the president's wife

Chapter 242: Chapter S City

Chapter 242: Go back to City S, pick up the phone, look at the number just pulled out, and save it.After looking at it for a while, press the dial key.

As soon as Cheng Hanlei walked to the parking lot, her cell phone rang.

Pushing the baby with one hand and picking up the phone with the other, when he saw that it was Shangguanjue's number, he just paused and picked it up...

"It's good to know you're still here."

My heart felt sour for no reason.I didn't know how to be the best to him before, and I didn't know how to make him stop loving me.Time is the best medicine, but at the moment of reunion, Cheng Hanlei still saw that scorching light in Shangguanjue's eyes, still as blazing as it was more than a year ago.

There was no need to hide it from him, but...

Perhaps, such a white lie is the best for him.


"Senior Shangguan?"

An Ran was slightly taken aback, and there was a hint of complexity between her brows.

"Don't worry, I have already asked Jue not to mention it in front of him."

"Han Lei..."

Thank you between them, no need to say.When the eyes of each other meet, the gratitude contained in it is already obvious.At the beginning, she was not sure how long the love she met at an age that did not understand love could last, but at the moment when she decided to let go of it completely, she already understood that the depth of love has nothing to do with age.

When she decided to keep this child without hesitation, she didn't want to have any future with him.She just simply wanted to leave a sustenance so that she could spend the rest of her life.How long is your life and how do you spend it when you are lonely.Whether you can persist, is it too early to say that you will never love again?

No matter what, as the child in her womb grew up, An Ran never regretted giving birth to this child until the child was born.

Every time I see the child lying in my arms and looking at me with those special quiet eyes, I feel inexplicably at ease.Going to school, working, and being with your baby is a fulfilling and busy day, which is a sense of satisfaction and a responsibility.

never regretted...


After the birth of his daughter Shangguan Xuan, Shangguan Rui no longer worked overtime for a long time, and Shangguan Rui would return home on time when working overtime was not necessary.On the day of the premature delivery, Murong Xue gave birth to her daughter Shangguan Xuan in a near miscarriage. The child was not in good health due to the premature delivery.

It took a whole week in the oxygen box before being carried out. Shangguan Rui only appeared two days after the baby was born.He has very complicated and contradictory emotions towards the child in Murong Xue's womb.On the one hand, she married Murong Xue because of this child, and on the other hand, because she was her own flesh and blood, she couldn't really dislike her.

After knowing that Murong Xue gave birth to her daughter safely despite the difficulty, she stood outside the glass, looked at her daughter in the oxygen box, opened her eyes, and looked at him roundly.Most of the time he was sleeping, but occasionally when he opened his eyes and looked at him, it gave him a very warm feeling...

When holding Shangguan Xuan in his arms, when Shangguan Xuan smiled at him for the first time, Shangguan Rui felt for the first time that this was his daughter.

Shangguan Xuan didn't know why she liked Shangguan Rui so much, ever since she was carried out of the oxygen tank, she liked to rely on Shangguan Rui.Every time he purses his mouth, as long as Shangguan Rui holds it in his hands, a smile will immediately burst out.It made it impossible for Shangguan Rui not to like Shangguan Xuan.When choosing the name, Shangguan Rui chose a nickname for Shangguan Xuan, called Xiaoxiao...

It's been a year, and after Shangguan Xuan opened her eyes, her face is very cute.Shangguan Rui was at home on weekends, basking in the sun in the yard with Shangguan Xuan in his arms.Murong Xue came down from the upstairs, dressed neatly, her figure has almost recovered.

Perhaps it was because of the birth of the child, or because of Shangguan Rui's attitude when he was bleeding, and when he opened his eyes after giving birth, his first reaction was to call Shangguan Rui's name, but he was in M ​​City, facing the The place that has been burned...

Thinking about that day, Murong Xue's face froze slightly...

After arguing for more than half a year, now the two seldom quarrel and sleep in separate rooms.Even in a space, he seldom talks, he drags her, and she drags him in the same way.The two of them seemed to have nothing to do with each other except their daughter.

His indifference is born from the heart, but she is faking it, because...

still in love...

Going out, she looked at Shangguan Rui who was sitting on a garden chair with Shangguan Xuan in her arms and teasing Shangguan Xuan. That smile had always belonged to Shangguan Xuan. In front of her, all she could see was a cold face.

When Shangguan Rui, who was teasing Shangguan Xuan, saw Murong Xue coming out, the kind smile disappeared from his face.Until Murong Xue walked up to him and stood still, she didn't even look at her.

"I have something to go out to pick up a friend, and I may come back very late at night."

In fact, knowing that, he wouldn't care, and he wouldn't give her a look.Maybe because there is still love, there is still a glimmer of hope.Maybe, he would care...

Seeing that Shangguan Rui was still indifferent, he didn't even say yes.The expression on Murong Xue's face was maintained, and she greeted Shangguan Xuan, who was having fun with Shangguan Rui, and ignored Murong Xue.Murong Xue got up and left.

When he walked a little farther, he looked back at Shangguan Rui's smile again, and was accompanying Shangguan Xuan patiently and gently.Sometimes Murong Xue couldn't help wondering, if she got out with other men in front of Shangguan Rui, would Shangguan Rui at least get angry, or just cast a cold glance, then turn around and leave...

Perhaps, the latter is more likely.



"I thought you wouldn't come over, today is the weekend, isn't he at home?"

"He is with his daughter, and you know that her daughter is more dependent on her. I'm fine, so I'll pick you up. And I owed you a kindness in the hospital last time. Let me do my best to treat you to dinner today. I don't know. Appreciate it?"

"It's a little effort, but if a beautiful woman treats you to a meal, it's because you don't know what's good and what's wrong if you don't reward her face."

Xiao Yi sat in the passenger seat, looked at Murong Xue, and smiled teasingly.

"Still beautiful, old..."

Murong Xue chuckled, it's only been over a year, and she really feels much older.But Xiao Yi's tone still made Murong Xue's face full of melancholy that couldn't be resolved all the time, and she finally pulled out the dark clouds and saw the sun.

"It's finally a smile."

The words of relief made Murong Xue's slender hands on the steering wheel tighten a bit.Looking at Xiao Yi out of the corner of his eye, his heart felt warm after a long absence.

Xiao Yi said that he hadn't been back for more than half a year, and wanted to go for a walk. Murong Xue drove the car, and the two of them strolled around all afternoon, and then went to have dinner.During the banquet, Xiao Yi kept serving Murong Xue with vegetables.

"Although you have just given birth and need to lose weight, you are almost skinny. If you lose weight and the wind is a little stronger, I don't know which city I will see you in."

In fact, I have never noticed that I am fat and thin. Some people say that it is difficult to lose weight after giving birth.However, she has returned to her original figure in just one month, and she is getting thinner and thinner. Almost without worrying about it, she is already so thin that everyone admires it as if she has never given birth to a child.

Looking at the dishes piled up in front of him, it's been a long time since he showed such concern.

In Murong's house, the situation where everyone stood on Shangguan Rui's side didn't change because of time, on the contrary, it became more and more serious.Coupled with the fact that Shangguan Jue's background is getting stronger and stronger, Shangguan Rui's position in Murong Enterprise is becoming more and more important at the same time, resulting in his position in Murong's family becoming stronger and stronger.

From the beginning, she suffered from pain everywhere, but now she seems to be facing an unpleasant situation everywhere.And such concentration, such tenderness, such concern, the long-lost feeling.

Murong Xue couldn't help raising her head to look at Xiao Yi who was sitting opposite, and met Xiao Yi's gaze as soon as she raised her head.He actually kept looking at her intently, but she didn't know it...

In those eyes, there is a flame that has not been seen for a long time.Murong Xue felt a lump in her heart, and almost lost the hand holding the chopsticks.Just when she was about to look away, she felt a sense of warmth sweeping over her. Surprised, Murong Xue quickly withdrew her hand and straightened her long hair.With a concealed smile, a meal is like sitting on pins and needles...

In the evening, after eating, Murong Xue left first.I wandered around alone for a long time, and didn't get home until midnight.The dark home extinguishes the hope in my heart.Actually, I don't know what else to expect.But he wanted to stop there, but couldn't.

If you want to entangle, entangle to the end. Since it is painful, let each other suffer like this.


After graduation, Cheng Hanlei joined Wang Yalan's company directly.Sit up from the lowest level, because of the relationship with Wang Yalan before, in just half a year, he has been promoted to the position of director of the marketing department.Become the youngest backbone executive in the company...

knock knock...

After politely knocking on the door twice, Cheng Hanlei stepped in.

"Mr. Wang."

During working hours, Cheng Hanlei would politely call Wang Yalan President Wang.


He didn't look up, but looked at something intently.Cheng Hanlei sat there without any anxiety.In four years, the whole person has matured and stabilized a lot.Be patient and calm.

Five minutes later, Wang Yalan raised her head to look at Cheng Hanlei and said, "The branch office in City S has a problem. I don't have time to go there. Go to City S tomorrow and deal with it."

"S City..."

As for Cheng Hanlei, even though she never mentioned it.But the moment Wang Yalan asked Cheng Hanlei to follow her, she knew it all.

"something wrong?"

Wang Yalan's eyes were very sharp, looking at Cheng Hanlei directly to the depths of her heart.

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