the president's wife

Chapter 150: Find the door

1 Chapter Fifty: The cold voice of coming to the door made Cheng Hanlei clasp her hands hanging aside hard, and she knew how ugly his expression was at this moment without looking.Tears swirled in his eyes, he bit his lips hard, squeezed his bag, and walked out.

What I did just now was too hard and rude, and I was still hurting privately. I was hurting privately at this moment, and every step I took, I could clearly feel the pain being pulled there.The footsteps also seemed to falter a little, Lei Chenyi stood in place and looked at Cheng Hanlei's back, his eyes were filled with deep and complicated emotions.

It wasn't until Cheng Hanlei disappeared from sight that Lei Chenyi slowly turned his gaze to the empty doorway, with the corners of his mouth tightly pursed.

A few minutes later, Lei Chenyi turned around, and when he walked back to the bed, he looked at the remaining traces of joy and love on the bed. The blood on the bed sheet had already dried up, and it was very dazzling.


Cheng Hanlei walked out with her aching body, and when she stood outside the hot spring club, she realized that most people who come here are private cars, not even a taxi.I was worried about An Ran in my heart, afraid that something would happen to An Ran.

Holding the bag tightly in his hand, he had to go back to the hotel to get his documents before going to the airport.

How should I go back to the hotel.

Cheng Hanlei doesn't want to go back and beg Lei Chenyi, he won't let her leave, let alone send her back to the hotel.I asked the waiter at the hot spring club, there is no taxi service here, because it is a bit remote, so taxis generally do not come here.Cheng Hanlei politely said thank you, and then walked out.

Maybe if you are lucky, you can see a taxi after a short walk.

There was still some pain in both feet when moving, Cheng Hanlei walked slowly and walked forward.

Cheng Hanlei turned around and walked a few steps when the phone at the counter behind her rang.The waiter immediately went to answer the phone, and hung up after a while, Cheng Hanlei was almost out of the door.


The waiter stopped Cheng Hanlei.

"We happen to have an employee going to work in the city, do you want him to give you a ride?"

Some people say that when God closes a door, he will always open a window for you. Cheng Hanlei sat in the back seat of the car, silently congratulating herself for her luck.

He was sent to the door of the hotel, and refused the money offered by Cheng Hanlei. Cheng Hanlei didn't even have time to say thank you, and the car had already driven away.When I turned around and was about to go upstairs, I heard the sound of a car honking.

Turning her head, she looked at the slowly rolled down car window, revealing Zuo Jianning's face.


Zuo Jianning's voice was faint, looking at Cheng Hanlei's face, his eyes were obviously deep.

Cheng Hanlei looked at Zuo Jianning holding her ID and other things in his hands, and walked over to the car door.

"Senior, how do you know..."

Cheng Hanlei hadn't finished asking, she reacted first and swallowed the words silently.He reached out to take his ID from Zuo Jianning's hand. He didn't bring anything with him when he came here. At this moment, there was only one package containing the two pieces of clothes he bought here.

Zuo Jianning looked at Cheng Hanlei from the rearview mirror, just sat in the car and looked at Cheng Hanlei who got out of another car, and took two steps, which was the same as when she woke up and got out of the car to walk.

Withdrawing his gaze, he went all the way to the airport.

At night, there was very little traffic and there was no traffic jam, so we arrived at the airport soon.Zuo Jianning seemed to have arranged everything, like a considerate boyfriend along the way, taking care of everything.Then put the ticket in Cheng Hanlei's hands, there was still an hour before the boarding time.The two sat down in a coffee shop next door, ordered coffee, and sat in silence, watching the night outside through the glass window.

"Actually, from the beginning, I didn't know why Lei was special to you alone. For more than a year, even if I didn't understand, I understood that there is a special place in his heart, and there lives a you—Cheng Hanlei."

"Because he knows that he cares about you, he is willing to do these things for him. Since he was temporarily preparing for a business trip, the first thing he thought of was how to arrange for you to accompany him. It's not that he wants someone to accompany him, he is doing it for the last time M City hurt you, and I want to make up for you. Let me find an excuse to bring you to Z City on the basis of my birthday, and I just want to find a step for each other, so that he can directly say sorry He can't say it, he can only use actions to express his regret for hurting you last time."

"On the first day when I came to pick you up, he had already planned everything. The original seven-day work schedule was shortened to five days by working overtime. He hardly slept during these five days. Except for being with you, I'm working. Just to spare the last two days to take you out to play."

"This time, everything was arranged by him himself. The level of care even shocked me. I watched him call and confirmed over and over again. I couldn't believe it. The person in front of me was Lei. Tonight he It should have been prepared for a long time. At that time, he said that he wanted to find the purple water lily, and I was going to give up his idea, but he is like this, and he wants to do something as soon as he decides. I really didn't expect that he really found it, and he immediately asked him to do it. People were flown in just so you could laugh when you saw it."

"Do you think that the car that sent you here really has something to do in the city? Who has something to go to the city in the middle of the night? And why am I waiting outside the hotel, why the ticket is booked early in the morning, I believe you don't need me to tell you .Don't always remember how Ray hurt you, Ray just doesn't know how to love, give him some time, let him learn how to love..."

Zuo Jianning's voice was faint, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked out of the window. The voice lingered between the two of them, pierced the eardrums, and entered the brain.

Cheng Hanlei has been listening, many things are not because she doesn't know but because she doesn't want to think about it.

"Senior Zuo, thank you for sending me to the airport today."

After Cheng Hanlei was silent for a while, she just silently fed the last sip of coffee into her mouth, and the bitter taste spread in her lips.The cold coffee turned out to be so bitter.

"Cheng Hanlei, did you hear what I said?"

"Understood, senior, don't worry about me and Lei Chenyi, outsiders can't see the essence of the matter. It's almost time, I'm registering. Goodbye."

Standing up, she nodded to Zuo Jianning.

Learn to love?Even if they all learned to love?can they love

Temporary tenderness can indulge in indulging in intoxication, but after waking up, it is just a deeper pain, knowing that there will be no future results, and paying too much, what kind of blood is dripping in the end.

With a straight back, every time Zuo Jianning plays the role, he speaks for Lei Chenyi.But whether these words were said by Lei Chenyi or Zuo Jianning, she could only hold the bitterness in her heart.

He knew that Zuo Jianning wanted her to call Lei Chenyi and say sorry to him, the phone that Zuo Jianning deliberately placed within her reach was his silent reminder to her.

Trying to straighten his back, trying to make himself look as if nothing had happened, walking out of the coffee shop under Zuo Jianning's burning eyes, when he pushed the door open, his eyes suddenly hurt.

The wind and sand in City Z seemed to be really violent. This night, it rolled up such a heavy wind and sand, and it got into the eyes, and it hurt so much that I wanted to cry.


"I knew you were here."

A raspy voice sounded from behind, and when An Ran heard Qiu Ze's voice, her body visibly stiffened a little.At this moment, I feel like a clown, with nowhere to hide, and I don't know where to hide.

"I'm not in the mood to drink with you today."

Even though she wanted to get drunk, she didn't want to anesthetize herself with alcohol, so she lost her mind and talked nonsense, the inferiority complex hidden deep in her heart.

"I saw it today."

Qiu Ze's voice was unusually serious, and as soon as he finished speaking, An Ran felt as if he had been punched by someone, and he was instantly in a terrible state of embarrassment.He clenched his hands tightly, and the slap on his cheek seemed to be in pain again.Almost embarrassed, he lowered his head even more, trying to bury himself in the soil to cover up his current embarrassment.

She thought that when facing Murong Xue, she could tell Murong Xue as she imagined, that she just fell in love with Shangguan Rui, she didn't ask for anything from Shangguan Rui, she just wanted to stay by his side, and she just wanted to see him occasionally , she didn't think about robbing her, but she couldn't do without, not yet.

She thought she could say it out loud, but when she saw Murong Xue standing in front of her with a famous brand and a noble demeanor, she asked her in a gentle voice but with a hint of disdain, you are An Ran.

She didn't even have the strength to answer other than nodding.

I always thought that I just simply loved a man and just wanted to love him.She didn't want to care about anything else, she didn't want fame, she didn't think about competing with Murong Xue, so she was just protecting her love.But when Murong Xue stood in front of her, forming a sharp contrast, the real card, mistress.

For the first time, An Ran understood what a mistress is.I understand that when the mistress stands in front of the real card, she will automatically be a lot shorter.She didn't even have the confidence to speak. When Shangguan Rui asked herself before, she could answer that she didn't care, but at the moment when she really faced it, her words were lost in an instant. She just wanted to run away, to hide herself. Only then did I realize that if the mistress in other people's mouths is looking for money, you can still arrogantly say that you have the ability to take care of your own man, don't let him come to me.However, a mistress who doesn't care about money can't even look directly at the real card with arrogance.

When she hummed guilty, Murong Xue's hand with perfectly manicured nails swung her cheek vigorously, and her slightly curved long fingers drew a mark on her face, leaving a trace of blood.

Murong Xue didn't make a scene like a shrew, but still looked at her with a smile, gracefully withdrew her hand, and said in a gentle voice when she turned around: "This is just a small warning. Make it clear and leave him. If I know that you are still in touch, next time it will not be as simple as a slap in the face. If you want the whole school to know that a top student at M University is someone else's mistress, you can continue to seduce Rui."

The car door was opened, and Murong Xue sat in gracefully, Xiangche, beauty.

When the car drove away, the pain on An Ran's cheek tore her heart apart.

Qiu Ze looked at An Ran hugging himself tightly and curled up into a ball. At that time, because he didn't want others to see him, Qiu Ze took him away before others found out.When turning back, An Ran was no longer there.After delaying for a while, when I wanted to find An Ran, my first reaction was to come here. When I saw An Ran sitting inside, I couldn't help but quietly heaved a sigh of relief.

Sitting down slowly, just like the night when the two reunited on campus for the first time, Qiu Ze sat there, watching the shimmering waves not far away, with a deep look in his eyes.

"This is not like the An Ran I know, how can such a trivial matter be hit like this?"

Qiu Ze knocked on the top of An Ran's head, teasing in a relaxed voice.

"Small things? Don't you despise me?"

An Ran looked up at Qiu Ze in surprise, her eyes were red, but she never cried.Looking at that appearance, Qiu Ze's heart was wrenched.I couldn't help but reached out and rubbed An Ran's hair and said, "What do you despise? There is nothing wrong with loving someone, you just love him, don't you?"

Even though he only met the man once, Qiu Ze could tell at a glance that the man cared about An Ran, and An Ran's love for that man dates back to the first time the two of them drank, and An Ran talked nonsense there. Li understands.

How much she loved that man, he knew very well.

An Ran listened to Qiu Ze's words, stopped talking, and looked away silently, then looked at the water in front of her, there was no moonlight tonight, only the light from a street lamp not far away was reflected in the water, piercing her eyes, it was very painful .

Yeah?Is she really not wrong?

An Ran didn't respond, but just watched silently. She always felt that she was right, but was she really right?

In the early hours of the morning, Anran's phone rang suddenly, and when Anran saw that it was a number near the school, she immediately picked it up.When she knew that Cheng Hanlei had returned, An Ran immediately stood up.

"Where are you going? I'll take you off."

"Need not."

An Ran ran directly to the school gate, Qiu Ze was worried, and immediately followed An Ran not far away and ran towards the school gate. When he saw An Ran walking to the school gate, he rushed into a people's arms.He knew that girl, she was a girl named Cheng Hanlei who often went with An Ran.

Seeing that it was Cheng Hanlei, Qiu Ze turned around and walked in with confidence.


Back at the place where Cheng Hanlei lived, Cheng Hanlei poured a cup of hot water and handed it to An Ran. Just now at the school gate, when the two little hands touched each other, they felt sorry for each other.

Without asking any further questions, after An Ran drank the hot water, Cheng Hanlei had put the water in, let An Ran take a bath, and took a bath herself, and the two of them were lying in another room.

"Go to sleep."

Cheng Hanlei turned off the light, stretched out her arms to hug An Ran, and just said two words softly, An Ran had been holding back the tears in her eyes that rolled out violently.Weeping suppressedly, the tears wet Cheng Hanlei's skirt, I don't know how long she cried before An Ran in her arms calmed down, and Cheng Hanlei also slowly closed her eyes, what they need most now is rest.

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