the president's wife

Chapter 234: I fell in love with him

Chapter 234: I fell in love with him "Jeez, if you look at the activity area downstairs from the ninth floor of the inpatient department, if you are not very familiar, you will not be able to recognize who is who."

Ignoring Shang Guanjue's slightly changed expression, Cheng Hanlei continued as if talking to herself: "Even if the nurse has watched Lei Chenyi on TV, he can't see Lei Chenyi downstairs from the position on the ninth floor. It wouldn't be so coincidental that I met Lei Chenyi in the elevator and told me that I was on the eighth floor."

"Jeez, I know you arranged for the nurse to say this. You want me to witness it with your own eyes, right? You want to tell me that during the two days when I was in a coma, he ignored me and was busy working for another woman. "

It was obvious that Shangguan Jue looked at her with deeper eyes, Cheng Hanlei sighed softly and said: "Jue, I saw it, and I understand it more clearly. What kind of position do I have in Lei Chenyi's heart?" , My last hope is gone.”

As soon as Cheng Hanlei's words came out of his mouth, Shangguanjue's deep eyes immediately lit up with stars. He looked at Cheng Hanlei, and before he could speak, he heard Cheng Hanlei continue: "I saw it, and it really hurts here. It's like being stabbed." It's like twisting, it hurts. Sir, because I witnessed it with my own eyes, not only my hopes were shattered, but it also made me understand a fact that I have never discovered."

The words stopped here.

The expression on Shangguanjue's face almost turned cold again, his big hand was holding the ring, his body was visibly tense.

"I actually fell in love with him, in love with a man who only used me as a stand-in from beginning to end to vent out."

The voice was slightly sad, but the word love made Shangguan Jue's eyes turn red.Suddenly clasped Cheng Hanlei's shoulders with force, and said in a voice that almost came out of the teeth: "What did you say?"

"Jue, if I hadn't seen how he treated Xia Ruoyu with my own eyes, if it hadn't been the pain in my heart when I was left behind, I wouldn't have realized that I was in love."

"Shut up, Cheng Hanlei, listen to me, look at me and listen to me."

Shangguanjue interrupted Cheng Hanlei's words in a cold voice, the scarlet in his eyes became more and more cold, he clasped his hands on her shoulders, and said seriously: "That's not the case, you didn't fall in love with Lei Chenyi. You can't Falling in love with Lei Chenyi, have you forgotten? It was not you who was willing to be with Lei Chenyi at the beginning, he forced you. It was he who threatened you, so you were forced to be with him. "

"You didn't fall in love with him, you always wanted to escape from his clutches, do you remember? You asked me to take you away from Lei's house, and you would stay with me. If Lei Chenyi didn't blackmail you with my dad's affairs, You won't say those things to me, you're with me now. You won't get pregnant and have a miscarriage, and you can't even take the college entrance examination so that you can't go to college. In the end, you are forced to be returned to him again, it is him, always He is forcing you. You are just forced to be with him. How could you fall in love with him?"

"How can you fall in love with him? He doesn't care about you at all. In his eyes, everything is more important than you. Just because he is afraid of taking you away and being reported, he selfishly protects himself and lets you stay on a man's bed. If he cared about you, how could he let you be alone with me. Cheng Hanlei, how could you fall in love with such a man? Do you know what love is? Be sober, don't use such excuses to perfuse me , as a reason to reject me."

"Fall in love with him? How can you fall in love with him, it's impossible. Do you hear me clearly? You can't fall in love with him, it's impossible."

Shangguanjue's voice pierced Cheng Hanlei's ears word by word, and the strength on Cheng Hanlei's shoulders made her almost collapse.Pain makes the brain clearer.Whether you love it or not, it is clear in an instant.In fact, as early as when I rushed to the disaster area desperately, I should have understood.She was afraid of losing his mood at that time. If his worry was not because of falling in love, how could it be so.

Looking at Shangguanjue whose face was twisted into a ball in front of him, he used the mouth of the nurse to let himself recognize Lei Chenyi clearly, and to let her be with him willingly.But she didn't expect that it would make her understand something that she had never understood.

"Put it on, Cheng Hanlei, you are already my fiancée, don't take this ring off again. You are mine, and you can only be mine in the future."

The scarlet in Shangguanjue's eyes darkened even more, he suddenly grabbed Cheng Hanlei's hand, and the ring was about to be put on Cheng Hanlei's ring finger.The wound on the finger was pinched and it hurt.But Cheng Hanlei didn't even change her expression, she just stretched out her hand to block Shangguan Jue's movement, and said in a soft but firm voice: "Jeez, I really fell in love with Lei Chenyi."

"You didn't, you didn't understand until I told you, you didn't fall in love with him."

Shangguanjue's face was even more ugly when he was stabbed by Cheng Hanlei's calm and firm voice, he had nowhere to vent his anger, and with a big wave of his hand, all the things on the coffee table were thrown to the ground.Soup was spilled all over the floor.And looking at Cheng Hanlei with eyes full of anger, her chest heaved violently.

Under Cheng Hanlei's firm gaze, Shangguanjue's gaze suddenly became full of depth, making it hard to guess.The thin lips parted slightly, the ring in his hand was tightened in his hand, and he said in a calm voice: "Because he raped you, so you fell in love with him. Does it mean that if I do like him, you will fall in love with me too?" ?”

The sudden words startled Cheng Hanlei.Seeing Shangguanjue who seemed to be out of control, the cold light in his eyes and possessive madness, violently surprised Cheng Hanlei.


He almost didn't recognize the man in front of him, leaned on the sofa with one hand, slowly moved to the side, and wanted to escape when he got up.

Cheng Hanlei just got up, and before he took a step, Shangguanjue's wrist was already grasped. He moved like a leopard, quickly grabbed Cheng Hanlei, and pulled Cheng Hanlei back to the sofa with great force.

"Jeez, what are you doing, let me go."

Cheng Hanlei was pressed on the sofa, struggling with her body, with a look of panic in her eyes.I couldn't believe that the man in front of me was Shangguanjue, pushing Shangguanjue with his hand, his voice was trembling uncomfortably.

"You are mine in the first place, but he took your love and got you by despicable means. If I had forced you like him from the beginning, you wouldn't have had the chance to be taken by him, right? You are mine , will always be mine."


With her mouth suddenly gagged, Cheng Hanlei's eyes widened in horror.Unable to speak, his hands were pinched vigorously, and Shangguan Jue pressed her with his body, his eyes were tainted with a touch of madness, and he completely lost his mind.

"Little flower bud, you are mine. I should have had you a long time ago, and I shouldn't have softened my heart. That night, I shouldn't have stopped halfway. If I knew that I could get your heart by forcing you, I shouldn't let go that night. I passed you. It's not too late, right?"

Cheng Hanlei's eyes were wide open, listening to Shangguanjue talking to himself, the information caught in the words made Cheng Hanlei tense.Looking at Shangguanjue in front of him, he struggled even harder.

"I cherish you, and I don't want to force you. Even if you lie in my arms, I would rather take a cold shower all night than touch you because I cherish you and don't want to hurt you. I put you on the tip of my heart so much, And you actually fell in love with Lei Chenyi who raped you, Cheng Hanlei, how can you make me fall in love."

Shangguanjue's painful words came from her chest, his thin lips were pressed against her heart, such a painful voice came from her chest, the hot air that spewed out made her heart ache.Every word of Shangguanjue stabs at Cheng Hanlei, if possible, she is not willing to fall in love with Lei Chenyi, if possible, she also hopes that she loves this man...

Enduring the falling tears all the time, hearing Shangguan Jue's painful words, every word hurt her heart.

The warm liquid poured down like rain the moment Shangguanjue raised his head to kiss her lips.What kind of virtue and ability can she make a man do for herself like this.When she blamed him for playing tricks, she never saw his heart clearly.The bitterness in my heart is severe, why, it is not him who loves.

The clothes on his body were torn to pieces, and Shangguanjue tasted the bitter liquid in his mouth, and felt that Cheng Hanlei, who was struggling, had already stopped struggling.He just stared blankly at the ceiling with those beautiful eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.He thought she was crying because of being forced, and he was suffocating tightly in his heart.

The coolness of the fingers sticks to the warm skin.Action, but can no longer continue.

In his arms was the woman he wanted, the one on top of his heart.He once hated Lei Chenyi's behavior of forcing Cheng Hanlei, but now, he is doing the same thing as Lei Chenyi, doing the most despised animal behavior.The pain in his eyes couldn't be concealed, he lost his mind and wanted to rape her.

Cheng Hanlei only felt the pressure on her body loosen, and then felt the blanket being thrown on her body.And Shangguanjue had already got up and stepped back, sitting on a corner of the sofa, as if he was blaming himself.In the end, he still couldn't hurt her.Cheng Hanlei was let go, and at the same time she was relieved, the pain was even more unbearable.

He tightened the blanket with one hand, feeling pain in his heart.He gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and slapped Shangguanjue heavily on the face.The crisp applause completely wiped out the ambiguity in the room.Cheng Hanlei exerted a lot of strength, as if she had exhausted all her strength.Looking at Shangguanjue, his eyes were already full of hatred.

Shangguanjue didn't move, his eyes turned to Cheng Hanlei, looking at the resentment and anger in her eyes.

Seeing the clear five-fingerprints on Shangguanjue's face, he said in a trembling voice, "Shangguanjue, you bastard."

The slap hurt his heart. Shangguanjue looked at Cheng Hanlei with deep eyes, and there was pain in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"You used the past to talk about things time and time again, and through my apology to you, you made progress again and again. You deliberately misled me and made me think that I had sex with you while I was drunk. You just wanted me to do it willingly Is it with you? You are sure that I will not be able to speak coldly to you because of my guilt towards you, so you bully me like this. "

"Shangguanjue, you are really the stupidest fool in the world. You have been wrong from the very beginning. I have never belonged to you, and I have never loved you. I will stay with you. I just want to grab the straw and leave The Lei family. In the beginning, I was indeed forced, but I fell in love with Lei Chenyi a long time ago. With or without you, I will always fall in love with Lei Chenyi."

"Everything you did was to let me know my own heart. Let me know that I can't do without Lei Chenyi, let me know how much I love Lei Chenyi."

Shangguanjue's face was gloomy. Hearing Cheng Hanlei's words, he didn't get angry. He just looked at Cheng Hanlei seriously, as if he wanted to look into the depths of her eyes.

"Even if you know he doesn't love you, you still want to go back to him and make yourself miserable?"

Hearing Shangguan Jue's voice of being extremely disappointed in himself, his pity for her was her degrading himself, and his heart ached even more.

His hands were under the blanket, tightened, and buckled into his knees forcefully.Gritting his teeth, he just spit out a word softly: "Yes."

It was obvious that there were two eyes on her body that seemed to penetrate her flesh and blood...

On the other end of the sofa, Shangguanjue looked deeply at Cheng Hanlei, the anger on his face had calmed down.Standing up suddenly, his arrogance and self-esteem were torn apart again by Cheng Hanlei's step on the soles of his feet. If a year ago, she was forced to, but now, she said these words from the bottom of her heart, enough to make him If he dies...

"Cheng Hanlei, there will be no next time."

Cold words, standing up body.Cheng Hanlei could clearly feel the despair emanating from Shangguanjue. On her body, he fell down twice.Being stepped on twice, when she felt Shangguanjue's footsteps walking past the sofa, the indifferent expression on Cheng Hanlei's face was almost unbearable.


The door slammed heavily, causing Cheng Hanlei's tears to slip down from her eyes instantly.The tense body slumped down and nestled into the sofa.Tears, pouring down.


The silent three words were drowned in the silent tears.This is the only thing she can do for him, her body and mind are no longer worthy of Shangguanjue.If that night really happened, she might not be in such pain...

Half an hour later, Cheng Hanlei walked out of the ward alone. When the elevator number flashed past eight, Cheng Hanlei's red and swollen eyes murmured to herself: "I just found out that I fell in love when I decided to leave alone... "

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