the president's wife

Chapter 238: A Coincidental Encounter (3000) Update

Chapter 238: A Coincidental Encounter (3000) Supplement Shangguanjue's personal arrival, demonstrating the sincerity of this j&c cooperation.The two companies sat in the meeting room and the negotiation went smoothly.Regarding some details, although there are some differences of opinion.For the time being, both parties are still in a conditional negotiation state, and each has a ruler in mind, and they are striving for the best interests of each other's companies.

At a stalemate, the negotiation is temporarily over.It was already past four o'clock at this time, the leader of the other company stood up, and the dinner had already been arranged.A group of people walked out of the meeting room and walked out together.


Chicago is located in the bustling business district to the right of the University of Chicago. At this time, a woman with extraordinary temperament who looked only in her 30s walked out of the revolving door.Stepping on ten-centimeter high-heeled shoes, she walked forward gracefully.And behind him, followed by a group of people, who were reporting some of today's work.

There are six bodyguards on the left and right sides, walking forward with stepping footsteps, taking the documents handed over by the secretary from time to time, looking at them, and then signing them.Go ahead.An extended Mercedes had already parked in front of the company's building. After signing several documents, the person had already arrived in front of the Mercedes, and the door had already been opened.

She bent over and sat in, and just as the door was about to close, the woman turned her gaze to the woman who had been following her.

"Susie, get in the car."

When the woman named Susie heard the woman's words, she immediately got into the car, under a group of envious eyes.A car ahead is clearing the way, followed by a car behind.Three cars were driving forward at a close distance, and a girl named Susie sat on the side, looking sideways at the woman from time to time.

No matter when I look at her, she is always so perfect.In front of people, there was never any time when she lost her manners.Always so elegant, and his style of doing things at work is Rayleigh's fashion.I just heard about it before, but now I am fortunate to study with her.When you are really close, you can feel the difference between what you heard and what you saw when you heard it.The sense of shock brought by it cannot be described in words.

Seemingly aware of Susie's gaze, Wang Yalan turned and raised a look at Susie from an important contract in front of her, but with just one look she had already withdrawn.

"A new Chinese restaurant has opened in Chinatown, and I will eat there later."

"it is good."

Susie nodded, and then, only the sound of turning pages was heard.Until the car stopped and the door was pulled open.Wang Yalan stepped out of the car, and glanced at Susie who was following behind.Walk in one after the other.


"This is a newly opened restaurant with a good reputation. I know that you are not used to eating Western food in Baron, so I specially booked a place here, hoping to suit your taste."

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard someone explain.And a group of people walked in together.

The environment here is very quiet, and I chose this place, on the one hand, because I heard that Shangguan Jue is not close to women, and his style is very upright, so it is not suitable for those romantic places.Such a quiet place with Chinese style should meet Shangguanjue's taste.Seeing that there was no displeasure on Shangguan Jue's face, he couldn't help but feel lucky to have chosen this place.

Under the guidance of the waiter, they stopped in front of a box named Shui Qingqian.Shangguan Jue left to go to the bathroom, and when the others were about to open the door of the box, they heard footsteps behind them.

When they turned their heads, they saw Wang Yalan walking over with a very pretty girl.Behind him were two bodyguards walking towards this side.

"Mr. Wang, it's a pleasure to meet you here by chance."

When he saw Wang Yalan, he immediately went up to meet her.It is rare to see an American greet a Chinese woman with such admiration and humility.

Wang Yalan smiled gracefully, stretched out her well-manicured slender hand, shook it lightly, and then let go.

"Happy to meet."

Neither cold nor hot, so as not to cold others, nor to make people feel that they can get close.

"Don't disturb everyone's meal, excuse me."

Wang Yalan didn't glance over the crowd, and walked directly past them.

When the figures of Wang Yalan and Susie disappeared into the box, they could only hear admiration coming from behind them from time to time.

"A very beautiful Chinese woman."

Walking into the box, many people have heard rumors about Wang Yalan.Enter the US market from the domestic market and occupy a place in the US market.The speed of development is getting faster and faster, sweeping the US market.Everyone in the United States knows about Wang Yalan.It can be considered that the shopping mall is a female myth. Some people slander her behind her back, but most of them admire Wang Yalan.

A woman, with the passage of time, has proved her own strength and value more and more...


Susie has been with Wang Yalan for more than a month, and she has benefited a lot from what she has learned in these two months.Sometimes people's fate is really unclear, and I never thought that one day I would really meet Wang Yalan.This woman who once influenced her life without her knowing it, and when she really got close to Wang Yalan, she understood that such a smart, confident and capable woman.It is worthy of the admiration and admiration of any man. She always knows what she wants and what she should do next.

There is no peak in her world, she always has to be at the end and do better.The eternal self-transcendence has created her current self-worth.During the summer vacation, she followed Wang Yalan.Inexplicably, she seemed to be very fond of Wang Yalan.Wang Yalan, who has always been estranged from others, treats her with kindness and warmth unlike others.

In the mirror, there was a beautiful face of Bai Xi.Cheng Hanlei, who has never liked makeup, wears light makeup on her face. Some light makeup makes the outline more three-dimensional, and it also stands out a bit.At the University of Chicago, it has also become a beautiful landscape.

Without obstacles, Cheng Hanlei became a shining star that everyone wanted to take off.At the University of Chicago, very few people know Cheng Hanlei's real name.Everyone calls each other by their English names. The name susie has been with her for more than half a year, and she seems to have gradually gotten used to the name susie, except that An Ran will call herself occasionally, and she has almost forgotten that she is Cheng Hanlei.

Give yourself a touch of makeup to make yourself look more confident.The woman in the mirror has recuperated very well in the past half a year, and her thin body has grown a little weaker, and her grooming has become more exquisite, and she is no longer as slender as before, as if a gust of wind could blow her down.

Wang Yalan said that no matter where a woman goes, she must be perfect and impeccable.On the outside, you represent an image.If you want to overwhelm others with momentum, first of all, you must have enough self-confidence.Having self-confidence is the first step to success, and sculpting yourself to become an impeccable person is a compulsory course for a successful person.

She smiled at herself in the mirror, and when she was about to leave the bathroom, the phone rang.

Glancing at the number, he picked it up with a smile on his lips...

"Got home?"

"There is good soup in the pot, remember to drink more, um, I will have dinner with Mr. Wang tonight, and I will go back later."

"Go to bed early, what you need now is a good rest."

"Really? I can't wait to watch it. I take back what I just said. I'll go back as soon as possible. Don't go to sleep. Hang up when I get home."

Cheng Hanlei hung up the phone, tidied herself up, looked at herself in the glasses again, and made sure that there was nothing wrong with her, and then walked out.


Shangguanjue opened one of the doors and walked out, standing in front of the mirror, washing his hands.The men's and women's toilets are adjacent to each other. Since Shangguanjue stepped into the United States, his eyes have been searching habitually, as if looking for something.

A little dejected, he reached out to catch some water and splashed it on his face. The cold water brought some sobriety.Little Flower Bud is gone.This has become a fact, and he should accept it.

The water dazed his eyes, he raised his head, and through the water droplets on his eyelashes, he saw a figure passing by the door of the bathroom, wearing a delicate suit and stepping on high-heeled shoes with elegant steps.Just a glimpse of it is enough to shock people.That familiar figure has become much plumper.But it was engraved in the flesh and blood, how could it be possible to admit a mistake.

little buds.

When these three words flashed through his mind, Shangguanjue quickly turned around and walked out.

"Ouch, you bumped into someone."

Just as Shangguan Jue was about to rush out, an American man walked in from the outside.The two of them collided, and the American man took a step back.While speaking coquettishly, raised his head to complain, and saw Shangguanjue's handsome silhouette and strong body, his eyes immediately shone with the light of seeing a treasure.

He threw his whole body up and put his arms around Shangguanjue's neck.The eyes blinked desperately to discharge electricity, while the body dawdled intentionally or unintentionally.Shangguanjue was suddenly hugged by a man, listening to the man who was still talking with his shrill voice on the sticker...

"You hate it, you bumped into someone, how should you compensate him. How about a promise with your body?"

While talking, the hand around Shangguan Jue's neck has already slid down, and then down.

Shangguanjue saw that familiar figure disappear before his eyes, with a disgusting man stuck to his body.With cold eyes, he clasped the man's big hand with one hand, twisted it hard, and threw the man away with the other.All he could hear was a wailing sound from behind, and a sound that seemed to hit something.

Not in the mood to see what happened to the person he threw away, Shangguanjue wiped the water from his eyes with one hand, and strode after him.Is it an illusion, or... the prayer in my heart has come true...

Shangguanjue, who rushed out, saw a woman who had already walked a certain distance, wearing an exquisite suit, just like what he had just seen, immediately caught up, and clasped the woman's wrist with one hand: "Little Hualei..."

11000 updates today. . .I made up 5000, but I still owe 10000. I will continue to make up tomorrow. . .Crawl away silently. .Zi was sleepy.about to sleep.See you tomorrow.

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