the president's wife

Chapter 312: Embrace

Chapter 312: During the half an hour of planting Lei Chenyi upstairs, the downstairs continued to be in emergency treatment.Shen Dongliu was lying there, chatting with Lei Chenyi.He was very clear about Yin Kejia's situation. According to his strength at that time, the ribs would definitely pierce the lung lobes, and even God was helping him.In the evening, there was no doctor to perform the operation immediately, and the delay was enough to cause a person to die from excessive blood loss.The current rescue is nothing more than doing useless work...

When Lei Chenyi heard the phone vibrate, he stood up.

"I'm sorry, Secretary Shen, I'll answer the phone first."

Shen Dongliu made a casual gesture, and Lei Chenyi walked outside to the balcony and picked up the phone.

"It's good that the operation is successful. I'm here with Secretary Shen. I'll come down right away."

Soon Lei Chenyi hung up the phone, turned around and saw Shen Dongliu's gaze, nodded apologetically to Shen Dongliu and said: "Secretary Shen, I have some urgent matters to deal with first, we will talk about this matter later, don't bother me You rest."

"It's okay, you are busy."

Seeing Lei Chenyi leave, Shen Dongliu's expression darkened.

The operation was successful, how could it be possible?Did he reveal it deliberately in front of him, or...

Not long after Lei Chenyi left, Shen Dongliu rang the nurse's bell, and from the nurse's mouth, he concluded that Yin Kejia had indeed passed the dangerous period and would wake up soon.The two fought against each other last night, although I didn't see his face.But for those who are fighting each other, they can feel each other with their breath.

During the fight last night, he already felt that the opponent was not an ordinary person.It's not that easy to deal with the past. As long as the target is locked on him, the investigation will definitely continue.Focusing on the target investigation, during the years in the special forces, it was very clear that one thing, no matter how careful the plan is, there will be loopholes, and he cannot allow any loopholes to exist.

When Lei Chenyi came here just now, it was obvious that he was trying to test him. He wasn't worried about himself. He had been taking this life for all these years, if he hadn't changed his face and identity.He will not live until today, he was secretly executed many years ago...

Picking up the mobile phone on one side, Shen Dongliu dialed a number.

The phone rang for a long time before it was picked up. The other party seemed surprised to receive a call from Shen Dongliu...

"I'm in city S, do you have time to meet up?"

Shen Dongliu's voice was as normal as before, and the person on the phone frowned slightly.He knew that Shen Dongliu came to S city, but why did he want to meet himself...

Although confused, he still agreed, and hung up the phone after agreeing on a time...

However, Lei Chenyi and Zuo Jianning's eyes no longer stopped on Shen Dongliu, but passed over Shen Dongliu, and fixed on the man who was still sitting there...

"Mayor Lei, Lafite in 82, sit down and have a drink."

Feng Xirui shook the liquid in the glass, and under the light, the liquid flowed under the glass with dazzling light.

"Feng Xirui, it's you."

Zuo Jianning stood behind Lei Chenyi, looking at Feng Xirui's appearance, his eyes also tended to be cold.The breath around me is so cold that it's suffocating...

Feng Xirui paused while shaking the cup in his hand, then brought the cup to the corner of his lips without changing his expression, and sipped it lightly, with an intoxicated expression.While swallowing, the aroma of red wine lingered on the tip of his tongue, and Feng Xirui raised his eyelids to meet Zuo Jianning's icy eyes...

"It's not who I am? Secretary Zuo, I haven't seen you in four years, why have I become handsome again? I don't even recognize Secretary Zuo because of his handsomeness?"

"Feng Xirui."

Zuo Jianning looked at Feng Xirui's face, and his breathing was obviously a little short.

Lei Chenyi stretched out his hand to hold Zuo Jianning, and stood there with his expression unchanged, looking at Feng Xirui who was not panicked when he and Zuo Jianning appeared.

He never thought it would be Feng Xirui...

But if it is time, it is such an amazing coincidence.

Feng Xirui came to S City after regaining his health, all this happened...

but why?

Because of Ruoyu?



Leaving from the clubhouse, Lei Chenyi took Feng Xirui away, while Shen Dongliu was imprisoned in another prison.

Feng Xirui was locked in a relatively spacious prison...

Sitting inside as if on vacation, watching Lei Chenyi walking over.

Holding a cigarette in his hand, he leisurely exhaled a puff of smoke ring.The crossed legs were still shaking leisurely.

Feng Xirui was very cooperative when he was taken out of the clubhouse.

Lei Chenyi sat down, the inside was filled with the smell of smoke, Lei Chenyi sat inside without changing his face, looked at Feng Xirui, and asked the question again...


With thin lips parted slightly, Lei Chenyi's voice was calm before the storm.

If it's just for Xia Ruoyu, why doesn't even Liu Ma let it go...

Feng Xirui repeated Lei Chenyi's words like a murmur...

"Why? Mayor Lei, I can't understand what you are saying..."

Lei Chenyi's body became more and more stiff, and his eyes shone under the light.

"Feng Xirui."

"Mayor Lei, you said that I was involved in several homicides and asked the police to bring me into custody. I have been very cooperative and came here to drink tea. Isn't Mayor Lei not satisfied with this cooperative attitude? The so-called If Mayor Lei has evidence, he can directly accuse me of murder, why waste time here?"

The corners of Feng Xirui's mouth raised slightly, with an honest look.Being caught by Lei Chenyi didn't seem to be worried at all.

"By the way, Mayor Lei, I've always been a kind-hearted person. A kind reminder, you haven't seen Xu Peifen for about four years. If you have time, you should go and see her. She lives every night now. It can be said to be very nourishing... karma reciprocates, she is now enjoying the hardship she planted, she is enjoying it very much, singing and singing every night, happy soul every night, and her life is very nourishing."

Lei Chenyi's complexion changed slightly, Feng Xirui's words meant what Xu Peifen did to make Xia Ruoyu leave her.

"Mayor Lei, is there anything else you want me to cooperate with?"


On the second day after Shen Dongliu was imprisoned, Feng Yusen appeared in City S.

Lei Chenyi looked at Feng Yusen who got out of the car. This time Feng Yusen came to S City, but he didn't inform anyone except Lei Chenyi.

"Chen Yi, what's going on?"

In the past four years, the two have not met too much, but the relationship has always been harmonious.In private, it is rare for Feng Yusen to be called Lei Chenyi by name.

Lei Chenyi stood there, looked at Feng Yusen, but didn't speak immediately.

"I'll see Secretary Shen first."

Feng Yusen's face was a little haggard, and Xu Qing hadn't been told about this matter yet.Xu Qing's doubts were avoided because of business affairs in City S.


He didn't reveal Feng Yusen's identity. When Shen Dongliu heard that someone saw him, he already knew who it was...

The policeman on one side stood there, and Shen Dongliu came out from the inner door, and he saw Feng Yusen and Lei Chenyi sitting there at a glance.When Feng Yusen saw Shen Dongliu, his complexion did not change, but his eyes were obviously a little colder.

"What's going on?"

The lowered voice was Feng Yusen's way of expressing his extreme anger.

"Governor Feng, there is no evidence at all. They only detained us for 48 hours at most. You don't have to worry about Young Master Feng."

"Ridiculous, did Ciri do it?"

"Feng Governor..."

Shen Dongliu suddenly raised his head and looked at Feng Yusen with a troubled look.And Lei Chenyi sat on the side, watching Feng Yusen in extreme pain, his only son doing such a thing.

"He is your son."

"Just because he is my son, do you want to protect him? It's human life, how can you let him take human life as a trifle?"

With a snap, the pained expression on Feng Yusen's face was not fake at all.And Shen Dongliu pursed his lips and stopped talking.

"Dongliu, did Xi Rui do it?"


In the end, Shen Dongliu nodded heavily...

"If you think protecting him is loyalty to me, then you're totally wrong. I, Feng Yusen, don't have such a son. I'm stupid, stupid, really stupid!"

Feng Yusen's chest heaved violently, and Feng Yusen pressed his hand on his chest, obviously the blow was not light.

In the end, Shen Dongliu agreed to testify against Feng Xirui, and he had evidence in his hand about the deliberate creation of that incident back then. He also admitted that he was accused by Feng Xirui of using special drugs used by special forces to deal with spies to control Xu Peifen four years ago. causing her to go insane.It was he who threatened Liu Ma with Lei Chenyi's future and made Liu Ma commit suicide.

Lei Chenyi clenched his fists so tightly, looking at Shen Dongliu with his hands inserted into his hair, and the mastermind behind all this was really Feng Xirui.

Until he walked out and got into the car, Feng Yusen's expression was still very angry.

"Unfilial son."

It seems to be very tired, the only son actually did such a thing...

Lei Chenyi, who followed into the car, glanced at Feng Yusen who was sitting beside him...

"It's because I can't teach my son well that Xi Rui did such a thing, Chen Yi, you don't have to take care of me, what are you going to do?"


The night was shrouded, and in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, a long figure stretched.Looking at the lights of Wanjia, the smoke in Feng Yusen's hand flickered in the darkness.

The mobile phone that was put aside suddenly rang...

The leaning figure moved, put out the cigarette in his hand and walked back to the room.

After taking a look, it was obvious that his brows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes were complicated...

"You haven't slept yet?"

"Siri is fine, I will take care of it, don't worry."

After comforting Xu Qing on the other side of the phone, Feng Yusen hung up the phone after a while.

Abandon the car to protect the handsome...

The phone was casually thrown aside, picked up the cigarette placed there, and lit one again.I have forgotten how long it has been since I had this conflicting mood, Shen Dongliu's words are still in my ears.Cigarettes one by one, finally Feng Yusen poured his whole body into the sofa tiredly, the darkness eroded...

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