the president's wife

Chapter 221: Murong Xue's Means (2)

Chapter 221: Murong Xue's method ([-]) An Ran is very familiar with the things on the table, and she once had a copy of this.His gaze was fixed on it, and he looked at the eye-catching three words Murong Xue on it, and it clearly stated on the back that he was pregnant and seven weeks old.

After sitting down, An Ran quietly clasped her hands on the table, slowly looked away from the inspection report, looked at Murong Xueli and said calmly: "Do you think a child can tie Rui?"

Murong Xue didn't answer right away, but looked at An Ran who was pretending to be calm, and glanced at the mobile phone on the side.

"Whether you can tie it or not depends on Rui's attitude, doesn't it? Do you dare to bet?"

"I'm already a winner, I don't need to bet with you, I trust him."

Seeing the confident Murong Xue, An Ran's heart clenched tightly.With that crumbling self-confidence, An Ran didn't want to stay here anymore, and almost stood up with an attitude of self-deception.The face is pretending to be calm, but the legs are a little helpless, that is Shangguan Rui's child, can she afford to bet?

"An Ran, are you afraid?"

Murong looked at An Ran who got up in a hurry, his words were full of confidence.

"If you really believe in him, then why did you leave in such a panic, why not wait for him to give you more confidence. If you really believe in his choice, then why not wait here for him to come here and let him let you know, he What is your choice? At that time, can't you use this to mock me? Or, your trust in Rui is actually vulnerable."

Murong Xue's words hit An Ran's heart because she had never really felt the truth, so she was so afraid.Because he was not sure about Shangguan Rui's choice, he wanted to escape.He said to let himself believe in him, he will always be there.Trust him, trust him, trust him.

"I trust him."

An Ran turned around, walked back to her original position, and sat down.

Murong Xue looked at An Ran, and glanced at the mobile phone that was put aside.After that, no one spoke.I ordered a cup of coffee, but the coffee was already cold, and the mobile phone An Ran was holding in her hand remained silent. More than an hour had passed since the appointed time, and there was no news from Shangguan Rui.

When Murong Xue's phone rang, put it on the table, An Ran could see who it was at a glance...

"On the second floor."

Murong Xue didn't say much, and glanced at An Ran whose face changed slightly, she was too young to know how to hide her emotions like this.The phone was hung up quickly, and Murong Xue put the phone down casually, looked at An Ran and said, "He's here."

An Ran didn't speak, but looked towards the second floor, following the familiar footsteps, she stepped up the steps step by step, and every step she took seemed to be stepping on her heart.Until the familiar figure of Shangguan Rui appeared in sight, An Ran sat there and looked at her when she walked up to the second floor and saw her sitting with Murong Xue, a look of surprise flashed across her face.

Murong Xue stood up with a smile, walked towards Shangguan Rui, stretched out her arms to hold Shangguan Rui, and then leaned against Shangguan Rui's side affectionately.The two stood there, looking at An Ran who was sitting there at the same time.

An Ran's eyes ached from the scene in front of her, she didn't look at the confident smile on Murong Xue's face, she just looked at Shang Guan Rui, and told herself gently this morning to wait for him to come back, at this time, he was standing beside Murong Xue By his side, when Murong Xue approached, he acquiesced to her intimate actions.

Shangguan Rui looked at An Ran's little face that was slowly turning pale, and Murong Xue beside him had a smile on his lips.

Shangguan Rui's face was cold, he looked at An Ran and said in a slightly cold voice: "Didn't you tell me to wait for me there?"

"I called her to come here, Rui, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and you can't keep the little girl in the dark. Tell her clearly earlier, and it will hurt less."

While talking, Murong Xue pulled Shangguan Rui to sit down opposite An Ran.

An Ran's heart was cold when he was questioned by Shangguan Rui, shouldn't he shake off Murong Xue's hand and walk in front of him to hold his hand, and tell Murong Xue decisively that she is the one he wants?

Murong Xue looked at Shangguan Rui whose face was getting uglier and uglier. Among the three of them, she had the brightest smile.

Shangguan Rui's body was tense, looking at An Ran's collapsed appearance, he just kept a cold face and remained silent.

An Ran, who had also been silent all this time, slowly stood up when she saw Shangguan Rui who had been silent all this time, the tears in her eyes were faintly visible.In front of her was Murong Xue's face full of confidence, she had vowed to trust Shangguan Rui before, now she looked so ridiculous looking at Shangguan Rui's indifferent expression and Murong Xue's victorious appearance.

Tears were hidden in the eyes and slowly swallowed.The child is not the reason why Murong Xue can tie him up.Think of it as her selfishness, everyone is selfish, if she hadn't had it before, she wouldn't be so reluctant to let it go.Before letting go, it was because she never really owned it. Now, she has truly owned it. If it's just because Murong Xue is pregnant with a child, then she will never let go.

"I just want to ask you, do you want her or me?"

Shangguan Rui looked at An Ran standing there, with a thin body, as if he would collapse at any time.And Murong Xue clasped his arm, this is a war of women.

She just wants one result.


Shangguan Rui didn't answer, but frowned, looking hesitant to speak.

"Rui, An Ran is asking if you want her or me?"

Murong Xue gently shook the hand on Shangguan Rui's arm...


For a pierced heart, one word is enough.In Murong Xue's proud eyes, An Ran endured the pain in her heart...

"Is it because she is pregnant with your child?"

"An Ran, whether I am pregnant with Rui's child or not, the result will not change. Your identity has never changed, and the winner will always be me. By the way, let me inform you of our good news. Next Wednesday, our The wedding, Rui didn’t tell you, the wedding has been in preparation all the time, but Rui and I had some small conflicts to make this farce happen. Now that the rain is over, everyone should be in their respective positions. After all, you and Rui We have met Rui for a while, and we will come over to have a wedding drink. Or, we originally planned to ask you to be a bridesmaid, but... you also know that our Murong family's identity is a problem, and your identity is, we can only Please have a glass of wedding wine, remember to come here on time."


Shangguan Rui saw that Murong Xue's words were full of soft swords, piercing into An Ran's heart word by word, An Ran seemed to faint at any moment.

"You want to marry her?"


"Shangguan Rui, you are going to marry her next Wednesday? Answer me."


"You've been lying to me!"

Silence, no explanation.

An Ran's tears finally couldn't help but slipped down, looking at Shangguan Rui's silent appearance.I just feel that every look in Murong Xue's eyes is full of sarcasm, where does her confidence come from, where does her confidence come from!

Looking at Shangguan Rui like this for a few seconds, An Ran stubbornly stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears that had slid down her eyes, An Ran looked at Shang Guan Rui, her red eyes were full of pain.

"Since everything is just a game, I played an adult game with you, shouldn't you give me what I deserve?"

An Ran stood there, looking down at Shangguan Rui from above, without glancing at Murong Xue at all.

Shangguan Rui's face was already ugly, and when he heard An Ran's words, pain flashed in his eyes, such An Ran made him tighten his heart.

Seeing that Shangguan Rui didn't speak, the corners of Murong Xue's mouth curled up slightly mockingly. It turned out that the so-called love still belonged to money when it was found that there was no way to have it.

"Do you want money? How much?"

Murong Xue took out the checkbook on the side and asked An Ran.

An Ran ignored Murong Xue, just looked at Shangguan Rui and said coldly: "This is between me and Shangguan Rui, and you are not his wife, so you are not qualified to settle it for him. Shangguan Rui, after all, I have something to do with you." It has been more than a year, and in this year, a child and the days of sleeping with him are worth 500 million yuan. Give me 500 million yuan, and we will settle the balance between the two of us in the future."


Shangguan Rui frowned even tighter, as if a lot of words were stuck in his throat.

"Five million, not a penny less, otherwise I won't let your wedding end quietly."

"Rui, it's only 500 million, give it to her."

Murong Xue looked disgusted, with a mere 500 million, she was blushing and her neck was thick.Just now, the sky was still in the dark of love, but now, it is no good, and it is money and money immediately.

"Shangguan Rui, am I not even worth 500 million?"

When An Ran's cold voice rang in Shangguan Rui's ear, Shangguan Rui took out the checkbook from his pocket.The pen is in my hand, almost buckled into the palm of my hand.Every time I write a zero, I can feel that I am stabbing each other's hearts with a knife.After the check was written, An Ran saw that Shangguan Rui hadn't moved, so she reached out and tore it off, then glanced at the zero on it, and counted the zeros on the back to see if it was correct, then folded it and put it away.

"We're both cleared."

Turn around and hold your head up.The corners of the mouth were fixed, but the eyes were staring blankly at the front. Every step he took seemed to be stepping on a sharp knife.

"How much did I think she loved you? When she found out that she couldn't be with you and lost a safe, she actually asked for money. Rui, your so-called love was worth only 500 million yuan, which is really cheap."

Murong Xue said contemptuously, thinking how difficult it was to deal with, but unexpectedly, 500 million would solve it.If she had known this earlier, she would have directly settled her with 1000 million or 3000 million.There is no need to waste your thoughts.

"Enough said?"

Shangguan Rui coldly shook off Murong Xue's hand and stood up.

"what are you doing?"

Murong Xue was suddenly swung away, and the coffee on the table was swept all over her, she yelled at Shangguan Rui with a slightly raised voice.Shangguan Rui gave her a cold look, walked to the window without paying attention, and looked at An Ran who walked out of the coffee shop, wearing heavy winter clothes, but still so slender and thin.

With her head down, her long hair loose, she walked step by step until An Ran's sight disappeared, and the pain in her eyes was powerless to hide...

Walking out of the coffee shop, I kept walking until I saw a corner. Anran made a straight turn. When she walked through the corner, Anran's legs seemed to be unable to support her suddenly.Everything in front of him was dark, leaning against the wall to support his body, he slowly reached into his pocket, and took out the check in his pocket.

500 million.

This is the 500 million that bought out her feelings. Hold your fingers on both sides, slowly tear it apart, fold it in half, four pieces, eight pieces, until it is completely broken into pieces. Hold it in the palm of your hand, go to the trash can on the side, Throwing the check into the trash can, some fragments floated out and fell to the side, An Ran didn't even look at it, and continued to walk forward.

This is the last she can do.


City S, Lei Chenyi's residence.

Standing in the study, Cheng Hanlei picked up the book again and opened it.I saw the blurred handwriting last time, and now I read it again, and my heart began to ache again.Run away like an ostrich because you don't know how to face it.I don't know how to face my feelings, my first reaction is to leave first...

Opening the book, the photo inside was still stuck in it, slowly tightening it in my hand...

In fact, there are not many things that belong to her. Cheng Hanlei quickly packed up her things and packed them up.He glanced at the jade on his hand and the bracelet Lei Chenyi gave him, hesitated for a moment, and took it from his wrist, such a valuable thing should not belong to her.

When the door was closed from the inside, Cheng Hanlei went downstairs with simple luggage, took a taxi and flew directly back to M City.

Lei Chenyi returned directly to City S after arranging matters in the disaster area.When I opened the door, I saw a clean house with a clean floor.In the shoe cabinet in the hallway, Cheng Hanlei's slippers and shoes were missing.In the bedroom, there was not even a single piece of Cheng Hanlei's clothes left in the closet.

Turning around with a gloomy face, when he saw a photo on the coffee table in the living room, Lei Chenyi approached and reached out to pick up the photo, his eyes darkened a little.There were two boxes next to the photo. When I opened it and saw the contents of the box, I clenched my hands tightly, turned around and strode away.


During the winter vacation, not many people stay in school.Most of the people bought tickets to go back to celebrate the New Year. They lay in the dormitory for two days and were really hungry.The phone was off for a few days, almost in isolation.

She is saving face for herself. This way is much better than him telling her to break up.Keeping the minimum self-esteem for herself, she can't guarantee whether she can maintain her calm when he tells her to leave.At least that's the case, she can protect herself carefully so that no one will find her in a mess.

Walked out of the supermarket and bought some fast food and snacks.

It was not far from the supermarket to the school. Cheng Hanlei walked towards the school with her recycle bag in one hand and her head in her pocket with the other.

A car suddenly stopped beside her, and the door was pushed open. Cheng Hanlei was startled by the approaching car and took a step back. When she looked up, she saw Lei Chenyi sitting in the car.

"Get in the car." Lei Chenyi's voice was a bit colder than the weather which was several degrees below zero.

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