the president's wife

Chapter 205: You Are Not Cheng Hanlei

Chapter 205: You don't call Cheng Hanlei "get in the car."

Lei Xiwen listened to Zuo Jianning's icy voice, with tears still in her eyes, she blinked her eyes, and then walked towards the rear seat of the car.Before the person sat in the opened car door, he saw Lei Chenyi cast a cold look over him, and the movement of bending over stopped.


Zuo Jianning's face was stained with impatience, he never had much patience with men other than Lei Chenyi.The corners of his mouth were obviously raised, but his eyes were too sharp and cold. Lei Xiwen wanted to sit next to Lei Chenyi while deliberating, but under the attack of the two people's eyes, she obediently backed away, and then pulled away the front seat. He sat in the driving position.

Before the person could sit still, the car had already slid out.Lei Xiwen's body was hit in front by the forward force, and almost hit the windshield.



"Where is Xu Peifen?"

Zuo Jianning's eyes didn't come yet, but her voice was obviously a little sharper. Lei Xiwen sat upright, put on her seat belt, and reported the name of the hospital in a voice that was still a little choked after crying.Then he sat upright, but couldn't help but glance back.The slightly drooping eyelids couldn't hide the jealous light.Even though Brother Chehou and Cheng Hanlei were just sitting there side by side, she saw with her own eyes that Brother's hand took the initiative to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand on his knee, and slowly tightened it into his big hand.

That was the tenderness and intimacy she longed for, all of which belonged to Cheng Hanlei.Her breathing was stagnant, and her heart was aching because she was alone in a foreign country. Even though she studied hard when she was sick, when she was abroad, her English was not very good, and it was very difficult for her.

She, who has never suffered before, has suffered a lot in a foreign country alone, and all of this is because of Cheng Hanlei.

Why can Cheng Hanlei get everything she wants, why does one Cheng Hanlei have to implicate the whole Lei family like this, why is brother bewitched by Cheng Hanlei to be like this.

Lei Xiwen looked at Cheng Hanlei's gaze towards Lei Chenyi, the rippling light in that glance.And although my brother didn't have too many expressions on his face, the eyes he looked at Cheng Hanlei were obviously a little softer.The intimacy and tenderness between the two flowed warmly in the back seat.

Along the way, Lei Xiwen was stimulated by that stinging scene.When the car stopped, Lei Xiwen pushed open the door as if she was about to suffocate, got out of the car in a hurry, stood beside the car and bowed her head in silence.


"Don't come, don't come, ah..."

The scream came into my ears when Lei Chenyi pushed open the door.Then the pillow was thrown and fell on Lei Chenyi's feet, and then there were some things on the bedside, as if looking for something to protect herself, Xu Peifen kept throwing things within reach towards the door Lei Chenyi.

Lei Xiwen had already hid behind Lei Chenyi in fright, while Cheng Hanlei stood aside, looking at Xu Peifen inside, with a flash of shock in her eyes.

"no no……"

When Xu Peifen saw someone coming in, she was on guard against smashing things, and after smashing things, she ran around the ward with her head in her arms.Xu Peifen, who had always been well-dressed, had disheveled hair at this moment, and looked overly frightened. When she heard the door of the ward open, she jumped off the bed as if she had seen a devil, and quickly hid in a corner of the wall. Trembling constantly.

He was still muttering non-stop, his dilated pupils, his eyes filled with panic and panic.

"what happened?"

Lei Chenyi looked sideways at Lei Xiwen who was following behind. Hearing Lei Xiwen say something happened to Xu Peifen, at first he thought that Xu Peifen was playing tricks. After all, he indirectly killed Liu Ma, who was very important to him. She should be very clear that he Don't let it go.But when he saw Xu Peifen's current appearance, Lei Chenyi was still shocked.When I saw her before, I saw her well. How could it be possible for her to suddenly lose her mind in such a short period of time.

"I don't know. My mother is already like this when I came to the hospital. I don't know how my mother became like this. She doesn't allow anyone to approach, and she doesn't even know me anymore. Brother, help my mother."

Lei Xiwen didn't dare to touch Lei Chenyi, so she could only beg in a low voice.

Lei Chenyi frowned deeply, Zuo Jianning had already found the doctor here, and heard some official statements from the doctor.It only said that the patient was stimulated, so he was emotionally disturbed.For the time being, it has not been found out what caused the emotional disorder to become what it is now, Lei Chenyi glanced at Zuo Jianning, Zuo Jianning immediately nodded and turned to leave.

The doctor left first, Lei Chenyi asked Cheng Hanlei to wait outside, and then walked in alone.

"Ahhh, don't come here...don't come here...don't kill me..."

Seeing Lei Chenyi approaching, Xu Peifen's emotions became even more agitated, she kept waving her hands, and rushed over with great force, Lei Chenyi reached out to grab Xu Peifen, but Xu Peifen threw her hand away.His body hit the table and chair on one side, and then hid in another corner, hugging himself tightly and shivering.


"Ah... don't come here..."

Xu Peifen couldn't hear other people's words at all, she just kept sinking in her own world, talking non-stop.Lei Chenyi's brows were furrowed even more deeply, although the pressure exerted would make Xu Peifen's nerves tense.

But it's not enough to cause her to break down. Xu Peifen not only doesn't even know Lei Xiwen, but now he doesn't even know him.

Seeing Xu Peifen shrunk into a ball, Lei Chenyi pondered for a moment, and asked the doctor to inject Xu Peifen with a tranquilizer.

Lei Xiwen didn't dare to take care of Xu Peifen alone in the ward, so Lei Chenyi hired two nurses to take care of Xu Peifen, and then walked out of the ward with Cheng Hanlei one after the other.

"Lei Chenyi, you heard what I said to Uncle Liu, right?"

Sitting in the car, Cheng Hanlei asked softly.

Lei Chenyi didn't say yes or deny it, he glanced at Cheng Hanlei, and it was a tacit agreement.

He was going to come back and ask Xu Peifen why she did this.She should know that even if Mama Liu knew what happened back then, she wouldn't tell it. In addition, she wouldn't just find out about his finding Mama Liu now, and only do it today. Something must have happened.

Before asking the answer, she herself had already become like this.

It was as if he had fallen into a trap, and it was obvious that the other party was destroying everyone who knew the secret back then.

To make it impossible for anyone who knows to speak out, walking in the officialdom, being able to be so deliberate and cover up is obviously to protect one's own position.And if he really wants to keep his reputation and status, then he is the one who is worse...

Shouldn't he be done once and for all?But obviously, until now, no one has done anything to him...

"Lei Chenyi, where are you going?"

Seeing that Lei Chenyi didn't speak, but started the car directly, Cheng Hanlei turned her head and pressed Lei Chenyi's hand.


Just as Cheng Hanlei was about to speak, Lei Chenyi directly interrupted Cheng Hanlei and said, "Staying here won't help you much."


Cheng Hanlei withdrew his hand, Lei Chenyi glanced at Cheng Hanlei, who was a bit livid, and didn't say much, the car moved forward slowly.After seeing off Cheng Hanlei, Lei Chenyi returned by car and drove towards the hospital. On the way, Zuo Jianning called. Yin Kejia had already gone to the hospital and had the results.

The car drove quickly to the hospital.

In the ward, Lei Xiwen was standing outside the door alone, when she saw Lei Chenyi appear.Immediately went up to meet him, seeing that Cheng Hanlei was not behind Lei Chenyi, his eyes sparkled with joy.

"elder brother."

He glanced at Lei Xiwen, then pushed open the door of the ward, and when Lei Xiwen was about to come in, he glanced at Lei Xiwen and said coldly, "Stay outside."

With the words of the order, he directly closed the door to shut Lei Xiwen out, and Lei Chenyi walked in.

"Waiting for you downstairs."

When Yin Kejia saw Lei Chenyi walking in, he put away his medical equipment, glanced at Zuo Jianning, and walked out without saying hello.

Lei Chenyi had already gotten used to Yin Kejia's constant hostility, and Yin Kejia left soon.When the door was closed, Zuo Jianning looked at Lei Chenyi coughed lightly and explained: "That's just how he is."


don't care much...

"Yin has already checked Xu Peifen. She is not just mentally disturbed because of fright. Xu Peifen has indeed been injected with drugs, and her spirit has been greatly stimulated. Ordinary doctors don't know about this drug at all. And it can't be detected in the blood test at all.

Yin has a wide range of people, and she knew about it because there were retired special forces at the border who had used this drug. Otherwise, no one would have known that she had been injected with the drug.Yin said that this is a drug used by the state to deal with some spies. The appropriate dosage can confuse people's brain nerves and get some information.

After this type of drug is injected, if it is not greatly stimulated, the drug will not have much impact on the body, but if it is overly stimulated, it is easy to have a situation like Xu Peifen. "

"Is there a cure?"

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