but she did not expect that this seemingly simple set of clothes would cost more than 1000 yuan.

Holding the bag of wet clothes in her hand, Cheng Hanlei no longer knew how to explain.


Seeing that Cheng Hanlei stopped talking, Xu Peifen yelled at Li Ying who was sitting on the other side with Li Mama.

Li Ying stood up immediately after hearing Xu Peifen's words.


"Are you hiding something from me?"

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