the president's wife

Chapter 038: Delay

Chapter 038: Delay a family of three, eating delicious supper in Yuan Diandian's room.Yuan Diandian was the fastest to eat, because he was really hungry.Feng Qingyu's words seemed to make her suddenly understand that she really seemed to be wrong.Dad has protected himself for so many years, and Mom has been waiting in heaven alone for too long.Dad left himself, just to be with mom.They will watch her in the sky, and the only thing she can do is to be happy every day, because this is what mom and dad want to see.

"Yuan Diandian, do you care about hygiene?"

Feng Qingyu moved his bowl away a little bit, and watched Yuan Diandian wiped out the supper in his bowl with distaste, and ran over to grab his own.

"Feng Qingyu, I gave birth to you, and you dare to dislike me, your old lady."

Yuan Diandian's voice was still a little weak, but her whole body had regained her vitality.

Feng Qingyu glanced at Yuan Dian, the disgust in his eyes did not restrain at all.

He stood up and held his bowl high, then thanked Bumin and said, "Fortunately, I didn't inherit your IQ. It's a great luck."

"Feng Qingyu, you dare to imply that my IQ is not high."

"It's a negative IQ, okay?"

Feng Qingyu retreated while eating.And Yuan Diandian was holding a bowl in his hand, as if he was going to get out of bed to clean up Feng Qingyu.And Feng Tuoxi pressed Yuan Dian Dian and said: "Dian Dian, you must hear the truth."

"Feng Tuoxi."

Yuan Diandian looked at Feng Tuoxi angrily, while Feng Qingyu looked at Yuan Diandian who had regained his vitality, and said while finishing the supper in the bowl: "Dad, you can take care of the wife you married yourself, but you can't do it yourself." Don't assimilate into your wife's IQ, it is very feasible for you to assimilate a little to improve her IQ."

"Feng Qingyu, I want to teach you a lesson."

Yuan yelled angrily, the good son just now disappeared all of a sudden.How did it take such a short time to turn into such a poorly pumped appearance.


With a mouthful stuffed in his mouth, Yuan Diandian chewed immediately...

After swallowing, he stared at the remaining half of Feng Tuoxi's bowl...

"I still want..."

Feng Tuoxi took another bite, and Yuan Diandian ate happily.Those who have eaten have long forgotten Feng Qingyu's provocation, until Feng Tuoxi's bowl also bottomed out.Yuan Diandian handed the bowl to Feng Tuoxi, then blinked and said coquettishly to Feng Tuoxi: "Honey, I'm still hungry..."

"I'll ask Mama Yu to make another one for you."

"Husband, carry me downstairs, I'll make it myself, the two of us will eat it, without that brat Feng Qingyu who doesn't know how to respect his mother."

"it is good."

Feng Tuoxi hugged Yuan Diandian easily, the feeling of much lighter in his arms made Feng Tuoxi feel distressed.

Yuan Diandian leaned into Feng Tuoxi's arms, rested her head on his neck, and whispered softly: "Not only do I have good parents, I also have a good husband and a good son."

Feng Tuoxi paused slightly, lowered his head and kissed Yuan Diandian's lips lightly, and continued to walk downstairs...

In the kitchen, Feng Tuoxi helped Yuan Diandian put on an apron, a busy figure.Feng Tuoxi stood aside to help from time to time, his eyes followed Yuan Diandian all the time, unwilling to look away...


Feng Qingyu returned to the room and looked at the woman waiting at the door.

"Master Feng, what are the arrangements for Feis City?"


With two words, Feng Qingyu pushed open the door and walked in.

Bai Xue stood in front of Feng Qingyu's door, looked at the closed door, stood quietly for a few seconds, turned and walked downstairs.I have been with Feng Qingyu for two years, and I still remember that after the first time I killed someone, my hands were covered with blood, and I was so scared that I was crying silently.The companions around him were comforting him, except for one person, that person was Feng Qingyu.

It was the first time that she felt the bone-chilling breath on his body, and he said coldly: "The path I choose, if you are afraid, you will be crippled and leave here, if you want to leave, don't cry. Tears are for the weak, here is for the strong."

She will always remember his ice-cold eyes and his kingly aura when his words were refuted.

Those words were also deeply engraved in her heart.

"I know that the weak are not qualified to question the words of the strong."

At that time, he was less than ten years old.At that moment, she seemed to see power, a power that supported her to live.She stopped crying and just watched Feng Qingyu lying on his side.At that time, she didn't know that this man's identity had already been subdued by his aura...

In a flash, she is already 21 years old, from becoming famous to now.She is called Firefox by outsiders. She is dressed in red and has long wine-red hair. She always exudes feminine charm in a flamboyant manner.Her appearance is as enthusiastic as fire, as charming as a fox, but her heart is as cold as ice and iron, as ruthless as a sharp knife...

Feng Qingyu returned to the room, and when the door was closed, his gaze was fixed on those exquisitely packaged gift boxes.

After such a pause for as long as a century, Feng Qingyu moved a little.Squat down slowly and unpack a little bit of the package.The action is very slow, and the things are carefully put back in their original positions as when they were packed.After everything was arranged, Feng Qingyu stood there like this for two hours...


Yuan Jueye's funeral was held with great fanfare, and Feng Qingyu went to the funeral together with Lengfeng Lengqing and Bai Xue early in the morning.In the huge funeral venue, Yuan Jueye's head was hung on the top. Even if it was just a photo, Yuan Jueye's unsmiling appearance could still make people daunting.

Feng Tuoxi woke up early in the morning, looked at Yuan Diandian in his arms, and frowned slightly.

"Good morning, my husband."

Yuan Diandian opened her eyes under Feng Tuoxi's gentle and worried eyes, yawned and acted softly.Feng Tuoxi hugged Yuan Diandian tightly, the worry in his eyes was obvious.

"Dian Dian, today is Dad's funeral."


Yuan Diandian, who was buried in his arms, couldn't see his expression, and his voice was hoarse.

"A little bit."

Hearing that Yuan Diandian's voice was not right, Feng Tuoxi immediately pulled Yuan Diandian's face away from his embrace nervously.She thought she would see a face full of tears, but Yuan Diandian only had some unresolved sadness between her brows, but she didn't shed tears.

"Honey, I'm fine."

It's still sad, but I understand...

"Is it really okay today?"


Yuan nodded heavily, today is a special day.Although Yuan Diandian is usually silly, she looks like she doesn't care about anything and doesn't care about anything, but she actually knows a lot of things.It's just that she has her father and husband to help her worry about it, so she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

It's rare to be confused, and it's good to be pampered by them stupidly...

But today...

She knew in her heart that her father was no longer around to protect her, and her husband could not protect herself on this occasion. She was very clear about what she was going to face.

"Don't be afraid, I have everything."

"I know, I have you and Qingyu."

Yuan Diandian threw herself back into Feng Tuoxi's embrace, closing her eyes to absorb strength.


Yuan Diandian and Feng Tuoxi were also dressed in black plain clothes. Yuan Diandian, who usually doesn't wear much makeup, specially put on a light makeup today, and sat in the car like a child in Feng Tuoxi's arms, treating him as her own The only thing to rely on.And Feng Tuoxi was worried all the way in the car that Yuan Diandian would be powerless to fight against so many people.

The hand has been tightly holding Yuan Diandian's little hand, wishing that everything would be borne by him.But today is the funeral of his father-in-law, and Diandian has to face these again.

I am really worried that the baby that I and my father-in-law have been protecting will be hurt by other people's words.

The car stopped outside the funeral hall, and someone came to open the door immediately.When Yuan Diandian opened the car door, she had already retreated from Feng Tuoxi's arms, and was sitting upright.When someone else opened the car door, he glanced at Feng Tuoxi, and stepped out of the car directly.Wearing black low-heeled high-heeled shoes and a black skirt, her skin looks even whiter.

Feng Tuoxi was slightly stunned, looking at Yuan Diandian as if he had suddenly changed into a different person, the impeccable expression no longer had the sense of dependence just now, the sadness in his brows and eyes was still there, but his whole person suddenly had a strong aura.


Yuan opened his mouth little by little, and Feng Tuoxi came back to his senses.The two walked in together, and when Yuan Diandian knelt there, Feng Tuoxi knelt beside him, looking at Yuan Diandian's expression, feeling pained and proud in his heart.His wife, in fact, has already grown up.His wife, in fact, has long been able to be alone.His wife is his pride.

Mi Keer who rushed over was Feng Chebing.Mi Duoduo, Huangfu is in the wind.As well as Huangfu Qu and Lian Yue'er, they came with great momentum, walking in one by one, everyone was full of momentum.The purpose of their coming was not only to attend the funeral, but also to come for Feng Qingyu.

There are not too many pleasantries, everyone, today is a tough battle.And today, 90.00% of the people who came here did not come purely for Yuan Jueye's funeral. Ambitious people hop...

Feng Qingyu has been very calm, after politely greeting the relatives who came.Then she signaled to Baixue, and Baixue immediately turned and walked out.

A few minutes later, famous cars came one after another outside.All the heads of families in Italy and Sicily came with their right-hand men in twos and threes, and the heads of each gang had stretched cars parked beside their cars, and the black curtains blocked everything inside.Everyone comes prepared, and everyone has bad intentions.

Feng Qingyu stood there, looking at him, in a black suit, with a cold expression on his face.His gaze was fixed at a certain point, and no one knew what he was thinking.

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