the president's wife

Chapter 114: (Monthly ticket plus update)

Chapter 114: (Monthly ticket plus update) Raised his head to look at Lei Chenyi and shouted happily, with a sweet smile on his mouth, but when he saw the expression on Lei Chenyi's face who pushed the door in, it was full of sinister His eyes revealed a cold and murderous intent.Lei Xiwen's sweet smile froze at the corner of her mouth...

The Tang held in his hand couldn't help being clasped a little bit, holding Xu Peifen tightly with one hand seemed to be seeking a little bit of strength to rely on.

With every step Lei Chenyi took, Lei Xiwen couldn't help leaning a little behind Xu Peifen.With shrunken eyes, she looked at Lei Chenyi in fear, unable to smile anymore.

"Chen Yi, Han Lei is awake?"

Since Lei Chenyi said yesterday that she should not appear in front of him, Xu Peifen didn't dare to look for Lei Chenyi again.Seeing Lei Chenyi appearing at this time, Xu Peifen's heart couldn't help but twitched with that look in his eyes.He looked at Lei Chenyi strong and calmly, and asked with a touch of temptation, if it was...

With a look, Lei Chenyi made Xu Peifen's words choke in his throat again.

At this moment, Lei Chenyi was already standing by the bed.Xu Peifen seemed to have finally discovered what Lei Chenyi was going to do, when Lei Chenyi reached out his hand, he immediately followed, blocking Lei Xiwen's face and said with a nervous trembling voice: "Chen Yi, what do you want to do. "

The outstretched hand was stopped by Xu Peifen, and Xu Peifen blocked Lei Chenyi's entire body, preventing Lei Chenyi from moving.

Lei Chenyi looked at Xu Peifen who was holding in his hand, and immediately withdrew his hand with all his strength, easily throwing Xu Peifen away and falling to the back, he didn't get up for a long time.

Lei Chenyi looked at Lei Xiwen with killing intent in his eyes, and without Xu Peifen's protection, Lei Xiwen's frightened voice was no longer a sentence: "'t..."


Lei Xiwen's terrified voice did not arouse Lei Chenyi's love and compassion at all, and he stretched out his cold big hand rudely, grabbing Lei Xiwen's throat.


Lei Xiwen struggled in fear, the soup in her hand fell to the bed because of her resistance, and splashed on her chest, the scalding temperature made Lei Xiwen's face turn paler from the pain.His body was still very weak after the operation, in front of Lei Chenyi, Lei Chenyi was like crushing an ant to death.

Lei Chenyi watched Lei Xiwen struggling, the dark look in his eyes became more and more intense, and when he saw the more painful expression on Lei Xiwen's face, the strength in his hands became heavier and heavier.

"I said that if Cheng Hanlei has something to do, she is not the only one who has something to do."

That icy voice poured directly into Lei Xiwen's body like ice, so close to death in an instant.The struggle of hands and feet became weaker and weaker, and her eyes became bigger and bigger because of fear. The feeling of suffocation made Lei Xiwen's eyes turn upwards, her lips opened and closed, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end a word Didn't spit it out either.

I just felt that the air was getting thinner and thinner, Lei Chenyi's face enlarged in front of her was becoming more and more ferocious, and the hand on his throat was getting heavier and heavier.

Just when Lei Xiwen's brain was severely hypoxic, her consciousness gradually began to sink into darkness, and the force on her throat became slightly lighter.


When Zuo Jianning rushed over, he saw Lei Chenyi clutching Lei Xiwen's throat at a glance. The posture, expression, and the coldness and killing intent emanating from his body were not a warning at all, but that he really wanted to. kill her heart.

He rushed over quickly, put his hand on Lei Chenyi's wrist, and pulled it back.

Lei Chenyi's hand was held by Zuo Jianning, the strength in his hand was slightly loosened, but he didn't intend to let go at all.When he saw that it was Zuo Jianning, Lei Chenyi said coldly: "Left, let go."

"Ray, are you crazy? You are trying to destroy yourself, is it worth it?"

Zuo Jianning looked at Lei Xiwen who was about to die, and the strength in his hands increased.The two began to show more strength, and Lei Chenyi looked at Zuo Jianning and increased the strength on his hands, "I want her to be buried with Cheng Hanlei."

"Chen Yi, it's my mother's mistake. It's my mother's mistake. Let go of Xiwen. Xiwen has suffered enough since she was a child. Chen Yi, let her go. Xiwen can hardly breathe, mother begs You, Mom, please."

Xu Peifen crawled between Lei Chenyi's legs and hugged Lei Chenyi's thigh, really frightened.Xu Peifen, who always had a proper makeup, was crying all over her face, looking at her daughter who was suffering more and more, and kept begging.Lei Chenyi acted as if he didn't hear it, he was completely immersed in the excitement that Cheng Hanlei couldn't wake up like this...

"Ray, don't go crazy."

Seeing that Lei Chenyi couldn't listen to it at all, Zuo Jianning couldn't help it. The big hand that was clasped on Lei Chenyi's hand suddenly pulled away, raised his hand, and punched Lei Chenyi in the face with a slamming force. , with a punch, Lei Chenyi's face was deflected, and the strength in his hand was also loosened. Zuo Jianning immediately grabbed Lei Chenyi's hand and pushed it back, directly against the wall. Looking at Lei Chenyi's half swollen face from his own beating, he said seriously with eyes that had never been seen before: "Lei, she will be fine. Trust me."

Lei Chenyi's sanity seemed to be gradually returning to his cage, seeing that Xu Peifen had flung himself onto the hospital bed, hugging Lei Xiwen who was coughing violently because of the sudden lack of oxygen.His face was livid from being pinched just now, coughing violently while crying, looking at Lei Chenyi, this time he was really full of fear.At the moment when she was closest to death, Lei Xiwen realized how stupid she was to take her own life just to bet that this man could take a look at her.

Lei Chenyi was panting, his chest heaving violently.Looking at Zuo Jianning, he said word by word: "She can't do anything."

"Believe me."

Zuo Jianning uttered three words, which were full of heavy words.

In the relationship between the two, the person Lei Chenyi trusted the most was Zuo Jianning. When he heard Zuo Jianning say that he believed in him, Lei Chenyi's finally tense body began to relax slightly.

Seeing that Lei Chenyi had finally recovered his composure, Zuo Jianning couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, Lei Xiwen really deserved to die, but if Lei really killed Lei Xiwen, it would not be that simple to deal with.It's not like those little gangsters who can directly cover up with a car accident, and can't find any evidence at all...

His gaze was very deep, and in the end he couldn't bear to see Lei Chenyi in any pain.

After pushing Lei Chenyi, Lei Chenyi moved his body and walked out of the ward, Zuo Jianning followed behind him.After the two of them went out, Xu Peifen rang the bell. When the two of them walked into the elevator, they heard Xu Peifen panicked and said behind him: "Don't let my daughter have trouble, don't let my daughter have trouble. She can't have trouble, I am the only daughter."

Lei Chenyi's face was a little gloomy, and he followed the elevator up.

************************************************** ****

"Why should I help?"

At this time, Yin Kejia was sitting on the dining table, holding a scalpel in his hand, slowly cutting the steak on the plate, and feeding it into his mouth gracefully, without looking at Zuo Jianning.The last time they broke up at Zuo Jianning's house, the two of them never met again. At this time, Zuo Jianning was standing beside Yin Kejia. When he asked Yin Kejia to try, Yin Kejia just insisted Following his actions, there was no reaction.

"Yin Kejia, that's human life."

Zuo Jianning supported the dining table with one hand, grabbed the scalpel from Yin Kejia's hand with the other, and slapped it on the dining table.Make a screeching sound...

Yin Kejia's deep outline paused for a moment, then slowly raised his head, looked at Zuo Jianning, the corners of his lips curled up coldly, and said coldly: "Zuo, when did you think human life was valuable?" ?”

"She's different."

"Why is it different? Just because he is the woman you like men? I should help? Left, I have already made an exception once, don't think I will make an exception again."

Yin Kejia stood up directly and refused indifferently.

Zuo Jianning stood where he was, watched Yin Kejia turn around and leave.With that upright back, he knew what he wanted, and even more what he was unwilling to give.

"How do you want to help?"

Zuo Jianning clasped his hands tightly, he couldn't bear to see Lei Chenyi in such pain.When he was drunk that time, when he was close to Lei Chenyi, what he heard in Lei Chenyi's ear was Cheng Hanlei's name. At that moment, he poured coldness on his desire in an instant.He rushed into the bathroom almost in a state of embarrassment. Even if Lei didn't admit it, he could still feel what kind of position Cheng Hanlei was in his heart.

"Are you going to beg me?"

Having already walked to the sofa, Yin Kejia sat directly on the sofa, picked up the cigarette on the table and lit one, held it between his hands, and took a strong puff.The smell of smoke rushed into his nose, and the strong smell made Yin Kejia's heart feel stuffy.Something was getting more and more depressed in his heart, and his face became more and more uncomfortable with the depression in his heart.

"I beg you."

After a long pause, Zuo Jianning finally spit out slowly.With these three words, the smile on Zuo Jianning's mouth became obviously much colder.Standing there, looking at Yin Kejia who was leaning on the sofa in a leisurely state.The words were almost squeezed out between the teeth.

"Is this how you ask for help?"

Yin Kejia took another deep puff of the cigarette, and when he exhaled the smoke again, it entangled in a circle in the air.The words spit out made Zuo Jianning's body tense even more.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was not warm, Zuo Jianning walked towards Yin Kejia who was sitting on the sofa, put one hand on the sofa, looked at Yin Kejia, and then directly reached down the clothes of Yin Kejia's lower body with his big hand.

The big hand pulled Yin Kejia's belt unskillfully, and watched Yin Kejia slowly pull down the zipper.The hand clasped the edge of Yin Ke's gantry, and pulled it down, and the reaction that had already exploded inside immediately bounced out.

Under Yin Kejia's gaze, Zuo Jianning lowered her head...

The purple girl first sent the monthly ticket to add more changes. 3000 plus more will be sent.The monthly ticket is added to [260].

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