the president's wife

Chapter 129: Missing You

Chapter 129: Missing you for half a month after entering school, very few girls choose business administration. In the business administration major with a seriously imbalanced ratio, Cheng Hanlei, An Ran and the two girls in the same dormitory are also known as the four golden flowers among the freshmen of business administration Flowers, the key objects of protection, strive to be self-produced and self-consumed, to prevent being peeped by foreign departments and schools.

"Han Lei, An Ran, you are from City S, right? You have big news in City S today. Come and take a look."

Of the two girls in the same dormitory, the one who spoke just now was a woman from Suzhou, petite and exquisite.It is said that beautiful women come out of Suzhou and Hangzhou, and Ling Yu'er can be said to be a typical classical beauty.The standard oval face, big watery eyes, and long black hair, look like a beautiful ink painting when you look at it quietly, but when you look at it moving...

"Ahhhhhhhh, so handsome. My God, Han Lei, An Ran, do you know him? Have you ever met a real person? Oh my god, he's so handsome. This man is too charming."

Move like a cunning rabbit.When Cheng Hanlei was pulled in front of the computer by a strong force, when the force that squeezed her arm was black, half a month in the dormitory, the first impression of Cheng Hanlei and An Ran was broken on the first day, this girl Practiced martial arts since childhood, she looks petite and delicate, weak and weak.But anyone who knows Ling Yu'er knows that Ling Yu'er must have been cast in the wrong baby, ruining this delicate and pitiful skin in vain.

"Yu'er, it hurts."

Cheng Hanlei didn't look at the computer screen, but only cared about the pain in her wrist.Holding Ling Yu'er's bright wrist, begging for mercy.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm excited, I'm excited."

After Ling Yu'er found out that she had not controlled her strength well, she immediately apologized.Looking at you with a pitiful look, that look makes it impossible for anyone to say anything wrong with her.

"Yu'er, we have to ask you to be less excited in the future. If you get excited once a day, our bodies can't bear it. You really think that our bodies are the same as yours, with endless power hidden inside. One day, three of us will be unloaded by you."

Zhu Yuqing, who was sleeping on the upper bunk of Ling Yu'er, was holding a comic book in her hand. She had a beautiful face and slender, straight legs. She was the tallest girl in the dormitory and the closest to a vixen's appearance.It's just a pity that this girl has a face, but the whole universe has to be cast aside. Her favorite is manga and anime, and she is even more rotten.

"Go, go, Zhu Yuqing, go read your comics, I have nothing to talk about with you, a ferocious non-human being."

Ling Yu'er gave Zhu Yuqing a blank look, why didn't she ask Zhu Yuqing to watch, because as long as it was a man, as long as it was a three-point handsome man, he would be able to seduce him into obsession, and he couldn't stand it.

She still wants to find a handsome pot to marry, but she has been seduced by her, who will she find in the future.

An Ran smiled and looked at the two bickering girls in the dormitory. She used to be very afraid that if she lived with someone, she would encounter difficulties, but now...

Leaning in front of the computer, An Ran glanced at Cheng Hanlei when she saw who the person appeared on the screen.

Cheng Hanlei glanced at the screen as if nothing had happened, without any strange expression on her face, she said, "Is that him?"

"Yes, yes, Lei Chenyi, I heard that the deputy mayor of City S thinks highly of him. This year's general election votes are very high, and it seems that he will officially enter the Legislative Yuan the day after tomorrow. Look at her fiancée, it's a godsend to stand beside him Hey. God is really unfair, why don't you give me a handsome guy. A dewy marriage is also good."

Ling Yu'er was flipping through the news while talking.

"By the way, it says he is from the same school as yours. I remember that your school has a university department. Haven't you seen him?"

"Yu'er, Han Lei and I are not like you. We drool when we see a handsome guy. When we were in high school, we only knew how to study and take the college entrance examination. How can we care about famous people?"

An Ran squeezed Ling Yu'er's cute little face, then glanced at Cheng Hanlei.She saw the photo below, Feng Zhenzhen held Lei Chenyi's arm without hesitation, and kissed Lei Chenyi on the face.And it says that the two people are getting married soon... On the other side of the news, gossip is always everywhere.

"Go, go, you don't know how to appreciate."

"It's you who are too gossip."

"This is called paying attention to current affairs, what do you know, this is called keeping pace with the times."

Ling Yu'er ignored the three uncooperative girls, bowed her head and began to seriously study Lei Chenyi's handsomeness.

That night, Cheng Hanlei tossed and turned, and didn't sleep well all night.There are only four words that come to mind, good things are coming.

Are he and Feng Zhenzhen getting married?


In high school, peach blossoms were almost killed in the cradle, but after entering M University.Originally, there were more girls and boys, but Cheng Hanlei's beauty caused a wave of excitement.When they heard that a peerless beauty had arrived in the freshman year, no matter if they were from the department or from other departments, they all bet on who could pick this beautiful flower.

From the first day of school, Cheng Hanlei began to face invitations at least ten times a day.And every day, there will be repeated or different people standing downstairs holding a bouquet of flowers, and there are countless gifts.

Cheng Hanlei and An Ran walked out of the cafeteria carrying two water bottles, and immediately two people greeted them.

"Sister, let me help you."

"Need not."

"Sister, are you free tomorrow? Have dinner together."

"No time."

"Sister, I will help you reserve a seat tomorrow."

"I'll take it myself."

"School girl..."

"School girl..."

Today's peach blossoms seem to be blooming extraordinarily much. I don't know if the rumors of the two of them have been spread in the past half a month. They rushed to death on the beach one by one. Instead of dispelling everyone's enthusiasm, the wave is higher than the wave. heat wave.It seems that conquering Cheng Hanlei and An Ran has become the common goal of all men in M ​​University.

Cheng Hanlei frowned more and more at such trouble.Some are secretly thinking about whether they need to take out the high school set, even if they put on an iceberg beauty, it is better than a bobo heat wave like this.

After finally breaking through the tight siege, and approaching the dormitory, Cheng Hanlei just got rid of a difficult sophomore senior who insisted on asking her to watch a movie.The two of them looked at each other helplessly, and suddenly felt a scorching gaze cast on themselves. Cheng Hanlei was too sensitive to that gaze, her body stopped involuntarily, and she looked towards the third floor not far away.

"what happened?"

Finding something wrong with Cheng Hanlei beside her, An Ran asked.


Cheng Hanlei shook her head, maybe she was thinking too much, how could he appear on campus.At the beginning, the two agreed not to appear here easily.

At this time, on the third floor of the VIP room, a figure stood in front of the window, taking in the scenery downstairs and the scene of two people being surrounded all the way.


On Saturdays and Sundays, both Cheng Hanlei and An Ran work late, so they usually live outside.

The two people's residences are not far away. When living outside, both of them have a tacit understanding not to sleep with each other.As if carefully guarding the little bit of self-esteem in their hearts, that house contained too many things that each other didn't want to show in front of others.

At twelve o'clock, Cheng Hanlei appeared at the gate of the community a little tired.

Take out the key and open the door.

I'm a little tired, because of the news that Ling Yu'er said last time, I haven't slept well these two days.Dragging his tired body, he walked into the room. As soon as he entered the room, his waist suddenly tightened, and the hot breath swept over him.

"and many more……"

"I don't want to wait."

Lei Chenyi controlled Cheng Hanlei's hand with one hand, and pulled it up.


When it was over, Lei Chenyi clasped Cheng Hanlei's waist, reached out and pressed the lamp on one side, and then looked at Cheng Hanlei, who was leaning in his arms with a blushing complexion.

"How did you come?"

It took Cheng Hanlei a long time to regain her senses. After being tortured for two hours, her body seemed to be falling apart.The hands on the waist were clasped tightly, sticking to Lei Chenyi's sweaty body.Cheng Hanlei asked with an unsteady voice, shouldn't he be in S City?

"Miss you……"

The two words that Lei Chenyi blurted out, he was slightly stunned, and added calmly: "Your body."

When Cheng Hanlei heard Lei Chenyi's answer, the emotions that had been floating just because of the word "you" fell to the bottom, and she became silent in an instant.

"Very popular at school."

After the two of them were silent for a long time, Lei Chenyi suddenly spoke again.

Cheng Hanlei is very clear about Lei Chenyi's character.When she was in high school, everyone around her was quietly made disappear by him using various reasons.Although she never said it, she understood it very well.

His possessiveness is so strong...

"how do you know?"

In high school before, he was in the same school, so it was natural to know clearly.But now, he is in city s, how would he know.

"Are you investigating me? Lei Chenyi, even if I have the obligation to satisfy your desire, it doesn't mean I can't make friends. The agreement doesn't say that I can't have other boyfriends."

"You want other men?"

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