the president's wife

Chapter 15: Why don't you want me? (red envelope plus more)

Chapter 15: Why not me? (Red envelope plus more) He obviously had such a strong desire, why did he stop at this moment...

The eye sockets suddenly became a little sore, because of the grievance at this moment...

Why doesn't he want to touch himself...


With a slightly low voice, with a slight tremor, Shangguan Xuan's arms hugged Zhou Lei tightly, tightening them so hard.Biting her lower lip tightly, suppressing her sad mood.

self torture...


"Is it because I'm not good that you don't want to touch..."

His behavior made her really feel unattractive.But if there is no charm, why would he react.

"It's still... Shishi, do you really have... some unspeakable secrets?"

Although Shangguan Xuan seldom recalled the scene of that night.That night was her best memory, but it was also a night that made her feel guilty.When I think of that night, I will think of the guilt towards Senior Sister Yan, and the situation caused by her unintentional...

Zhou Lei was already in a bit of difficulty, but looking at the meaning in Shangguan Xuan's eyes, he stared at him vaguely...

"I have no problem."

Zhou Lei almost gritted his teeth, those eyes wished he could swallow Shangguan Xuan...


Shangguan Xuan looked into Zhou Lei's angry eyes, and although she didn't dare to think about it that night, she still knew it.That night, Shi Shi...

Because of thinking about it, Shangguan Xuan's eyes were obviously much more charming at this time, even more shy and timid.Zhou Lei, who was looking at him with that gaze, felt that the evil fire in his lower abdomen was burning more intensely, and it was about to break the last string...

"Is it really possible?"

Zhou Lei's eyes became more and more scorching. He looked into Shangguan Xuan's eyes and asked.

He just wanted to give her more time so that she could settle down.It won't make her feel like she's only with her because she wants to have sex with him.If they are together, have sex with her immediately.He was just worried that she would think wildly, so he would bear it again and again, and wanted to wait for a while...

Even if it's really hard to endure...

Shangguan Xuan was dumbfounded by the question, her eyes were wide open, full of bewilderment.What can really be?

"want you."

Zhou Lei's lips could not help but stick to hers. Her slightly parted lips and dazed cuteness put his sanity in jeopardy.

Did he endure it out of respect for himself?

Shangguan Xuan seemed to suddenly understand the meaning behind Zhou Lei's words, and for a while, complex emotions came over her.It was a little violent, so violent that her brain couldn't think normally.I just feel that I have thought about it a lot, but I have never thought that it is because I respect myself...

At the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help but a sweet smile overflowed, for the thin lips he stuck to his lips.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.


Shangguan Xuan was originally very good-looking. At this time, because she was in a good mood and moisturized, her skin was even more delicate and charming.Stepping on the steps, the amorous feelings emanating from the body also make people unable to move their eyes away.

"It's all right, President Li, I'll wait for you here."

Shangguan Xuan walked to the door of the agreed clubhouse, and just got out of the car when she received a call saying that she would be late due to traffic jam.

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Shangguan Xuan's face was never displeased because the other party was late.As if thinking of something, the smile on the corner of his mouth raised slightly, which was extremely beautiful.

The eyes are all charming, and there is a happiness that cannot be concealed.

Three days passed in a flash, and the discomfort of that night has almost recovered.Thinking of that night, Shi Shi's enthusiasm was like fire, reaching the deepest part of him again and again, clinging to his shoulders, and being led into the torrent of desire by him.

The feeling of being tightly integrated with him was extremely pleasant in body and mind, even if I woke up early the next morning, my whole body was in unbearable pain like falling apart.I didn't even get up to prepare breakfast early in the morning, and I didn't wake up until ten o'clock in the morning.

When I arrived at the company in the afternoon, when I looked at other people's eyes, I felt that they were looking at her with strange eyes.

"Does it still hurt?"

In Shi Shi's office, Shi Shi's eyes made her face hot.

Because too immersed in happiness, did not pay attention to the surrounding environment.

Li Muran just arrived at the club at this time, Shangguan Xuan just got into the elevator, the elevator just closed, and Li Muran's back foot just arrived.

As soon as Shangguan Xuan stepped out of the elevator, she saw someone approaching her as soon as she stepped out.

"Practice people."

When Shangguan Xuan felt a strange breath coming, she retreated reflexively.But because it was too sudden, no matter how timely she retreated, her nails still slid across her cheek, causing Shangguan Xuan to gasp in pain.

Quickly took a few steps back, looking at the woman in front of her with high heels and delicate makeup.Although the makeup was excellent, she still couldn't hide the haggard look on her face.Her gaze was looking at her fiercely, and her eyes were full of hatred...

"You've got the wrong person, I don't know you."

Shangguan Xuan was slapped inexplicably, and her expression changed slightly.However, looking at the haggard look of the woman in front of him.She must have recognized the wrong person. Looking at her like this, she must have been seriously injured, and she recognized herself as the wrong person...

Shangguan Xuan suppressed her temper and didn't care about the woman in front of her.There is some pain on the face, and I don't know what it looks like.

Turning around, I was about to go to the bathroom to see my face, to see if I could cover it up...

"You little trampling man, stop for me, today I have to shave the face of your cheap hoof, let you seduce other men's men again, your mistress who can be punished by everyone, trample!"

As soon as the woman saw that Shangguan Xuan ignored her and turned around to leave, the anger in her eyes obviously grew worse.Stepping on the high-heeled shoes, she took great strides, grabbed Shangguan Xuan's wrist with one hand, and clasped it with great force, cursing in her mouth.

"Look at this, everyone. It's this cheap man who specializes in seducing others. He knew how to seduce a good friend's boyfriend at the age of 19, and broke up others... Now he is eating his bowl and still dominating the pot, and he actually seduces my husband. ...Let my husband's heart and soul hang on this bastard's body..."

Immediately, when people who were originally on the sidelines heard about Xiaosan, some women were deeply hurt by it, and they seemed to be struck by a sympathy, and immediately began to join in...

At the age of 19, it was a thorn in her heart, a thorn she wanted to pull out but could never get rid of.

His face was already pale when he heard what happened at the age of 19.He didn't even know he was being held by the wrist, and everyone pointing and pointing didn't respond.

Everyone who was still skeptical at first thought that she had acquiesced when they saw Shangguan Xuan's expression changed.Immediately, each sentence became more ugly than a sentence of sarcasm.

The woman holding Shangguan Xuan was even more proud...

"Kill you, you bastard."

Seeing Shangguan Xuan's distraction, the woman thought of the scene she saw a few days ago, and thought that this woman had gotten all his attention.Thinking of the gentle eyes he looked at her, all the anger had gathered on her.I wish I could tear her apart and let her disappear in this world...


When the woman raised her hand, she was clasped by a pair of big hands, and then Shangguan Xuan was taken away with a little dazed body, and leaned into an embrace.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Li Muran looked at Shangguan Xuan who was in his arms with a pale face, and his eyes were stained with distress.Protecting her behind him, he looked coldly at the woman in front of him.

"You still said that you have nothing to do with her, and you also said that divorcing me has nothing to do with her. Then what are you doing to protect her, this trample, seduce you, let you divorce me, why can't I beat her. "

Shangguan Xuan's lips were frighteningly white as she looked at the woman in front of her.She is beautiful, but her face is distorted because of jealousy and anger.When he saw Li Muran protecting him, his face was even more terrifying.


Li Muran glanced at Shangguan Xuan, then suddenly walked up to the woman opposite, stretched out his hand to hold her, and said in a cold voice, "Let's go."

"Let go of me, I'm going to clean up this tramp, I'm going to ruin her charming face, and see how she comes out to seduce men."

Li Muran ignored the woman's clamor and dragged her away.And with the woman's departure, the discussion here has not stopped.Shangguan Xuan stood where she was, bearing everyone's gaze.


After talking about Zhou Lei's matter, the car passed by here, thinking that Shangguan Xuan had an appointment with President Li today, so she wanted to come over to say hello, and go back with Xiaoxiao by the way.

It's just that when she came up, she saw Shangguan Xuan standing there, her face was terribly pale.There were still three scratches on his cheeks, and discussions could be faintly heard around him.

"Looking at the innocent look she pretended to be, she started seducing men at the age of 19. She is really a natural mistress."

"That's right, the man who seduces his best friend is the cheapest."

"It's really humiliating."

Zhou Lei clearly saw that Shangguan Xuan's face turned paler, he put his arms around Shangguan Xuan, and looked at the guilt and sadness in her eyes.His gaze swept around coldly, looking back at those gazes cast here one by one, he hugged Shangguan Xuan tightly and walked in...


Shangguan Xuan was led away from the crowd and looked at Zhou Lei beside her.After hearing about Liu Yan and about the events of the year she was 19 years old, her brain automatically shut down, and she couldn't calm down even if she wanted to calm down.

"I'm going to touch up my makeup first."

I didn't dare to look into Zhou Lei's eyes. Some people, like a taboo, dare not mention it.

I'm not sure if Zhou Lei heard it, and I dare not look at his expression at the moment.

He let go of his hand and hurriedly walked towards the bathroom.

Zhou Lei stood where he was, looking at Shangguan Xuan's back...

It's not very bright here, and shadows hit his face layer by layer, obscure...


In the evening, Shangguan Xuan stayed behind.

However, the pain of being torn apart in the heart, memories, are always the most hurtful.

Liu Yan...

Liu Yan...

These are two words that she can't forget, and they are also two words that Shishi can't forget.

Until, the two entangled bodies calmed down from their enthusiasm.Until, his breathing began to become even.But Shangguan Xuan couldn't fall asleep, looking at Zhou Lei who was used to sleeping with his back to her.Shangguan Xuan reached out and hugged him from behind, and pressed her face against his naked back.

Stone... what should I do, I'm getting greedy, I want to stay by your side forever and ever...

Greedy and afraid, one day you will not want me...

An unsteady mind, an unquiet heart...

The man who was sleeping with his back turned seemed to sense the uneasiness of the woman behind him.Turning around suddenly, she put her arms around Shangguan Xuan who was also naked.Without opening her eyes, her big hand gently stroked her slightly damp long hair.

Hoarseness after drowsiness and lust...

"Go to sleep."

A kiss landed on her hair, Shangguan Xuan's nose was sore.He even hugged Zhou Lei's waist tightly, rubbed himself into his arms, and closed his eyes...

When the shallow breathing came from his arms, Zhou Lei looked down at Shangguan Xuan who was sleeping in his arms, frowning.

Let go of your arms, stand up, put on your nightgown casually, get up and walk to the balcony.I lit a cigarette and took a deep puff, but I couldn't feel sleepy anymore.

Shangguan Xuan, who was let go, had just slept for a while, and her sleep was not peaceful.Surrounded by her warmth and leaving, Shangguan Xuan opened her eyes, half of the bed was empty.There was a familiar figure standing on the balcony.The smoke in my hand flickers on and off.

Shangguan Xuan bit her lips lightly...

Some people have never left the heart of the stone.She actually knew that it was her choice.

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