the president's wife

Chapter 293: Let me be quiet

Chapter 293: Let me be quiet for a while Under the shadow of a tree outside the hospital, Qiu Ze held the phone and spoke calmly...

An Ran's people were already standing at the door, they were stunned for a moment when they heard Qiu Ze's words, and then stopped in their tracks...

"No, I'm driving, go back by yourself, and go to my place for dinner at night?"

"it is good."

Qiu Ze leaned there, watching An Ran walk to his car, and then the two of them talked a few more words and hung up the phone.After An Ran hung up the phone, she leaned back in the chair as if relieved.Inserting his hands into his hair, he leaned on the steering wheel a little tiredly.

What's wrong with her?He obviously didn't want to come, but he still drove the car and came.

He is like a spell, making it impossible for her to let go completely...

Closing her eyes, An Ran's face was full of pain...


An Ran drove downstairs and found that Qiu Ze was already waiting there.Seeing An Ran walking over, he actively opened the trunk, took out the things and carried them in his hands.After taking a look at all the dishes, he asked lightly, "Didn't you go shopping?"


An Ran was taken aback by the question, she was guilty of a guilty conscience, and when she heard Qiu Ze's words, she felt that a beat was missing from the bottom of her heart...

"Didn't you buy anything?"

Qiu Ze seemed to have a gentle smile in his eyes, he stretched out his hand to touch An Ran's stiff face, his big warm hand caressed the cold little face, as if it immediately warmed her heart.

"I didn't like it, so I didn't buy it."

"Are you saving money for me? Your husband is very rich. "

"Be careful I max out your card."

"An Ran, do you know how much I wish you could max out my card?"

Qiu Ze stood behind An Ran, watched An Ran walk in front as if evading, and followed behind An Ran, whispering in a voice that only he could hear.Her use of his money will make him feel that they are really going to be husband and wife, and the two of them can clearly distinguish everything, as if they are just ordinary friends...

Except that he paid for the meal, he never had the opportunity to swipe his card for anything else that An Ran wanted to buy...

"what happened?"

An Ran walked to the door and found that Qiu Ze hadn't followed, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Qiu Ze, her eyes were full of confusion...

"It's nothing."

Qiu Ze pulled out a smile, and quickened his pace to keep up.


Qisheng likes Cheng Hanlei's voice when she tells stories, it's even better than her mother's voice.She was obviously very sleepy, but she still kept her eyes open and didn't want to fall asleep. Cheng Hanlei looked at Qi Sheng's appearance, reached out to touch Qi Sheng's little head and said, "Hey, Auntie will tell you a story tomorrow, okay? Auntie will leave after watching you fall asleep."

"it is good."

Qisheng is more sensible and well-behaved than ordinary children. After hearing Cheng Hanlei's words, she nodded obediently and closed her eyes.Holding Cheng Hanlei's hand with her little hand, she soon fell asleep with a smile on her lips.

Cheng Hanlei stood up cautiously, pulled up the quilt, dimmed the lights, and left...

The living room was already dark, Qiu Ze left after sitting for a while after eating.An Ran also went back to her room early to rest, looking very tired.Lei Chenyi has a social event tonight, Cheng Hanlei walked back to the room and stretched herself...

While rubbing his sore waist, he was tortured too much last night.As a result, my waist was uncomfortable all day, and I pressed my hands and thought that I would go to the bathroom and take a hot bath to relax my body.

Just about to enter the bedroom, the phone suddenly rang...

Lei Chenyi tried his best to socialize as little as possible these days, and usually pushed it to Zuo Jianning, and on non-essential occasions, he pushed it whenever he could.They seem to have a tacit understanding with Cheng Hanlei, try their best to go home at night and have dinner with Beibei and the others.He was used to eating with them, listening to Beibei's coquettish voice and the occasional glance at the table with Cheng Hanlei made him feel very comfortable...

Because of his stomach, Lei Chenyi almost stopped drinking when he was outside.Zuo Jianning was circling around the wine table, and Yin Kejia's phone was already making life-threatening calls.On the pretext of still having something to do, he left after nine o'clock.

It was less than ten o'clock, and people had already arrived downstairs.Stop and get out.He walked quickly to the door, and slowly opened the door.Walked in the living room in a relaxed manner, and then accurately stopped outside Cheng Hanlei's room...

Unscrew the door, close it and lock it.The lights were not turned on in the room, Lei Chenyi thought that Cheng Hanlei was too tired last night, and today he was busy praying for Sheng's medical examination, and then went back to the company to deal with official business and was tired, so he went to bed early...

She promised to wait for him to come back... She secretly went to bed early.Even if the main culprit is himself...

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he threw himself on the bed, ready to attack Cheng Hanlei...

When he ran away, Lei Chenyi's expression changed slightly.Turning on the light with one hand, looking at the empty bed in the room, there is no one on the bed at all.

There was no sign of Cheng Hanlei in the room...

Taking out the phone, seeing that there were no text messages or calls, his face became even uglier...

Pressed the shortcut key directly, and dialed Cheng Hanlei's phone...


Cheng Hanlei received a call from Shangguanjue, took her coat and went downstairs.Shangguanjue's car had already parked downstairs, he opened the door and sat in, and at a glance he saw Shangguanjue sitting in the car with a tired face...

"How is your brother?"

Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue's tired appearance, and knew why...

"The danger period has not passed yet."

Shangguan Jue's voice was full of fatigue, he was relatively free since he was a child, because Shangguan Rui blocked everything.And Shangguan Qing loved him more, and let him play with uncertainty. He knew that he was able to do this because Shangguan Rui was in front of him to help him support his family responsibilities. Without Shangguan Rui, he would not be able to live freely. ...

The two of them can't say that they have a deep relationship, but Shangguan Jue has always been grateful to Shangguan Rui in his heart.Now, Shangguan Rui's life and death are lying there...

"It'll be fine."

Seeing Shangguanjue like this, Cheng Hanlei felt a little guilty.In the final analysis, she is also partly responsible for the Shangguan family's current state.Now, although Shangguanjue has a successful career, his whole family is broken, his father is in prison, and Mr. Shangguan also needs someone to take care of him because of his dementia caused by overstimulation.And now the elder brother also got into a car accident, and his life and death are uncertain...

The only thing she can say is to comfort Shangguanjue...

"Accompany me somewhere?"


"It's fine if you don't have time."

Shangguanjue's voice lowered slightly, and Cheng Hanlei's heart tightened when he heard it.

"How come, Beibei and the others are all asleep."

Cheng Hanlei smiled awkwardly, reached out and pulled the seat belt to fasten it...

Shangguanjue didn't speak, and started the car...

Cheng Hanlei did not expect that Shangguanjue would bring her here, when she was standing at the gate of the high school...

"Walk with me?"

Shangguanjue's words were questionable, but he had already pushed open the door to get out of the car.

After nine o'clock, there were still people coming in and out of the school.Cheng Hanlei hesitated for a moment and then got out of the car...

Shangguanjue walked in front, and Cheng Hanlei followed behind.Because of the street lights, the two of them did not attract too much attention.

Cheng Hanlei has never been here since she came back.After all, there were no good memories left for her here, except for Shangguanjue.And Shangguanjue was the one she felt most guilty about, really...

They didn't speak, Shangguanjue walked ahead, Cheng Hanlei followed behind...

After walking for a while, Cheng Hanlei felt vaguely familiar, but seemed to have changed again.After four years here, some places have changed.And Cheng Hanlei was thinking about what Shangguanjue brought her here, and didn't pay attention to where he took her.Cheng Hanlei didn't realize where the two were standing until she saw Shangguanjue stop...

The sense of familiarity was even worse. Although the lights were not very bright, Cheng Hanlei still frowned in confusion...

"Remember this place?"

Shangguanjue stood there, then turned his head to look at Cheng Hanlei who was a little confused...

Cheng Hanlei is a little familiar, but it looks different from what I remember...

Shangguanjue looked at Cheng Hanlei's expression, and then glanced at the words written on the side of the high fence, no entry...

"Jeez, you can't enter here."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Shangguan Jue had already taken out the key and opened the iron door...

While Cheng Hanlei was stunned, the person had already been pulled in, and the door was also closed at the same time...

How should I describe my feelings?I have already passed the desire to be romantic, but when the door opened and saw a different world inside, Cheng Hanlei couldn't help but gasped.It was lit with lights and filled with flowers of all kinds...

Looking at a road in the middle, and in the middle of the road is a gazebo, which is the same as his company name j&c...

"here it is……"

j, jazz. c course.Cheng Hanlei didn't know why when she saw this, these two words suddenly flashed in her mind, and she was in shock...

When Cheng Hanlei walked in, she saw that this place had completely changed.I felt familiar just now, and now I walked in, looked at the special glass, and could see the building with lights on from inside, it was my former classroom, so here is...

"Little Hualei, here I once said that I would protect you and not let anyone bully you. But in the end I watched others bully you, and even became one of the people who bullied you. Since I thought you had an accident, I circled this place and rebuilt it. No one is allowed to come in. I want to keep every good memory of the two of us. I want to find the most suitable time to bring you here, but it is always because of your attitude and"

"Brother's accident made me more aware that I should cherish what I want to cherish. Little Hualei, I don't want to be like my elder brother and watch the person I like be with others without fighting for it."

"I am no worse than Lei Chenyi, I love you more than him, and I will treat you better in the future. As long as you give me this chance, you will definitely not regret choosing me."

From the sound behind, Shangguanjue stretched out his arms and hugged Cheng Hanlei, warmly hugging him lightly.

"Little Hualei, give me a chance to take care of you and Beibei, I will be the best husband, the best father. Marry me, Xiaohualei."

For the past four years, he has been waiting, waiting, just wanting to see Han Lei when he turns around.He has never really taken the initiative to attack, but Shangguan Rui's car accident made him suddenly realize that if he doesn't fight anymore, the world is unpredictable, and no one knows the future.If you don't fight for it, how will you know if you can get it? He believes that he will love Han Lei less than Lei Chenyi, and even love her more...

He is the man most qualified to give her a future...

The man kneeling in front of him borrowed the colorful flowers inside.Opening the red velvet box in his arms, a flashing ring inside was dazzling under the light...

Cheng Hanlei stared blankly at Shangguanjue who was kneeling in front of her, all this happened too quickly.From bringing me here to him kneeling down, it felt like a series of blows, and Cheng Hanlei couldn't stand it...

In the end, she will no longer be the girl she used to be, and will panic.Looking at Shangguanjue's sincere face and serious eyes, when Shangguanjue reached out to hold her hand, Cheng Hanlei's hand flinched.

This action made Shangguanjue's expression pause...

Seeing Shangguanjue's expression change slightly, Cheng Hanlei's heart tightened.


Cheng Hanlei felt that her throat was stuck badly, and with the help of the light, there was no trace of blood on her face...

"you are not willing?"

Shangguanjue's face was even uglier, he hadn't slept for a long time, and this refusal really hit Shangguanjue hard...

Cheng Hanlei bit her lip, said nothing, and slowly stretched out the hand that was retracted just now...

Shangguanjue's expression changed, and surprise flashed across his face.He reached out to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand, but Cheng Hanlei still didn't speak, only to see that Shangguanjue's gaze was fixed on the diamond that was also shining under the light, but it didn't come from his hand...

Shangguanjue's expression changed again and again, from disappointment, to surprise, to disbelief, and finally full of disappointment, and finally a look of hurt...


With one word, Shangguanjue took a deep breath and felt that he was punched hard in the chest, which made him almost lose his stability...

"Jeez, I have already agreed to Lei Chenyi's marriage proposal."

Cruel, still said it.Cheng Hanlei felt that she was stabbing Shangguanjue's heart with a knife, and could feel his heart dripping with blood...

Maybe I really shouldn't be out tonight...


"Don't say sorry..."

Shangguanjue interrupted Cheng Hanlei hastily, stood up and took a step back, looking at Cheng Hanlei, his eyes were full of pain and injury...

"These three words are what I hate to hear from you the most..."

The violent coughing sounded higher and higher one after another, Shangguanjue lowered his head and covered his lips with his hands, and his face became ugly.


Looking at Shangguanjue's expression, Cheng Hanlei's heart tightened.

"Leave me alone."

Shangguanjue blocked Cheng Hanlei with his hand, and turned away...


"Cheng Hanlei, get out of here immediately."

Shangguanjue roared loudly, followed by another cough...

Looking at Shangguanjue's back, Cheng Hanlei stood there and didn't know what to say, so she turned and walked out...

After hearing the footsteps behind him moving away, Shangguanjue pulled away his hand covering his mouth, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground...

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