the president's wife

Chapter 172: 4 Slaps

Chapter 172: Four slaps, the breath of the two people intertwined and they were in close contact with each other face to face. In the darkness, Lei Chenyi's eyes were scorching, as if carrying a heat that was about to burn through Cheng Hanlei.His body was still tense, and he seemed to have watched Cheng Hanlei quietly for a long time.Cheng Hanlei always had the feeling of holding her breath, the breaths of the two were intertwined, and each other's breathing was a little disordered.

Cheng Hanlei was a little afraid that Lei Chenyi would force her, some things could be covered up without opening her mouth, but when they were spread out in the sun, she could no longer cover them up.

"Do you remember what you owe me?"

After Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei with hot eyes for a long time, he suddenly spoke in a hoarse voice.Cheng Hanlei was taken aback for a moment, her mind was still entangled in the previous question.Lei Chenyi's sudden change of topic made Cheng Hanlei unable to react for a long time.

Even though he couldn't see each other's expressions, Lei Chenyi seemed to understand the changes in the expressions on Cheng Hanlei's face, he stroked Cheng Hanlei's cheek with his big hand, and then raised Cheng Hanlei's forehead: "Is it time to pay back the unfinished evening? "

Her heart was wrapped with a touch of caution.

Taking it too far will only make her wrap herself more carefully.Little by little, he would peel off her heart, which was carefully wrapped in layers of protection, and finally capture it, stay in her heart, take root and germinate, and swear his unique and only sovereignty.

Somewhat abrupt...

When Cheng Hanlei heard what Lei Chenyi said he owed, his face couldn't help but slowly blushed.

At this moment, he was still thinking about what happened in the evening.

"Lei Chenyi,'s already early morning, we should go to sleep..."

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei, the corners of his pretty lips slowly curled up, he hugged her into his arms, and whispered in the dark, "Well, it's time to sleep."

Cheng Hanlei was slightly startled in his arms, why was he so talkative all of a sudden.After only a few seconds of being slightly stunned, Cheng Hanlei already understood that his so-called sleep had completely different meaning from the sleep she wanted to express.


By the time everything was over, it was already four o'clock in the morning.Cheng Hanlei was hugged in Lei Chenyi's arms, and while she was drowsy, Cheng Hanlei vaguely remembered an important matter, leaning against Lei Chenyi's arms, unable to open her eyes, she said hoarsely: "She will say tomorrow What should I do?"

Hearing the inauthentic voice in his arms, he was obviously exhausted to the extreme.I couldn't even open my eyes, but I was still worrying about tomorrow.

"There is me."

Lei Chenyi hugged Cheng Hanlei tightly, pressed against her cheek, and whispered two words.

Cheng Hanlei's consciousness had already faded away, and she fell into a deep sleep.In the dimness, it seems to have heard him say, there is him.


When Cheng Hanlei woke up, it was afternoon again, and she opened her eyes tiredly.These two days are really too much, obviously I refused, but I even forgot how to compromise in the end.Fumbling to get the phone into his hand, he glanced at the time, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

As if thinking of something, the words Feng Zhenzhen said when he left yesterday echoed in his mind, and his whole body seemed to be frightened.Last night I asked in a daze, and I forgot whether it was my dream or Feng Zhenzhen's answer.

Get up quickly, pick up your clothes and put them on.Then go to the TV and turn on the TV.

Feng Haoran accepted the results of the internal investigation. Yesterday, someone sent evidence of Feng Haoran accepting bribes after he took over as the deputy mayor of S city a few years ago.And it was revealed that the Feng couple, who have always been known as model couples, turned out that everything was a lie.Feng Haoran had a new love long ago, and he also had a big son.

The reporter's madness only provided some evidence of Feng Haoran's style of work. Even the photos are only blurred, and it is not clear who the third party and the third party's son are.

The Feng family's mansion was sealed off, Xu Shan was on TV, and she was extremely haggard, even more haggard than Feng Zhenzhen yesterday.

"The former mayor's son-in-law Lei Li is under internal investigation..."

The remote control in his hand just fell out of his hand and landed on the coffee table with a bang.

Subject to internal investigation.

Why didn't he tell himself last night.

Is it because of what Feng Zhenzhen said?Or this matter will involve him.Feng Zhenzhen said that he did this, so how could he involve himself in it.

Cheng Hanlei lost control.

Accepting an internal investigation is a good way to say it is to assist in the investigation, but if it is found out that Feng Haoran was also involved in accepting bribes, then Lei Chenyi's future is likely to be ruined because of this.

Trust him, trust him.

However, I was still worried.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Hanlei went back to the room to pick up the phone, called Lei Chenyi, and turned it off.

Called many times, but couldn't find Lei Chenyi.Cheng Hanlei sat on the messy big bed, thinking about his enthusiasm last night, whether he knew something, or he didn't know about this accident.She tried her best to think about Zuo Jianning's phone call in her mind. Since the day he called her, Cheng Hanlei almost stopped thinking about Zuo Jianning.

Relying on memory, I dialed Zuo Jianning's phone, but the phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Cheng Hanlei kept pulling.

Lei Chenyi could not be found, and Zuo Jianning could not be found.Cheng Hanlei was running around like a headless chicken.

Feeling restless, she changed her clothes, Cheng Hanlei put on her coat, took her keys and bag and went out.

She no longer cared that Feng Zhenzhen would tell about her and Lei Chenyi's affairs, and now her mind was full of whether Lei Chenyi would be okay.Like a headless chicken, I don't know where to find it, and I don't know where I can find it.

The Lei family must know.

Cheng Hanlei never thought that she would return to Lei's house again.When taking a taxi to Lei's house, Cheng Hanlei stood in front of that familiar door, feeling as if she had passed away...

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out and rang the doorbell.

Ever since she said in the hospital that she had severed all ties with Lei Zhendong, Cheng Hanlei never thought about having any relationship with Lei's family anymore.

When Li Ma saw that the person standing outside was Cheng Hanlei, she was taken aback for a moment.He glanced at Cheng Hanlei, then turned back.After a while, Mama Li came back and opened the iron gate.Cheng Hanlei followed Mama Li into the 'home' she had been away for several months.

Xu Peifen was sitting there, when she saw Cheng Hanlei, Xu Peifen's face was obviously ugly and gloomy.

Cheng Hanlei knew that if she walked in here, she would definitely treat her badly, but she was really worried about Lei Chenyi.

Standing upright, she stood under Xu Peifen's sight.The previous humbleness no longer existed. At this time, standing in front of her, Cheng Hanlei tried to maintain a calm voice and said: "Do you know the news about Lei Chenyi?"

"Come here and I'll tell you."

Xu Peifen looked at Cheng Hanlei and waved to Cheng Hanlei.That look made Cheng Hanlei a little on guard, but she still walked over silently.

"Is Lei Chenyi okay?"

"What qualifications do you have to ask, Xiao Jianren."

When Cheng Hanlei approached, Xu Peifen raised her hand and slapped Cheng Hanlei.The force was so heavy and fierce that Cheng Hanlei's head was turned away, and the tip of her tongue could feel the blood spreading in her mouth.

"I just want to know if he's okay?"

Cheng Hanlei's face was burning with pain, and Xu Peifen turned to look at her again when she saw Cheng Hanlei.To Cheng Hanlei, her heart was already full of resentment, ever since she and Lei Chenyi didn't know each other, Chen Yi became less and less like herself.The photo incident that broke out last time almost ruined Chen Yi even more.This time, it was rumored that Chen Yi played tricks behind the scenes to bring down the Feng family. If it wasn't for the little Jianren in front of him, Chen Yi would have married Zhen Zhen long ago, and all accidents would not have happened.Let alone get into trouble now and be taken to accept an internal investigation.

Chen Yi has been protecting this little Jianren all along, now that Cheng Hanlei has come to her door, if she doesn't vent at this moment, she doesn't know how to vent out the resentment in her heart.

When Cheng Hanlei turned her face away, Xu Peifen raised her hand and slapped Cheng Hanlei again.The same heavy force hit the other half of the face, causing Cheng Hanlei to turn her face away again.

After two slaps, Cheng Hanlei let out a breath, then looked at Xu Peifen and asked, "Have you slapped enough? Is he okay?"

Cheng Hanlei didn't know if she had been with Lei Chenyi for a long time, but the way she looked at Xu Peifen was so calm and indifferent that it made people feel chilly.Xu Peifen wanted to raise her hand for the third time, and stopped in mid-air under Cheng Hanlei's gradually icy eyes.

"how could I know."

Xu Peifen finally withdrew her hand, moved her body to the side without any trace, then looked at Cheng Hanlei, and snorted coldly.

Cheng Hanlei frowned, looking at Xu Peifen, her face was still burning with pain.Seeing Xu Peifen's eyes getting colder and colder, under Cheng Hanlei's cold eyes, Xu Peifen couldn't help asking in a nervous voice, "What... do you want to do?"

"You do not know?"

The voice was still faint, and Cheng Hanlei had obvious five palm prints on her face, which was very glaring.And Xu Peifen vented a little bit of resentment in her heart, obviously she should be very proud, but when she looked at Cheng Hanlei's expression, the expression on her face was so stiff that she couldn't condense.

Cheng Hanlei suddenly raised her hand, and slapped Xu Peifen on the face.The strength of the throw was no worse than that of Xu Peifen, Xu Peifen was stunned for a moment, and Li Ma, who was standing aside, was also stunned by Cheng Hanlei's sudden movement, as if she never thought that Cheng Hanlei would do this at all.

Cheng Hanlei raised her hand neatly, snapping.Another slap hit Xu Peifen's face again.Left and right, returned the two slaps that Xu Peifen slapped her just now, and returned them to Xu Peifen.Ten clear palm prints immediately appeared on Xu Peifen's face.Although Cheng Hanlei is thin, the strength of the throw is heavy and fierce, which seems to be full of strength.

"Little bitch..."

After Li Ma realized it, she immediately reached out to pull Cheng Hanlei, but Cheng Hanlei just turned to look at Li Ma, and said coldly, "Do you dare to touch me?"

That tone, that expression, was completely a replica of Lei Chenyi.

It turns out that she can also be so strong, so tough, it seems that the longer she stays in Lei Chenyi's body, the more she will be able to be overwhelmed by him.

Mother Li was shocked by Cheng Hanlei's tone and expression, and she didn't dare to move for a long time.And Xu Peifen was beaten in a daze, watching Cheng Hanlei stand up from the sofa after realizing that she was beaten, looking at Cheng Hanlei who had turned around, screaming in a high voice: "Little Jianren, you How dare you hit me."

"What happened to you?"

This kind of dialogue was also heard from Lei Xiwen's mouth.Are they too expensive to fight?


Xu Peifen was taken aback by Cheng Hanlei's tone. Standing in front of Cheng Hanlei, she hadn't seen her for a few months, but she seemed to have become another person.Seeing Xu Peifen froze there, Cheng Hanlei paused, turned her head to look at Xu Peifen, and said coldly: "If I didn't want to know about Lei Chenyi, I wouldn't have stepped in here. Or do you think I'm the same as before?" Cheng Hanlei, let you hit me obediently. Xu Peifen, these two slaps are to remind you that I am no longer the Cheng Hanlei I used to be. When you want to do something to me in the future, you'd better think clearly. Because the consequences are not what you can acceptable."

Xu Peifen turned around in shock, it was this woman who brought her all the pain in her childhood, and it was this woman's physical pleasure, which imposed the pain on Lei Chenyi.She was born comfortably in one night, at the age of eight, and carried such a life, and it was she who caused all this.

Walk in here and not be bullied.She was willing to be beaten because she wanted to get news about Lei Chenyi from her. Even though she knew it might be fake, she wanted to catch him even if she had the slightest hope, because she was really worried.


When they returned to the place where the two of them lived, it was already night and the battery of the mobile phone was dead. Cheng Hanlei was afraid that Lei Chenyi would not find her, so she had to rush home.When standing downstairs and seeing the lights on in the building that belonged to the two of them, Cheng Hanlei's eyes instantly glowed with hope.He rushed into the elevator almost immediately, and kept pressing the floor with his hands. It took more than ten seconds, but it seemed like centuries.

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