the president's wife

Chapter 394: Countdown to the Ending (3)

Chapter 394: Countdown to the Ending ([-]) Lei Chenyi's eyes stayed on a certain place without even looking at Cheng Hanlei.


Cheng Hanlei couldn't help but reached out and tugged at the corner of Lei Chenyi's clothes. Before her hand touched Lei Chenyi's clothes, she saw that the elevator had just reached the first floor. Lei Chenyi took a step forward and missed Cheng Hanlei's hand, striding forward Go to where you parked.Cheng Hanlei felt very uncomfortable looking at the empty hands.

I don't know if it's because of her pregnancy, but Cheng Hanlei's mood fluctuates a lot.Seeing Lei Chenyi's indifferent appearance, his nose immediately became sore.Sniffing hard, seeing Lei Chenyi really walking towards the car without looking back, he immediately followed up.

Seeing Lei Chenyi get into the car by himself, although he didn't help her open the door and protect her to get into the car like before, but he got into the car but didn't drive immediately...

Immediately a wave of hope surged in her heart, Cheng Hanlei immediately walked to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat in.

Thinking that Lei Chenyi would not be angry when he got in the car, he turned his head to please Lei Chenyi, but what he saw was still a cold face, not any less relaxed than before.Cheng Hanlei's ingratiating smile froze on her face, and when she wanted to lean over, Lei Chenyi had already driven directly.Cheng Hanlei immediately put on the seat belt and put it on, the child in her belly must not make any mistakes...

After the car drove out of the parking lot, Lei Chenyi stopped while waiting for the first red light.Without looking at Cheng Hanlei, she said in a cold voice: "If there is anything to do, I will talk about it when I go back to the room at night. Beibei has been waiting for you for a month. I explained to her that you are on a business trip."

Cheng Hanlei's expression was a little stiff due to the too indifferent voice.Putting your hands aside, you want to start the car and start it again.Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi's profile, thinking that he was driving now, if he told him that he had a baby, it would be bad if something happened to him too excited.

Enduring the depression caused by Lei Chenyi's indifference, Cheng Hanlei silently lowered her head...

The car stopped suddenly, Lei Chenyi pushed away from the station and got off, Cheng Hanlei looked at his back, not long after, Lei Chenyi came back with a beautifully wrapped gift in his hand and put it behind.He didn't speak, and drove straight after getting in the car.

"Thank you, husband."

"I'm just for Babe."

The voice was very cold, Lei Chenyi said without emotion.Cheng Hanlei pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

In such a depressing atmosphere along the way, until the car stopped.



Cheng Beibei watched Cheng Hanlei and Lei Chenyi walk in together, they hadn't seen each other for a month, and when Cheng Beibei saw Cheng Hanlei, he forgot that he couldn't run away.She rushed towards Cheng Hanlei with her calves, and Cheng Hanlei immediately stabilized Cheng Beibei's small body, preventing her from crashing into her arms. It would be bad if she bumped into the baby in her belly.

"Mom, Beibei misses you so much."

Cheng Beibei's tears were worthless, and she came as soon as she said it, and the tears rolled out as soon as she spoke.Cheng Hanlei's heart was seized at once. She left Beibei this month, and she and Beibei have never been separated for such a long time. This little girl must be thinking about herself terribly.

Kneeling down and hugging Cheng Beibei into his arms, his eyes were also red.

"Bebe, your mother bought you a present."

Lei Chenyi came over, pulled Cheng Beibei and handed the present to Cheng Beibei.When Cheng Beibei saw it, she hugged happily and kissed Cheng Hanlei's cheek.

"Thank you mom, you are the best."

Cheng Hanlei's expression was a little embarrassed, she didn't even think of buying a gift for Beibei.It was still Lei Chenyi's thoughtfulness, Beibei would be very disappointed if he didn't buy a gift.It's not right to leave her for a month, and now...

Looking at Lei Chenyi, I wanted to give him a grateful smile.But Lei Chenyi didn't look at her at all, he just stretched out his arms to hug Cheng Beibei and said: "Okay, go in and wash your dirty little face from crying, and get ready to eat."

"Okay. Mom, hurry up, Beibei is so hungry. Finally, we can eat together as a family instead of just eating with Dad."

Cheng Beibei slid down from Lei Chenyi's arms, holding Lei Chenyi in one hand and Cheng Hanlei in the other, walking happily inside.Cheng Hanlei looked at Cheng Beibei's cheerful little face, and then looked at Lei Chenyi. His gaze was always looking forward. He knew she was looking at him, but he never met her eyes.

Auntie had already prepared the meal, and when she saw Cheng Hanlei came back, she greeted her, and the three of them sat at the table and began to eat dinner.

Cheng Beibei didn't notice that there was a problem between her parents, she just chattered about how much she missed her this month...

Cheng Hanlei felt even more guilty. She didn't regret the month she spent with Jue, but she felt very guilty about the negativity brought to Lei Chenyi and Beibei.

"Honey, what do you like to eat?"

Almost flattering, he put Lei Chenyi's favorite dish into a bowl, seeing that Lei Chenyi didn't refuse, Cheng Hanlei couldn't help being a little happy.It was just a moment of joy, when he saw that the food he had put aside for Lei Chenyi had been put aside, Lei Chenyi didn't even move.The smile on the corner of Cheng Hanlei's mouth froze, and she finally realized that Lei Chenyi was not ordinary angry this time...

After dinner, I haven't seen Cheng Hanlei for a month, Cheng Beibei pestered Cheng Hanlei to accompany her until after nine o'clock, after Cheng Beibei fell asleep.Cheng Hanlei couldn't wait to get up, helped Cheng Beibei pull the quilt, and walked out of the room lightly.

Walking to the bedroom with Lei Chenyi, Cheng Hanlei felt a little uneasy.Holding the doorknob with his hand, he thought that if Lei Chenyi got angry again later, he would throw out his trump card directly.

After taking a deep breath and mentally preparing himself, he turned the doorknob.


Soft voice, with a touch of coquettishness.He poked his head in and looked at the empty room, but did not see Lei Chenyi.When his eyes touched the bedroom, his first reaction was whether he had gone to the wrong bedroom.There was nothing in it that belonged to me, especially the most beautiful wedding photo on the bedside.He hurriedly walked to the closet, opened it, all his clothes and hanging bags were gone.

Cheng Hanlei felt a chill in her heart, and her hands began to tremble.Everything that belongs to her is gone, which means...

Just when he turned around to look for Lei Chenyi, he only heard a sound from the door behind him.Cheng Hanlei immediately turned her head to look at Lei Chenyi, even if there was a fire in her heart.But I was at fault first, and I still tried my best to suppress the anger, took a deep breath, raised a smile and looked at Lei Chenyi and said: "Husband, where are our wedding photos and my things? "

She was looking for a step down for herself, and she was also looking for a step down for Lei Chenyi...

He just got angry for a moment after he and Jue left, so he put away all his things, out of sight and out of sight.This is punishing myself, getting angry with myself, it won't be what I think...

Lei Chenyi didn't speak immediately, but walked directly to the room, sat there, looked at Cheng Hanlei with cold eyes, and said calmly: "Your things are in the next room, and the wedding photos have been put away. From now on, You sleep in the next room..."

"What do you mean?"

Cheng Hanlei became anxious, and when she heard Lei Chenyi's seriousness, she couldn't help but stepped forward, closing the distance between the two of them.When he wanted to touch Lei Chenyi, but saw Lei Chenyi's cold eyes, he stopped abruptly.

Lei Chenyi didn't answer any more, his eyes already said everything...

Cheng Hanlei's heart was wrenching, she held her hands on both sides of her clothes, and said anxiously: "Honey, I know you're angry, and I can explain it. I know it's my fault for me to make my own decision without discussing it with you personally. But at the time he was honored..."

When the word "jue" came out of Cheng Hanlei's mouth, Lei Chenyi's always calm expression flashed a gloomy look.His eyes immediately turned cold, and he looked at Cheng Hanlei and said very indifferently: "I don't want to hear about your affairs, and I don't even want to hear explanations."

Seeing Lei Chenyi's really angry appearance, Cheng Hanlei had no choice but to explain later, let him know now...

"Husband, I..."

Cheng Hanlei took a step forward, tried hard to suppress the fear in her heart, smiled hard, and wanted to tell him that she was pregnant...

"Cheng Hanlei, let's get a divorce."

The words were choked back by Lei Chenyi's words, Cheng Hanlei stared at the man in front of her with wide eyes.Did she get it wrong?What did he just say?

"What did you say?"

Her voice was trembling, Cheng Hanlei stood one step away from Lei Chenyi, her voice was fragmented, she couldn't believe what she heard.He actually said that he wanted to divorce himself...

Lei Chenyi sat there looking at Cheng Hanlei's trembling body with an unbelievable appearance. From her shocked and stunned appearance, one can clearly feel how shocked Cheng Hanlei was at this time. How much the word hit her...

"We divorced."

The clearer four words were uttered out of the thin lips without nostalgia.


Cheng Hanlei couldn't accept the impact of these two words at all.Did she get it wrong? How could Lei Chenyi divorce her? He obviously loves her so much, how could he be willing to divorce her...

Until Lei Chenyi stood up and walked out without hesitation.The breath brought by it made Cheng Hanlei's eyes turn red all of a sudden, and the tears fell unpreparedly like this.Cold tears fell, and the room was completely empty. After walking for a month, the aura of two people was mixed here, but now she can't feel the existence of her aura at all.

Looking at the room where there is nothing belonging to him, even his favorite dressing table has been moved out, the sad feeling, the feeling of being really about to be abandoned swept over.Cheng Hanlei's tears rolled out even more recklessly.

She thought of everything, she thought of Lei Chenyi's anger, but she really didn't think that Lei Chenyi would mention divorce to her.

A little bit at a loss, did not chase out, just stood there blankly, unable to accept this fact.

The impact of being divorced by two people is too severe...

After a while, there was another sound from the door.Cheng Hanlei was startled, and immediately raised her head, the tears in her eyes were still rolling.There were still tears on his face, when he saw Lei Chenyi appearing, his thin lips pursed lightly, wriggling and wanting to call Lei Chenyi...

But when he saw what Lei Chenyi was holding in his hand, his expression turned even paler.

Lei Chenyi walked in with a blank face, walked directly to Cheng Hanlei's side, and threw the things in his hand on the table.The eye-catching big characters hurt Cheng Hanlei's eyes.

Seeing those words in disbelief, he walked over slowly, and slowly reached out to pick them up.There are a few large characters clearly written on it, the divorce agreement...

The words in front of me became more and more blurred, and Dou Da's teardrops rolled out of his eyes.Since pregnancy, the mood seems to be more and more excited.Cheng Hanlei tried hard to suppress her tears, but she couldn't restrain the tears that flowed out wantonly.

Flipping through with trembling fingers, this is a complete divorce agreement.It was clearly written chapter by chapter, and gave her everything that could be given. At the last signature place, the man's side had already signed Lei Chenyi.

When she got married, when she saw him sign the contract, those three words were so beautiful.But looking at the three words in front of her now, Cheng Hanlei only felt that the eyes were too harsh, and her heart was trembling...

He was going to divorce himself, he really decided to divorce himself...

Lei Chenyi doesn't want her anymore, really doesn't want her anymore...

"You can give you whatever you want, a house, or even the newly established Lei's Enterprise. But there is only one thing, Cheng Beibei must follow me."

Lei Chenyi's voice was indifferent, as if he was negotiating with a stranger.

"Are you really going to divorce me?"


"You don't want me anymore, do you?"



In the end, he still couldn't restrain his emotions, and said in a broken voice, why don't you want her anymore, why should you divorce her.He obviously loves himself very much, he already knows how to be considerate of himself, he is obviously already very reasonable, and he should be able to understand why she did this.

They have a lifetime, and Jue only has two months. She just wants to do her best, and wants to fulfill one of Jue's wishes, so that he can leave without any regrets.But why, in only one month, the world has turned upside down...

"Cheng Hanlei, I already said at the wedding that this is the last time. Human tolerance has a bottom line. This time, I will never forgive you again."

Cheng Hanlei's heart seemed to be torn apart forcefully, the pain made Cheng Hanlei forcefully and bit her lips, it was so painful that she was suffocating...

She couldn't help but throw away the divorce agreement, hugged Lei Chenyi tightly, and pleaded with her eyes red from crying, "Husband, don't be angry, I know I was wrong. Listen to me, this is really the last time. I won't break your heart anymore, I will only be by your side in the future. Don't divorce me, I don't want to divorce you, I can't divorce you...I can't live without you..."

In the last few words, Cheng Hanlei collapsed...

Hearing Cheng Hanlei's sad and terrified voice, Lei Chenyi couldn't help but clenched his heart.It would be a lie to say that she doesn't feel distressed, but this time, Cheng Hanlei really went too far.

Suppressing the distress in my heart, I didn't reach out to hug Cheng Hanlei to coax her, but pushed Cheng Hanlei away indifferently, and said in a cold voice: "Cheng Hanlei, I'm not joking with you, and I'm not angry anymore. The divorce mentioned is true, I really want to divorce you, no, do you agree or not?"

The pushed away body, without Lei Chenyi's warmth, Cheng Hanlei immediately felt a chill.Standing in the room, I just feel cold all over.She really wanted to hold Lei Chenyi's face and kiss Lei Chenyi, and then said coquettishly: "I hate it, husband, you know how to scare me."

But, looking at Lei Chenyi's face, his expression is so serious.There was really no anger in his eyes, no memory.Just looking at himself so calmly and indifferently, as if looking at a stranger.

He really wasn't pretending, he really decided to divorce himself.No kidding at all...

shaking his head gently...

how is this possible……

how can that be……

She must be dreaming... It must not be real... She pinched herself so hard that her arms were almost blue, and the real pain meant that everything was real and not in her dreams.

But how could Lei Chenyi not want him, how could he divorce him, how could he be willing to divorce him...

"Don't procrastinate. If you think there is no problem after reading it, just sign it. In this way, we can divorce as soon as possible, and you can do whatever you want in the future. There is nothing to restrict you... There is no point in procrastinating like this."

With the voice of urging, the opened pen was handed to Cheng Hanlei.

Cheng Hanlei stared fixedly at the pen held by Lei Chenyi's slender five fingers, as if her heart was worried about something.Tears kept streaming down, even more so excited.I really can't accept the fact of divorce...

Seeing Cheng Hanlei not moving, Lei Chenyi saw her crying pitifully.His heart has already started to soften, and if he continues to look at it like this, he will definitely hold Xi Hanlei into his arms and kiss away her tears.In order not to soften his heart, Lei Chenyi continued to stab Cheng Hanlei's heart that was about to collapse and said: "You should know that even if you don't want a divorce, I can still find a lunatic directly."

The words have been forced to such a degree, Cheng Hanlei bit her lip so hard that it almost broke her lip.

How come they became like this in just one month. . .

He stretched out his hand tremblingly to accept the sum, and looked at the side of the woman, but couldn't sign it no matter what.If she signed, soon the two of them would be strangers.She can no longer keep warm in his arms. From now on, he will belong to someone else. How can she see that he belongs to someone else.

He is her husband, and he will be her husband for the rest of his life. No one can take him away.

She doesn't want a divorce, she firmly doesn't want a divorce.It is no longer possible to imagine how she would live without Lei Chenyi.Already used to his breath, his love, everything he gave, suddenly want to lose, how can she adapt to accept...

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