the president's wife

Chapter 197: (4000) Recommended Tickets Added

Chapter 197: (4000) Recommendation Ticket Added Cheng Hanlei frowned slightly and raised her head. When she saw that the person standing in front of her and looking at her with a smile was Shangguanjue, her small mouth opened slightly in astonishment.I was distracted just now, and I didn't smell this familiar breath at all.

"What are you thinking about?"

Shangguan Juechang flicked Cheng Hanlei's forehead with neither light nor heavy force, leaving a red mark on it, but it was not too painful.Cheng Hanlei wrinkled her nose and reached out to rub her forehead that was sore from the bullet.In fact, I'm not quite used to this kind of Shangguanjue. I originally hoped for this, but the sudden change from the previous attitude to the current one made Cheng Hanlei a little uncomfortable.

"It's nothing."

Gently shaking his head, the distance of time has finally opened up a bit.The two of them used to be so close, but now they are standing face to face, but they can clearly feel the feeling of exclusion in Cheng Hanlei's eyes.The eyes are filled with something without any trace, but the smile on the corner of the mouth has not changed.

"Jeez, why are you here?"

"Come here to send a friend off, is there a friend coming to pick you up?"


"I send you."

Shangguanjue opened his mouth lightly, but stretched out his hand to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand in an attitude that could not be refused, and walked out.Cheng Hanlei felt the temperature on her little hand, it was as warm as before, but this kind of warmth was no longer the same as before.His hands trembled slightly, and he withdrew them without a trace, then tugged at his backpack and said with a light smile, "Then I won't be polite."

Shangguanjue felt that his hands were empty, and looked at Cheng Hanlei who had already walked to the front first.The slender figure and the long black hair are the same as when he left before, only a little longer.As he walked, the wind blew, and the flicking hair swept across his cheeks.In his eyes, it seemed that there was only one person left.

"Little flower bud."

There was silence along the way, and the distance between the two of them was too far. Even though they pretended to be calm now, the words between them still lacked some naturalness.


Her heart trembled, this title inexplicably made her nervous.


Those three words made Cheng Hanlei look at Shang Guanjue in shock. His eyes were straight ahead, and the car was still driving smoothly.But the words whispered from the thin lips stabbed Cheng Hanlei like a thorn.These three words should never come out of Shangguan Jue's mouth.Even if you know what he said these three words for.


Her throat felt a little rough, and Cheng Hanlei said apologetically, "Obviously I should have said these three words."

The car suddenly pulled over after a turn and stopped. Shangguanjue put one hand on the steering wheel and then turned his gaze to Cheng Hanlei, with serious and focused eyes.Cheng Hanlei leaned there, bearing Shangguanjue's gaze, a little flustered in her heart, as if she was a little afraid of what Shangguanjue would say next, in fact, it was such a lame reason.Just to give it away, she is not an idiot, she knows that Shangguan Jue is waiting for her there...

"Little Hualei, in fact, you are still afraid of me, don't you?"

Shangguanjue's voice was a little deep, and it was heard by Cheng Hanlei in the not-so-spacious car. The distance between the two of them was more than a year, but it still couldn't change the fact that he could see through him at a glance...

Biting her lips lightly, she was indeed afraid.Not afraid of him, but afraid of his purpose.

Shangguanjue looked at Cheng Hanlei's expression, turned his eyes as if he knew it, opened some windows with one hand, then leaned there and took out a cigarette, without looking at Cheng Hanlei, he just asked, "Mind if I smoke?"

Shaking his head, Shangguanjue lit a cigarette.

"You cared a lot before."

She understood what he meant.Cheng Hanlei didn't answer the call because she didn't know how to answer it.

He took a puff of the cigarette, and then quietly exhaled the smoke ring. Shangguanjue's eyes were hidden in the smoke, making it difficult to see clearly.Cheng Hanlei leaned there, because of Lei Chenyi's relationship, she got used to the smell of cigarettes, even though he often deliberately avoided smoking.However, because of the breath on his body, he gradually got used to the smell of tobacco.

Habits are a terrible thing.

"When I left City S to go to England, I had hatred in my heart. This force has supported me until now, when I come back to you, I stand in front of you with a proud posture, and I only want to hurt you to make up for it. The pain I have suffered this year. Xiaohualei, have you ever heard a sentence? Some people say that behind the hate is love. And the more you hate, the more you love. I didn’t believe it before, but since I came back that short In just a few days, I have already firmly believed in this sentence."

Breathing out another puff of smoke ring, Cheng Hanlei clasped her hands even tighter.

"Little Hualei, Shangguanjue is still the former Shangguanjue, are you still willing to be the former Xiaohualei?"

Turning eyes, through the smoke, caught Cheng Hanlei's unavoidable eyes.Cheng Hanlei's heart tightened, looking at Shangguanjue's serious eyes, her expression changed slightly.Looking at his face, looking at his eyes, Cheng Hanlei only felt that her throat was so constricted that she couldn't utter a word.

Seeing Cheng Hanlei's expression, Shangguanjue's calm and serious face evoked a smile, put out the cigarette in his hand, then stretched out his hand to flick Cheng Hanlei who was at a loss, and then said: "Okay, don't be so refusal and don't know What a refusal expression. You should know that I never want you to get hurt a little bit. I, Shangguanjue, have only carried one woman in my life. It seems that, from the very beginning, I was destined to carry for a lifetime."


Cheng Hanlei's voice was a little hoarse, and Cheng Hanlei was very worried about Shangguanjue's words.

"Needless to say the answer, I already know the answer. In fact, I already knew the answer before I said this. I just want to tell you that Shangguanjue is still the previous Shangguanjue, and forget the stupid things you did before. You are right , I am not happy to hurt you, on the contrary, it hurts more than you. Your pain, I will hurt a thousand times."

Shangguanjue rubbed Cheng Hanlei's black hair with his big hands, and it felt as soft as before.A little bit reluctant, but still moved his hand away.


Cheng Hanlei didn't know what to say, she just leaned there, feeling completely powerless.Before, I didn't want Shangguan Jue to hate me, but now, I hope he hates me. At least, hating can make me feel better.He has gone too far, so that she doesn't have to feel so guilty towards him.

The better he is, the more at a loss for her.

"Little Hualei, if you really feel that you owe me, then don't act awkwardly when you are with me, and act cautiously to accommodate me. This makes me feel worse than anything else."

Shangguanjue patted Cheng Hanlei's still stiff face, and said, "Smile, you don't need to be burdened, I didn't ask you to repay the debt with your body. Let the past be the past, just don't refuse me to treat you OK. Huh?"

Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue's smile, and couldn't say no at all.This man has already said what he said, can she still say that the two of them should keep a distance?Although his words were gentle, there was a touch of undeniable meaning between them.

"I don't deserve your kindness to me, Lord, I can't give you anything..."

After being silent for a while, Cheng Hanlei lowered her head and muttered softly.

Her heart has never really been given, and it is even more impossible to give it now.And his kindness to her has become a burden that cannot be repaid.

"Whether it's worth it or not, I have to say."

Shangguanjue's words made Cheng Hanlei speechless. He had said similar things to her before, time flies, and a big stone was placed on his heart again.


After Cheng Hanlei returned to City M, she followed the news of City S every day, leaning on the bed with her iPad in her hand, flipping through the latest gossip news.

It has been a week in a flash, and the focus of Shangguanjue's work is in M ​​city, and the news about Shangguanjue spreads all over Baidu.As long as you type baron, there will be a bunch of news about Shangguanjue.Everything is about his career, but in terms of relationship, apart from a rumored girlfriend, there is no scandal.

Shangguan Jue seemed to be very busy, this week, he only asked her out for dinner two nights.I used to be the most relaxed when I was with Shangguanjue, but now, I don't know if it's because I care about Lei Chenyi, or because the Shangguanjue in front of me is obviously still the familiar face, but the blankness of more than a year seems to be opened. a great distance.

Even though she tried her best to shorten the distance, even if his words were still the same as before he left.However, what happened during the few days when he came back, such a Shangguanjue, actually existed.Heart, always a little uneasy.The man in front of her made her unpredictable.

For more than a year in the UK, he rarely mentioned.Occasionally, when the topic got involved, Shangguanjue just brought it up lightly, and took that topic away in a subtle way.Then start talking about a new topic.

After nine o'clock, Cheng Hanlei and Shangguanjue walked out of the restaurant after dinner.He got into Shangguanjue's car and drove to M University.And Cheng Hanlei looked at the time, there was still time.

The traffic is not very congested at night, and only occasionally encounter a traffic light.

Car, stop at a red light.When the two of them were eating, Shangguanjue always brought the topic back to high school without any trace, talking about things she knew or didn't know.In the car was Bingqi's "Let's End", which was also the ringtone he set for himself.

"Little flower bud."


When we were two, he always called her Xiaohualei, and he still didn't want to change his name.Cheng Hanlei, who was thinking, turned to look at Shangguanjue when she heard Shangguanjue's words.

"Do you have time on the weekend?"


Cheng Hanlei was puzzled.

"I haven't cashed in your gift for going to college, so I'm sure I won't accept it if I give it to you now. But, you can still learn to drive, right? It's free."

Cheng Hanlei looked at Shangguanjue who turned his head, and remembered how Shangguanjue planned his future in his mind.

After a while, the light turned green, and Shangguanjue said without waiting for Cheng Hanlei's chance to refuse, "If you don't say anything, it will be assumed that you agree by default."


"The objection is void."

With an undeniable voice, Cheng Hanlei was a little weak.

It was ten past ten after returning to the dormitory, Cheng Hanlei walked back to the dormitory, put down her bag, then went out as in the previous few days, and went to the balcony.

At ten twenty, the phone rang early.Cheng Hanlei pressed the answer button immediately after the phone rang.I didn't even look at it.

"Little flower bud."

When Cheng Hanlei heard Shangguanjue's voice instead of Lei Chenyi's, she was stunned for a moment.As soon as the phone turned on, I pressed the answer button without looking at who it was.

"Jeez, what's the matter?"

Cheng Hanlei is a little anxious, Lei Chenyi will call later...

"Just wanted to hear your voice."

Shangguanjue's voice was a little hoarse, with a faint sense of ambiguity.

"Jeez, don't call while driving."

"No, at the door of your dormitory."

Cheng Hanlei didn't want Shangguanjue to send her back, because she didn't want people to see it, which would add to the controversy.Hearing Shangguanjue's words, Cheng Hanlei looked down in surprise, and saw a familiar car parked there, the car was still lit, and Shangguanjue was sitting in the car, smoking a cigarette.Almost immediately retracting her gaze, Cheng Hanlei bit her lips lightly, trying to maintain her calm and said, "Jeez, didn't you say that there was a meeting early in the morning? Go back and rest early."

"I'll go back later, do you have time to chat with me?"

"It's so's not convenient for me..."

"Let's talk like this?"


"is it not OK?"


"Little Hualei, I just want to hear what you have to say."

Cheng Hanlei fell silent, unable to say any more words of refusal.After that, Shangguanjue talked about some things in England, but Cheng Hanlei didn't listen very seriously.I was very anxious, seeing the time passing by, Cheng Hanlei didn't know what reason to hang up the phone, until 11:30, Shangguanjue said good night, Cheng Hanlei almost Shangguanjue hadn't finished speaking, had already Quickly hung up the phone.

At 10:30 on the first night after returning from S City, she received a call from Lei Chenyi. She only said a few words briefly, and then left a sentence, asking her to wait for his call on time every day.In the past few days, he received his call at 10:30 on time. After hanging up on Shangguan Jue, when Cheng Hanlei was about to look for Lei Chenyi's phone, the screen lit up.

Lei Chenyi's phone call.

In the past, she deliberately picked up the phone after it rang five or six times, so as not to appear eager, but now, looking at the flashing screen, Cheng Hanlei was really hesitant about what to say when she answered it.

After the phone rang seven or eight times, Cheng Hanlei answered the phone.

"Cheng Hanlei."

With a deep and gloomy voice, Lei Chenyi's face was already full of storms after he dialed the phone for an hour.When the phone was picked up, the voice was as cold as if it had dropped to freezing point.

"The cell phone in the same dormitory ran out of battery just now, so I just lent my phone to me."


Cheng Hanlei was asked for a while, and just thought of this reason, but when Lei Chenyi pressed her, Cheng Hanlei froze for a while.But he quickly reacted and said, "Yuba."

"Leilei, in this hour, I called the dormitory three times, and you answered the phone twice."

Lei Chenyi's voice was very calm, even his anger was gone.But it made Cheng Hanlei feel a chill coming...

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