the president's wife

Chapter 101: Extravagance

Chapter 1 and One: Extravagance Cheng Hanlei looked at the blood flowing from between her legs, shivering in pain.

His lips were already pale, and his eyes were fixed on the blood flowing from between his legs on his little face that was completely devoid of blood.The lips were trembling constantly.

The pain eroded the brain, and Cheng Hanlei clearly felt that the strength of her body was disappearing.She wanted to ask for help, but the eyes of everyone she looked at were either mocking or cold.

In this family, except for him, no one has ever given him warmth.None of them are good people.

Lei Chenyi...

As if telepathic, Cheng Hanlei suddenly felt a gaze resting on her body, almost a ray of light in despair, Cheng Hanlei's gaze quickly looked at the stairs, and looked at the figure standing there who didn't know when.

Lei Chenyi.

Cheng Hanlei just raised her head and looked at him with expectant eyes.

she hurts...

Pleading was written in her eyes, and her trembling lips were trembling as her body's strength was gradually drained.Her trembling hands caressed her lower abdomen, her body strength was losing little by little, and no one stepped forward to help her.At that moment, she was so close to death.But the man who gave her a glimmer of hope really appeared.However, he stood there without moving.

Just for a moment, I suddenly felt how ridiculous my hope just now was.The warmth of two bowls of noodles is nothing more than a kind of charity.The warmth of birthday is nothing more than wanting to be more willing to be under his body.

The hand clasped on the lower abdomen was firmly clasped, and it was clear at a glance.Slowly closing her eyes, Cheng Hanlei's body fell limply, as if she had lost the last ray of hope, her eyes were dark, and she fainted in the living room with a bang.

The smell of blood filled the air, making the whole living room look gloomy.

When Xu Peifen saw Cheng Hanlei's gaze, when she saw Lei Chenyi standing at the stairs, an emotion flashed across her face.Quickly stood up and stood in front of Cheng Hanlei, looked at Lei Chenyi standing at the stairs and Feng Zhenzhen who appeared behind Lei Chenyi, before he could speak, he saw Lei Chenyi's gaze cast on her coldly. Xu Peifen's words to let them go back to the room were swallowed by that look in her throat.

I saw Lei Chenyi walking down step by step, and finally stood in the living room, his eyes swept over the people sitting in the living room one by one, and finally looked at Cheng Hanlei who was lying on the ground, when his eyes touched the gap between Cheng Hanlei's legs, When the pool of blood, his complexion has changed drastically.

Quickly withdrawing her gaze, she glanced at Xu Peifen, the coldness in her eyes made Xu Peifen take a step back involuntarily.

"Chen Yi."

Xu Peifen couldn't help murmuring, she had never seen Lei Chenyi like this before.At this time, no one noticed Cheng Hanlei lying on the ground, Lei Chenyi's chest heaved violently, as if he was obviously suppressing something.His eyes swept over the medical examination report on the coffee table, and after only a few steps, he was already beside Cheng Hanlei.

The big hands carefully hugged Cheng Hanlei, Cheng Hanlei had already fallen into a coma.When being hugged, the little hands drooped.Leaning in Lei Chenyi's arms, Lei Chenyi's arms were around her waist, and the hand on Cheng Hanlei's waist was trembling almost invisible.

When being picked up, the glaring scarlet dripped down her snow-white thighs, the moment Lei Chenyi picked up Cheng Hanlei and turned around, he looked at Xu Peifen, his eyes were clearly explaining something .

Xu Peifen couldn't help but took a few steps back in shock from the obviously threatening cold eyes. For the first time, she realized that her son hated herself so much.

************************************************** ******


"What did you say?"

Lei Chenyi looked at the doctor, his deep eyes burst out with strong emotions, because of the impact of inner emotions, the color kept changing.

The doctor was startled by Lei Chenyi's cold voice, but he replied calmly: "The baby hasn't drained completely, if the uterus is not cured and cleaned, it will be life-threatening."

Curettage, these two words shouldn't appear on a girl who doesn't know love at all.

Lei Chenyi's body was still stained with Cheng Hanlei's blood, which was glaring on the white suit, and Lei Chenyi looked at the doctor, clasping his big hands tightly.

"Is there any danger?"

"Any operation is dangerous, but we will try to reduce the risk, please rest assured."

"Don't let anything happen to her."

A few words, with a touch of heaviness.The doctor nodded, pushed open the operating door and walked in.

Cheng Hanlei woke up in a burst of pain. When she opened her eyes and saw the dazzling operating room lights, she couldn't get used to them and closed them instantly.But then he was instantly hurt by the pain in his lower abdomen and suddenly opened his eyes.


The consciousness was not very clear just now, but when the consciousness was clear, the bursts of pain came from below, tearing her body apart.Cheng Hanlei couldn't help crying out because of the pain, and the moment she cried out, she realized that the voice coming out of her throat was so hoarse.

Seeing that Cheng Hanlei woke up, the doctor said soothingly, "We are helping you with a dilation and curettage operation, but it hurts a little, and it will pass in a while, bear with it."

When Cheng Hanlei heard the words, the pupils of her eyes dilated, as if she never thought that the word curettage would appear in her dictionary.

But before he could open his mouth, the heart-piercing pain had already swept over him.Even though the body was being infused with anesthesia, there were still bursts of pain that would tear the body apart from the shock.

His throat was so dry that he couldn't make a sound, he could only whimper like a small animal was trapped.

Outside the operating room, Lei Chenyi stood there, looking at Lei Zhendong and Xu Peifen who followed.Feng Zhenzhen didn't know what method Xu Peifen used to keep her from following. When Lei Chenyi saw Xu Peifen, the coldness in his eyes made Xu Peifen involuntarily pause.

"Chen Yi, why did you send her to the hospital? You can ask Dr. Hu to come home. Do you know the possible consequences of taking her to the hospital like this? If people find out about Lei's family..."

"I have my measure."

Lei Chenyi interrupted Lei Zhendong, now he has no intention of dealing with these two people in front of him.

"Chen Yi, your current identity..."

"I said I have a sense of proportion."

Lei Chenyi's voice was a little bit colder, and during the confrontation between father and son, Li's mother came over nervously: "Mister and wife, the reporter outside."

When Lei Chenyi heard it, the eyes in his eyes became even deeper.He said coldly to Lei Zhendong and Xu Peifen: "Now you leave by the back door, I will deal with it here."

"Chen Yi, you can't stay here."

When Xu Peifen heard Lei Chenyi's words, she immediately objected.She didn't allow her son to be here with Cheng Hanlei, that little tramp. She did all this to break up Lei Chenyi and Cheng Hanlei. If they got together again, everything she had done would be in vain.

"I said I'll deal with it here."

Lei Chenyi's voice was low, and the suppressed anger revealed in that voice made Xu Peifen frown even tighter. Seeing Lei Chenyi glanced at Lei Zhendong indiscriminately, Xu Peifen had no choice but to pull Lei Zhendong and said : "We should trust Chen Yi, he will definitely handle it well. He won't damage the Lei family's reputation, we'd better leave first."

Lei Zhendong didn't insist anymore, and the two left through the back door...


Cheng Hanlei didn't know what kind of pain she experienced.It's just that in the painful sobs, even the tears can no longer flow out.He just opened his empty eyes wide and endured the bursts of tearing pain. His consciousness was dragged by the pain, and every time he was about to lose consciousness, he was pulled back by the pain.

The clothes on his body had already been soaked in sweat, and they stuck to his body wetly.

I don't know why, when I was in such pain, I could still think of the scene that just happened in my mind.When she looked towards the stairs, she saw Lei Chenyi standing there, he just stood there, looking at her with such calm eyes.Watching her shed his child bit by bit, the picture seemed to be frozen, deeply burned into his mind, and gathered into an eternal picture.

Can't scream, can't cry.Apart from the whimpering of pain, Cheng Hanlei could only tightly grasp the sides of the operating table with both hands, and fasten them tightly. It seemed that this could relieve some of the pain in her body, as well as her heartache.

Until the end of the operation, Cheng Hanlei's eyes were finally closed slowly without the pain and the nerves. The body had exhausted a lot of physical strength, and the eyes were closed at the end of the operation.

There was a ticking sound in my ear, and Cheng Hanlei was lying on the hospital bed.Consciousness gradually became clear, and he did not open his eyes immediately.

She could feel a gaze cast on her body, and besides being very weak, she could no longer feel pain.

"How long do you want to pretend to be asleep?"

Lei Chenyi has been leaning there, the cigarette was taken out countless times, and finally put back silently, after dealing with the matter of the reporter, when he returned, he happened to see Cheng Hanlei push it out from the operating room.He watched her lying there quietly, without a trace of blood on her face, and the bed sheet underneath was still stained with blood.

There were no tears on her face, but there was a little water on her eyelashes. From the corner of her eyes, she accidentally caught Cheng Hanlei's hand. When she saw the little hand that seemed to be covered in blood, Cheng Hanlei clasped the sides of the operating table because of the pain. , was broken off in between, with a little nail shell attached, with blood stains on it.

His heart seemed to be pressed by something, and he twitched in pain.

It seemed that there was a lot to say, but what came out lightly was still a cold sentence.

In the quiet ward, the moment Cheng Hanlei heard Lei Chenyi speak, her eyelashes moved, and then slowly opened under Lei Chenyi's gaze.

From the moment she became conscious, Cheng Hanlei felt Lei Chenyi's existence. The intimate entanglement of these days had already burned his breath into her mind, and she could feel his presence without opening her eyes.Just like in the living room, the moment he appeared on the stairs, she could feel it immediately.

The heart was inexplicably tightened, and the little face seemed to be a little paler.She tried to grasp the quilt slightly with her hands to suppress the pain. When she grasped, the fingernails were lifted a little. Although they had been bandaged, Cheng Hanlei shrank from the pain when she squeezed so hard.

Lei Chenyi has been standing on the side. When he saw Cheng Hanlei's movements, a strider had already come to Cheng Hanlei's side. He was about to hold Cheng Hanlei's hand with one hand, raised it, and said in a cold voice: "What are you doing?"

Those cold words passed into Han Lei's ears.Before the hand was held by Lei Chenyi, he avoided Lei Chenyi's big hand like avoiding the plague.Then he turned to Lei Chenyi's eyes, with a touch of unfamiliarity.There used to be some warmth, but it had already been annihilated the moment she begged for help and he was indifferent.

"Cheng Hanlei."

When Lei Chenyi saw Cheng Hanlei's obvious movement of avoiding himself, his eyes were instantly clouded.He held Cheng Hanlei's hand forcibly, looked at Cheng Hanlei oppressively, and said in a cold voice: "What are you doing? Do you know how dangerous this situation is today? I haven't figured it out with you yet, and you still play tricks on me Temper. Don’t you take measures every time? Why did you get pregnant? Why didn’t you tell me about the pregnancy? Do you know what the consequences of letting the reporter know about this situation today? Hmm?”

Lei Chenyi thought about the scene just now, if he hadn't gone downstairs, if he hadn't sent her to the hospital in time, it is very likely that her life would have died like this.It was clearly a word of concern, but when it was said, it had a different meaning.

Cheng Hanlei's body trembled inaudibly, and the pupils in those beautiful eyes dilated slightly. Looking at Lei Chenyi and listening to his accusations, for a moment, her body seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar. cold.It turns out that when people become shameless, there is no limit.Is this man who is blaming herself the man who made her feel warm, the man who moved her heart?

At this moment, Cheng Hanlei had the urge to slap herself, but she couldn't move, the blood all over her body was frozen.

"Are you telling me that I went to another man's bed? Are you accusing me of being pregnant with another man's child and embarrassing you? Is it embarrassing for the Lei family? Lei Chenyi, do you want to What can I say?"

Cheng Hanlei's voice came out softly, with a touch of sarcasm in the words.He spoke too hastily, his body was too weak, he coughed violently, his breathing became a little louder, and he looked like he was about to faint at any moment.

Lei Chenyi was choked by Cheng Hanlei's words and did not speak for a long time. He didn't mean that, but said that if she had told him earlier, then the matter would not have become as complicated as it is today.

Even he himself couldn't understand why his heart was so tight when he hugged her who was bleeding.

At that moment, he felt afraid.

He has never been able to do anything with ease, but at that moment, he really felt scared.

Seeing that Cheng Hanlei was coughing badly, Lei Chenyi immediately let go of Cheng Hanlei's hand, reaching out to pat Cheng Hanlei.Cheng Hanlei, however, looked at his hand defensively like a hedgehog, and that look made Lei Chenyi's big hand abruptly freeze in mid-air.

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