the president's wife

Chapter 391: Can't leave you alone

Chapter 391: I can't leave you alone "Actually, outside the church that day, Jue watched you and Lei Chenyi finish their vows, saw your happy smile, and left after verifying the happiest moment of your life... ..."

Cheng Hanlei's heart was suddenly pulled into a ball. In the dressing room, Shangguanjue's expression and eyes.At the last moment, his goodbye.It turned out that he wanted to meet again...

"The operation was successful at first, but just a week after the operation, Jue suddenly fainted when he was about to be discharged from the hospital, and then..."

Peony finally choked up and couldn't speak...

"Han Lei, thank you..."

After Peony finished speaking, the car was deadly quiet, Cheng Hanlei sat there in a daze, her head was buzzing, echoing what Peony said...

The blood in his body froze at this moment, his whole body trembled uncontrollably, and an indescribable feeling rippling in his heart.That kind of feeling, like a mountain suddenly pressing over, makes people feel suffocated.

"Jue doesn't want to tell you, but I really can't bear to see him continue to torture himself like this. Seeing his heartbroken expression every time he turns around, my heart is cut like a knife. Han Lei, I know my proposal is very selfish. But can I ask you for the sake of Jue's affection for you for so many years..."

"where is he?"

Cheng Hanlei interrupted Peony with an extraordinary calmness.

"Han Lei?"

Peony's tears are still in his eyes, looking at Cheng Hanlei...

"He should be home."

"We're going to find him now."

Cheng Hanlei clasped her hands on the steering wheel, her face so calm, but her hands clasped tightly on the steering wheel could faintly see the tiny blood vessels on it...


After going to Shangguanjue's house, Cheng Hanlei immediately drove to the company.

"Miss Peony, you can't go in now..."

The secretary stopped the two of them, but Peony and Cheng Hanlei rushed directly to the president's office.

Shangguan Rui sat inside, watching the two people rushing in.When he saw Cheng Hanlei and Peony, he gave the secretary a look.

"What's up?"

Shangguanjue looked at Cheng Hanlei without any emotion...

"Where is the king?"

"do not know."

She looked at Cheng Hanlei with sharp eyes...

"Shangguan Rui, tell me, where is Jue?"

"So what if you know where he is? What can you do for him? It's nothing more than making him suffer more. Is it necessary?"

Shangguan Rui's voice was a bit mocking, he couldn't say anything to Shangguan Jue's choice, but as an elder brother, he couldn't help feeling sorry...

"Please tell me, where is the Lord?"



Standing at the airport, Shangguanjue still remembered that when he left City S for the first time to go to England, Cheng Hanlei was standing there crying very sadly at this airport.In fact, if he could turn back and hug her at that time, and take her away together, maybe the ending would be different.

Sometimes in life, if you miss it, you miss it. He thought he could stay by Han Lei's side in the end.Even if it's just greedy for that warmth, those happy smiles.Even if her smile is not for himself, but seeing her smile, he can tell himself that she is doing well and she is very happy.

Now, even the last chance is gone.What he didn't want was for Han Lei to look at him with pity, and he didn't even want to see her suffer because of him.

This time, there is really no need to say goodbye.

Because turning around this time, I really can't see each other again.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, Shangguanjue turned around and walked in without any hesitation.

"Shangguanjue, stop for me."

Cheng Hanlei pushed the car door and rushed down, Peony followed behind Cheng Hanlei, walking in the airport hall where people were coming and going.Cheng Hanlei walked directly to the aisle of the private jet, and immediately rushed in when she saw the disappearing figure.

"Miss, you can't enter here."

The inspector at the door reached out to stop Cheng Hanlei, Cheng Hanlei didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed away the people standing on both sides and rushed in.


Just as Shangguanjue left the door, he heard the noise behind him, and when he heard Cheng Hanlei's voice, for a moment he thought it was an auditory hallucination caused by his longing.

"Shangguanjue, I told you to stop, did you hear that?"

Cheng Hanlei saw Shangguanjue walking towards the small private jet that he hadn't bought for a long time, and his voice became louder.

Shangguanjue's footsteps stopped, and he turned around slowly. When he saw Cheng Hanlei walking towards here not far behind, his eyes under the sunglasses suddenly felt a little dry.The hands in the pockets were also tight. During the pause, Cheng Hanlei had already rushed in front of Shangguanjue.

When the people following saw Shangguanjue stop, they were about to leave when Shangguanjue said coldly: "Whoever told you to let someone in, take them out immediately."

After hearing Shangguanjue's words, Cheng Hanlei's beautiful eyes widened in anger.When he saw two people trying to pull him away, he looked at Shangguanjue wearing sunglasses. The sunglasses concealed the emotion in his eyes, making it difficult to see clearly, but the tight lines of his shoulders had already betrayed him.

"Shangguanjue, I have something to tell you."

"I have nothing to say to you."

At this time the plane had started, Shangguanjue turned around and walked towards the plane.

Seeing that Shangguanjue ignored her, Cheng Hanlei turned around and looked at Peony holding her hand and said, "Peony, I am going to board the plane with Shangguanjue now, please help me tell Lei Chenyi that I love him. I will follow him slowly when I come back." He explained, please."

Letting go of Peony's hand, Cheng Hanlei ran towards the plane without thinking.After seeing Shangguanjue getting on the plane, he rushed up the bracket that was slowly being put away.

"Cheng Hanlei, are you crazy?"

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's crazy behavior, Shangguanjue immediately reached out to hold her, while the plane taxied and took off slowly. Peony stood underneath, watching the plane take off slowly until it disappeared from his sight.A person stood for a long time, then turned and walked out.

"Please give me a ticket to Africa."

When holding the ticket in his hand, Peony slowly tightened his palm...


After the plane flew into the sky and stabilized, Shangguanjue shook off Cheng Hanlei's hand, turned his head to look at Cheng Hanlei, and his eyes could shoot right through her...

"Cheng Hanlei, do you know what you were doing just now? What if something happens to you? Have you ever thought about Lei Chenyi, Beibei..."

Ever wonder how much I worry about...

Cheng Hanlei was also a little surprised, she just thought about following Shangguanjue, she didn't think that much at all.After hearing so much from Peony, the only thing she thought of was this method, and she also believed that Lei Chenyi could understand herself...

"Am I all right?"

Cheng Hanlei looked at the worried Shangguanjue and smiled softly.But as soon as the smile came out, the eye sockets turned red.

No matter when, the person he cares about is always himself.

"Han Lei... what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Cheng Hanlei's eyes were red, Shangguanjue wanted to put on a cold face, but when he saw the tears rolling out, he couldn't hold back his cold face.He hurriedly took out the paper from his pocket and handed it to Cheng Hanlei, the worry on his face was obvious.

"I... know everything."

Cheng Hanlei's voice was a little choked up, looking at the thin man in front of her, it was a lie that her heart didn't hurt.There is always an indescribable feeling for Shangguan Jue, which is a feeling of cherishing and loving each other.Everyone has feelings, how could she not know how good Shangguan Jue is to her.One piece and two pieces, all added together, those are pressing on her heart...

Shangguanjue pursed his lips and remained silent...

From the time she and peony chased after her, Shangguanjue knew that Cheng Hanlei must have known about it before chasing her.In fact, when I saw her chasing after me, I was happy in my heart.At least, she cared about herself in her heart, and her first choice after knowing her affairs was to chase herself.Obviously knowing it's not love, but still can't help throbbing in my heart.

"The plane is already in the sky, and it is booked for a direct route. It cannot stop halfway. After arriving, I will ask the captain to take you back to City S."

In the end, Shangguanjue still suppressed the emotions in his heart and arranged for Cheng Hanlei with the most rational voice.

"I don't plan to go back to City S."

Cheng Hanlei said lightly...

"What do you mean?"

Shangguanjue's heart tightened, and he looked up at Cheng Hanlei...

"I said that I didn't plan to go back to S City immediately, Jue, you have always paid for me. You have always been kind to me, without complaint or regret. And I have never done anything for you. This time let me I'll be with you, just the two of us, okay?"

Shangguanjue's nose was sour, and Cheng Hanlei's voice was almost like a tear gas.It has always been said that men do not shed tears lightly, but after hearing Cheng Hanlei's words, the deep love of the past few years is suddenly worth it.Some people ask, is it worth it to love someone like this without any return?

He really wants to answer, it's worth it, because the person you give always understands what you give.

"I don't need you to take care of me. I can take care of myself well by myself. Don't forget, I took care of myself when I was in England. You don't have to worry, just treat it as if I traveled far away. Wait When you arrive at your destination, I will ask the captain to take you back. Don't worry Lei Chenyi, if he knows that you are leaving with me now, he will definitely jump in a hurry. "

Shangguanjue tried his best to suppress the selfishness in his heart, he really wanted to say yes, even if it was only for such a short time...

"I have asked peony to tell Lei Chenyi, don't worry, Lei Chenyi is not as domineering as before, and is more reasonable. As long as peony tells him, he will understand. Jue, just let me feel at ease once? I am with you, at least let me do something for you?"

Cheng Hanlei's eyes were red again. In fact, it was really difficult to pretend that she wasn't sad.

"Han Lei..."

Shangguanjue tried to persuade Cheng Hanlei with the last of his reason...

"I've made up my mind, it's impossible for me to leave you alone."

When Shangguanjue spoke, Cheng Hanlei directly interrupted Shangguanjue, looking at Shangguanjue, her eyes were full of her persistence.

"what ever."

The emotion was too agitated, Shangguan Jue could only say two words coldly in the end, but the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.Cheng Hanlei sat on the side and looked at Shangguanjue, the plane flew in the far end, looking out the window was a vast expanse of white.She believes that Lei Chenyi will support his decision, she and Lei Chenyi still have a lifetime, and Jue...


After Cheng Hanlei and Peony left, Lei Chenyi turned and went back home.Cheng Beibei and Anze just got up and went to wash up obediently together.Picking up the phone in the living room and dialing Cheng Hanlei's number, she was a little worried that something happened to Shangguanjue, which made Hanlei leave in such a hurry without even saying hello.

The familiar ringtone rang on the coffee table, Lei Chenyi put down the phone, and glanced at the quiet phone on the coffee table...

Didn't even have a phone...

Auntie has already made breakfast, Cheng Beibei and Anze have already brushed their teeth and washed their faces, and sat there to eat breakfast.

"Father/Uncle, it's time for breakfast. Where's Mom/Godmother?"

Cheng Beibei and Anze asked at the same time. After speaking, the two children looked at each other happily and giggled...

"Mom has something to go out."

Lei Chenyi suppressed the emotions in his heart, and walked to the dining table to have breakfast with the two children.After breakfast, Lei Chenyi called Cheng Hanlei's company, but Cheng Hanlei hadn't gone to the company yet.So by the way, he asked for a leave of absence for Cheng Hanlei, and then asked his aunt to take care of the two children, and went to Shangguanjue's place immediately.

I rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one was there.Shangguanjue was not at home, so he turned off his phone even when he called him.Lei Chenyi went directly to Shangguan Rui, and when he also walked into the company, Shangguan Rui raised his head and looked at Lei Chenyi who walked in...

"Is something wrong?"

Stand up and look at Lei Chenyi as if nothing had happened...

"Has she been here?"

"Her? To whom?"


"Looking for your wife to find me here? I'm not here to help you see your wife."

Lei Chenyi pursed his lips slightly, looked at Shangguan Rui's expression, turned and left without saying anything.Shangguan Rui had something to hide, and deliberately stimulated himself.After walking out of the company and getting into the car, I immediately made a few phone calls...

While the car was driving, Shangguanjue, Cheng Hanlei and Peony disappeared at the same time...

This feeling is very uncomfortable...

After ten minutes, Lei Chenyi's phone rang...

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