the president's wife

Chapter 174: Unreasonable

Chapter 174: Unreasonable Yu Cheng Hanlei opened her eyes amidst Lei Chenyi's deep voice, and the unclosed door could clearly hear some unpleasant voices outside.The voices of the two were a little low, and Cheng Hanlei didn't want to really eavesdrop on Lei Chenyi and Zuo Jianning's conversation, so she didn't know what the two were talking about.

"Anyway, do as I say, what about stuff?"

Lei Chenyi decisively interrupted Zuo Jianning, and then looked at Zuo Jianning.It was already nine o'clock at this time, and Zuo Jianning received a call from Lei Chenyi early in the morning, asking him to book two movie tickets and VIP seats.separate space for the question of his identity.

After receiving the movie ticket from Zuo Jianning, Zuo Jianning had a look of disapproval in his eyes.

"Ray, you..."

"I have my measure."

Lei Chenyi interrupted Zuo Jianning's words, and then glanced at the bedroom, seeing off guests was clearly written in his eyes.Zuo Jianning looked at Lei Chenyi's determined appearance, and really couldn't imagine that Lei Chenyi would do such a thing.

After Zuo Jianning left, Lei Chenyi put the movie ticket in his hand on the coffee table.Hearing a sound coming from the bedroom, he glanced at the movie tickets on the tea table, then folded himself and sat on the sofa, pretending to flip through the newspaper.

Soon, Cheng Hanlei came out in her pajamas.When he saw Lei Chenyi sitting on the sofa, he yawned and said, "Morning."


A somewhat perfunctory hum, which was regarded as a response.Seeing Lei Chenyi's lukewarm appearance, Cheng Hanlei wondered what happened to him?A few times a day, I don't know when he will suddenly change another look.

Ignoring Lei Chenyi's bewilderment, he was going to wash and make breakfast.When I turned around, I glanced at the coffee table, and when I saw what was on the coffee table, I thought I had misread it. When I picked it up, I realized that it was really a ticket for Expendables [-], or a ticket for a VIP seat.The Expendables just came out, and the box office is doing very well.When she was watching it on the ipad last night, she was still thinking about whether to buy it earlier today, so as not to miss the show, but she didn't expect...

"Death Squad, Lei Chenyi, how did you get this ticket?"

"My friend bought it and didn't have time to read it, so I gave it to me."

Lei Chenyi didn't take his eyes off the newspaper, and continued to read, answering indifferently.

Cheng Hanlei didn't even think about who Lei Chenyi's friend was, but she felt excited that she didn't need to buy a ticket anymore.

"That's great, you don't need to buy a ticket. Lei Chenyi, can you give it to me?"


The corners of Lei Chenyi's mouth rose slightly, and he hummed in a neutral manner.


Cheng Hanlei picked up the ticket in one hand, thinking that she would call An Ran later and tell her that there is no need to queue up to buy the ticket.The two just had lunch, and then went to watch the afternoon show at 01:30.

Cheng Hanlei was always in a good mood while making breakfast.He kept humming a little tune, and Lei Chenyi, who was sitting on the sofa, was obviously in a good mood.Waiting for Cheng Hanlei to invite herself.

The two sat at the dining table, Lei Chenyi was eating breakfast while waiting for Cheng Hanlei to speak.After Cheng Hanlei finished making breakfast, she picked up the phone in her pocket and dialed An Ran's phone. While eating breakfast, she said, "An Ran, you don't need to buy tickets. Friends Lei Chenyi has two tickets and no time to look at them. Give it to me. After breakfast, I will find you. Where are you now?"

Cheng Hanlei's words made Lei Chenyi, who was sitting on the side, almost instantly stained with black wind and black storm.Cheng Hanlei didn't know what to say, when she felt a cold gaze staring at her, she held the phone and looked at Lei Chenyi in confusion.It was lukewarm on the sofa just now, and the corners of his eyes were slightly raised when he came to have breakfast, but now it's dark and stormy, and it's inexplicably icy cold.

She really didn't think wrong, this man really changed his mood very quickly.

He hung up the phone quickly, and still couldn't help Lei Chenyi's aggressive eyes, and asked proactively: "Lei Chenyi, what's wrong with you? The breakfast doesn't taste right? Do you want me to help you make it again?"

"Bring it."

Lei Chenyi suddenly spoke coldly, following Cheng Hanlei's question just now, Cheng Hanlei intuitively objected.

"The two of us are the same, you just eat your own."

"movie ticket."

Three words, even colder.

"Lei Chenyi, you just told me."

"Bring it."

Lei Chenyi's voice became even colder, Cheng Hanlei looked at the inexplicable Lei Chenyi, under the offensive of his eyes.Some angrily slapped the movie tickets in their pockets on the dining table and said, "I've never seen you so moody."

Stand up, don't eat breakfast.While walking into the bedroom, changing clothes.After changing his clothes and walking out with his bag, he saw that Lei Chenyi was still sitting on the dining table, and in his hand were two torn movie tickets.Looking at the torn movie tickets, Cheng Hanlei felt that Lei Chenyi was even more boring.This man really had such a strange idea. If he didn't look at it, why did he give it to him, then took it away, and then tore it up again.

Psychology is completely pathological.


He dropped a few words coldly, then opened the door, and slammed it shut to express his inexplicable protest against Lei Chenyi.

Lei Chenyi in the room suddenly stood up after Cheng Hanlei slammed the door and left.With one hand, he swept away the two half-eaten breakfasts on the dining table, and the fragments of movie tickets fell to the ground.


It was obviously a movie that she liked, but Cheng Hanlei watched it in every possible way.

The critics said that "The Expendables 2" is more exciting than the first, but Cheng Hanlei's eyes were fixed on the screen, but her mind was not there.She couldn't figure out why Lei Chenyi lost his temper suddenly in the morning.The last thing I thought about until the end of the movie, I still came up with four words, moody.Very people can understand his way of thinking.

After watching the movie, it was already past four o'clock.

She didn't eat in the morning, but only ate some popcorn. When she came out of the movie theater, Cheng Hanlei only felt her stomach growling.The two decided to have dinner first, and while walking out of the movie theater, they listened to An Ran talking about the plot, saying that they liked the lone wolf in it.Cheng Hanlei hardly looked at it, and listened to An Ran's words, and responded somewhat perfunctorily.

Reaching into the bag with one hand, he picked up the phone in the bag.The sound was turned off in the movie theater, thinking that Lei Chenyi might call him.I don't know why I'm afraid that he won't find me and get angry. This morning, he was the one who got angry for no reason.Maybe it's because I'm going back to M City tomorrow, or maybe it's because I gradually understand his way of expression, so I don't want to get into trouble with him.

Seeing that there were no missed calls in the phone, Cheng Hanlei couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and put the phone back in her bag.Then he pulled An Ran and said, "Let's go, treat you to delicious food, and celebrate your discharge from the hospital."

The two of them ate a street of snacks, and they were very full.After An Ran answered the phone, she said sorry to Cheng Hanlei, and then left.Cheng Hanlei had nowhere to go alone, so she had to take a taxi back.

With a full stomach, Cheng Hanlei just pushed open the door of the taxi and walked into the community.When they walked to the building where they lived, they ran into Zuo Jianning.

Zuo Jianning just parked his car and came out of the parking lot. When he saw Cheng Hanlei, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't see Lei's car parked there just now.

"Where's Ray?"

Zuo Jianning looked at Cheng Hanlei's indifferent expression, knowing that she was still thinking about the content of the conversation between the two of them that day.

One after the other, they walked towards the elevator entrance.While waiting for the elevator, Zuo Jianning asked.

"do not know."

Cheng Hanlei didn't have much to say to Zuo Jianning, even if he was for Lei Chenyi, the way he handled it still made her uncomfortable.The days I lived in those days were not easy.

"Is the movie good?"

When Cheng Hanlei heard Zuo Jianning's words, she couldn't help but looked at Zuo Jianning in confusion. How did he know that he was watching a movie.

"How do you know I watched the movie?"

"I helped you guys buy tickets early in the morning, so why didn't I know. This is the first time I've seen Lei going to the cinema. As a public figure, it's generally impossible for him to appear in such a public place. And it's still under the circumstances that you can't make it public. I would actually be willing to go to the movies with you. I have to say that Lei really made many exceptions for you."

As Zuo Jianning spoke, he couldn't help frowning slightly.In fact, until now, he didn't know whether it was good or bad for Lei to do it for a woman.From this incident, he saw that Lei's feelings for Cheng Hanlei were no longer as simple as possessiveness, and he knew that he had no ability to stop it.Ray's persistence was beyond his imagination.

"Cheng Hanlei, you are very lucky."

With Cheng Hanlei's stunned expression, the elevator door opened.Cheng Hanlei did not return to Zuo Jianning, but just walked out of the elevator door.When the elevator door closed, he heard Zuo Jianning's words behind him.The elevator door closed again, and Cheng Hanlei's head was still buzzing with Zuo Jianning's words. The voices heard this morning were from Lei Chenyi and Zuo Jianning. Since they couldn't hear clearly, they didn't know what they were talking about. What.

Hearing what Zuo Jianning said just now, it turned out that Lei Chenyi was talking to Zuo Jianning about movie tickets this morning.In this way, the movie ticket is not a friend's at all, but Lei Chenyi bought it specially to watch it with her.

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