the president's wife

Chapter 118: I want to die, I will fulfill you (4000) Teacher Zhang Jiageng

Chapter 118: I want to die, I will fulfill you (4000) On Teacher's Day, Jiageng's anger was very obvious. The nurse standing at the door didn't dare to speak, but dared to falter and watch Lei Chenyi leave. Heitianli, can this not work?Lei Chenyi, how far do you want me to go to let me go...

************************************************** **

I don't want to open my eyes. If I really die like this, it's fine.But the consciousness gradually became clear, and when he opened his eyes, he could hear An Ran's crying and begging.

"Senior, I beg you to let Han Lei go, she is really dying."

An Ran cried very sadly, slowly opened her eyes, and saw Lei Chenyi looking at her indifferently, and the drip was hung up again.An Ran stood aside, begging Lei Chenyi.

Lei Chenyi pursed his lips indifferently and did not speak...

Cheng Hanlei opened her eyes, because the infusion of glucose added a little strength to her body, almost without hesitation, Cheng Hanlei reached out and pulled out the infusion needle on her hand, and blood gushed out immediately.And that action caused An Ran, who was standing on the side, to press the needle's eye nervously, and cried, "Han Lei, please, don't do this. You are really going to die."

Cheng Hanlei didn't speak, just closed her eyes and her breathing was a little short.

Lei Chenyi stood aside and looked at Cheng Hanlei's face. Two hours ago, when he turned to leave, the nurse screamed that Cheng Hanlei had fainted.Rescue the nutrient solution, and then infuse glucose.

Looking at Cheng Hanlei, who opened his eyes and began dripping, Lei Chenyi's eyes became colder and colder.

Her life was being lost, but her firm attitude shocked him.She thought she was just scaring herself, trying to escape him in this way.

He's betting that she won't really risk her life, but obviously, she really has the determination to die...

"Do you really want to die? Very good, I will fulfill you."

Lei Chenyi's voice was very low, as if it came from hell, echoing in the ward.

Lei Chenyi's big hand suddenly grabbed Cheng Hanlei's neck, An Ran was startled when she saw it, and immediately rushed over.

"Senior, what are you doing, let go."

An Ran pulled Lei Chenyi's hand, but Lei Chenyi just easily shook off An Ran with the other hand, the strength in his hand gradually increased, looking at his already weak, pale and sickly face, it slowly turned blue at this moment.

An Ran was dizzy from being thrown, and when she got up, she was thrown away by Lei Chenyi again.He watched Lei Chenyi pinch Cheng Hanlei helplessly.

Cheng Hanlei looked at Lei Chenyi with a look of relief.

No struggle, just slowly close your eyes.

The strength in Lei Chenyi's hand was not very heavy, but to Cheng Hanlei, it was enough to cause her pain.Cheng Hanlei's face became more and more ugly, and Lei Chenyi waited for Cheng Hanlei to beg for mercy, but as the strength in his hands increased, Cheng Hanlei did not respond at all.

The hand suddenly let go as if it had been scalded, and Cheng Hanlei was pulled back when she was about to die.With one hand propped on the bed, he panted hard.

"Han Lei."

An Ran got up and looked at the weak and painful Cheng Hanlei, tears streaming down her face.Obviously during that time, she saw that her senior treated Han Lei very well.Although it is said that Han Lei and the senior are brothers and sisters, but seeing that the senior treats Han Lei so well.She thought that as long as they were in love, nothing else mattered.

But why after the college entrance examination, everything changed, Han Lei changed, even the seniors changed.She was really shocked when she saw that the senior was really going to kill Han Lei just now.As for Han Lei, who really wanted to die, she asked Han Lei what happened to them, but Han Lei didn't mention a word.

Lei Chenyi withdrew his hand, only feeling the burning pain in the hand that pinched Cheng Hanlei just now.And looking at Cheng Hanlei, his eyes gradually became tainted with a very cold breath.

"You would rather die than stay by my side? Is it so painful to stay by my side? Huh?"

That voice, every word he uttered, carried a chill down to the bone.

Cheng Hanlei's small face, which had been silent all the time, slowly turned her gaze when she heard Lei Chenyi's words, and looked at Lei Chenyi, with a touch of despair in her eyes.The corner of his mouth twitched slightly and said, "Staying by your side is worse than death."

Cheng Hanlei spoke very slowly, and every word she uttered was like being slapped several times.

Lei Chenyi's face was even more ashen...

Seeing Lei Chenyi's livid face, Cheng Hanlei said with some difficulty: "Lei Chenyi, I have nothing left. You have nothing to threaten me... I'm not even afraid of death, what else should I be afraid of... you Don't let me go, then you can entangle with my corpse..."

With the last word, Cheng Hanlei raised the corners of her lips coldly.

Lei Chenyi's breathing became more and more rapid, and Lei Chenyi saw Cheng Hanlei's expression, only seeing her firmness.Staying by his side is worse than dying.

A woman who doesn't know good from bad, he has never cared so much about a woman except her.

Did she really think that he wanted her, really wanted to keep her by his side?

Very good, do you want to leave?Doing so much is nothing more than wanting to leave, and he fulfilled her.

"Do you want to leave? I'll help you."

Coldly, thin lips parted lightly, every word, those words that were as indifferent as ice, Lei Chenyi strode away and turned to leave.Abandoning Cheng Hanlei who was limp on the hospital bed, and An Ran who was stunned.

The ward was quiet, An Ran stared dumbfounded at Cheng Hanlei lying on the bed, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, wanting to speak, but the atmosphere in the ward made An Ran unable to utter a single word.

Staring blankly at Cheng Hanlei...

Cheng Hanlei lay there, as if it took a long time to regain her strength.

Slowly propping up his limp body, looking at An Ran, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly and said, "An Ran...I'm fine...don't worry!"

Because she was too weak, every word she uttered was very quiet.

Forced to smile, An Ran's eyes were even more reddened by his weakness.

"Han Lei..."

An Ran's throat got stuck, and she couldn't bear it.

"I want to eat, I'm so hungry."

Gently, almost silently.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you something to eat. You wait for me."

"it is good."

Gently nodded, watching An Ran hear that she wanted to eat, and immediately ran out of the ward happily, when the door of the ward was gently closed, Cheng Hanlei leaned on the bedside, looking at the not far away The place where Lei Chenyi smashed the bowl.The imprint on the ground made the eye sockets inexplicably sour...

Severely dehydrated, she raised her hand weakly, and slowly approached the water on one side. When she picked it up, the weight of a glass of water made Cheng Hanlei feel powerless.

Panting, looking at the water.

He leaned close to his lips, and wet those chapped lips.

Trying to sip a little more, as the water slipped down his throat.I haven't had anything to drink or eat for a long time, and my throat is so dry.He had just vomited, but now water slipped into his throat, and a violent cough swept over him.The cup in Cheng Hanlei's hand fell unsteadily on the bed, and propped up on the bed with one hand, she began to cough violently.

With the coughing, the blackness in front of my eyes bursts.And the snot and tears from the cough crawled all over his face, obviously he hadn't drank water for three days, but there were so many tears from the cough at this time.

Her head was lowered on the sheet in pain, a large piece of sheet was soaked by water, Cheng Hanlei pressed on it, letting the tears roll out wantonly.

The heart is as if broken, the pain in the body is far less than the pain in the heart, it is so oppressive and uncomfortable.

It's good to be leaving.It's great to be free, but why, her heart is so tightly twisted, it hurts so much that she feels uncomfortable.

The coughing had stopped long ago, but the tears still couldn't stop flowing down. Cheng Hanlei lay there until Anran came back from shopping and pushed open the door of the ward. When she saw Cheng Hanlei who was there with her head down, she couldn't help crying out worriedly: " Han Lei."

When Cheng Hanlei heard An Ran's voice, she still held the water glass in her hand, bit her lip lightly, moved her head slightly, let the dry quilt dry up her tears, and then slowly raised her eyes. At the beginning, he looked at An Ran and smiled wryly, a little self-deprecating.

"I haven't eaten for a long time, I have no energy, look, I spilled the glass of water on the bed."

That voice is very light.

An Ran stood beside Cheng Hanlei, listening very clearly.

Looking at Cheng Hanlei's obviously red and swollen eyes, and a large wet area in the bed sheet.We both know exactly how much water and how much tears are inside.

"What did you buy me? I'm so hungry..."

Seeing that An Ran didn't speak, Cheng Hanlei just stood there, looked at herself full of distress, and then smiled slightly, even though the smile was so ugly.

Joking in a weak voice, he pointed to the food in An Ran's hand...

"I just bought the porridge downstairs. You haven't eaten for three days. I'll ask the doctor to give you some nutrient solution. You can drink some porridge first. I'll go buy fish and make soup for you later."

"it is good."

Nodding her head, she watched An Ran sitting on the side, feeding the porridge little by little.

Suppressing the feeling of nausea, in order to force Lei Chenyi, she tortured her body.At this time, he swallowed the porridge one mouthful, thinking of what she did when Lei Chenyi fed him before.This time, Lei Chenyi really let go, in fact, he is just curious about himself, maybe the incest with his sister made him find a new feeling.

As he himself said, she was his pet.He hasn't played enough...

From the beginning to the end, the two of them from the beginning to the present, what Lei Chenyi said was just playing with words.She was his plaything, that's all.

She shouldn't be moved, can't be moved.The Lei family had already made her completely desperate, and getting involved with Lei Chenyi only made her future more painful.

She has no other choice but to completely escape from the place that makes her suffer, and the person who makes her suffer.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Cheng Hanlei felt that her body finally had some strength.Leaning back on the hospital bed, exhaled a long breath, looked at An Ran and smiled hard: "An Ran, I am free."

That voice was still a little hoarse, but it made An Ran's heart ache.

She knew that Cheng Hanlei was forcing a smile on her face. She didn't take the college entrance examination, so she didn't dare to imagine what Cheng Hanlei would do in the future.

"Han Lei..."

An Ran packed her things silently, then sat on the side and looked at Cheng Hanlei and said, "What are you going to do?"


Cheng Hanlei spoke softly, with a hint of confusion in her eyes.But soon he recovered a smile and said: "First take care of your health and leave the hospital. I still have some money on me. After you leave the hospital, find a place to live and wait for you to decide which university to go to. I will go there to accompany you and make it for you in the evening." meal."

"Han Lei..."

"I can still take the adult college entrance examination, um. I'm so smart, I can definitely pass the entrance exam..."

"Han Lei..."

"If it doesn't work, will you support me after you graduate from university?"

Cheng Hanlei closed it with a chuckle, but her eyes were so distracted.A touch of sadness spread in her eyes. In fact, she couldn't take the college entrance examination, and she was very confused about the future.It's just that at this stage, the only thing she can think of is to leave Lei's house.

Leave that man Lei Chenyi, leave the source of all harm...

"Okay. Han Lei, I will take care of you, trust me."


Cheng Hanlei nodded, the two held hands together, it was just that An Ran tried so hard to warm Cheng Hanlei's little hand, but Cheng Hanlei's hand was always so cold, the coldness went straight to the bottom of her heart.


An Ran left, and she was the only one left in the ward.

It was a very quiet ward, with only one floor lamp left.

There was a faint pain in the heart again, the doctor came and said that Lei Chenyi had swiped the card.She can rest here until her body recovers and then leave.Cheng Hanlei lay on it, she had clearly achieved her goal, but why was her heart still so heavy?

In fact, just not used to it.

Probably just not used to it.

Close your eyes, obviously your body is very tired and needs to rest, but Cheng Hanlei's brain is very clear.

In fact, she is reluctant.

Three days later, Cheng Hanlei was discharged from the hospital.The things she had in Lei's house were useful and had already been packed to the place where the two of them lived, while Lei Chenyi helped buy the rest.Those books and materials are all she needs.Cheng Hanlei waited downstairs for quite a while, and when she was sure that Lei Chenyi was not there, she quietly walked up.

After taking out the key, but it couldn't be inserted, Cheng Hanlei realized that Lei Chenyi had already changed the lock.

Standing where she was, Cheng Hanlei was a little confused.Even if she doesn't want the book, but the necklace her mother left for her is inside, because it is inconvenient to take it to school, so it has been kept in the box.That was the only thing my mother left for herself, and she had to take it back no matter what.

After thinking for a while, only one person came to mind, so Cheng Hanlei called Zuo Jianning.

Zuo Jianning answered the phone, but said lightly: "I can't help you, you should contact Lei yourself."

Without giving Cheng Hanlei a chance to speak again, Zuo Jianning has already hung up the phone...

Cheng Hanlei stood at the door in a daze for a while, holding the phone in her hand, trying to pull it out countless times, but finally closed it silently.Biting her lip, she walked downstairs. After walking a few steps, Cheng Hanlei had no choice but to take out her phone again and dialed Lei Chenyi's number.

8000 plus more will be sent.Monthly ticket [300] plus change.

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