the president's wife

Chapter 189: What did you say to Mr. Feng

Chapter 189: What did you tell Mr. Feng, no matter whether it is her or Nian Nian, how can they bear such a life......

Thinking about it, it's best to let Anze arrange it...

"I've already told Fu Jinyue that someone will follow Nian Nian when she goes out, so don't worry."

It's not that he doesn't want to contribute to his future sister/aunt/son-in-law, and he doesn't want to make his future sister-in-law/aunt/son-in-law have a better impression of him.But in this matter, selling Fu Jinyue's face and owed himself once, this is a matter of making money without losing money...

Anze hugged Cheng Beibei, his eyes were full of smiles...

Although the possibility of coming for Nian Nian is too small, it cannot be ruled out.If it's really for Beibei or Niannian, he can only say that some people think life is too long...



Shan Yuqi clapped her hands on the table, looking at the display on the computer in disbelief...

Being anti-tracked, just turned off the computer and lay on the bed meditating, when he heard the sound of the computer, turned it on, and found that the section about Cheng Beibei that he had just deleted had been restored.

Shan Yuqi had never missed a shot before, and this was the first time someone recovered after handling it by herself.

Who on earth has the ability to blackmail himself...

Shan Yuqi's cute face was dyed with a touch of dignity, and her five fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard. In just a few seconds, she deleted the information about Cheng Beibei again, and set a few more high-level ones. Difficult, when the finger stops, looking at the computer, Shan Yuqi has enough confidence...

Just because I chose the fastest way, and I didn't expect someone to break her.But now, she has used her brain a little bit, and believes that no one is capable of confronting her. Regarding computers, if she is ranked second, no one dares to be number one...

Shan Yuqi just chased back, but found that she couldn't catch the other party's IP.After trying several times without success, Shan Yuqi couldn't help being interested in the person on the other end of the computer...

This is the first time someone has challenged her...

The ignited fighting spirit made her interested to find out who this person is...

Close the computer again, I was interrupted to sleep just now, now that things have been dealt with, it's time to catch up on sleep.

Back on the bed, she pulled the quilt over her head. If it was about sleeping, Shan Yuqi's sleeping skills were unrivaled.

Just now, he was fighting with people with a hundred times more energy, and now he fell on the bed and closed his eyes. In just a few seconds, there was even the sound of breathing on the bed, and someone had already fallen asleep.

On the other end of the computer, a man was sitting in front of the computer, his slender five fingers slowly moving away from the keyboard.

Leaning back, he stared at the screen lightly.Withdrawing his hand, he stroked his forehead, and in his calm eyes, looking at the screen, there was a strong interest...

For the first time, someone aroused his interest, although he didn't even know whether the other party was male or female, old or young...


Used in Italy, Sicily

In a flash, Feng Qingyu had not been seen for another ten days.Ever since the incident with Alberto, Sabelle knew that there was no way to bring Alberto back. Although Alberto had crossed the line, it is undeniable that his cooking skills are very recognized...

In the past ten days, Sha Bei'er felt less pressure if Feng Qingyu didn't come here.

Taking care of Ruirui's free time, and asking people to hire a chef.Now that the restaurant is famous, there are quite a lot of people coming here.But the manager has not found a suitable one until now.The first hurdle was to pass the manager's hurdle, but no suitable candidate was found, and Sabel did not go to the restaurant again.

At this time, Sha Beier received a call from the manager, saying that there was a very suitable candidate.As soon as Sha Beier heard this, she immediately greeted Qiao's mother and asked the driver to take her there.

Sitting in the car, Sabel looked at the passing scenery outside the window, and flashed in her mind the second day after Alberto left, because there was no chef, Sabel had to go to the restaurant to serve as the chef by herself.

At that time, when I walked into the restaurant, it was ten o'clock, and it was not lunch time yet.Walking into the restaurant, there are only service staff and the manager.When Sabel walked in, she clearly felt the gazes from all around.

I didn't pay attention at first, but I usually come here by myself, because if I don't come here, the people in the restaurant will pay attention.However, this was the first time that he was looked at with a very strange look.

Because it was lunch time next, and it was already past one o'clock after Sabelle finished her work.I made lunch for myself, and after eating lunch, I was going to rest in the lounge for half an hour.

After entering the bathroom and closing the door, several people walked in from outside.Sabel didn't make a sound, she was going to go out, but when she heard her name said in their mouths, Sabel paused for a moment with her hand clasped on the door...

"Don't you know? Our proprietress turned out to be someone else's mistress!"

"Mistress, how is it possible. The proprietress doesn't look like a vixen at all, and she is so nice!"

"Don't you know that you can't be judged by appearance? Alberto said that the proprietress was adopted/raised by someone, and she tried to seduce him! He almost couldn't control himself, he said that the proprietress is very coquettish, and she looks so coquettish." It's a fake!"

"Sure enough, people can't be judged by their appearance. I can't tell. I didn't expect the proprietress to be such a person. Then the child she was pregnant at that time was a wild species..."

Sabel's face darkened, she could pretend she didn't hear anything else, but when she heard the word "wild species", a rare anger welled up in her heart.The hand clasped on the door suddenly opened the door, and the person followed.

The four waiters who were gossiping outside, when they saw that the person who came out of the cubicle was Sha Beier, all four of them froze at the same time.Through the mirror, I looked at Sabel behind me...

"Boss lady..."

The four people were really frightened. They only gossip because they have nothing to do. They didn't expect to be heard by the proprietress so unluckily.

"I will not be polite if I know that someone insults my child again."

There was no anger in the faint voice, but the eyes were inexplicably cold.

The mouths of several people opened, and finally they all turned into one sentence: "I'm sorry!"

Sabel just glanced at a few people indifferently, and then left.The four of them watched Sha Beier go out with trepidation, and were at a loss for a while.

Panicked, it was the regular meeting before going to work in the afternoon, and Sha Belle rarely appeared.Scanned more than 20 people, men and women, all of them are outstanding in appearance.Seeing Sha Beier appear, the four women who were gossiping at noon felt their hearts skip a beat...

"The restaurant is a place for guests to eat, and you provide satisfactory service so that guests can leave comfortably. What you have to do is to serve guests thoughtfully, not to come here to gossip. I don't know anything about the previous things , but from now on, let me hear a piece of gossip that should not be within the scope of your duties, I think you will regret that you can't control your mouth."

From the beginning to the end, Sa Beier only spoke lightly, but the majesty made the people standing there feel that Sa Beier was scary for the first time.

Perhaps because of her relationship with Feng Qingyu, Sha Beier found that she had also learned to be powerful without being angry.

The corner of her mouth was mockingly raised, and there was no gossip about the restaurant since that day.She didn't feel anything about Alberto's nonsense, and she was angry because it involved Ruirui.As for herself, she has long been indifferent.

She doesn't feel pain or itching no matter what others say, it doesn't matter.

Looking quietly outside, the scenery flashed by one by one.I haven't seen him for ten days, so I can't say what it feels like.For him to make Alberto disappear in Italy, it should be because of what Alberto said in the restaurant.

Contradictions in my heart...

I can't say thank you. If it wasn't for his intention, Alberto wouldn't say the word mistress.Because of him, she was stabbed in the back, and it was also because of him that the words hurt her and she rolled away from his sight.

He is the good guy and he is the bad guy.

Ha ha……

Sabel smiled wryly...

"Miss Sha, we're here."

Seeing that Sha Beier hadn't moved after parking the car, the driver turned his head to remind Sha Beier.

Sabel nodded to the driver, bent over and walked out.

I didn't stay in the restaurant for a long time, so I asked the chef to try the dishes, and it was indeed very good as the manager said.After dealing with it, Sabel didn't stay any longer, and left...

When she got home, Qiao's mother looked at Sha Bei'er with a bad expression.Sha Belle didn't even realize that her sleep quality became poor again this week.When Feng Qingyu was there, she was very tired every night, but it was undeniable that when she was in his arms, she slept soundly.


When Sha Belle walked into the living room, Mother Qiao hesitated for a while before speaking.Seeing Sha Beier's haggard appearance, Qiao's mother thought it was because Feng Qingyu hadn't come over for a week.I can't help but blame myself, thinking of what happened last time, I feel even more guilty...

"Mother Qiao."

Turning around, looking at Qiao's mother's face of self-blame, Sha Belle couldn't help showing a look of worry on her face.It has to be said that Sabel has become more quiet as time goes by.Sometimes, sitting there quietly is like a beautiful painting, less angry.Except when facing Rui Rui, there will be a gentle and loving expression on the face, and the eyes will be very gentle.At other times, Sha Belle often let go...

"Bei Er, it's Mama Qiao's talkativeness that made Mr. Feng angry and didn't come here."

Mother Qiao held Sha Bei'er's hand, her words were full of guilt...

"Mother Qiao, what did you tell Mr. Feng?"

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