the president's wife

Chapter 298: You Are Not the Only Ruthless

Chapter 298: You weren't the only one who received Shangguanjue's call safely, saying it was an accident, or not.The two of them had known each other for a long time, and he still owed him a favor regarding Anze.

He didn't bother to choose a quiet place, but asked where Shangguan Jue was, and drove there.

On a relatively quiet side of the road, An Ran parked the car and saw Shangguan Jue leaning over there waiting for her.

"Go and see big brother."

Straight to the point, there is not much nonsense.

Shangguanjue opened the door, ready to let An Ran get in the car.

An Ran stood where she was and didn't step forward, without too much expression on her face, she stood there quietly looking at Shangguanjue...

"Senior, do you think it's suitable for me to meet Rui?"

Heart, let go quietly.He woke up, looking at Shangguanjue's expression, An Ran felt that the big rock in his heart was let go.

Shangguanjue didn't answer immediately, but raised his brows, and looked sideways at An Ran...

"Senior, I'm going to marry Qiu Ze. And I'm already planning to leave City S and settle in City C with Qiu Ze and Ozawa. Qiu Ze is a good man, and I really don't want to hurt him anymore. As for Rui and I It's already impossible for me personally, and I don't plan to give him any hope. I know it's impossible to be together, why bother to give him some hope, and then leave, wouldn't it hurt even more."

Shangguanjue's face was slightly gloomy, and the hand holding the car door slowly tightened...

"Senior, I love Rui, so I don't want to hurt him even more because of me. Why bother to entangle two people who know it's impossible? In the end, the pain will only deepen. I feel relieved knowing that he is fine. I hope you can let him He understands my determination. It's fine even if he hates me, as long as he stops thinking about me and forgets me."

"Qiu Ze is still waiting for me in the car, senior, I'll go first."

An Ran was always smiling, and Shangguan Jue listened to An Ran's words, and finally let go of the hand that pulled the car door, and with a slight movement, the car door was slammed shut.He didn't speak, watched An Ran turn and leave, didn't call An Ran to stop, and even didn't force An Ran into the car, forced An Ran to go to the hospital to see Shangguan Rui.

Because he knew very well that what An Ran said was the truth.To be clearer, Enron was right.

Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Instead of letting the pain continue endlessly, why not cut it off quickly...

Easier said than done...

On this point, he admires An Ran...

Let him give up Han Lei...

The corners of the mouth tugged...

He really can't...

Even if it's a chase that may never end, it's so hard to just let go...



Lei Chenyi's complexion darkened, and he looked at Zuo Jianning standing in front of him, whose face had been bright and sunny since the morning, and now it was dark again...

"The arrangement was to go to court today, but before going to court, Xia Ruoyu was suddenly released."


"Feng Xirui."

The news Zuo Jianning just received...

"How can you let someone come out so easily?"

"Feng Xirui has a report on Xia Ruoyu's mental condition..."

I didn't say anything later, they understood each other very well.

Lei Chenyi fell silent...

"Left, let people pay attention to Qi Sheng immediately..."

After contemplating for a moment, Lei Chenyi immediately spoke...

"Someone has been sent."

As soon as the words finished, Zuo Jianning's phone rang.

Zuo Jianning glanced at Lei Chenyi, then picked up the phone...

After a few seconds, the phone hung up.Zuo Jianning looked at Lei Chenyi, his expression had already made Lei Chenyi understand something...

"Qisheng was picked up by someone, it should be Feng Xirui."

After a few words, Lei Chenyi's face was already very ugly.He didn't expect that things that were already expected would change, and he never thought that Feng Xirui would appear suddenly.

Only in prison can Xia Ruoyu reflect on her mistakes alone.If it was still like this when he came out, then he planned to let Qi Sheng take care of them in the future.But I didn't expect such an accident to happen...

"Left, help me find out where Feng Xirui is now? Make sure that Qisheng was taken away by him, and who issued the report on Xia Ruoyu's mental condition..."


After Zuo Jianning left, Lei Chenyi rubbed his temples, didn't Feng Xirui have been receiving treatment in the United States?After Feng Xirui's accident, regarding Xia Ruoyu's attitude towards Feng Xirui, she said that she no longer wanted to continue with Feng Xirui, so she didn't want to give him any hope.And Feng Xirui's situation at the time, he had no reason to interfere with Xia Ruoyu's choice.He hadn't thought about interfering with Xia Ruoyu's relationship status. For the past four years, Feng Xirui had been in treatment, and he didn't expect to come back from the United States suddenly.

Judging from this series of events, Feng Xirui should be fine, and news of him being blocked for nothing must be intentional.

He has no right to interfere with Xia Ruoyu's affairs, but Qi Sheng...

He couldn't keep Qisheng out of things for a long time...


Xia Ruoyu, who had been locked up for a few days, was terribly emaciated.The beautiful face has long lost its healthy color, and the smooth hair is messy on the top of the head...

She will go to court today, and as long as she is sentenced, she will really go to jail.

From knowing that it was Lei Chenyi who sent her to prison, what was it like.I found that I couldn't cry tears...

When the policewoman took her out, she thought she was going to court.But unexpectedly, there was a lawyer outside who said they were here to release her on bail.After being locked up inside for a few days, the feeling of wanting to go out was extremely urgent.It really wasn't a human life there, and every second that passed was a torment.He didn't care about who took her out, and he couldn't figure out why he could go out.He just changed into the clothes he wore when he came in, and immediately left with the lawyer.

A Land Rover was parked outside, and it was hard to see who was sitting inside the black glass.Followed the lawyer out, the lawyer remained expressionless, saying that he was following her, but actually forced her to go to the car.Fearing that he would let her in again with a word, Xia Ruoyu could only walk to the side of the car, wanting to see who rescued her...

The car door opened, and Xia Ruoyu, in the most embarrassing appearance, saw her ex-fiancé Feng Xirui whom she hadn't seen in four years.

Before he had time to react, the person was pushed in, and then the door was closed.

The sound of locking the door was very small, but it hit Xia Ruoyu's ears very clearly...

His blood was cold, the moment he saw Feng Xirui.In the past four years, she almost avoided paying attention to Feng Xirui's news, and wanted to block the past wholeheartedly.Wanting to fight for Chen Yi wholeheartedly, she and Chen Yi, who have no barriers, pay attention to being together.

She thought that Feng Xirui would live with a low intelligence all his life.But when I stood outside the car just now, looking at those familiar eyes, it couldn't be more normal...


Xia Ruoyu leaned against the car door, her hands and feet were cold.I don't know if it's air-conditioned in the car, but I just feel the coldness pouring into my body from the soles of my feet, that feeling is very inexplicable.It was obvious that Xi Rui was smiling, and that smile was the same as before, but in her eyes, she felt very cold...

"Do you remember me? It's so rare. Ruoyu, long time no see, miss me?"

The words Feng Xirui uttered were very light, one word at a time, the words drifted into Xia Ruoyu's ears, it was like cutting her heart with an ice knife, the cold pain was suffocating.She was so gentle and watery but it made people feel uneasy, Xia Ruoyu pressed her lips tightly, fearing that those dazed eyes would be written all over...

"You, okay?"

almost vibrato...

"Does your expression wish me well or not?"

With a piercing coolness, the big hand stroked Xia Ruoyu's cheek, and the ice made Xia Ruoyu, who was already frozen, tremble uncontrollably.Trembling like catkins in the wind...


"is it?"

The hand that was caressing her cheek tightened suddenly, Xia Ruoyu gasped in pain, but because her forehead was pinched in his palm, even though it hurt, she couldn't make a sound.It's just that the look in Feng Xirui's eyes is a little more frightening...

"Ruoyu, I haven't seen you for four years, and I've become dishonest."

The voice was still gentle, but Xia Ruoyu didn't know whether it was the pain or the fright that made her body tremble even more...

"Are you afraid? This is not the same as telling me to break up with me four years ago. For four years, I have been a fool for you for four years. This man has a cruel heart and knows how to be afraid." ?"

With those increasingly cold words, Xia Ruoyu felt that her breathing was about to stop...


"How about you? What do you want to say to me? Or do you think I'm going to be a fool for the rest of my life?"

Feng Xirui clasped Xia Ruoyu's forehead, with one force, Xia Ruoyu's body was dragged into his arms, and the other hand easily pulled her waist, one leg cut into her leg, her whole body I just sat in his arms...


Xia Ruoyu sat in his arms in an awkward position...

"Don't be afraid, you see that your face is pale from fright. It really makes me feel bad."

The hand changed from pinching to stroking again, and the stroking movement was light and gentle.Then he gently stroked Xia Ruoyu's cheek, as if he was really distressed...

Xia Ruoyu couldn't move, his hand around her waist was like an iron crucible, firmly locking Xia Ruoyu in his arms...

"The previous things are in the past, so I won't talk about it. Now let's talk about the thing I rescued you from. How are you going to repay me?"

Feng Xirui smiled lightly, that smile was truly gentle, Xia Ruoyu had never seen Feng Xirui like this, this was the Feng Xirui she had never seen before.

" do you want me to repay..."

Xia Ruoyu was almost forced to answer according to his words...

"Ruoyu, I haven't prescribed meat for four years in the hospital, tell me... what kind of reward do I want most..."

Xia Ruoyu, who was tortured from death to death, heard Feng Xirui's demonic voice...

"Xia Ruoyu, you're not the only one who is ruthless..."

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