the president's wife

Chapter 166: Life Experience

Chapter 166: Life experience The lips kept wriggling, trying to find the right words, but the confirmation in front of her was so shocking that she couldn't believe the guessing in her mind.

Lei Chenyi didn't seem to mind much, and he seemed to have known it for a long time. When he saw Cheng Hanlei's appearance of being struck by lightning, shocked, unable to believe it and didn't know how to prove it, he really thought it was very cute.


Holding the report in his hand, he pressed Lei Chenyi's head that was about to bury his head, and pushed back.

Seeing that Cheng Hanlei was still holding the two pieces of paper that looked like waste paper to him, Lei Chenyi stretched out his hands to take them with some dissatisfaction, and threw them aside casually, so as not to let him block his words. If you ask, you can't ask.She wants to know what is going on now, not what he is doing now.

"It's not business."

Now, the most important thing is to figure out what is going on, instead of doing such time-wasting things here.

"Your person, your heart, I want it all."


Frowning slightly, she looked at Cheng Hanlei, who was leaning in her arms like a cat.

Cheng Hanlei's brain has gradually resumed thinking, but her body is very tired.He didn't want Lei Chenyi to help him, but he couldn't lift his hands and feet.Now, she didn't even have the strength to speak.Why do I feel like I haven’t eaten for a long time? I didn’t feel hungry at first. I remember that I was full before going to the airport, just because I was afraid that the meal on the plane would not taste good.


After tossing for a long time, Cheng Hanlei saw Lei Chenyi, like a paralyzed patient, and also looked at Lei Chenyi like a pet that had been hungry for a long time, that pitiful appearance made Lei Chenyi's face slightly changed.

She obviously came here to take her out to eat, and it has been more than a day since she was brought here.

But after coming in, he couldn't help being fascinated by her peaceful appearance lying there, and forgot to wake her up and take her to eat for a moment.Like a hungry wolf pouncing on food, he jumped on her.

Lei Chenyi coughed lightly, deliberately ignoring the consequences caused by himself, turned away with a bit of embarrassment, pulled off the nightgown with one hand and put it on, then pulled the quilt over Cheng Hanlei and said, "Wait."

Cheng Hanlei didn't have the strength to say anything more, when Lei Chenyi said to wait, she closed her eyes tiredly.It was really uncomfortable to be hungry, lying on the bed, obviously very tired, but unable to fall asleep.Not long after, Lei Chenyi came in holding a big soup bowl in both hands.

Cheng Hanlei watched Lei Chenyi walk in with a large bowl, put it on the bedside table, and put his arms around her.

Seeing a large bowl of shredded pork noodles with vegetables on the bedside table, Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi with some confusion. From the beginning, she thought the place was very clean, but now, she saw that Lei Chenyi was able to bring a bowl of noodles over.Is there anything to eat in the fridge?She thought that after she went to M City, this place has lost its function, and it is impossible for Lei Chenyi to come here again.

But at this moment, something seemed to be faintly detected in his heart.

"Why are you in a daze, aren't you hungry?"

Lei Chenyi looked at Cheng Hanlei who was leaning there, sitting on the side with a bowl in one hand, and scooped up some noodle soup with a spoon in the other hand and brought it to Cheng Hanlei's lips. Seeing that Cheng Hanlei didn't respond for a long time, Lei Chenyi couldn't help but speak impatiently, In fact, it is to hide embarrassment.

When Cheng Hanlei heard Lei Chenyi's awkward and fake voice, she turned her eyes to look at Lei Chenyi. She always felt that she knew this man a little bit, but most of the time she felt that this man was not within the scope of her understanding, and would always do it. Do something unimaginable to her.

"I will do it myself……"

Cheng Hanlei's strength recovered slightly, although she was still a little weak.No wonder I was so weak just after doing it. It turned out that I had been doing it for so long on an empty stomach, and my body had consumed too much strength, so it's no wonder I wasn't soft.

"Worry, do you want to eat or not?"

Lei Chenyi protected the bowl with one hand, and stared at Cheng Hanlei's hand that was about to reach out, as if Cheng Hanlei dared to extend her hand, so he chopped off her hand with his eyes.

Cheng Hanlei is really too hungry and doesn't have the energy to argue with Lei Chenyi, so let him feed him if he wants.Although such a picture is somewhat beyond her imagination.

He opened his mouth and took a sip of the soup. In fact, the taste was not very good, but Cheng Hanlei always felt warm in his heart when he ate it.After Lei Chenyi saw Cheng Hanlei took a few sips of soup, he rolled up some noodles to feed Cheng Hanlei.

"I'll make do with it first, and I'll take you out to eat tomorrow."

Lei Chenyi said awkwardly while feeding Cheng Hanlei.

Cheng Hanlei didn't say a word, Lei Chenyi made noodles for himself three times, each time they actually tasted the same.But every time, it was when she needed food most.Every time I eat it, I feel delicious.

After eating less than half of it, Cheng Hanlei's stomach was already full.My stomach is already small, but after drinking the soup and eating a few mouthfuls of noodles, I already feel full.

When he saw that Lei Chenyi was still feeding him, he turned his head and resisted: "I'm full."


"Lei Chenyi, I'm really full."

After eating, Cheng Hanlei has more strength.I stopped eating, thinking of how I felt when I vomited uncomfortable when I was full, I really don't want to open my mouth to eat anymore.I was afraid that I would eat myself up again, and finally vomit, that feeling was really uncomfortable.

"Don't try it?"

Lei Chenyi raised his hands there, looked at Cheng Hanlei, his brows were knotted, his eyes were full of menace.


Cheng Hanlei wanted to fight, but seeing Lei Chenyi's threatening eyes, she finally opened her mouth silently to finish the mouthful of noodles.


Cheng Hanlei reluctantly ate two more mouthfuls, and asked Lei Chenyi helplessly.

"I haven't eaten for more than a day, just eat this, you think you are a cat, okay? If you don't eat, I will finish this when you are hungry."

Lei Chenyi frowned slightly, as if he didn't mind trying the latter method.Cheng Hanlei was frightened by what Lei Chenyi said for more than a day, no wonder she was so hungry, it turned out that she hadn't eaten for more than a day.Seeing that Lei Chenyi didn't seem to be joking at all, Cheng Hanlei thought of her current physical strength, if she continued, she would really go crazy.

But Lei Chenyi has never been able to understand it rationally. He said that he would continue to eat when she was hungry. He really could do such bt things.There was no other way, Cheng Hanlei could only open her mouth and continue to swallow the not very delicious noodles.It wasn't until Cheng Hanlei couldn't swallow a big bowl that she ate it. Lei Chenyi put the bowl aside in satisfaction, pulled off his nightgown with one hand, and turned on the bed , Pulled back the quilt and lay down.

During the domineering hug process, Han Lei pulled her into her arms.

Cheng Hanlei thought that Lei Chenyi was going to do it again, but when Lei Chenyi hugged her, her body froze in fright.But Lei Chenyi just hugged her into his arms and didn't continue to move.

Leaning naked in Lei Chenyi's arms was a bit awkward, trying to move some away, before Lei Chenyi moved, he threatened in a low voice: "I'm not satisfied yet."

The meaning was so obvious that Cheng Hanlei could only grit her teeth secretly, but lay obediently in Lei Chenyi's arms and stopped moving.

The two leaned together quietly for a while, it was already late.But it was obvious that neither of them felt sleepy. Cheng Hanlei slept for too long. Although she was very tired, she didn't feel sleepy at all.Feeling that Lei Chenyi picked up the cigarette beside the bed and lit it.He took a sip, then spat it out heavily.

The two of them leaned quietly together, obviously they were two people whose hearts couldn't be leaned together, but at this moment, leaning quietly together gave them a sense of ease.A sense of tranquility spread in the bodies of the two of them, and Ning Yi was almost enjoying this moment.With the lights on in the bedroom, Cheng Hanlei felt inexplicably awkward. Under the lights, this feeling was too indulgent, and she always felt too uncomfortable.

Seemingly aware of Cheng Hanlei's discomfort, she lowered her head and glanced at Cheng Hanlei, who was awkwardly in her arms.Lei Chenyi exhaled a puff of smoke ring, then reached out to turn off the light.When the darkness shrouded, in fact, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not sleep.

There was still silence, spreading between the two of them.

After a while, when Cheng Hanlei was about to ask about what she saw in the living room before, she only heard Lei Chenyi suddenly speak before she could speak.

"There used to be a man who was always on business trips when his business was just starting up and rarely came home. However, his wife who was left at home by him once couldn't help being lonely and had a one-night stand with a strange man. And this The woman gave birth to a small life in an accident. The woman communicated with the servant she brought when she married, and falsely reported the actual number of months of the woman's pregnancy. The man never knew it, so he always thought that the boy born was his own. The son became the hope of their family. When the boy was eight years old, the woman was unwilling to be lonely again when the man was on a business trip, and was ready to go out to have an affair. The servant who helped her hide it back then stopped her and talked about what happened eight years ago. It happened to be overheard by this little boy."

"When the boy was 11 years old, a five-year-old girl came to the house. She was the illegitimate daughter of a man after a night out. Because of this, he disliked the illegitimate daughter. Remind him the same. He hates this girl very much, because he hates the girl's mother, because he is unwilling to be lonely, and spends the night with men casually, so there are existences like them that shouldn't be born."

"On the one hand, he hates girls, and on the other hand, when he sees her being bullied at home, he sometimes feels unbearable. He can't help but occasionally show kindness to her, until one day, He found that his body had a little more desire for the girl. Now, he is already obsessed with the girl's body, and he has no intention of letting go. Therefore, before he gets tired of it, the same existence that should not be born will inevitably be entangled in the girl's body. Together, even if the girl wants to leave, it depends on whether the boy is willing or not. As long as he doesn't let go, she will be tied to him for the rest of her life."

The following words became more and more low-key and hoarse.

In the darkness, as if trying to see Cheng Hanlei's heart through Cheng Hanlei's eyes, her voice was hypnotic and coaxing, and she said coaxingly in the darkness: "Cheng Hanlei, I want your heart."

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