the president's wife

Chapter 73: Afraid of him

Chapter 73: Afraid of his sudden ripping sound, Cheng Hanlei only felt a cold shoulder, and panic enveloped Cheng Hanlei's whole mind...

The already extinguished corridor lights couldn't see Lei Chenyi's eyes clearly, only the sparks from the cigarette butt he held between his big fingertips were flickering, and he felt even more oppressed.

The anger shrouded in Lei Chenyi's body could be clearly felt, the body that was tightly attached to her was tense, and as he breathed, the heavy breath sprayed on her face with hot air.Even if you can't see his eyes, you can clearly feel how aggressive his eyes are on your face.

She is afraid of him.

I have always been afraid of him.

When the smoke burns to a certain point, the soot leaves the fireworks and falls on Cheng Hanlei's shoulder.The scalding heat came into direct contact with the skin, Cheng Hanlei's forehead was pinched, her lips trembled slightly, and her shoulders couldn't help but twitched.The subtle sound brought by the pain spit out from the lips, which was inaudible.

The cigarette that Lei Chenyi held in his hand was suddenly ejected, and in a parabolic posture, a ridge was ejected and landed not far away.The spark ignited for a moment, then slowly extinguished.

In the darkness, even the last spark was extinguished.

When the darkness completely enveloped him, Lei Chenyi's big hand clasped his chin suddenly exerted force, and Cheng Hanlei's chin was lifted by that force.In the next second, her lips felt hot.

Cheng Hanlei's eyes were full of panic. This time, the strong smell of tobacco was full of strong anger, and that strong anger seemed to swallow her soul.


Lei Chenyi couldn't understand the gloomy look in her eyes. The moment she saw Cheng Hanlei's well-behaved son-in-law, it seemed like someone had slapped him hard in front of him. Her meekness came from someone else. arms.In his arms, he always acted as if he had bullied her.

She was his toy, and from the moment she aroused his interest in teasing her, she was not qualified to focus on others, unless he was bored.

"Are you crazy? This is a hospital."

In the loose space, Cheng Hanlei breathed heavily the masculine scent of tobacco, her dizzy brain couldn't tell whether it was the lack of oxygen or the dizziness caused by the breath.

How could he be so presumptuous, bullying himself so presumptuously in this place...

Although it is already late at night, this is a public place after all, if... if someone passes by here and sees the posture of the two of them at this time, even if no one else knows her, but Lei Chenyi...

She couldn't imagine what would happen to her in Lei's house if the gesture of the two of them was spread.

How could he...

How can you always push yourself to the point where you can't retreat...

"Crazy? No, Cheng Hanlei, this is just punishment."

Lei Chenyi was so angry that he chuckled lightly and pinched Cheng Hanlei's forehead.The words that spit out seemed to have a hint of a smile, but inexplicably aroused a wave of coldness, sweeping from the soles of the feet to the whole body.Bingdong has blood all over his body, he always has a way to make people feel powerless to breathe with just a look or a word.


Cheng Hanlei seemed to have heard a very funny joke. He bullied her, but she tolerated everything.

He enters, she retreats.

He attacked, but she retreated.

She tried all means to escape from the place where he was.Try not to get involved with him, why, he still doesn't let her go.

Who did he think he was, and why did he bully her like this.

"Why are you punishing me?"

Her body trembled with anger, her lips twitched and vibrated because of anger, Cheng Hanlei stared resentfully at Lei Chenyi who was still pressing against her in the dark.What right does he have to punish him? If it wasn't for not wanting to provoke him, she wouldn't have rejected Shangguan Jue so cruelly.If she hadn't rejected Shangguanjue, Shangguanjue wouldn't have lost his mind and crashed into the car because of her refusal. If the other party's car hadn't braked in time at that time, she might have become a murderer. man……

The paws of the wild cat, which had been carefully pressed deep in his heart, showed his fangs at this time, and there was a tendency to fight desperately...

"Lei Chenyi, if it wasn't for you, Jue wouldn't have been in a car accident and almost lost his life... It was you... It was you, you almost became the executioner... At this time, why do you punish me? The one who should be punished is You, Lei Chenyi, people like you should go to hell and never be reborn!"

With a low voice, Cheng Hanlei spit out from Cheng Hanlei's lips with grief, resentment and hatred, every word was full of hatred, and waved it unceremoniously at Lei Chenyi's heart like a sharp sword , the sword and the sword are piercing the red heart.


Lei Chenyi spit out a word playfully, in the darkness, his expression was unclear.

"you like him?"

Lei Chenyi got closer to Cheng Hanlei, his voice was obviously deeper, the words he uttered seemed to be coaxing, and Cheng Hanlei, who was sinking in anger and shame, could not hear the calmness brewing behind it. of stormy weather.As if to vent, the emotions that have been suppressed for too long have a channel to vent overnight.

"Yes, I like him."

Word by word, loud and clear...


Cheng Hanlei's whole body tensed up at the sound that suddenly rang in his ears, and the sound from Lei Chenyi's big hand hammering the wall made the sensor light suddenly light up.Cheng Hanlei's eyes directly met Lei Chenyi's eyes that made people feel cold.

Almost in an instant, Cheng Hanlei seemed to be poured a basin of cold water suddenly, her fullness was instantly icy cold...

The widened eyes finally came back to their senses, and a touch of fear poured into them.

She even recklessly angered the most terrifying wolf...


Cheng Hanlei really wanted to say something more, but Lei Chenyi obviously didn't give her any more chances.

"Do you like it?"

That extremely dangerous voice clearly had a smile on his face, but his eyes were so dark that it made people feel like falling into a cold cellar...

"what are you going to do……"

Fear once again enveloped Cheng Hanlei against the cold wall, and Lei Chenyi's hot body in front of him, his eyes were too dangerous, as if he was about to do something she couldn't bear.

"What? Scared?"

The corners of Lei Chenyi's mouth were always raised, but his words became colder and colder.

Cheng Hanlei was really scared...

Shaking her head non-stop, she regretted, how could she mess with this man, this man who no one could guess what he was thinking.

Fear flashed in his eyes, and the darkness enveloped the two of them again, making it impossible to see his expression clearly, which made the fear even worse.

Cheng Hanlei almost cried.

Crazy hatred burst out from the bottom of her eyes, Cheng Hanlei slapped Lei Chenyi vigorously with her hand, her strength was like itching to Lei Chenyi.

Because of biting Lei Chenyi, the scream in Cheng Hanlei's throat turned into small whimpers, like a wounded little animal, whimpering in pain...

The hot tears rolled down violently like the tide breaking the embankment.The silent tears seemed to be complaining silently.

The white teeth bit Lei Chenyi's shoulder so hard, as if to vent his anger that could not be vented.

His body trembled like catkins in the wind.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't cry out, just sobbed suppressedly.That suppressed voice touched Lei Chenyi's heart. In fact, he was just angry. He just hated seeing the little animal he was teasing being touched by others. When he was not tired of playing with it, how could others be interested in his little animal? reach out.

So, he gave a warning.

But she was stabbed by her words of liking, so that she did such a thing here.

"Cheng Hanlei."

Lei Chenyi stood on the side, looking down at Cheng Hanlei, who was slid on the ground, the big hand that was about to be stretched out just moved, and then quietly dropped it to the side.

Cheng Hanlei didn't speak, but just lowered her head, buried her head in her knees like a wounded animal, her shoulders were twitching, but there was no sound of crying.

"Cheng Hanlei."

Lei Chenyi slowly tightened his hands in his pockets, he did this to her just now because he was out of breath, if she hadn't provoked her first, how could he have lost control.No one can ever go against his words, but this always docile Cheng Hanlei actually went against his words for another man and provoked him.

Getting a little closer, he stretched out his hand to pull Cheng Hanlei up.

When Cheng Hanlei felt Lei Chenyi's breath approaching, she flinched to the side reflexively.The whole person fell to the side in embarrassment.

Lei Chenyi's hand was empty.

Because they were bent over, the two of them were very close.Lei Chenyi could clearly feel Cheng Hanlei's subtle movements just now.She was avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion, and that conditioned reflex action clearly showed her disgust and fear of him.Even in the dark, he could clearly feel the strong hatred contained in the eyes cast on him, it seemed to tear his hatred apart.

Cold as a knife.

Cheng Hanlei never spoke, but when Lei Chenyi approached, she couldn't help but wriggled out of his reach.

If he had a knife in his hand at this time, Cheng Hanlei would stab into Lei Chenyi's heart crazily, dig out his heart to see if he has a heart, why, destroying himself like this...

Isn't she humble enough, isn't she forbearing enough?

His eyes looked at Lei Chenyi with uncontrollable hatred.After hurting herself, give herself another sweet date, sorry, she is not in the mood to accept it now.

"go home."

Lei Chenyi kept his body half bent for a while, and finally straightened up slowly.In the darkness, I couldn't tell what emotion was on his face.After deliberating, he finally spit out two words.

Seeing Lei Chenyi straighten up, Cheng Hanlei lowered his head silently and stopped talking.

Frowning tightly, Lei Chenyi saw that Cheng Hanlei had been silent, and wanted to see what was going on with Cheng Hanlei, so he exerted a little force on his feet, and the sensor light instantly turned on.

The light replaced the darkness, illuminating everything between the two of them.Lei Chenyi's throat seemed to be stuck, and his gaze was fixed on Cheng Hanlei.The loose long hair fell on the skin exposed by the torn shirt.Bai Xi's skin still had the scars from the last whipping, and the scarred wounds were pink.

She just squatted there, very embarrassed, she gently encircled herself with her slender arms, buried her head in her knees, and the fallen hair covered some of her face, showing a little face, like that pale.There were tears in the corners of his eyes, but they only hung silently, trembling on his eyelashes.

Such silence made Lei Chenyi feel more depressed than hitting him.

Lei Chenyi's heart seemed to be tugged, and he felt a little depressed and uncomfortable.Looking at Cheng Hanlei like this, an inexplicable emotion spread in his heart.I was very irritable for a while, took out a cigarette, lit it irritably, took a deep puff, and spit it out.Take another breath and then spit it out. After repeating this several times, Lei Chenyi seemed to have calmed down a little. Looking at Cheng Hanlei who didn't respond to him, he said, "My car is downstairs, waiting for you downstairs."

Cheng Hanlei still didn't speak. Seeing that Cheng Hanlei didn't respond, Lei Chenyi paused, then turned around and walked down.

Footsteps were heard on the stairs, and light suddenly returned to the darkened world just now.

The sound of footsteps going down the stairs gradually faded away until I heard the sound of pulling the door, and the sound of the door closing.

Cheng Hanlei, who had been curled up there all this time, finally moved...

Empty eyes, two lines of clear tears slowly slid down the eye sockets.Hot tears slid across the cold and pale cheeks, slowly disappearing into the knees...


Half an hour later, Cheng Hanlei stood up from the ground with her arms supported.Sitting on the cold ground for too long, the blood on his body seemed to congeal.The pain between the legs seemed to be numb. When she stood up, the blood was not flowing, and a tingling pain swept across her body. Cheng Hanlei gasped in pain.

He put his hands on the wall to stabilize his body that almost fell.

After her legs got used to it slowly, Cheng Hanlei stretched out her hands to straighten her clothes, calmly pulled her clothes, and then squeezed them tightly.The clothes thrown on the ground could no longer be worn. After sweeping her eyes, Cheng Hanlei bent down to pick them up, and threw them into the trash can beside her.

The hem of the skirt is hollow, and you can feel the chill inside even when you stand upright.This feeling made Cheng Hanlei's bloodless lips a little paler.

Pinch the position of the shoulder with one hand, and tighten it forcefully.

Press one hand on the side of the leg, tightly.

Even the tiny tendons on the top can be seen with little hands.

The tidied hair no longer looked embarrassed, and she walked down the stairs step by step.Open the door and enter the elevator.

Cheng Hanlei kept her head down until she walked out of the hospital and left the light, standing under the shade of a tree.A gust of wind blew by, and Cheng Hanlei shivered.

The night was already very deep, and Cheng Hanlei didn't need to look at herself to know how embarrassed she was at this time.

The empty eyes were a little dazed, and for a moment I didn't know what to do.Standing at the entrance of the hospital for tens of seconds, thinking of what Lei Chenyi left behind when he left.

It's been half an hour, he should have left impatiently long ago.She could finally avoid him, even though she was so embarrassed that she didn't know how to get home.

A coat suddenly draped over Cheng Hanlei's shoulders, and the slender Cheng Hanlei was covered half of her body by Lei Chenyi's coat, passing directly over her hips.

Cheng Hanlei's body tensed up when she felt the breath of the trowel.Reflexively, she was about to dodge to the side, her body was still in pain, and the movement of retreating was too hasty, Cheng Hanlei's footsteps were so unsteady that she almost fell down.

Lei Chenyi's big hand firmly clasped Cheng Hanlei's waist, and brought Cheng Hanlei into his arms.Looking at the almost transparent little face under the shadow of the tree with the light of the street lamp, she was too calm, except for those slightly red and swollen eyes, she must have cried secretly in the past half an hour.

For some reason, Lei Chenyi frowned like this.

Cheng Hanlei stretched out her hand and pushed Lei Chenyi away almost the moment she stabilized her body, and she quickly leaned back until she leaned against the tree pole.Only then did he raise his head and look at Lei Chenyi as if he had found some support.

Her eyes were very light, but ferocious hatred burst out from within, Ling Chi Lei Chenyi.

Silent protest is more ruthless than verbal scolding.

"It's late, go home."

Lei Chenyi frowned and looked at Cheng Hanlei's appearance, and didn't reach out to touch her again.

Cheng Hanlei just glanced at Lei Chenyi, then looked away, dropped Lei Chenyi's clothes silently, and continued to move forward as she did just now.

"Cheng Hanlei, are you going to walk home like this?"

Cheng Hanlei didn't seem to hear, she still walked forward with her torn clothes.Because of the pain in my legs, I walked very slowly.

"Cheng Hanlei, are you planning to wear this ragged clothes, dangle in the street with bare thighs, and then have someone drag you into a dark alley to be raped, huh?"

Lei Chenyi looked at the suit jacket thrown on the ground, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.Looking at Cheng Hanlei's staggering back, she spoke ironically.

The sneering voice caused a flash of emotion on Cheng Hanlei's expressionless face, and tightened her hands on the skirt.

Her chest was heaving violently, she didn't want to get angry, she didn't want to get angry, because she was powerless to get angry and unable to get angry.but……

he is too much...

Who made her so embarrassed and broken, who made her clothes torn, who made her endure shame and anger and walk barelegged on the street, she was already very embarrassed, this perpetrator has the audacity to take this Come stab yourself.

"I'd rather be dragged into a dark alley than be in the same space as you."

Every word, Cheng Hanlei's eyes burst out with even more meaning.Her lips were trembling, obviously her emotions were completely destroyed and suppressed.The hand clasped on the leg pinched into his thigh fiercely, leaving a patch of bruises.It seemed that she wanted to use the pain in her body to suppress her urge to rush forward and tear Lei Chenyi apart. Looking at his face, she wished she could immediately push him onto the road and let a car hit him to death.

Lei Chenyi's expression changed drastically.

He exhausted all his patience, the night was quiet, although there were no pedestrians, there were still occasional vehicles passing by.Some people's eyes would turn to the two of them, and Lei Chenyi's expression was a little ugly.

There can be no patience with her.

With a cold face, a few strides have already narrowed the distance between him and Cheng Hanlei.Seeing Lei Chenyi approaching, Cheng Hanlei immediately backed away.But her steps were so slow and small, Lei Chenyi almost instantly shortened the distance between the two of them, grabbed Cheng Hanlei's waist with one hand, pulled it hard, brought it into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

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