the president's wife

Chapter 252: Reaching the Bottom Line

Chapter 252: Reaching the Bottom Line America

After getting off the plane, Cheng Hanlei got into the car and hurried to the hospital.

Catch the plane all night, without sleep all day and all night.Cheng Hanlei looked haggard, and when she saw Cheng Hanlei, An Ran immediately came up to her.

"Han Lei."

"Where's Baby? How's it going?"

"Don't worry, it's all right now. She hasn't woken up yet, I'm afraid she'll have emotional ups and downs if she wakes up and won't see you..."


Cheng Hanlei nodded, she turned sideways and walked quickly to the door of the ward.As soon as he opened the door of the ward, he saw An Ze sitting on the chair in front of the bed.Anze's small body was sitting in the chair, his whole body was almost surrounded by the chair.His eyes were fixed on Cheng Beibei who was lying on the bed. Hearing that the ward was pushed away, Anze turned his head. When he saw Cheng Hanlei, his eyes were filled with guilt...

"Godmother, I'm sorry."

"Ozawa, it's none of your business. Beibei is fine now, don't blame yourself."

Cheng Hanlei looked at Anze who was no less worried than herself, and reached out to touch Anze's small head.Anze and Beibei are the same age, maybe Anze realized that he only has a mother and no father since he was a child.After being able to speak, when the word dad was mentioned, the smile on my mother's face would froze, and then she said silently that my father had gone to a distant place.Over time, he also stopped asking about his father.

Since he was young, he spent most of his time with Cheng Beibei. I remember that when he fell down at the age of two, his eyes were red from crying. His mother told him that a man bleeds but not tears, and a man should protect a woman.A man who solves things with tears will not be able to protect important people in the future.You have to be strong and be a man to protect the people you want to protect.

When he grows up a bit, Anze seems to understand what his mother said.I never cried again, no matter how painful I fell, I never cried again.In his eyes, Cheng Beibei is weak, because he is thinner and shorter than him.Both mother and godmother said that he wanted to protect and take care of Beibei.

Subconsciously, taking care of and protecting Beibei has become his responsibility.When his mother and godmother were away, he played with Beibei and took care of Beibei most of the time.The godmother told her mother that Beibei was in poor health and could not run...

In kindergarten, he just walked away for a while...

"Ozawa, when Beibei wakes up, she will definitely be clamoring for jelly. Go back and make jelly with mom, okay?"


Anze nodded, and said to Cheng Hanlei, "Godmother, goodbye."


An Ze followed An Ran and left, Cheng Hanlei looked at Cheng Beibei on the hospital bed, she was almost four years old before she knew it.hand, gently caressing Cheng Beibei's small face.I am very glad that I agreed to Lei Xiwen's request at that time, the fate of life is very unpredictable.If she hadn't gone to England with Wang Yalan to discuss a business, she wouldn't have met Lei Xiwen in England, and she didn't expect that she would agree to Lei Xiwen's request and adopt Beibei.

Seeing Lei Xiwen's haggard and skinny appearance, those once beautiful eyes were deeply sunken, but they were full of the light of maternal love.During the week in England, she would go to Lei Xiwen's rental house to see her and Beibei after she was busy.

Cheng Hanlei would often think of herself when she looked at Beibei, if she didn't lose her baby by accident.Will she really choose not to have children in the end? A home is very important to her.After seeing Lei Xiwen's poor health, she took good care of Bei Bei.She is white and tender, which shows that Lei Xiwen really loves this daughter very much.

Because he didn't want Lei Chenyi to know that he had been raped and raped, and that he had a child.So I never mentioned it to Lei Chenyi, but met Cheng Hanlei.She was almost alone.She is unwilling to send her child to an orphanage.When she knew that Cheng Hanlei was willing to frowned, Lei Xiwen couldn't hold on after half a month and passed away...

What Lei Chenyi didn't know was that, in fact, many people really loved him.


When Lei Chenyi woke up again, it was already two days later.

The hospital is covered with white.The smell of disinfectant lingered in his nostrils, and his body felt stiff.There was a brief blank in the brain, and he opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. It seemed that it took him a long time to realize that he was in the hospital.

Xia Ruoyu was lying beside Lei Chenyi's bed, sleeping soundly.When he was sleepy and dazed, he felt the body on the side of his waist move, and almost immediately opened his eyes in surprise.

"Chen Yi, you finally woke up, you scared me to death."

Xia Ruoyu's eyes were red and swollen from crying, when she saw Lei Chenyi waking up, the walnut-like eyes immediately burst into tears.Holding Lei Chenyi's big hand with one hand, and ringing the bell with the other.He kept saying, "You finally woke up, woo woo... I was really scared to death..."

Throat was very dry and aching.He heard Xia Ruoyu's voice in his ears, but he didn't think of a single word.Cheng Hanlei's words in the hotel room kept echoing in his mind, entangled in his mind like a spell.

Cheng Hanlei!

The two hands that were lying flat on the hospital bed were quietly clenched tightly.Lying on the hospital bed with a blue face, he heard the doctor walk in.In and out, until the buzzing in my ears stopped...

only left with……

"Chen Yi...Chen Yi..."

Xia Ruoyu's voice became more and more worried. The doctor just said clearly that she was fine, as long as she had a good rest.Why Chen Yi still didn't react at all, when she rushed to the hotel, she saw Chen Yi collapsed.The blood on the sleeves was stained on her beige coat, and it hurt her heart tightly...

Sight, finally some reaction.Lei Chenyi looked at Xia Ruoyu, then pursed his thin lips lightly.Supporting one side with one hand, Xia Ruoyu immediately rocked the bed, looked at Lei Chenyi nervously and said, "Chen Yi...what do you want to do? Tell me...I'll help you..."

Lei Chenyi didn't speak, but looked at the phone by the table.Xia Ruoyu immediately reached out to take the phone to Lei Chenyi and said, "Don't worry, I've already made arrangements for work. You just need to rest well now, and I'll help you call whoever you want to call."

A look made Xia Ruoyu's outstretched hand pause.

Under that gaze, he silently withdrew his hand, then looked at Lei Chenyi holding the phone, and pressed a number...

When listening to Lei Chenyi's order to bring food over, Xia Ruoyu's face was slightly stiff...

"Chen Yi...I can help you with these..."

"Need not."

His throat was a little dry, and Lei Chenyi's voice was dry and cracked from his lips, and it was even more distant.His eyes swept over Xia Ruoyu's wrist without any trace, and then retracted indifferently.

Half an hour later, Xia Ruoyu looked at the few people who walked in, as well as a familiar nurse...

"Everyone else get out."

Lei Chenyi's voice was very low, and Xia Ruoyu was taken out with an order in his astonishment.The moment she saw the nurse, she saw the cold expression on Lei Chenyi's face.

For the next three days, Xia Ruoyu was blocked outside the ward...

until three days later

A car was parked downstairs in Xia Ruoyu's building.Xia Ruoyu went downstairs and saw the familiar car at a glance.

Chen Yi...

At first I thought I was wrong, but when I was sure it was Lei Chenyi's car.Xia Ruoyu immediately walked over quickly. In the past three days, she was blocked from the floor by the people guarding outside the ward.No matter what you say, don't let it go.

"Chen Yi."

Xia Ruoyu looked at the slightly opened car window, and when she saw that the person sitting inside was really Lei Chenyi, a light flashed in her eyes.



The moment the car stopped, Xia Ruoyu's heart, which had been oppressed since getting in the car, was completely pulled up.

From the excitement at the beginning, to seeing Lei Chenyi's expression after getting in the car, a faint, bad premonition surged in his heart.

"If it rains."

"Chen Yi... I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to deal with, and I have to deal with them. If there is anything, we will talk about it next time."

When Lei Chenyi spoke, Xia Ruoyu's face turned pale as if frightened.With one hand on the doorknob, he wanted to push the door open.

"Zuo will come back next week. You can summarize your work in the past few days and hand over to Zuo next week."

Tight body, lips quivering...

"Chen Yi, what do you mean?"

Xia Ruoyu looked sideways at Lei Chenyi's handsome side face, her face was still a little sick, her outline was a little thinner, but she looked a little colder.

"Ruoyu, you have touched my bottom line."

Thin lips pursed slightly, Lei Chenyi's voice was cold...

"Chen Yi, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Xia Ruoyu clasped her hands quietly...

"Ruoyu, as early as four years ago, I told you clearly that the two of us are in the past, and you should also be very clear why I indulged you again and again. These four years include four years ago The small actions you made, the deliberate behavior in the hospital, including your intentional release to the media, allowing the media to play up our relationship. I don’t say these things, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know. The reason I don’t say them is because they are not enough to affect anything. "

"I know you're a smart person. I've already told you when the media exaggerated our relationship. Don't do stupid things anymore. After that, you're already very secure. You know it well from me..."

"But Ruoyu..."

"You should know that there are some things that you are not allowed to touch, and you are not qualified to touch them. The jade bracelet was given to Cheng Hanlei by Mama Liu, and it belongs to Cheng Hanlei. I have told you clearly about this. The jade bracelet is not allowed. Anyone touch it, including you. And you, you even asked the driver to open the door for you, go in and get the jade bracelet to put on, who allowed you to touch it?"

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