the president's wife

Chapter 303: He really lost her

Chapter 303: He really lost her "Want me to let you go? Why don't you tell me first? How does a virgin give birth to a son?"

That magic sound lingered in her ears, looking into Feng Xirui's eyes, tears fell into the carpet like bean-sized raindrops.Those days that I don't want to remember, every time I see Qi Sheng's complex emotions, when I am pressed by Feng Xirui, the scenes before my eyes can flash...

Being pressed on the ground, my hands slowly tightened, and when I tightened my hands on the carpet, I felt obvious pain in my fingers...

The twitching of the body became more and more severe, and the blood-stained hair stuck together.

Seeing that Xia Ruoyu didn't respond, Feng Xirui suddenly grabbed Xia Ruoyu's long hair with his big hand and pulled it up forcefully.Looking at her bloodless face, crying so embarrassingly.Men and women can never be compared in terms of sexuality.

He fell in love with such a woman, and really wanted to spend his whole life with her.

"Xia Ruoyu, what do you think of me, Feng Xirui? When I was happy because I was your first man, what kind of eyes did you look at me? How did you mock my ignorance and ridiculousness in your heart? Tell me ? How many people have you been touched? Tell me!"

Feng Xirui's anger was obvious, he wished he could tear Xia Ruoyu apart.To him, such a blow is simply a shame for a man, he cannot accept that the woman he loves is such a woman...


She wanted to shake her head, but Feng Xirui grabbed her hair forcefully in her hands, and her body twitched as if she was about to faint at any moment.

Feng Xirui in front of him became a double image, that face was magnified in front of him, infinitely ferociously magnified, as if it was a beast that was about to devour him.

The impact of the memory, plus the pain in the body, did not bring it up in one breath, Xia Ruoyu's eyes went dark, and her whole body sagged softly.And as soon as the body softened, the raised head fell to the carpet, because the hair was in Feng Xirui's hands, so Feng Xirui only felt a sinking feeling, and the person he was forced to question had already passed out...


The surrounding sounds disappeared, and the joy just now had been dissipated.Qiu Ze's hand hurt so much, and just now he felt that he had obtained the marriage certificate, and he could completely own An Ran.But now, when he saw Shangguan Rui, Qiu Ze was very afraid that the marriage certificate he just got in his hand hadn't been warmed up, and he would change it to another red book...

Even though An Ran's hand was held in the palm of his hand so hard, An Ran's hand still slowly broke away from Qiu Ze's hand.

Qiu Ze's heart was empty, and he looked at An Ran's expression that no longer showed any joy.The moment just now was like a dream, and the sweet dream woke up too fast.Quickly, Qiu Ze felt a strong sense of gap. He reached out to grab An Ran again, but An Ran had already stepped forward towards Shangguan Rui...

Standing on the stairs, watching An Ran walk up the stairs with only five or six steps.Standing in place, your feet are like lead.

Shangguan Rui watched An Ran walk towards him. After a car accident, Shangguan Rui lost a lot of weight.The deeply sunken eye sockets were haggard and frightening.Standing there, such a tall man seemed to fall down at any time.His legs seemed to be unable to support his body...

Standing still, even wearing high-heeled shoes, standing in front of Shangguan Rui still looked a bit petite.

The two are not far apart, as long as they take a step forward, they can stick together intimately.But only this step, but it is already separated by the horizon, unable to cross.

"Murong Xue agreed to divorce..."

Shangguan Rui's voice was very soft, like a lover's whisper...

An Ran's heart twitched, if she said that she never expected Shangguan Rui to divorce and be with her, it would be a lie.In fact, when she first went to the United States, when she was pregnant with Anze, when she gave birth to Anze and was lying alone in the delivery room, she just welcomed a little life in the first year, and when she was a little flustered, when she dreamed back at midnight, He once thought that one day Shangguan Rui would get divorced, and then stand in front of him and tell her.

An Ran, I'm divorced, we can be together now...

It's just that she seemed to have been waiting for too long, even though she said she wasn't waiting for her.Even if she didn't act like she was waiting for her, only she knew deep down in her heart that she was waiting for this man.Otherwise, you won't lose sight of other people, and you won't wake up in the middle of the night and cry silently.


Fate seems to have played a joke on them, always letting the two separate when they thought they could be together.Until it gets farther and farther, until it can no longer hold hands...

"I'm married to Qiu Ze..."

An Ran's eyes were red, looking at the extremely painful expression on Shangguan Rui's face, it was fake if she didn't feel sad.


A few tens of seconds seemed like centuries to the three of them.

An Ran watched Shangguan Rui's eyes turn red, and saw that his eyes had the same liquid as hers. It's not that they didn't love each other, they just lost to fate and were played by fate...

"Shangguan Rui, we missed it again."

An Ran gently pulled out a smile, that smile was a little sad, a little painful, like needles pricking his heart...

Slowly accumulating pain, like a knife cut...

If it was a few minutes earlier, if no one with good intentions let them in because Qiu Ze's anxiety was too obvious, if Murong Xue could decide to divorce one day earlier, if... Maybe they really still have a chance...

It's just that in this world, there is no such thing as what if...

If you miss it, you really miss it...

"Sometimes we have to believe in fate. You see, even fate makes us miss it so much. This shows that we really have no fate. Shangguan Rui, wish me happiness."

In the end, An Ran deliberately spoke to Shangguan Rui in a brisk tone...

When Shangguan Rui heard An Ran's words that there was really no fate, his body visibly shook.Taking an unsteady step back, it seemed that he managed to stabilize his body.

wish her happiness...

Her happiness should be given by him, how could he wish her happiness...

He just looked at An Ran's shallow smile in front of him, and Qiu Ze who had already walked down the stairs and stood there, and looked at An Ran's eyes.He loves An Ran, and he who also loves An Ran can also see this clearly.He loves An Ran no less than himself, did he and An Ran really miss each other?

Qiu Ze just stood there and didn't force An Ran to leave.Until this moment, he was still waiting for An Ran's decision.Even though he already holds a marriage certificate in his hand, even with his current identity, he can stand beside An Ran and swear loudly that this is my wife.Stop pestering my wife, but he didn't do anything...

Compared with Qiu Ze's love, his love seems so selfish...

"An Ran, I wish you happiness."

The words were almost squeezed out between the teeth, Shangguan Rui said with a smile.That was the only smile he had from the moment he rushed to the Civil Identification Bureau until An Ran stood in front of him...

"I will, and you should be happy too, Shangguan Rui, goodbye."


The corner of his mouth was still smiling, but his voice was already choked up...

An Ran turned around and looked at Qiu Ze who was a few steps away from her.The man who had just been promoted to her husband stretched out his hand and put it in the man who stretched out his big hand.A warm big hand wraps the warm little hand, An Ran is always smiling.Holding hands, the two slowly walked out of Shangguan Rui's sight.

Shangguan Rui stood in place like this, watching the figure walking away side by side in front of him gradually drifting away and gradually becoming blurred.The car has already left, but he is still standing there.

Dark clouds gradually enveloped, and the dark clouds covered the top. It is said that the moon can be seen when the clouds open.It turned out that it was just empty joy...

This time, he really lost...



It was dark inside the drawn curtains, sitting on a chair, holding the phone in his hand, listening to the report on the phone, his face became more and more ugly.

Even if I did it without leaving a trace, I was cautious and cautious, and after thinking about it before and after doing things, the handling was perfect without any loopholes.

At that time, it should be done cleanly and neatly. If it is solved directly, it doesn't have to be so troublesome now.

It is only because of the definite information that Lei Zhendong will always be a vegetable. If people can keep the secret, they will only be dead or living dead.And Lei Zhendong will obviously be a living dead for the rest of his life, so this secret is still a secret.It's just that he didn't expect that because of a momentary soft-heartedness, he was spared and made him a living dead.But it's causing so much trouble now...

"I don't want to see Lei Zhendong again..."

"Yes Yes."

The sinister voice made the man on the other side of the phone who was hiding in the phone booth to make a call immediately nod quickly.Even though the person was not in front of him, he was still in a cold sweat for no reason.

There were bursts of thunder, and suddenly there was heavy rain outside the telephone booth.The sky and the earth are descending, and the whole body is showering...

Standing in the phone booth, the man in black didn't leave immediately, but leaned there and lit a cigarette.

People on the road are running in the rain, people who are promiscuous, everyone has their own helplessness.Given a choice, no one would choose a path of no return.Survival from a desperate situation... Maybe this time, it is the end...


Shangguan Jue drove the car, and after going to the hospital, he heard the nurse say that Shangguan Rui left alone.No one answered Shangguan Rui's cell phone, and someone immediately asked for Shangguan Rui's whereabouts.When he found out that Shangguan Rui came to the Civil Certificate Bureau, he had already guessed why he went to the Civil Certificate Bureau.Immediately drove to the civil certificate office. Before arriving at the civil certificate bureau, it suddenly rained continuously, and big raindrops fell down.

Worried in his heart, Shangguan Jue couldn't help speeding up the car.

Because the rain came so fast, many unprepared people were running in the rain, looking for shelter.So when Shangguanjue was about to drive to the civil identification bureau, his eyes were almost empty.And there was only a figure not far away standing there, motionless like a statue...

The car quickly stopped beside Shangguan Rui, and Shangguan Rui pushed the door and got out of the car quickly, not caring that the rain would hit him, and strode towards Shangguan Rui with great strides.

"Big brother."

Shangguan Rui stretched out his hand to hold Shangguan Rui. Under his coat, there was still gauze wrapped around it. Because of the rain, he could faintly see blood on the clothes attached to his body.And Shangguan Rui's eyes were still looking at the place where he left safely just now, wondering what he was thinking.His eyes were a little dull, and he didn't seem to hear Shangguanjue's voice beside him...

The sound is isolated from his world, and losing these two words is the most painful torture.

What does it feel like to wish your beloved woman happiness with your own mouth, a hundred arrows piercing your heart...

The hand touched the stiff body, and the chill that reached the bone.Shangguan Rui's lips were already blue and purple, and Shangguan Jue's complexion became more and more serious, and he was just about to help Shangguan Rui leave.I saw Shangguan Rui, who had been standing there standing firm and upright, suddenly softened, and fell backwards...


After eleven o'clock in the evening, the door of the operating room finally opened.

Cheng Hanlei stood up from the chair almost immediately, and the first person to come out was Yin Kejia...

Yin Kejia's solemn expression made Cheng Hanlei's body so stiff that it was difficult for her to walk.

Zuo Jianning had already gone to search for someone on the network. The man in black and wearing a black hat was now standing aside, also waiting.It was raining all the time outside, and the weather suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy made people feel inexplicably depressing.Lei Chenyi frowned when he saw Yin Kejia's serious expression when he came out.Although he doesn't really care about Lei Zhendong's life and death, if Lei Zhendong wakes up, what happened four years ago will have a result.

And here is Han Lei...

"How about it?"

Knowing the result clearly in his heart, Lei Chenyi still stood beside Cheng Hanlei, and asked in a deep voice...

Yin Kejia shook his head, his expressionless face on the outside looked even more dignified.And Cheng Hanlei stood in front of Lei Chenyi. When she saw Yin Kejia shaking her head, Cheng Hanlei felt that the tight string was suddenly torn off at that moment.He hadn't eaten all this time, but when he heard the bad news suddenly, his body softened and his eyes went dark, and he fell into Lei Chenyi's arms...

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