Chapter 123: Lei Chenyi walked outside, stopped slightly, and turned his head to look at the closed door.He thought about letting her go, but he still couldn't help thinking about the smell of her body. If she wanted to blame, then blame her body for being so attractive that he couldn't get enough of it.One day, when he gets tired of it, he will really let her go, and if he gets her again, he will let her get what she wants...

This deal is a win-win...

With a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, Lei Chenyi turned and walked downstairs.


The VIP box will only receive some distinguished guests.Cheng Hanlei didn't go home last night, but found a hotel to stay overnight.An Ran has not returned from a business trip with Shangguan Rui, and it will take some time for the staff dormitory to be approved.Cheng Hanlei is considering whether to ask Meng Ning to try to approve it in advance...

She was thinking about how to avoid Lei Chenyi, maybe she should hide away from Lei Chenyi, she didn't believe that he could cover everything with one hand.

"Han Lei, go to the VIP box on the second floor."

The foreman glanced at Cheng Hanlei meaningfully, and then looked at Cheng Hanlei with a little strange look in his eyes.Cheng Hanlei didn't notice because she was worried.After taking the menu, Cheng Hanlei walked upstairs.

The second floor is much quieter than usual today, Cheng Hanlei is a little puzzled, the VIP boxes on the second floor are usually only available to senior waiters.Unless they are extremely busy and can't keep up, novices will be asked to come up to serve. The people who sit here are usually people with dignity and status. If the service is not good, it is likely to cause trouble, so there are rules for this requirement.

Today's silence made Cheng Hanlei a little confused. She thought that no one would let her come up, but only after she came up did she realize that something was wrong.

At this time, the person was already standing at the door of the box. Cheng Hanlei's eyes flashed in the eyes of the foreman just now, and he took a few steps back obviously.

It was too late to react, the slightly covered box door was opened, and Lei Chenyi's figure stood there, seeing Cheng Hanlei who was about to retreat, he curled his lips coldly and said: "Cheng Hanlei, as long as you are in S City, you can hide By when?"

In a word, Cheng Hanlei's figure that was about to turn around stopped, and the determination in the eyes looking at Lei Chenyi's face made Cheng Hanlei gently press her lips.

Indeed, why did she hide...

In the spacious VIP room, two people sat opposite each other on the sofa on one side.Cheng Hanlei was sitting at the farthest place from Lei Chenyi, looking at Lei Chenyi who was sitting lazily knocking Erlang's legs, her lips were always pursed.

"have a look."

Lei Chenyi glanced at the cowhide bag on the table, then picked up the cigarette on the table and lit it.

"Lei Chenyi, what do you mean?"

"I want you."

"Why are you?"

"Why? Because I can give you everything you want."

Lei Chenyi exhaled a puff of smoke ring, he did think about letting go of Cheng Hanlei, but the feeling of being alone lingered in his mind for too long.It seems that Cheng Hanlei's breath has been attached to his body, and apart from her, there seems to be no woman who can satisfy his own desires.

He longed for her, and instead of making him feel blinded by watching her make a fool of himself, he would rather stay by his side, satisfying both her and himself.Why not do it.

As soon as Lei Chenyi's voice fell, Cheng Hanlei's eyes changed, and the stubbornly pursed lips were suddenly bitten hard, and the eyes that looked at Lei Chenyi were stained with a storm, and he was preparing to When he spoke, Lei Chenyi had already interrupted Cheng Hanlei's opening, and continued...

"Cheng Hanlei, do you really plan to work as a waiter in a restaurant, or work in a club to get what you want? I know what you want. Just like you, you still want to put You have to know that if it wasn't for me, you would be stepped on and insulted by the Lei family every day when you left the Lei family. Do you think the people of the Lei family will look at you comfortably? Wherever you go, they They will appear everywhere, trample you, and make you unable to fight back. You are still Cheng Hanlei, no matter whether you leave Lei's house or not, you will be trampled on."

Lei Chenyi's voice was very calm, but the words he uttered made Cheng Hanlei's pupils dilate.Hands can't help but quietly clenched...

"Are you asking me to thank you?"

Smiling coldly...

"Thank you, thank you and your family."

Cheng Hanlei stood up, not wanting to talk to Lei Chenyi, his tone, his eyes, and his words made her feel embarrassed.He stood on top of the high-level, but she was like a cloud of mud, ready to be trampled upon.

"Cheng Hanlei, you should know that as long as I want you, you can't escape. If you leave now, you will always come back to beg me."

"I do not know."

Cheng Hanlei had already walked to the door, speaking coldly and firmly.She won't, if she takes the trouble to leave this man and Lei's house, she will definitely be able to do what she wants with her own hands.Now it's only temporary, as long as she works hard, she can't fail to do it.

"I hope you don't slap yourself."

When the door was closed, Cheng Hanlei heard Lei Chenyi's determined voice behind him.

She didn't believe that he could cover the sky with one hand.

Lei Chenyi in the private room picked up the contract on the table, the corner of his mouth twitched Shen slightly, what he wanted, he would definitely get.


Many times, I don't believe it, but when I face the cruelty of reality, Cheng Hanlei is standing at the crossroads with simple luggage in her hand, how did everything happen.In just one day, everything changes.

First, the restaurant. Meng Ning was transferred and said that he was returning to the head office.And the new manager fired her directly on the grounds of layoffs. With a month's salary in hand, Cheng Hanlei received a call from the clubhouse. The same reason didn't even need to be made up.When I took the same envelope and was about to go home and try to find a solution, I saw the landlady standing at the door as soon as I got home, and saw her directly saying that the house had been bought by someone, and that person was willing to compensate her for three months The rent made her move out.If anything, go straight to the new landlord.

Cheng Hanlei knew who the so-called new landlord was without even thinking about it.

At this time, standing at the intersection, Cheng Hanlei gritted her teeth hard.

Isn't all Lei Chenyi doing to force her to find him?When she left this man so firmly in the hospital, she just didn't want to have anything to do with him.She didn't believe that he could really cut off all her retreats.

It's okay for her to leave here.

Cheng Hanlei picked up the phone to make a call to An Ran, leaving here first.Leaving Lei Chenyi's control...

While touching the bag, Cheng Hanlei realized that a big hole had been broken in her bag, she lost her wallet and mobile phone, her bank card, and her ID card were all in the wallet.

police station...

"Miss, we have registered, and we will notify you when we have news."

The police officer at the police station said politely and looked at Cheng Hanlei.

Cheng Hanlei walked out of the police station, the sun was still shining brightly, it was hot and dry in July.But when Cheng Hanlei walked out of the police station, her whole body was cold.

In fact, she knew that there was little hope when she came to the police station to report the crime. She could even imagine who owns her things now.

When Cheng Hanlei was in despair, the small apartment suddenly flashed in her mind, which was given to her by Shangguan Jue.Later, because Lei Chenyi didn't like it there, it was left vacant all the time.

Cheng Hanlei found the change in her pocket as if she had found a life-saving straw, and took the car to the small apartment.

It's still a familiar neighborhood, and I haven't been here for more than half a year.

The administrator of the community has changed, and when he walked in, standing at the door, the key had already been taken away by Lei Chenyi.At this moment, Cheng Hanlei was standing in the property. She hadn't lived in it for a long time and lost the key.After searching for a long time, Cheng Hanlei was always allowed to find a lock-picking company to help open the door.

Cheng Hanlei looked at the dozens of dollars in her pocket, not even enough to pay for the lock.Without an ID card, a replacement card cannot be issued.I made a phone call to report the loss, and had to reapply for an ID card.An Ran was not there again, Cheng Hanlei finally touched the necklace her mother left for her.

Gritting her teeth, Cheng Hanlei put her luggage at the property, walked directly to a pawn shop one stop away, and handed over the necklace tremblingly.

Holding the 1000 yuan in her hand, Cheng Hanlei bit her lips and walked out of the pawn shop. She would not give up until the end. She didn't believe that she couldn't do it with her own strength.

She studied so hard and was so good, she didn't believe that she couldn't do it.

After opening the lock, changing the lock, and paying the money, I only have a few hundred yuan left on me.

Cheng Hanlei went to reapply for a temporary ID card, and it took three days to get it.Cheng Hanlei started looking for jobs, one after another, no matter what kind of job it was, as long as she went, the answer would be negative.

Three days later, Cheng Hanlei persisted for three days, barely slept, and searched for job information day and night, only to be disappointed again and again, and when Cheng Hanlei was denied again, she walked alone in the crowded place. In the crowd.

University used to be her way out, so the college entrance examination was her most important thing.And lost the college entrance examination, missed the university opportunity.So, she thought that since she is so good, she will always have a place in the society. With her hard work, she will definitely be able to achieve a career success, and she will definitely be able to do it.

She always thought that she could do it, as long as she worked hard, she could do it.It's just that she now deeply understands how realistic and cruel this society is.Education, background, experience, and human relationships are not just covering the sky with one hand, but no one is willing to offend a man with a bright future for an ordinary girl who graduated from high school.

As long as he said something casually, no one would think about her.

A car was parked in front of the apartment.When Cheng Hanlei walked over in a daze, the car door was pushed open.

When Cheng Hanlei saw Zuo Jianning, she stood silently.

"He asked you to come."

"Get in the car first, I'll take you to eat."

Zuo Jianning smiled softly, stretched out his hand to open the car door, Cheng Hanlei hesitated for a moment, and followed Zuo Jianning into the car.

The car stopped at an elegant restaurant, and the two walked in one after the other.Sitting in the private seat, Cheng Hanlei listened to Zuo Jianning ordering meals, all of which were light dishes.After the waiter left, Zuo Jianning looked at Cheng Hanlei and said, "Cheng Hanlei, if you confront Lei like this, the only one who suffers in the end is yourself."

"Did he ask you to convince me to submit?"

Cheng Hanlei smiled coldly, her eyes were gloomy.She didn't want to admit it, but she could still insist.It's only been three days...


"You are willing to do it for him again? Such a man, why do you do it so thoroughly."

"As long as you feel it's worth it."

Zuo Jianning no longer denied his feelings for Lei Chenyi, these few days, Lei Chenyi almost worked in the car, wherever Cheng Hanlei went, he went there.And he followed Lei Chenyi and was responsible for blocking Cheng Hanlei.Starting from working in the restaurant, he felt a little tired seeing the two of them persevering in this tug-of-war.

"Do you know Wang Yalan, the current CEO of Xuyu Group?"


Cheng Hanlei doesn't know why Zuo Jianning mentioned this woman, Wang Yalan, almost everyone in S City has heard of her rumors, she is a mythical existence, 32 years old, and at a young age, she is the head of a top 26 company in the country people.The most important thing is that she used to be just a low-level actor, but in just five years, she owned her own company at the age of 30, and even at the age of [-], many people regarded her as an idol.

"Do you know how she got started?"

Zuo Jianning looked at the interest on Cheng Hanlei's face, and asked as if chatting.

"I've heard some."

"I think it's nothing more than being adopted and other lace news. In fact, it is true. But she used to be someone else's mistress. She was someone else's mistress for five years at the age of 20, and five years later, she owned this company. Someone once said that she She got it by relying on her body, but obviously, no one would say that about her now. She has proved her ability with time. Everyone can only see her current scenery, and how did she get the first sum of money? Who cares about Jin. After all, even if someone cares, according to the current Wang Yalan, she can move a little finger to make those who talk about her gossip regret that they said right and wrong about her."

"Heroes don't ask where they come from. In this society, people will only see your success. As for how you succeeded, who will care about it. Everyone can see the scenery in front of you. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zuo Jianning's voice was gentle, and he spoke lightly.Cheng Hanlei listened quietly, she knew the meaning of Zuo Jianning's words very well.

"Cheng Hanlei, follow Lei, at least he can guarantee everything you want. You should be very clear about Lei's status in Lei's family, and how much Xu Peifen and Lei Zhendong don't want you to be with Lei. Speaking of now, on the one hand, the Lei family will not abandon Lei's future, so they will not expose that Lei is with you and ruin Lei. Let's take a step back and say that for Xu Peifen and Lei Chendong, you are with Lei. Definitely stepping on their faces. You can imagine how tortured they are, don't you enjoy seeing them suffer?"

4000 sent.Monthly ticket [320] plus change.Sell ​​morals and ask for a monthly pass.

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