the president's wife

Chapter 217: It's not the right time to confess

Chapter 217: It's not the time to confess. Meng Ning shifted her gaze to the people on the stretcher behind her, and pulled Cheng Hanlei towards her without a trace.The strength on Cheng Hanlei's arm, that big hand seemed to be carrying a stable force, with her head lowered, her body naturally leaned towards Lei Chenyi.


Meng Ning glanced at Cheng Hanlei, those people's injuries are now much worse than Cheng Hanlei's.Knowing that Cheng Hanlei was injured because she was looking for her, Meng Ning instructed the stretcher bearers to move faster while looking at Cheng Hanlei and then at the man and the village chief standing beside Cheng Hanlei.

"Doctor Meng, don't worry, we will take good care of the little girl and give you back a complete girl."

The village chief joked optimistically, and Meng Ning smiled gratefully and said, "Then I will trouble you, village chief."

Cheng Hanlei didn't know how to explain this misunderstanding, so she silently stood beside Lei Chenyi with her head bowed.

"Little girl, come and let me carry you back."

The village chief patted himself on the back, and then prepared to squat down.

"No, I just have some scrapes and I can walk by myself."

Cheng Hanlei immediately shook her head and refused.

"Little girl, you don't have to be polite to the village chief."

"No, I can really do it myself, so I don't need to cause you any trouble. The village chief, I need help over there, so I can just walk back on my own."

Cheng Hanlei longed for the temperature beside Lei Chenyi, leaned against him, and said to the village chief.

It happened that the village chief was called over there. Seeing Cheng Hanlei's insistence, the village chief couldn't help but stood up and said, "Be careful, little girl."

Following Meng Ning in big strides, Lei Chenyi slowly loosened Cheng Hanlei's arm with his big hand, and the group was about to take a step. Cheng Hanlei gasped in pain as soon as she took a step with her twisted foot, and her pace slowed down a bit. .Lei Chenyi glanced sideways at Cheng Hanlei, and suddenly hugged Cheng Hanlei...

The man who followed saw Lei Chenyi walking in front of Cheng Hanlei, bent over and half squatted down, was startled, and immediately said: "Mayor Lei, I'll come."

"No, you still need to help, I'll take her back."

His expression was too serious, and during the earthquake, Lei Chenyi did not miss hugging and carrying some injured people, so it was no surprise that he was walking on the front line.Cheng Hanlei's hand was held, and when he squatted down, he pulled Cheng Hanlei onto his back.Standing up straight, she has already carried Cheng Hanlei on her back.

Cheng Hanlei leaned on his broad and strong back, her long black hair fell down to cover the expression on her small face, put her hands on his shoulders, and said cooperatively in the dark night: "Mayor Lei, please."

The man who followed immediately said: "Mayor Lei, you are all soaked, go back and change your wet clothes quickly. Just don't catch a cold."

Several people in raincoats spoke with concern, which shows how popular Lei Chenyi is here.Lei Chenyi echoed, watching several men open the way ahead, Lei Chenyi carried Cheng Hanlei on his back, and walked forward steadily.With every bumpy step, Cheng Hanlei could smell Lei Chenyi's familiar aura mixed with mud, giving him a sense of stability.

Slowly lowering her head, she leaned against his back, and got close to him in the shortest distance.


Because in the disaster area, this kind of back and forth and hugging is very normal. Some people have already fallen asleep, and some people left to help are helping in the tent.Lei Chenyi carried Cheng Hanlei on his back and walked back to the village chief's house. The village chief's tent was set up near the forest.Far away from the treatment area, it seemed much quieter here.

The night was getting darker, and the cold was getting heavier.After the two came back, the village head's wife asked them to change their wet clothes as soon as she saw it.Cheng Hanlei's body was relatively weak, and her lips were a little blue from the cold due to the dampness.Changing out of her wet clothes, Cheng Hanlei rubbed her cold arms, trying to warm her body up.

A large tent is pulled here, and four small spaces are separated in the middle.It simulates the shape of a house, and it happens to live in a family, and the separation is convenient for everyone to rest at night.In a week, it has been much better than when I first came here.Don't sleep in groups of people huddled together.Cheng Hanlei sprained her ankle and it was a little swollen.Sitting on the rough wooden board, looking at his swollen feet, while scolding his carelessness in his heart, he rubbed them gently for himself.

The village head's wife has already rested, and there is still some distance to walk from here to the medical area, and her feet are a bit swollen.While thinking about what to do, footsteps came from outside.Although the familiar footsteps were very light, they were extremely clear to Cheng Hanlei's ears.

It's him……

Turning his head, he saw that the sliding door was suddenly opened, and Lei Chenyi, who was wearing a down jacket, bent over and walked in.Pull the zipper back and fasten it.

Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi who was walking over, and stood in front of her.The surroundings are so quiet that only the chirping of insects can be heard. In such a night, it is a quiet night.If this place hadn't just experienced a life-and-death catastrophe, a life-and-death struggle.What a charming night here.

Surrounded by lights, surrounded by insects.


Cheng Hanlei was still thinking about what to say, but she felt her wrist tighten and she fell into a warm embrace.

After hugging him hard, Cheng Hanlei only felt her little head being pushed into his arms lifted up. Before she could see his face clearly, Lei Chenyi's suddenly lowered head grabbed her breath. Lei Chenyi was feeling Cheng Hanlei's breath. When resisting, let go of Cheng Hanlei a little.

When she saw the light shining in her eyes, she seemed to let out a sigh, the sound of gurgling water and the sound of insects could be heard beside her, and he surrounded her warmly.Holding Lei Chenyi's waist, the two embraced each other tenderly.Pressing against Cheng Hanlei's forehead, his voice became a little lower because of the approach just now, looking at Cheng Hanlei, he asked, "Who told you to come here?"

"Disaster relief is everyone's responsibility. I happened to be on vacation, so I came here to do my best."

Cheng Hanlei's words were high-sounding, but the two of them were too close.From a close distance, one could clearly see the light in Lei Chenyi's eyes. Under those eyes, Cheng Hanlei said with some defeat, "I'm worried."

Those three words were spoken lightly, but they hit Lei Chenyi's heart hard.His eyes were a little deeper, he looked at the red and swollen feet on the wooden bed, sat aside, and held Cheng Hanlei's feet...


His strength was not heavy, but Cheng Hanlei gasped as he rubbed the swollen ankle, which still hurt.Grasping Lei Chenyi's shoulder with one hand, his long black hair fell loose, and the shadows of the two overlapped.

"Do you still know the pain?"

Cheng Hanlei did not speak, nor did she cry out for pain.The two of them were silent, Lei Chenyi picked up the gauze and wrapped it after kneading.In fact, the sprain is not very serious. After a night of sleep, the swelling should subside in the morning.It was already bandaged, but Cheng Hanlei's hand on Lei Chenyi's shoulder did not let go.

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei who was holding him silently, and stretched out his hand to hug Cheng Hanlei into his arms.

The two leaned together quietly...

"Cheng Hanlei."

Meng Ning's voice sounded outside, Cheng Hanlei leaned against Lei Chenyi's arms, her body froze tightly.How did he come here?

Lei Chenyi sat there, looking at her with meaningful eyes.

Meng Ning stood outside and heard no response from inside.Holding some gauze and some ointment for sprains in his hand, he said, "Your ankle is sprained. I'll come here and help you bandage it."

"No, I've already bandaged it."

Cheng Hanlei felt the strength around her waist tighten a little bit, and she was almost bruised from buckling on it.I said silently in my heart, Dr. Meng, please go.The two of them really don't know each other well, and she still doesn't know if Lei Chenyi knows that Meng Ning is the doctor who made him say that he was jealous.

She really didn't expect to meet the doctor she had seen several times here...

"I'm a doctor. It's better for me to help you take a look. The two of don't have to be afraid of trouble, just be polite to me."

"I really don't need it. I'm going to sleep. Dr. Meng, go and do your own work and leave me alone."

Cheng Hanlei endured Lei Chenyi's gaze. On the one hand, she was afraid that it would be bad if Meng Ning really insisted on coming in and seeing Lei Chenyi. On the other hand, she was afraid that if Meng Ning continued to speak, Lei Chenyi would be annoyed...

"How can I ignore you, you sprained your ankle because of me. I always thought that I was the only one who moved my heart, but I didn't expect you to have the same feelings for me. It's a surprise to me. Look It seems that God is also matching us up, let us meet here. Since I saw you in the hospital last time, I have a deep impression on you. I actually sent you back last time on purpose. I found you later , but I didn't find you. I also wandered the road that took you back last time many times, but I didn't meet him once. I thought the two of us were not destined, but now..."

"Doctor Meng..."

Cheng Hanlei has one head and two big ones, when will he not say this time...

Moreover, she never gave him a wrong hint at all, and it was just a beautiful misunderstanding just now.She just didn't know how to explain it for a while, so she followed the man's words and didn't deny it, but...

"I'm really tired and I'm going to bed."

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