Chapter 257: "Godmother, why are there two brothers Ze..."

An Ran, her heart skipped a beat.

Following Cheng Beibei's confused gaze, he looked in the direction of his car.The setting sun was projected in that direction, and when I looked at it, it happened to be pierced by the light.The image in front of me was a little blurry, the outline and the familiar face, even though my eyes were dazzled by the setting sun, I still seemed to be able to outline the outline in my mind...

Steps, slightly paused.

An Ze stood beside An Ran, and he could clearly feel how tight his mother's hand was holding him.It hurt him a little, he turned his head and looked at his mother's face.Seeing her mother looking at the man not far away for a moment, she clearly felt an unusual aura about her.

But soon, my mother returned to her previous appearance.The strength in his hand was also loosened, and he was holding Beibei in his arms and walking forward.

Shangguan Rui leaned against the car, looking at An Ran who was slowly walking over.Under the setting sun, her face was dyed golden, and her whole person seemed to be enveloped in softness...

Her face didn't change much, she grew a little taller.It's grown better than before, and the hair has been grown very long, and it's loose at the back, dancing slightly as it walks...

Some couldn't bear to look away, if he hadn't seen the children's street magazines with Xiaoxiao, he wouldn't have known about Anze's existence.I don't even know that I have a son, and I have lived in the United States with An Ran for four years, but I don't know that I don't know...

As the distance got closer, the surrounding noises seemed to have disappeared.Only An Ran and the child she was holding were left in his eyes, Shangguan Rui's throat seemed to be blocked, and he felt like he was speechless...

Cheng Beibei looked at Shangguan Rui with novel eyes, he was simply a magnified version of Brother Ze, he really looked like Brother Ze.


Until standing in front of him, the feeling that it might be a dream is still so real.Until now, he can still clearly remember the pain when he heard the news of her plane crash...

An Ran never thought that she would never be known by Shangguan Rui for the rest of her life, but she never thought that Lei Chenyi just came here and really told him...

"haven't seen you for a long time."

It's been a long time, and Shangguan Ruixin is in pain from being pulled.

"Are you OK?"

The eloquent Shangguan Rui, from the long time of boarding the plane, thought a lot about what he would say when he saw An Ran, and had been brewing for a long time, but at this moment when he was actually face to face, those words were stirring in his stomach, but Can't say a word.

"not bad."

An Ran responded calmly, then lowered her head and gave instructions to An Ze who was leading her.

"Ozawa, take Beibei to the car first. Mom has something to say to this uncle, and he will come right away."

"it is good."

Anze nodded obediently, glanced at Shangguan Rui, and then led Cheng Beibei who was a little reluctant to leave, with those big round eyes turning back and forth on Shangguan Rui and Anze from time to time , still wondering why there are two brothers Ze...

"Brother Ze, why is there another big brother Ze?"

After obediently sitting in the back seat, Cheng Beibei glanced at Anze sitting next to him. He was looking through the glass at the two people not far from the car...


"Ozawa, he..."

Is it my son...

In fact, this question seemed superfluous, so when Shangguan Rui opened his mouth, he suddenly stopped.Anze stood there, completely a miniature version of him.Even Xiaoxiao and that kid just now, who are more than four years old, can tell at a glance that the two look like one person...

"It's your son."

An Ran nodded, acknowledging her calmness.There's no point in hiding it.

He thought that An Ran would hide An Ze's identity after hiding for four years, and cover it up with some lies.It's too different from what I expected, if I really want to admit that I'm my child, why...

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Shangguan Rui felt a hundred kinds of emotions in his heart...

Everything started from him...

"An Ran, since... you are willing to let me know that Xiao Ze is my son, why... these four years, you have to avoid me..."

When she knew she was fine and had a son.Knowing about these four years, when she was obviously fine but still hiding from him... This feeling is like being upset by someone...

"Not showing up in front of you with Ozawa does not mean we are avoiding you. In the past four years, we have never deliberately avoided anyone, including you. I have never thought of preventing Ozawa from recognizing you, but I was prepared to wait Ozawa is older, let him choose whether to recognize you or not."

"Rui, it's one thing to let you know that Ozawa is your son. It's one thing to be willing to let Ozawa choose to recognize you or not, but I want you to be clear about one thing. These are all based on Ozawa's consent. In principle, and, you don't even think about robbing Ozawa. Ozawa is my son, you Shangguan family, don't think about it. Let him choose whether to recognize you or not, it is my final bottom line."

"What do you mean?"

Shangguan Rui frowned slightly, looking at An Ran standing in front of him.I haven't seen you for four years, as if this is the first time I see An Ran, so strange.Her face was still as familiar as in his memory, but her eyes were very strange.

"You don't plan to bring Ozawa and me back to City S?"

Shangguan Rui looked at An Ran with disbelief in his eyes.He couldn't help raising his voice slightly, and clasped An Ran's arm slightly tighter.

"Go back to S City? Why do you want to go back? Even if you go back, it won't be with you."

An Ran frowned, and also looked at Shangguan Rui as if she were looking at an alien.

"You must go back with me. Since Ozawa is my son, he must have my surname."


An Ran raised her voice slightly, and looked at Shangguan Rui, her calmness no longer existed.Looking at the familiar face in front of him, every time he faced An Ze, he could vaguely outline the outline of Shangguan Rui.But he didn't expect that he was still as selfish and domineering as he was four years ago.Why is he... An Ran is no longer the one he pointed east and west, even though some things have not changed, but in order to protect her most important person, she did not hesitate to break with him...

"Shangguan Rui, let me tell you for the last time. Ozawa is my son, and his surname is An. I asked him for his opinion to let him recognize you. This is already the biggest concession. You can't go further and try to rob Ozawa from me. That's okay. It depends on whether you have the ability, let me tell you, unless I die, you will never have any idea about Ozawa."

In the end, he was still angry because of Shangguan Rui's aggressive attitude.Her chest was heaving, and the words she spit out were obviously filled with cold anger. She really overestimated Shangguan Rui. In four years, he was just like Lei Chenyi, who had stopped moving forward.Never feel that they need to change, too arrogant, thinking that the earth should revolve around them.


Turning around, throwing off Shangguan Rui's arm, he turned and walked into the car.

Being robbed by An Ran for a while, Shangguan Rui stood where he was.Thin lips squirmed, wanting to explain.That's not what he meant...



Accompanied by the door slamming, and the car drove away quickly.Abandoning Shangguan Rui to stand where he was, his original intention was not to snatch Ozawa, he just asked her to go back to S city with him, to give her and Ozawa a name...


knock knock...

An Ran was sitting in the room when she heard a knock on the door.He wiped away the tears without any trace, then turned his head and looked at An Ze who was standing at the door of the room.


Anze walked into the room and closed the door smoothly.Then he walked in front of An Ran and looked at An Ran's red eyes.Ever since she became sensible, my mother has always been the most gentle mother, even more gentle than a godmother.The godmother sometimes pretended to blame Bei Bei, and even pretended to be angry.As for the mother, she almost always has that smiling face, which makes people feel very warm.

This was the first time that Anze saw his mother losing control of her emotions. When she got into the car, her face was gloomy and terrifying.Along the way, not only did I not ask them what they played and learned in kindergarten today.He just returned home silently all the way, then entered the room, and never went out again.

Let Beibei look beaming on the sofa, and Anze came to knock on Anran's door like a little adult...

"Why don't you accompany Beibei to watch the joy?"

An Ran looked at An Ze, with the same face, her eyes were sore again.With a forced smile, he reached out to touch Anze's small face.

"Mom, have you ever cried?"

"No, I got sand in my eyes. Are you hungry? When the godmother comes back, we'll go out for dinner today. Go and ask Beibei what he wants to eat tonight?"


An Ze did not leave obediently, but held An Ran's hand on his face with his small hand.Lifting her small face, her eyes were not as mature as a four-year-old child's.

"Is that man today my father?"

An Ran's blood froze in an instant, because she was not ready to tell An Ze yet.Who is his father, and he doesn't want him, who is only four years old, to bear the fact that he is an illegitimate child.Although she tried her best not to make Ozawa feel incomplete without her father, she couldn't deny that Ozawa's life lacked a father role in the past four years. No matter how well she did, she couldn't replace it. .

She said that to Shangguan Rui, saying that she wanted to ask for Ozawa's ideas, but she was afraid.She was afraid that if Anze longed for fatherly love and finally chose Shangguan Rui, what would she do...

She doesn't need anything else, but Ozawa is the only thing she can't let go of, can't lose...

"Well, he is your father."

An Ran's voice was very soft, but her words were clear and sure. She didn't want to lie to An Ze, even if she knew what she might have to face if she admitted it...

"Oh. I'll ask Beibei what he wants to eat tonight."

After Anze confirmed, he was very calm.He was about to turn around and go out to find Cheng Beibei.


An Ran was taken aback by An Ze's reaction, seeing An Ze's calm word "oh", there was no follow-up question.He... Isn't he looking forward to Dad?

"Mom, what's wrong?"

An Ze was pulled back and turned to look at An Ran.

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"I already knew he was my father."

Anze answered quickly and naturally.

"Ozawa, haven't you been looking forward to seeing Dad?"

"Well, but a father who makes mother cry is not what I want. Mom, I will not let people bully you. Even if that person is the father I have been looking forward to, Ozawa will protect you and will never leave you. "

After An Ze finished speaking, he smiled lightly at An Ran.An Ze has been a bit mature since he was a child, and he rarely cries, cries, laughs and laughs like ordinary children.His expression was pitiful, seeing Shangguanze's smile at this moment, An Ran's eyes suddenly became more sour...

It's because she's worrying too much, she has a very sensible and caring son...

After An Ze left, An Ran wiped away her tears and realized that the problem she had been struggling with was not a problem at all, no one could take Xiao Ze away...


A car stopped beside Lei Chenyi, and the door was pushed open...

"Mayor Ray."

Two days in the United States, apart from An Ran's sarcasm, this was the first time I heard this name from a stranger.

Standing where he was, Lei Chenyi calmly looked at the same Chinese faces in the car.

Seemingly seeing the defensiveness in Lei Chenyi's eyes, the visitor said politely: "I am Mr. Wang Yalan's personal driver. Mr. Wang wants to ask Mayor Lei to talk about something."

Just slightly hesitant, Lei Chenyi has already bent over and sat in the pulled car...

The car goes with it...


Cheng Hanlei just walked out of the company, instead of driving her own car, she went directly to the door and took a taxi.As soon as I got in the car, the phone rang.

Sitting behind the taxi, she took out her phone, and when she saw the display on the phone, Cheng Hanlei frowned slightly...


That day he refused Shangguan Jue to come back with him, so as not to delay his company affairs because of Bei Bei.They are all above shopping malls, and Shangguanjue's company is negotiating a big deal recently.This obviously became the best excuse to reject him...

"I just called your house."


Leaning on the back of the chair, a little tired.Throughout the afternoon, the body seemed to be in a strange feeling.I have to say that Lei Chenyi's influence on her is really extraordinary. If it wasn't for her strong willpower in the past four years, she would be included in Lei Chenyi's teasing...

When those ambiguous images flashed through her mind, Cheng Hanlei frowned slightly...

"Han Lei."

The nickname Xiaohualei seems to have gradually separated from the lives of the two of them...


Shangguanjue's voice suddenly lowered, making Cheng Hanlei realize that she was a little out of focus just now.Without any trace of concealment, he said: "I was thinking about the company just now, what did you say?"

On the other side of the phone, Shangguanjue was silent for a while...

"Did you pretend not to hear it on purpose? Or did you really not hear it?"

That said, with some questions...

"What do you mean?"

Such questioning made Cheng Hanlei slightly displeased.He couldn't help frowning even more, and the hand clasping the phone was obviously a little tighter.

"He spent the night with you."

Straightforward, omitting those turns.That other word, Cheng Hanlei immediately realized that it meant Lei Chenyi...


Two words are Cheng Hanlei's limit.

"Han Lei, you are lying to me. As soon as he appears, you immediately let him enter the house. If you really need a man so much, I can do it too. Why him, Han Lei, where did you put me?"

Shangguanjue's voice was raised, with thorns in his words, and he stabbed Cheng Hanlei unceremoniously.When he called and heard Cheng Beibei say that in the middle of the night, she saw an uncle who was more handsome than him coming out of her mother's room through the crack of the door...


When that man asked Beibei, he immediately knew it was Lei Chenyi.The flames of jealousy were burning, he waited and guarded, and in the end, he was defeated in just two weeks...

Cheng Hanlei's complexion immediately changed after those stinging and insulting words...

"Jeez, in what capacity are you questioning me? Don't say I don't have one, even if I do, so what?"

so what?

Cheng Hanlei's words immediately changed Shangguanjue's face on the phone.Holding the ticket to the United States, standing at the airport, ready to board the plane.At this moment, looking at the ticket in my hand, I suddenly felt ridiculous...

"Yes, so what? Cheng Hanlei, you really know how to trample on people's dignity. You know how to sprinkle salt on people's wounds."

The heart was pierced by the invisible sword, and it hurt to the bone.Shangguan Jue's face was livid in pain...

The mobile phone in his hand smashed hard against the ground of the airport, and the ticket in his hand was immediately torn to pieces. It was nothing more than sending his sincerity to her who didn't care, and was crushed again...

Standing at the airport, Shangguan Jue's expression was gloomy and terrifying.That sentence hurts him again, and he has asked more than once why he is so obsessed with Cheng Hanlei. This question has been asked more than once, but he can't find the answer...

His chest heaved violently, and his face became increasingly ugly.Clutching his chest with one hand, he slowly squatted down in pain, his face gradually turned from livid to pale...

The heart was quickly pulled into a ball, and slowly tightened.The pupils also dilated and the people in front of me gradually became double images. I wanted to stand up and leave the airport first, but my legs were completely unable to bear the load. Before I passed out, I heard all kinds of screams and noises in my ears , and the sound of an ambulance being called...

There was a loud voice on the phone...

There was a loud bang that made Cheng Hanlei's ears ring...

Then came the beeping sound, which was so loud that Cheng Hanlei woke up suddenly.Provoked by Shangguan Jue's questioning words just now, coupled with the annoyance caused by Lei Chenyi, he couldn't control his tone for a while.This person woke up immediately after being stimulated, and immediately dialed back, the phone could no longer be out of the service area...

Cheng Hanlei closed the phone tiredly, and she seemed to stab Shangguanjue invisible again.If so...he can understand that it's not worth wasting time on her, isn't it a good thing...


"Shangguan Rui came to America?"

Cheng Hanlei walked into the house with a look of tiredness, and when An Ran mentioned that Shangguan Rui came to the United States, the expression on her face suddenly changed.

Lei Chenyi actually really despicably told Shangguan Rui...

How could he be so excessive!

5000 words are sent. . . .Although occasionally it is one update, it is usually five to six thousand words. . . . .

Secretly tell you a horrible thing, China Telecom called in the morning and told Lori that the equipment is different from the new community, it can’t be used, you need to unsubscribe and re-apply, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah. So, I got very angry.I got angry on the phone and called 48 to complain.I also quarreled with Luoli by the way, because Luoli said that I shouldn't get angry, and that I wouldn't die without the Internet.But Su, I'm so weak, if I don't have internet, I'm really going to die...

Ask for a recommendation ticket... The days without a recommendation ticket can be said to be like sprinkling salt and pouring chili oil on the purple wound. If there is any... How miserable is this...

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