the president's wife

Chapter 62: The Occasional Tenderness (2)

Chapter 62: Occasional tenderness ([-]) The vigorous twitching drove the wound on Cheng Hanlei's body, and the painful Cheng Hanlei couldn't help murmuring in a coma.

The little face that had just been loosened was wrinkled into a ball again, and the body shrank even more.

The strength to break free slowed down inexplicably.

The hands were held, and the eyes were focused on Cheng Hanlei's small face...


The body trembled even more, and Cheng Hanlei was still trembling up and down because of the cold lips in a coma.

The hand that was about to break free gripped a little tighter.The other hand gently encircled Cheng Hanlei, and hugged her carefully.

The sudden warmth made Cheng Hanlei, who was covered in cold air, shrank even more into that warm embrace, her small face rubbed against that warm chest, just like she once leaned against her mother's embrace, so warm, warm Let her sleep very soundly.


Cheng Hanlei's slender body curled up in Lei Chenyi's arms, and Lei Chenyi's nose could no longer smell the musty and rotten smell in the warehouse, it was full of Cheng Hanlei's unique fragrance emanating from her hair, Rushing into the nose made Lei Chenyi's mind blank for a moment.

When I walked into the basement with the medicine box and helped her treat the wound, it was already unusual and I couldn't think about it, but now I somehow stayed...

Here, it is cold and rotten.It was his unbearable existence, but at this moment, the arms around Cheng Hanlei were still firmly, and there was no preparation to let go.

Sitting on the dirty floor, the clean pajamas were stained with filth.

Looking at Cheng Hanlei, who was gradually sleeping peacefully in her arms because of her embrace, everything seemed less unbearable.

Cheng Hanlei didn't know whether it was because the wounds on her body had been treated, or because of Lei Chenyi's comforting and warm embrace. She didn't sleep well at first, but gradually began to sleep deeply.Breathing evenly, after being fed the medicine, not long after, the heat on his forehead seemed to gradually recede.

As the night deepened, Lei Chenyi held Cheng Hanlei like this until dawn.

Let go of Cheng Hanlei who was sleeping heavily, stood up, and looked down at Cheng Hanlei who was lying there breathing evenly.

He must have lost his mind tonight...

************************************************** **********

It was completely dark inside the closed door, and when Cheng Hanlei opened her eyes, the pain in her body was no longer that severe.

The body seems to still have the warmth and breath of sleep, and in the space full of unpleasant smells, there is a trace of not-so-familiar abrupt breath flowing through the nose...

Cheng Hanlei bit her lower lip reflexively when she realized what she was thinking.

How can it be?

Cheng Hanlei, have you fallen asleep?He could actually smell Lei Chenyi's scent, and he was still thinking that he was here last night, and that the warm embrace in his memory last night belonged to him.Isn't this a fantasy?

Quickly driving away the unrealistic fantasy in her mind, Cheng Hanlei looked around.

Sleeping groggyly, and there is no light at all here, so I don't know what time it is.

Her lips were so dry without water, that the iron door was suddenly opened from the outside, and before Cheng Hanlei could clearly see the figure outside, something was thrown in by the sudden light, and hit her body, and then the iron door was knocked down again with a bang. close.

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