the president's wife

Chapter 231: Means (4000)

Chapter 231: Means (4000) "Sir, the patient needs to rest, you..."

"I'm her fiancé."

After coldly glancing at the nurse who blocked him, Shangguanjue said coldly.Sideways around the nurse and keep walking.In front of the ward, he opened the door and walked in.

He lived in an ordinary ward. As soon as Shangguanjue walked in, he looked at Cheng Hanlei who was lying on the bed with a dark expression on his face.He picked up the phone with one hand, dialed a number, gave a few simple instructions and hung up the phone.Stepping up to Cheng Hanlei's side, he stretched out his hand to hold the cold little hand that was being given an IV drip. The air conditioner in the ward was very warm, but Cheng Hanlei's little hand was as cold as if holding a piece of iron...

Half an hour later, Shangguanjue's assistant showed up outside the ward with a professional medical team. In a short time, Cheng Hanlei was pushed into the car, taken away from the hospital, and checked into a private room financed by Shangguanjue. Hospital.

After a series of examinations, Shangguanjue went out with several doctors. After closing the door, when Shangguanjue saw the doctor's embarrassed expression and did not speak for a long time, the anxiety in his heart made the flame of anger burn, and he put the coffee table on the table. Swept all the tea utensils on the ground, and then said coldly: "Speaking, are you dumb?"

"Mr. Shangguan..."


Seeing that the expert in the lead was deliberating his words as if his brows were knotted, he spoke with an even uglier face and ordered in a cold voice.

"The patient's physique was relatively weak, and now the cold air has entered the body again, which leads to coma. In fact, if ordinary people faint in the snow, nothing will happen. But because the patient had a miscarriage before and did not recuperate his body, this You can’t catch a cold, so this time the matter is more serious…”


Shangguanjue's body froze, and he pulled the doctor's collar with one hand, his voice was colder than the weather outside.

"Mr. Shangguan, we will try our best to make the patient wake up as soon as possible, and we will try our best to recuperate her body. You don't have to worry."

"I mean what did you just say? Miscarriage?"

"The patient had a miscarriage before..."

With a cautious voice, trying to figure out Shangguan Jue's expression, he spoke cautiously.Shangguanjue slowly let go of the doctor's collar, and he slumped down on the sofa.

"Mr. Shangguan."

"go out."

As if endlessly tired, Shangguanjue leaned on the sofa and said two words coldly. The doctors didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately turned around and walked out.The door was gently closed, and Shangguanjue was leaning on the sofa, the word abortion kept echoing in his ears.

She's had babies and hasn't nursed back.It seems that something happened that he didn't know about. For more than a year, he probably knew about her news, but there was nothing about her miscarriage...

The belief in his heart seemed to be firmer. After calming down his emotions, Shangguanjue stood up, pushed open the door, and walked in.



"Chen Yi."

Lying on the bed in the hotel, Xia Ruoyu looked at Lei Chenyi's handsome figure, when Lei Chenyi stood up, he couldn't help reaching out to hold Lei Chenyi, and looked at Lei Chenyi with pleading eyes.

"Can you stay with me? I'm afraid. As soon as I close my eyes, I see Ciri lying in front of me covered in blood..."

Her body kept trembling, Xia Ruoyu seemed to see that scene again, she inserted her hand into her long black hair, trembling.

Lei Chenyi didn't speak, but looked at Xia Ruoyu who kept trembling.

"Go to sleep."

Pulled up the chair and sat on the edge of the bed.Xia Ruoyu bit her lips lightly, took Lei Chenyi's big hand, pulled the quilt with one hand, and whispered softly: "Will you leave after I fall asleep?"

Looking at Lei Chenyi with pitiful eyes like a deer.

"will not."

"Do not lie to me."


Lei Chenyi spoke briefly, and Xia Ruoyu lay down in peace, but she kept holding Lei Chenyi's hand, and slowly closed her eyes.

Maybe it was because she was tired, Xia Ruoyu was breathing evenly after lying down for a while.The light in the room was very dim, Lei Chenyi sat on the side, looking sideways at Xia Ruoyu who was lying there.Time didn't seem to leave any marks on her face, it was still the same as when she left.

In the breath, is the familiar fragrance.Lingering in his breath, looking at Xia Ruoyu, what appeared in front of his eyes was another face, which gradually became clear in his mind.

time flies.

Xia Ruoyu on the bed was already sound asleep, she withdrew her hand, Lei Chenyi stood up, and walked to the French windows.

Open the door of the attached small balcony and stand there looking at the scenery outside the glass.I lit a cigarette, and when I was holding the cigarette, my hand touched the mobile phone, and my fingertips paused. When I realized it, the mobile phone was already in the palm of my hand.

"Chen Yi..."

The arm gently went around, wrapping around his thin waist.His face was pressed against Lei Chenyi's back, with an air of dependence.

"Ahem..." After coughing lightly, Lei Chenyi turned around, put his hand on her arm, and slightly opened the distance between the two of them.

"what happened?"

"Looks like I have a cold."

He sucked his nose and rubbed his nose pitifully.

"Go to bed and lie down."


Turn around obediently and walk on the ground barefoot.When Lei Chenyi's eyes stopped on Xia Ruoyu's bare feet, he paused slightly.

"How many times have I told you not to go barefoot?"

When the words came out, Lei Chenyi was taken aback, and Xia Ruoyu who was walking in front was even more taken aback.Then he walked back to the bed as if nothing had happened, lay down, wrapped himself up and said, "I will remember to wear shoes in the future."

Lei Chenyi didn't speak, but he was stunned for a moment when he blurted out.Before I knew it, many things had been engraved in my mind.

Lei Chenyi didn't answer, and watched Xia Ruoyu close her eyes with a light cough.

"Where are you going?"

As soon as he took a step, he heard Xia Ruoyu's voice behind him.Lei Chenyi stopped and turned his head and said, "Buy medicine."

"I'm waiting for you."

Lei Chenyi didn't speak, and walked out.After hearing the sound of footsteps moving away, Xia Ruoyu lifted the quilt, stood up and walked into the bathroom.The naked body, the open water, the unheated water washes over the skin, with a sense of trembling, the body trembles under the cold water.He gritted his teeth and stood there, letting the cold water pour on him continuously.After her body was completely cooled, Xia Ruoyu tremblingly wiped her body with a bath towel with stiff fingers, and put on the clothes she had just taken off.

With every step she took, her body was trembling, and the chill that hit her bones was so cold that it pierced her bones.He stepped back to the bed, lifted the quilt tremblingly and lay down.

The air conditioner in the bedroom was running, but the chill still kept rushing into his body.With his eyes closed, the water droplets on his eyelashes seemed to freeze due to the cold in his body.Clutching the quilt with her hands, Xia Ruoyu's lips were bruised and purple from the cold.

He is no longer the former Lei Chenyi, no longer the Lei Chenyi who only has eyes for her.Even though he knew that time would change, when he saw with his own eyes that the man who said he would only love her forever and would wait for her gave his thoughts to another woman, his heart still tightened unwillingly.

The care that came out of her mouth tore her heart apart.Pretending to be nothing, but it still hurts badly.

She knew exactly who he was addressing the exhortations in his mouth.

Although Chen Yi never said anything about his relationship with Cheng Hanlei, when he was in the disaster area, Chen Yi looked at Lei Chenyi in the eyes.And when Chen Yi led her out of the high school campus, she saw that figure not far away.She shortened the distance she was a little far away from, and actively leaned into his arms, tightening his clothes, creating a feeling of intimacy.

She saw the deep heartache in Cheng Hanlei's eyes not far away...

When she called, she heard Cheng Hanlei's voice, so she was just crying Yingying, but deliberately started crying loudly and sadly.Deliberately create the feeling that you are about to collapse, that you may die at any moment.She knew that as long as Chen Yi left Cheng Hanlei and came to her side, it would be a sword in the heart for Cheng Hanlei.


Slowly closing her eyes, she has already taken the first step, she can't hold back, can't turn back, the only way out is to completely occupy Chen Yi's heart again...

while others...

There was no warmth in the body under the quilt, the body was trembling constantly, the head felt heavier and heavier, the cough became more and more urgent, and the body began to feel hot and cold.I don't know how long it had been since she was drowsy, and there was a sound outside the door, and Xia Ruoyu was already a little unconscious.

Lei Chenyi walked in with the medicine in his hand, seeing Xia Ruoyu lying on the bed with shortness of breath, accompanied by a more serious cough from time to time, he walked to Xia Ruoyu's side with a slight frown.Stretching out his big hand towards Xia Ruoyu's forehead, Lei Chenyi's face changed slightly due to the scalding heat...

"Ruoyu... Ruoyu..."

Xia Ruoyu was burnt in a daze, when she heard Lei Chenyi's voice, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at Lei Chenyi.She already had a cold, and coupled with the acceleration of the cold water, she was quickly eroded by the virus in more than an hour.

"Chen Yi...I feel uncomfortable."

The voice was weak, Xia Ruoyu held Lei Chenyi's hand, tears streaming down the corners of her eyes.That pitiful voice was accompanied by more and more severe coughing, Lei Chenyi put the medicine aside, he didn't expect that it would take more than an hour to make his condition so serious.

The big hand decisively pulled Xia Ruoyu up, and picked up one side of the clothes for Xia Ruoyu to put on.

"Go to the hospital."

Xia Ruoyu had difficulty even speaking, so Ren Lei Chenyi, who was like a puppet, picked him up, strode away from the hotel, and got into Lei Chenyi's car.The car drove away quickly, heading for the nearest hospital nearby.


Cheng Hanlei was in a coma for two days, supported by nutrient solution.And Shangguanjue took care of Cheng Hanlei for two days and two nights without sleep, and when he saw Cheng Hanlei's face getting paler, his face became more and more ugly.Scolding more than a dozen times a day, scolding the doctor over and over again.

Cheng Hanlei opened her eyes amid such an angry roar...


I was in a coma for two days, and my throat was very dry.Although the fever has subsided, the burning throat still hurts.As soon as the dry voice came out, Shangguanjue, who was scolding the doctor, suddenly paused.She quickly turned her gaze to look at Cheng Hanlei, and she really saw Cheng Hanlei looking at him with her eyes open.

she woke up...

"Little Hualei, you're awake."

Unlike the roar just heard, Shangguan Jue's voice was a little softer.After walking to Cheng Hanlei's side, he stroked Cheng Hanlei's small face with his big hand. After confirming that he really woke up, he immediately looked at the doctor who was still standing there and said, "Come here for an examination."

"Yes, Mr. Shangguan."

The doctor walked over quickly, and saw that Shangguanjue was still standing there without moving, and did not dare to ask Shangguanjue to move away, but Cheng Hanlei saw the doctor looking at Shangguanjue's angry eyes, and looked completely ignorant glared at the doctor.The body refused to move away, and he couldn't help pulling on Guanjue's clothes and said, "Jue, you are blocking the doctor..."

Shangguanjue was taken aback for a moment, and seeing the doctor's expression of Cheng Hanlei as a savior, he said in a cold voice but could not hide his embarrassment: "What are you doing with a long mouth, can't you speak?"

The doctor didn't reply, but there was a flash of fear in his eyes.It's not that he doesn't speak, but how dare he speak.

Cheng Hanlei was speechless at Shangguanjue's unreasonable anger.I just woke up very weak, and I lay there with my eyes closed.After the doctor had space, he began to check Cheng Hanlei's body, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no serious problem.If they don't wake up again, they will be the ones who will suffer.

"Miss Cheng is fine, as long as she has enough rest, she can be discharged from the hospital in two days."

"Are you sure? Why is his face still so ugly, with no blood at all."


Cheng Hanlei listened to Shangguan Jue's almost idiotic question...

"I just woke up."

It means that when you just woke up, you can count on how pretty my face looks...

"What is the pestle doing here, block the air, get out."

Shangguanjue was a little embarrassed, he yelled at the doctors standing behind, and the doctors turned around and left immediately.Shangguanjue sat back beside Cheng Hanlei, watched Cheng Hanlei wake up, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do you want to eat? I'll buy you something to eat. I haven't eaten for two days."


"Don't say you don't want to eat. I won't ask you anymore. Wait, I'll buy you some food."

Shangguanjue thought about asking Cheng Hanlei for nothing, interrupted Cheng Hanlei's answer, then stood up, and said in a commanding tone: "Close your eyes and rest for a while, I'll be back soon."


Nodding his head, he watched Shangguanjue leave.

Shangguanjue walked out of the ward and walked into the elevator.The elevator stopped on the 8th floor, and when someone walked in, Shangguanjue saw a familiar figure coming out of the elevator next door and walking inside.After walking out, at first I thought that Lei Chenyi was here to find Cheng Hanlei, but when he saw Lei Chenyi walking towards a ward inside, and when he followed up and saw the people living inside, a deep meaning flashed in his eyes...

Send 4000 words in the early morning.Thank you for your monthly pass.Those who originally reserved a monthly pass for Zi remember to double it until the end of the month.What the group, I went to sleep.

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