the president's wife

Chapter 369: Marriage March (1)

Chapter 369: Marriage March ([-]) Hospital

An Ze and Cheng Beibei sat there side by side, bowing their heads in silence.The small face is precocious beyond age, the corner of the eye will occasionally glance towards the emergency room, and the lips are pursed tightly.Put your hands on your knees and slowly tighten them.An Ran stood aside, looking at the stubbornness on An Ze's little face, obviously very guilty that her words made Shangguan Xuan go to the hospital, but she didn't want to admit that she was wrong...

"Ozawa, don't blame yourself too much, you'll be fine with a smile."

Feeling distressed, An Ran stroked An Ze's head to comfort her.

"I'm not worried."

The voice was a little small, but he spoke stubbornly.It's just that the hands clasped on the knees are clasped even tighter.

Just as An Ran was about to speak again, she heard a rush of footsteps.The familiar sound of footsteps knew who was coming without turning around, the outstretched hand paused, exhaled without a trace, then stood up and turned to look at Shangguan Rui who was in a hurry.

"How is Xiaoxiao?"

Shangguan Rui rushed over, his forehead was covered with sweat from running so fast, and his temples were wet.And Shangguan Rui stood in front of An Ran, asking nervously.

"Still inside..."

Before An Ran's voice fell, the door inside opened.Shangguan Xuan pushed out from inside, and Shangguan Rui immediately went up to meet her.

"Doctor, is my daughter okay?"

The nervous look made the doctor frowned slightly, and he said in a warning voice: "You know that the child has asthma, so you should pay more attention. How can you make the child run so violently and be so emotional? If it weren't for the timely rescue, the child would have It's so fragile, so easy..."


Shangguan Xuan, who was lying there, saw Shangguan Rui, her eyes were red, tears rolled out as soon as she opened her mouth.


Shangguan Rui immediately held Shangguan Xuan's little hand nervously, only seeing Shangguan Xuan in his eyes.

"You tell my younger brother that Xiaoxiao didn't lie. When Xiaoxiao grows up and can take care of his younger brother, his father will pick up his younger brother and aunt to live with Xiaoxiao and let Xiaoxiao take care of his younger brother... Xiaoxiao didn't lie, neither did his father. Liar, right..."

Shangguan Rui's heart was in great pain, and he already understood what happened from Xiaoxiao's words.

Not knowing how to answer Shangguan Xuan, her eyes turned to An Ran and then to An Ze who was still sitting there.At this time, Anze's small face has been lifted up, looking at him, there is a touch of complicated emotions in his eyes.

Seemingly wanting to say something, she took one last look at Shangguan Xuan and stood up without saying anything.He led Cheng Beibei to An Ran's side, took An Ran's hand and said indifferently: "Mom, let's go."

From Shangguan Rui to the hospital, his eyes turned to him only because Shangguan Xuan mentioned him.

An Ran nodded to Shangguan Rui, and when she saw that Shangguan Xuan was fine, she reminded Shangguan Xuan to take a good rest, then led An Ze and Cheng Beibei to leave.

Shangguan Rui's heart wrenched even more, he saw apology in Anze's eyes, and there was also a hint of injury hidden.

His original intention was to let Xiaoxiao get along with Anze and the others more, so that Anze could accept Xiaoxiao...

When Shangguan Xuan was finally comforted and sent to the ward to rest, Shangguan Rui's cell phone vibrated suddenly...

a text message...

Open the text message and look at the above sentence: "Don't give Xiaoxiao the wrong message with things that won't happen, wrong expectations, the truth will hurt the child even more."

I stared at the text message for a long time...

The eye sockets hurt so badly...




The car drove into the area where An Ran and Cheng Hanlei drank coffee last time, Lei Chenyi slowed down, stared ahead, and suddenly spoke.

Cheng Hanlei turned her gaze to look at Lei Chenyi's profile...

"Remember this place?"

Only now did Cheng Hanlei realize that this was the place where she drank coffee with An Ran last time, and it was also here that she saw Lei Chenyi with another woman...

The happy expression on his face froze slightly at the corner of his mouth, when asked that day, Lei Chenyi was only vague and did not explain.

Just saying a friend...

That was always a small thorn in her heart, which would prick her from time to time.Hearing Lei Chenyi mention it now, the thorn in Cheng Hanlei's heart called narrow-mindedness began to pierce again.Cheng Hanlei who stabbed felt a little hurt, a little wronged, and a little resentful.It's okay to mention this on such a happy day today, it's obviously going to ruin her good mood.

Lei Chenyi's eyes were still focused on the front, he felt Cheng Hanlei's resentful gaze, and his voice was still calm...

"The woman I was with that day..."

"I don't want to know anymore, I believe you."

In the end, he interrupted Lei Chenyi's words, and wanted Lei Chenyi to explain when he didn't know, but if he really asked him to speak, he didn't want to listen anymore.She clearly believed in him, why did she still have a thorn in her heart.

The corner of Lei Chenyi's mouth turned up when he was interrupted, and he glanced at Cheng Hanlei out of the corner of his eye.When the red light stopped, she suddenly turned sideways, held Cheng Hanlei's face in one hand and turned towards her, kissing Cheng Hanlei's lips.

It didn't go deep, and didn't get entangled, just kissed for a while, and then left.

"You'll find out later."

He is very satisfied with Cheng Hanlei's trust.I also feel very happy, a very satisfied feeling.The red light skipped, the green light flashed, Lei Chenyi restarted the car, and the car continued to drive forward.

After driving for about 10 minutes, the car stopped suddenly.

Lei Chenyi got out of the car, opened the door for Cheng Hanlei, and led Cheng Hanlei out.

Cheng Hanlei took a look at the newly opened wedding dress photo studio. It has been open for a week, but it has already set off a wave in S City just after it opened.It's been a month and a half and it's still not open.Seeing Lei Chenyi pulling her straight in, Cheng Hanlei couldn't help pulling Lei Chenyi and said: "Lei Chenyi, this store hasn't opened yet."

Even if you want to choose a wedding dress, you have to find a wedding photo studio that has already opened, instead of coming here...

Lei Chenyi stopped slightly, and led Cheng Hanlei to continue walking inside.

"I said open it and opened it."

That tone is really awkward.

During the conversation, two people had already walked in, and the four words as big as the doorway were temporarily closed.Now he led himself in swaggeringly, and Cheng Hanlei was in embarrassment when she realized that there was no one inside.

This studio is very big, and Lei Chenyi directly pulled Cheng Hanlei to the second floor. As soon as he walked up to the second floor, Cheng Hanlei smelled a very familiar scent of perfume. Before he could react, he saw the second floor. There are several beautiful wedding dresses. Women always have a longing for wedding dresses.Cheng Hanlei looked at the rows of wedding dresses, each one seemed to be very beautiful...

"What a nice view."

Cheng Hanlei was just an ordinary woman, seeing about ten wedding dresses hanging there, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.Those wedding dresses that can be seen at a glance are designed by famous designers. Under the illumination of the lights, the dazzling light reflected from different angles can dazzle people's eyes.

Each of the wedding dresses here seems to be a unique design, and each one is so beautiful that people can't help but want to wear it.

"This is the treasure in your mouth? It's really ordinary. I really don't see anything worth asking for my design. Don't ruin my design."

Some disgusted voices sounded from behind the wedding dress. Cheng Hanlei heard the somewhat unfriendly voice, and then she looked away from the beautiful wedding dress and looked at the French woman who came over.What was shocking was not the beauty of this woman, nor the nobility of this woman and the uniquely designed clothes, but the person who came out was...

Arlene, the leading and well-known fashion designer in France, heard many legends about Arlene during the four years in the United States.Even if Wang Yalan wanted to ask her to design a dress, she never had the chance to meet her in person.She is low-key and rarely shows up.Seeing a real person standing in front of her at this time, it really feels like a little girl seeing an idol.

Everyone who is chasing fashion can't avoid being curious about Arlene's longing...

"She's only going to make your designs look better when she wears them."

Lei Chenyi's words without hesitation made Arlene's contemptuous eyes warm up...

The reason why she agreed to Lei Chenyi was not only because she sold Yin Kejia's face, but also because Lei Chenyi cared about this woman very much from Yin Kejia's words.She has a husband who loves him very much, so she has a sense of empathy for the people she loves deeply in this world.Seeing Lei Chenyi speak without hesitation at this time, he couldn't help admiring him.

"You are lucky."

Arlene walked up to Cheng Hanlei, stretched out her hand and said, "I'm Arlene, nice to meet you."

This nearly 40-year-old woman looks so elegant.

"Hi, I'm Cheng Hanlei."

"I won't bother you to choose the wedding dress. The designs here are all designed according to your size. You only need to be responsible for the selection. My Darling is here to pick me up and go back to France. See you later."

Arlene didn't delay, she just greeted her and was about to leave.When going down the stairs, Arlene turned around and looked at Lei Chenyi and added: "Of course, you are luckier."

Arlene left, and there were only two people left on the second floor.Cheng Hanlei smelled the perfume in her nostrils, and she hadn't reacted to it just now, but after being in such close contact with Arlene, if she couldn't smell it, then there was really something wrong with her nose.

The perfume on Lei Chenyi's body belonged to Arlene, and the reason why he was with Arlene was entirely because of giving her this surprise and gift.

"If you don't like it, I can still find..."

Lei Chenyi stood there and hadn't finished speaking...

"Lei Chenyi!"


Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei's shocked expression, shouldn't she be very happy now?

"How much did you spend?"

You have to know how valuable the clothes designed by arlene are, and now the wedding dresses...

"Leilei, you'd better not say such unsightly things at this time..."

In Lei Chenyi's words, it was obvious that he was warning.

Cheng Hanlei was actually very moved, but she had already cried like that before, and now that the two of them are together, if she didn't find something else to say, she was really afraid that she would cry for nothing again.Obviously already very strong, but suddenly today she is as fragile as Lin Daiyu, her tears are really worthless...


Cheng Hanlei smiled sweetly...

She really feels very happy...

"Choose a wedding dress."

Lei Chenyi's face was a little embarrassed, he had used up all his romantic cells and hypocrisy today.He never thought that one day he would do this for a woman. He just wanted to surprise her and see her moved and happy.Even though he was very busy, but thinking of Cheng Hanlei's surprised expression when he was about to see it, he suddenly felt that it was all worth it.

Knowing that Lei Chenyi was shy, Cheng Hanlei stopped teasing Lei Chenyi and went to choose her wedding dress.

Looking at the pieces hanging there, Cheng Hanlei chose the first one.Each one is so beautiful, as if silently letting people try them.She seems to have overlooked a very important issue, Lei Chenyi seems to be richer than she imagined.But aren't all officials clean and honest?Where did he get the money from?

I looked at each piece carefully, and finally Cheng Hanlei picked out the simplest one, with almost no other decorations to add embellishments.When standing in front of the wedding dress again, Lei Chenyi's eyes obviously flashed with admiration. This wedding dress is Arlene's most proud work...

This is a piece where every part of the upper body fits tightly, fully able to outline the curves of women.Low-key, pure and exudes a touch of feminine charm.And the buttocks from the waist to the bottom slowly relax until they are dragged to the ground, like a most holy lily flower and then slowly bloom.And in his eyes, Cheng Hanlei is just a lily, no matter how much time has passed, she is still as beautiful as before...

"Husband, is this pretty?"

Turning his head to the side, even though he liked it very much, he still asked for Lei Chenyi's opinion.Lei Chenyi didn't show too much expression, he just looked at Cheng Hanlei...

"You like this?"


Cheng Hanlei nodded lightly...

Touching this wedding dress and smiling softly...

"This wedding dress is very simple. I think the two of us have been keeping it so simple. Although there is no grandeur, we will always be together forever. With you, a lifetime."

The simple words made Lei Chenyi's heart throb.I have to say, Cheng Hanlei's words moved him.

With you, for a lifetime.

Stepping over, her throat was a little hoarse, she took the wedding dress, and kissed Cheng Hanlei's lips...

"Go and try."

He needs to calm down his emotions. It turns out that love words can really make people intoxicated, and Cheng Hanlei's simple words have already moved people so far.


Cheng Hanlei glanced at the wedding dress in Lei Chenyi's hand, and then at Lei Chenyi, and repeated the question a little strangely.


Lei Chenyi, who cherishes words like gold, was in the midst of being emotionally moved at this time, and did not find the strangeness of Cheng Hanlei's question at all.

"No regrets."

Cheng Hanlei reached out to take the wedding dress from Lei Chenyi's hand, and the corners of her mouth curled up softly.

"I'll try it."

When Lei Chenyi found that the wedding dress in his hand was empty, and watched Cheng Hanlei turn around and walk to the fitting room at the back, he realized something was wrong.

This kind of confusion, when the closed door of the dressing mirror opened and Cheng Hanlei walked out wearing that wedding dress, Lei Chenyi realized why Cheng Hanlei had to ask himself again just now.The woman in front of her was like a fairy coming down to earth, Cheng Hanlei, who was already beautiful, was even more beautiful when she put on this tailor-made wedding dress for her.

His gaze was completely fixed on her body and he couldn't take it away. This dress was so beautiful on Cheng Hanlei's body.The exquisite figure stands out more clearly in this wedding dress.Cheng Hanlei's body proportions are very good, as his man, Lei Chenyi, of course knows it best.But what I didn't expect was that the effect of this dress could be so amazing.

The line of the chest completely outlines her moderately sized bust line, and further down, the waist that is not full and the buttocks that feel good to the touch.The lower hem covered the slender legs, but with the slightly see-through design, even if you just stood there, you could still see the slender, snow-white long legs.This mysterious and seductive feeling, any man who sees it will want to throw her down directly...

This wedding dress is too seductive, or it is too dangerously seductive to wear on Cheng Hanlei's body, making people unable to look away...

The most damning thing is the chest. The design originally completely covered Cheng Hanlei's crisp chest, but because of Cheng Hanlei's crisp, full breasts, after putting on the dress, it directly pushed down, exposing the half of the gully, which is simply It will make men want to indulge in it...

Arlene definitely did it on purpose...

Cheng Hanlei definitely did it on purpose...

Looking at Cheng Hanlei, Lei Chenyi's expression was very suppressed, it can be said to be wonderful.He was so annoyed and couldn't look away, he wished he could swallow Cheng Hanlei with his eyes from top to bottom.Those eyes were bare, naked, without any cover, and besides desire, there were annoyance, resentment and anger in the eyes.The last word is of course for arlene...

The degree of change in expression was so wonderful that Cheng Hanlei couldn't help standing there and laughing out loud.

Today, watching Lei Chenyi stink once and throw a stone at his own foot once, it was simply too enjoyable...

Cheng Hanlei smiled, and Lei Chenyi's expression became even more stinky...

When Cheng Hanlei saw that Lei Chenyi had admired enough and his face was smelly enough, he walked slowly towards Lei Chenyi. When the whole person stood in front of Lei Chenyi, Cheng Hanlei deliberately pulled the skirt under her skirt and turned around. Circle, asked intentionally: "Husband...Does this look good on me?"

The words were almost squeezed out between the teeth. There was a gap between the heights of the two people, but at this time, at close range, Cheng Hanlei was wearing slippers in the fitting room, and she was even a few centimeters shorter. Lei Chenyi's The height is very clear, and it is obvious that Cheng Hanlei's ravine is even more proud because it is a little crowded...

As Cheng Hanlei's breathing was rising and falling, Lei Chenyi's seductive arc made Lei Chenyi's eyes darker and more aggressive...

Today's big picture has been updated.About [-] words.Send [-] words first, and [-] will be sent later. . .

Guess if Lao Lei can't control himself and throws Xiao Lei Lei down here, and stage a hungry wolf legend...

la la la...

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